This change introduces a new module to StableMIR named `abi` with information from `rustc_target::abi` and `rustc_abi`, that allow users to retrieve more low level information required to perform bit-precise analysis. The layout of a type can be retrieved via `Ty::layout`, and the instance ABI can be retrieved via `Instance::fn_abi()`. To properly handle errors while retrieve layout information, we had to implement a few layout related traits.
276 lines
9.5 KiB
276 lines
9.5 KiB
// run-pass
//! Test that users are able to use stable mir APIs to retrieve information of global allocations
//! such as `vtable_allocation`.
// ignore-stage1
// ignore-cross-compile
// ignore-remote
// ignore-windows-gnu mingw has troubles with linking
// edition: 2021
#![feature(ascii_char, ascii_char_variants)]
extern crate rustc_hir;
extern crate rustc_middle;
extern crate rustc_smir;
extern crate rustc_driver;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate stable_mir;
use rustc_middle::ty::TyCtxt;
use rustc_smir::rustc_internal;
use stable_mir::crate_def::CrateDef;
use stable_mir::mir::alloc::GlobalAlloc;
use stable_mir::mir::mono::{Instance, InstanceKind, StaticDef};
use stable_mir::mir::{Body, TerminatorKind};
use stable_mir::ty::{Allocation, ConstantKind, RigidTy, TyKind};
use stable_mir::{CrateItem, CrateItems, ItemKind};
use std::ascii::Char;
use std::assert_matches::assert_matches;
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::ControlFlow;
const CRATE_NAME: &str = "input";
/// This function uses the Stable MIR APIs to get information about the test crate.
fn test_stable_mir(_tcx: TyCtxt<'_>) -> ControlFlow<()> {
// Find items in the local crate.
let items = stable_mir::all_local_items();
check_foo(*get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Static, "FOO")).unwrap());
check_bar(*get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Static, "BAR")).unwrap());
check_len(*get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Static, "LEN")).unwrap());
check_cstr(*get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Static, "C_STR")).unwrap());
check_other_consts(*get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Fn, "other_consts")).unwrap());
check_type_id(*get_item(&items, (ItemKind::Fn, "check_type_id")).unwrap());
/// Check the allocation data for static `FOO`.
/// ```no_run
/// static FOO: [&str; 2] = ["hi", "there"];
/// ```
fn check_foo(item: CrateItem) {
let def = StaticDef::try_from(item).unwrap();
let alloc = def.eval_initializer().unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.provenance.ptrs.len(), 2);
let alloc_id_0 = alloc.provenance.ptrs[0].1.0;
assert_matches!(GlobalAlloc::from(alloc_id_0), GlobalAlloc::Memory(..));
let alloc_id_1 = alloc.provenance.ptrs[1].1.0;
assert_matches!(GlobalAlloc::from(alloc_id_1), GlobalAlloc::Memory(..));
/// Check the allocation data for static `BAR`.
/// ```no_run
/// static BAR: &str = "Bar";
/// ```
fn check_bar(item: CrateItem) {
let def = StaticDef::try_from(item).unwrap();
let alloc = def.eval_initializer().unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.provenance.ptrs.len(), 1);
let alloc_id_0 = alloc.provenance.ptrs[0].1.0;
let GlobalAlloc::Memory(allocation) = GlobalAlloc::from(alloc_id_0) else { unreachable!() };
assert_eq!(allocation.bytes.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(allocation.bytes[0].unwrap(), Char::CapitalB.to_u8());
assert_eq!(allocation.bytes[1].unwrap(), Char::SmallA.to_u8());
assert_eq!(allocation.bytes[2].unwrap(), Char::SmallR.to_u8());
assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&allocation.raw_bytes().unwrap()), Ok("Bar"));
/// Check the allocation data for static `C_STR`.
/// ```no_run
/// static C_STR: &core::ffi::cstr = c"cstr";
/// ```
fn check_cstr(item: CrateItem) {
let def = StaticDef::try_from(item).unwrap();
let alloc = def.eval_initializer().unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.provenance.ptrs.len(), 1);
let deref = item.ty().kind().builtin_deref(true).unwrap();
assert!(deref.ty.kind().is_cstr(), "Expected CStr, but got: {:?}", item.ty());
let alloc_id_0 = alloc.provenance.ptrs[0].1.0;
let GlobalAlloc::Memory(allocation) = GlobalAlloc::from(alloc_id_0) else { unreachable!() };
assert_eq!(allocation.bytes.len(), 5);
assert_eq!(CStr::from_bytes_until_nul(&allocation.raw_bytes().unwrap()), Ok(c"cstr"));
/// Check the allocation data for constants used in `other_consts` function.
