136 lines
4.8 KiB
136 lines
4.8 KiB
use clippy_config::msrvs::{self, Msrv};
use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_help;
use rustc_ast::ast::{FloatTy, LitFloatType, LitKind};
use rustc_hir::{Expr, ExprKind};
use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass};
use rustc_semver::RustcVersion;
use rustc_session::impl_lint_pass;
use rustc_span::symbol;
use std::f64::consts as f64;
declare_clippy_lint! {
/// ### What it does
/// Checks for floating point literals that approximate
/// constants which are defined in
/// [`std::f32::consts`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/f32/consts/#constants)
/// or
/// [`std::f64::consts`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/f64/consts/#constants),
/// respectively, suggesting to use the predefined constant.
/// ### Why is this bad?
/// Usually, the definition in the standard library is more
/// precise than what people come up with. If you find that your definition is
/// actually more precise, please [file a Rust
/// issue](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues).
/// ### Example
/// ```no_run
/// let x = 3.14;
/// let y = 1_f64 / x;
/// ```
/// Use instead:
/// ```no_run
/// let x = std::f32::consts::PI;
/// let y = std::f64::consts::FRAC_1_PI;
/// ```
#[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"]
"the approximate of a known float constant (in `std::fXX::consts`)"
// Tuples are of the form (constant, name, min_digits, msrv)
const KNOWN_CONSTS: [(f64, &str, usize, Option<RustcVersion>); 19] = [
(f64::E, "E", 4, None),
(f64::FRAC_1_PI, "FRAC_1_PI", 4, None),
(f64::FRAC_1_SQRT_2, "FRAC_1_SQRT_2", 5, None),
(f64::FRAC_2_PI, "FRAC_2_PI", 5, None),
(f64::FRAC_2_SQRT_PI, "FRAC_2_SQRT_PI", 5, None),
(f64::FRAC_PI_2, "FRAC_PI_2", 5, None),
(f64::FRAC_PI_3, "FRAC_PI_3", 5, None),
(f64::FRAC_PI_4, "FRAC_PI_4", 5, None),
(f64::FRAC_PI_6, "FRAC_PI_6", 5, None),
(f64::FRAC_PI_8, "FRAC_PI_8", 5, None),
(f64::LN_2, "LN_2", 5, None),
(f64::LN_10, "LN_10", 5, None),
(f64::LOG2_10, "LOG2_10", 5, Some(msrvs::LOG2_10)),
(f64::LOG2_E, "LOG2_E", 5, None),
(f64::LOG10_2, "LOG10_2", 5, Some(msrvs::LOG10_2)),
(f64::LOG10_E, "LOG10_E", 5, None),
(f64::PI, "PI", 3, None),
(f64::SQRT_2, "SQRT_2", 5, None),
(f64::TAU, "TAU", 3, Some(msrvs::TAU)),
pub struct ApproxConstant {
msrv: Msrv,
impl ApproxConstant {
pub fn new(msrv: Msrv) -> Self {
Self { msrv }
fn check_lit(&self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, lit: &LitKind, e: &Expr<'_>) {
match *lit {
LitKind::Float(s, LitFloatType::Suffixed(fty)) => match fty {
FloatTy::F16 => self.check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f16"),
FloatTy::F32 => self.check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f32"),
FloatTy::F64 => self.check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f64"),
FloatTy::F128 => self.check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f128"),
// FIXME(f16_f128): add `f16` and `f128` when these types become stable.
LitKind::Float(s, LitFloatType::Unsuffixed) => self.check_known_consts(cx, e, s, "f{32, 64}"),
_ => (),
fn check_known_consts(&self, cx: &LateContext<'_>, e: &Expr<'_>, s: symbol::Symbol, module: &str) {
let s = s.as_str();
if s.parse::<f64>().is_ok() {
for &(constant, name, min_digits, msrv) in &KNOWN_CONSTS {
if is_approx_const(constant, s, min_digits) && msrv.map_or(true, |msrv| self.msrv.meets(msrv)) {
format!("approximate value of `{module}::consts::{}` found", &name),
"consider using the constant directly",
impl_lint_pass!(ApproxConstant => [APPROX_CONSTANT]);
impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for ApproxConstant {
fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
if let ExprKind::Lit(lit) = &e.kind {
self.check_lit(cx, &lit.node, e);
/// Returns `false` if the number of significant figures in `value` are
/// less than `min_digits`; otherwise, returns true if `value` is equal
/// to `constant`, rounded to the number of digits present in `value`.
fn is_approx_const(constant: f64, value: &str, min_digits: usize) -> bool {
if value.len() <= min_digits {
} else if constant.to_string().starts_with(value) {
// The value is a truncated constant
} else {
let round_const = format!("{constant:.*}", value.len() - 2);
value == round_const