Migrate to a simplified safety analysis that does not use visibility. Closes https://github.com/rust-lang/project-safe-transmute/issues/15
66 lines
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66 lines
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//! An array must have a well-defined layout to participate in a transmutation.
#![crate_type = "lib"]
#![allow(dead_code, incomplete_features, non_camel_case_types)]
mod assert {
use std::mem::{Assume, BikeshedIntrinsicFrom};
pub fn is_maybe_transmutable<Src, Dst>()
Dst: BikeshedIntrinsicFrom<Src, {
fn should_reject_repr_rust()
fn unit() {
type repr_rust = [String; 0];
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<repr_rust, ()>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<u128, repr_rust>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn singleton() {
type repr_rust = [String; 1];
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<repr_rust, ()>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<u128, repr_rust>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn duplex() {
type repr_rust = [String; 2];
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<repr_rust, ()>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<u128, repr_rust>(); //~ ERROR cannot be safely transmuted
fn should_accept_repr_C()
fn unit() {
#[repr(C)] struct repr_c(u8, u16, u8);
type array = [repr_c; 0];
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<array, ()>();
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<i128, array>();
fn singleton() {
#[repr(C)] struct repr_c(u8, u16, u8);
type array = [repr_c; 1];
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<array, repr_c>();
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<repr_c, array>();
fn duplex() {
#[repr(C)] struct repr_c(u8, u16, u8);
#[repr(C)] struct duplex(repr_c, repr_c);
type array = [repr_c; 2];
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<array, duplex>();
assert::is_maybe_transmutable::<duplex, array>();