fn check_other_consts(item: CrateItem) {
// Instance body will force constant evaluation.
let body = Instance::try_from(item).unwrap().body().unwrap();
let assigns = collect_consts(&body);
assert_eq!(assigns.len(), 9);
for (name, alloc) in assigns {
match name.as_str() {
"_max_u128" => {
assert_eq!(alloc.read_uint(), Ok(u128::MAX), "Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}")
"_min_i128" => {
assert_eq!(alloc.read_int(), Ok(i128::MIN), "Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}")
"_max_i8" => {
alloc.read_int().unwrap() as i8,
"Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}"
"_char" => {
char::from_u32(alloc.read_uint().unwrap() as u32),
"Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}"
"_false" => {
assert_eq!(alloc.read_bool(), Ok(false), "Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}")
"_true" => {
assert_eq!(alloc.read_bool(), Ok(true), "Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}")
"_ptr" => {
assert_eq!(alloc.is_null(), Ok(false), "Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}")
"_null_ptr" => {
assert_eq!(alloc.is_null(), Ok(true), "Failed parsing allocation: {alloc:?}")
"_tuple" => {
// The order of fields is not guaranteed.
let first = alloc.read_partial_uint(0..4).unwrap();
let second = alloc.read_partial_uint(4..8).unwrap();
assert_eq!(max(first, second) as u32, u32::MAX);
assert_eq!(min(first, second), 10);
_ => {
unreachable!("{name} -- {alloc:?}")
/// Check that we can retrieve the type id of char and bool, and that they have different values.
fn check_type_id(item: CrateItem) {
let body = Instance::try_from(item).unwrap().body().unwrap();
let mut ids: Vec<u128> = vec![];
for term in body.blocks.iter().map(|bb| &bb.terminator) {
match &term.kind {
TerminatorKind::Call { func, destination, .. } => {
let TyKind::RigidTy(ty) = func.ty(body.locals()).unwrap().kind() else {
let RigidTy::FnDef(def, args) = ty else { unreachable!() };
let instance = Instance::resolve(def, &args).unwrap();
assert_eq!(instance.kind, InstanceKind::Intrinsic);
let dest_ty = destination.ty(body.locals()).unwrap();
let alloc = instance.try_const_eval(dest_ty).unwrap();
_ => { /* Do nothing */ }
assert_eq!(ids.len(), 2);
assert_ne!(ids[0], ids[1]);
/// Collects all the constant assignments.
pub fn collect_consts(body: &Body) -> HashMap<String, &Allocation> {
.filter_map(|info| {
info.constant().map(|const_op| {
let ConstantKind::Allocated(alloc) = const_op.const_.kind() else { unreachable!() };
(, alloc)
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>()
/// Check the allocation data for `LEN`.
/// ```no_run
/// static LEN: usize = 2;
/// ```
fn check_len(item: CrateItem) {
let def = StaticDef::try_from(item).unwrap();
let alloc = def.eval_initializer().unwrap();
assert_eq!(alloc.read_uint(), Ok(2));
fn get_item<'a>(
items: &'a CrateItems,
item: (ItemKind, &str),
) -> Option<&'a stable_mir::CrateItem> {
items.iter().find(|crate_item| (item.0 == crate_item.kind()) && == item.1)
/// This test will generate and analyze a dummy crate using the stable mir.
/// For that, it will first write the dummy crate into a file.
/// Then it will create a `StableMir` using custom arguments and then
/// it will run the compiler.
fn main() {
let path = "";
let args = vec![
run!(args, tcx, test_stable_mir(tcx)).unwrap();
fn generate_input(path: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(path)?;
use std::intrinsics::type_id;
static LEN: usize = 2;
static FOO: [&str; 2] = ["hi", "there"];
static BAR: &str = "Bar";
static C_STR: &std::ffi::CStr = c"cstr";
const NULL: *const u8 = std::ptr::null();
const TUPLE: (u32, u32) = (10, u32::MAX);
fn other_consts() {{
let _max_u128 = u128::MAX;
let _min_i128 = i128::MIN;
let _max_i8 = i8::MAX;
let _char = 'x';
let _false = false;
let _true = true;
let _ptr = &BAR;
let _null_ptr: *const u8 = NULL;
let _tuple = TUPLE;
fn check_type_id() {{
let _char_id = type_id::<char>();
let _bool_id = type_id::<bool>();
pub fn main() {{
println!("{{FOO:?}}! {{BAR}}");
assert_eq!(FOO.len(), LEN);