Cadence Marseille 5de42701a8 Fix - std::run functions fail after io_error
The problem was that std::run::Process::new() was unwrap()ing the result
of std::io::process::Process::new(), which returns None in the case
where the io_error condition is raised to signal failure to start the

Have std::run::Process::new() similarly return an Option<run::Process>
to reflect the fact that a subprocess might have failed to start. Update
utility functions run::process_status() and run::process_output() to
return Option<ProcessExit> and Option<ProcessOutput>, respectively.

Various parts of librustc and librustpkg needed to be updated to reflect
these API changes.

2013-12-14 12:50:04 -05:00

629 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
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// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Process spawning.
use comm::{stream, SharedChan};
use io::Reader;
use io::process::ProcessExit;
use io::process;
use io;
use libc::{pid_t, c_int};
use libc;
use prelude::*;
* A value representing a child process.
* The lifetime of this value is linked to the lifetime of the actual
* process - the Process destructor calls self.finish() which waits
* for the process to terminate.
pub struct Process {
priv inner: process::Process,
/// Options that can be given when starting a Process.
pub struct ProcessOptions<'a> {
* If this is None then the new process will have the same initial
* environment as the parent process.
* If this is Some(vec-of-names-and-values) then the new process will
* have an environment containing the given named values only.
env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>,
* If this is None then the new process will use the same initial working
* directory as the parent process.
* If this is Some(path) then the new process will use the given path
* for its initial working directory.
dir: Option<&'a Path>,
* If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new process's
* input and Process.input() will provide a Writer to write to this pipe.
* If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will read its input
* from the given file descriptor, Process.input_redirected() will return
* true, and Process.input() will fail.
in_fd: Option<c_int>,
* If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new program's
* output and Process.output() will provide a Reader to read from this pipe.
* If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will write its output
* to the given file descriptor, Process.output_redirected() will return
* true, and Process.output() will fail.
out_fd: Option<c_int>,
* If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new program's
* error stream and Process.error() will provide a Reader to read from this pipe.
* If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will write its error output
* to the given file descriptor, Process.error_redirected() will return true, and
* and Process.error() will fail.
err_fd: Option<c_int>,
impl <'a> ProcessOptions<'a> {
/// Return a ProcessOptions that has None in every field.
pub fn new<'a>() -> ProcessOptions<'a> {
ProcessOptions {
env: None,
dir: None,
in_fd: None,
out_fd: None,
err_fd: None,
/// The output of a finished process.
pub struct ProcessOutput {
/// The status (exit code) of the process.
status: ProcessExit,
/// The data that the process wrote to stdout.
output: ~[u8],
/// The data that the process wrote to stderr.
error: ~[u8],
impl Process {
* Spawns a new Process.
* # Arguments
* * prog - The path to an executable.
* * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process.
* * options - Options to configure the environment of the process,
* the working directory and the standard IO streams.
pub fn new(prog: &str, args: &[~str], options: ProcessOptions) -> Option<Process> {
let ProcessOptions { env, dir, in_fd, out_fd, err_fd } = options;
let env = env.as_ref().map(|a| a.as_slice());
let cwd = dir.as_ref().map(|a| a.as_str().unwrap());
fn rtify(fd: Option<c_int>, input: bool) -> process::StdioContainer {
match fd {
Some(fd) => process::InheritFd(fd),
None => process::CreatePipe(input, !input),
let rtio = [rtify(in_fd, true), rtify(out_fd, false),
rtify(err_fd, false)];
let rtconfig = process::ProcessConfig {
program: prog,
args: args,
env: env,
cwd: cwd,
io: rtio,
match process::Process::new(rtconfig) {
Some(inner) => Some(Process { inner: inner }),
None => None
/// Returns the unique id of the process
pub fn get_id(&self) -> pid_t { }
* Returns an io::Writer that can be used to write to this Process's stdin.
* Fails if there is no stdin available (it's already been removed by
* take_input)
pub fn input<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut io::Writer {[0].get_mut_ref() as &mut io::Writer
* Returns an io::Reader that can be used to read from this Process's stdout.
* Fails if there is no stdout available (it's already been removed by
* take_output)
pub fn output<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut io::Reader {[1].get_mut_ref() as &mut io::Reader
* Returns an io::Reader that can be used to read from this Process's stderr.
* Fails if there is no stderr available (it's already been removed by
* take_error)
pub fn error<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut io::Reader {[2].get_mut_ref() as &mut io::Reader
* Closes the handle to the child process's stdin.
pub fn close_input(&mut self) {[0].take();
* Closes the handle to stdout and stderr.
pub fn close_outputs(&mut self) {[1].take();[2].take();
* Closes the handle to stdin, waits for the child process to terminate,
* and returns the exit code.
* If the child has already been finished then the exit code is returned.
pub fn finish(&mut self) -> ProcessExit { self.inner.wait() }
