Celina G. Val 4a75d1893e Also add an API to check if an instance has body
This is much cheaper than building a body just for the purpose of
checking if the body exists.
2023-12-06 11:02:13 -08:00

136 lines
4.2 KiB

// run-pass
//! Test that users are able to use stable mir APIs to retrieve monomorphized instances
// ignore-stage1
// ignore-cross-compile
// ignore-remote
// ignore-windows-gnu mingw has troubles with linking
// edition: 2021
extern crate rustc_middle;
extern crate rustc_smir;
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate stable_mir;
use mir::{mono::Instance, TerminatorKind::*};
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_smir::rustc_internal;
use stable_mir::ty::{RigidTy, TyKind};
use stable_mir::*;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
const CRATE_NAME: &str = "input";
/// This function uses the Stable MIR APIs to get information about the test crate.
fn test_stable_mir(_tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> ControlFlow<()> {
let items = stable_mir::all_local_items();
// Get all items and split generic vs monomorphic items.
let (generic, mono): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
items.into_iter().partition(|item| item.requires_monomorphization());
assert_eq!(mono.len(), 3, "Expected 2 mono functions and one constant");
assert_eq!(generic.len(), 2, "Expected 2 generic functions");
// For all monomorphic items, get the correspondent instances.
let instances = mono
.filter_map(|item| mir::mono::Instance::try_from(*item).ok())
assert_eq!(instances.len(), mono.len());
// For all generic items, try_from should fail.
assert!(generic.iter().all(|item| mir::mono::Instance::try_from(*item).is_err()));
for instance in instances {
/// Inspect the instance body
fn test_body(body: mir::Body) {
for term in body.blocks.iter().map(|bb| &bb.terminator) {
match &term.kind {
Call { func, .. } => {
let TyKind::RigidTy(ty) = func.ty(body.locals()).unwrap().kind() else { unreachable!
() };
let RigidTy::FnDef(def, args) = ty else { unreachable!() };
let instance = Instance::resolve(def, &args).unwrap();
let mangled_name = instance.mangled_name();
assert!(instance.has_body() || (mangled_name == "setpwent"), "Failed: {func:?}");
assert!(instance.has_body() ^ instance.is_foreign_item());
if instance.has_body() {
let body = instance.body().unwrap();
assert!(!body.locals().is_empty(), "Body must at least have a return local");
Goto { .. } | Assert { .. } | SwitchInt { .. } | Return | Drop { .. } => {
/* Do nothing */
_ => {
unreachable!("Unexpected terminator {term:?}")
/// This test will generate and analyze a dummy crate using the stable mir.
/// For that, it will first write the dummy crate into a file.
/// Then it will create a `StableMir` using custom arguments and then
/// it will run the compiler.
fn main() {
let path = "";
let args = vec![
run!(args, tcx, test_stable_mir(tcx)).unwrap();
fn generate_input(path: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path)?;
pub fn ty_param<T>(t: &T) -> T where T: Clone {{
pub fn const_param<const LEN: usize>(a: [bool; LEN]) -> bool {{
LEN > 0 && a[0]
extern "C" {{
// Body should not be available.
fn setpwent();
pub fn monomorphic() {{
let v = vec![10];
let dup = ty_param(&v);
assert_eq!(v, dup);
unsafe {{ setpwent() }};
pub mod foo {{
pub fn bar_mono(i: i32) -> i64 {{
i as i64