Urgau 0c0dfb88ee Switch back non_local_definitions lint to allow-by-default
as request T-lang is requesting some major changes in the lint inner
workings in #126768#issuecomment-2192634762
2024-06-27 08:05:07 +02:00

23 lines
574 B

//@ check-pass
//@ edition:2021
// To suggest any Cargo specific help/note rustc wants
// the `CARGO_CRATE_NAME` env to be set, so we set it
//@ rustc-env:CARGO_CRATE_NAME=non_local_def
// and since we specifically want to check the presence
// of the `cargo update` suggestion we assert it here.
//@ error-pattern: `cargo update -p non_local_macro`
extern crate non_local_macro;
struct LocalStruct;
//~^ WARN non-local `impl` definition
fn main() {}