* Closes the handle to stdin, waits for the child process to terminate, and
* reads and returns all remaining output of stdout and stderr, along with
* the exit code.
* If the child has already been finished then the exit code and any
* remaining unread output of stdout and stderr will be returned.
* This method will fail if the child process's stdout or stderr streams
* were redirected to existing file descriptors.
pub fn finish_with_output(&mut self) -> ProcessOutput {
let output =[1].take();
let error =[2].take();
// Spawn two entire schedulers to read both stdout and sterr
// in parallel so we don't deadlock while blocking on one
// or the other. FIXME (#2625): Surely there's a much more
// clever way to do this.
let (p, ch) = stream();
let ch = SharedChan::new(ch);
let ch_clone = ch.clone();
do spawn {
let _guard = io::ignore_io_error();
let mut error = error;
match error {
Some(ref mut e) => ch.send((2, e.read_to_end())),
None => ch.send((2, ~[]))
do spawn {
let _guard = io::ignore_io_error();
let mut output = output;
match output {
Some(ref mut e) => ch_clone.send((1, e.read_to_end())),
None => ch_clone.send((1, ~[]))
let status = self.finish();
let (errs, outs) = match (p.recv(), p.recv()) {
((1, o), (2, e)) => (e, o),
((2, e), (1, o)) => (e, o),
((x, _), (y, _)) => {
fail!("unexpected file numbers: {}, {}", x, y);
return ProcessOutput {status: status,
output: outs,
error: errs};
* Terminates the process, giving it a chance to clean itself up if
* this is supported by the operating system.
* On Posix OSs SIGTERM will be sent to the process. On Win32
* TerminateProcess(..) will be called.
pub fn destroy(&mut self) {
* Terminates the process as soon as possible without giving it a
* chance to clean itself up.
* On Posix OSs SIGKILL will be sent to the process. On Win32
* TerminateProcess(..) will be called.
pub fn force_destroy(&mut self) {
* Spawns a process and waits for it to terminate. The process will
* inherit the current stdin/stdout/stderr file descriptors.
* # Arguments
* * prog - The path to an executable
* * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* # Return value
* The process's exit code, or None if the child process could not be started
pub fn process_status(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> Option<ProcessExit> {
let mut opt_prog = Process::new(prog, args, ProcessOptions {
env: None,
dir: None,
in_fd: Some(unsafe { libc::dup(libc::STDIN_FILENO) }),
out_fd: Some(unsafe { libc::dup(libc::STDOUT_FILENO) }),
err_fd: Some(unsafe { libc::dup(libc::STDERR_FILENO) })
match opt_prog {
Some(ref mut prog) => Some(prog.finish()),
None => None
* Spawns a process, records all its output, and waits for it to terminate.
* # Arguments
* * prog - The path to an executable
* * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
* # Return value
* The process's stdout/stderr output and exit code, or None if the child process could not be
* started.
pub fn process_output(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> Option<ProcessOutput> {
let mut opt_prog = Process::new(prog, args, ProcessOptions::new());
match opt_prog {
Some(ref mut prog) => Some(prog.finish_with_output()),
None => None
mod tests {
use libc::c_int;
use option::{Option, None, Some};
use os;
use path::Path;
use run;
use str;
use task::spawn;
use unstable::running_on_valgrind;
use io::native::file;
use io::{Writer, Reader, io_error};
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)
fn test_process_status() {
let mut status = run::process_status("false", []).expect("failed to exec `false`");
status = run::process_status("true", []).expect("failed to exec `true`");
fn test_process_output_fail_to_start() {
let mut trapped_io_error = false;
let opt_outp = io_error::cond.trap(|_| {
trapped_io_error = true;
}).inside(|| -> Option<run::ProcessOutput> {
run::process_output("no-binary-by-this-name-should-exist", [])
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)
fn test_process_output_output() {
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= run::process_output("echo", [~"hello"]).expect("failed to exec `echo`");
let output_str = str::from_utf8_owned(output);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)
fn test_process_output_error() {
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= run::process_output("mkdir", [~"."]).expect("failed to exec `mkdir`");
assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
#[ignore] // FIXME(#10016) cat never sees stdin close
fn test_pipes() {
let pipe_in = os::pipe();
let pipe_out = os::pipe();
let pipe_err = os::pipe();
let mut process = run::Process::new("cat", [], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: None,
env: None,
in_fd: Some(pipe_in.input),
out_fd: Some(pipe_out.out),
err_fd: Some(pipe_err.out)
}).expect("failed to exec `cat`");
do spawn {
writeclose(pipe_in.out, "test");
let actual = readclose(pipe_out.input);
assert_eq!(~"test", actual);
fn writeclose(fd: c_int, s: &str) {
let mut writer = file::FileDesc::new(fd, true);
fn readclose(fd: c_int) -> ~str {
let mut res = ~[];
let mut reader = file::FileDesc::new(fd, true);
let mut buf = [0, ..1024];
loop {
match {
Some(n) => { res.push_all(buf.slice_to(n)); }
None => break
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)
fn test_finish_once() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("false", [], run::ProcessOptions::new())
.expect("failed to exec `false`");
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)
fn test_finish_twice() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("false", [], run::ProcessOptions::new())
.expect("failed to exec `false`");
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)
fn test_finish_with_output_once() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("echo", [~"hello"], run::ProcessOptions::new())
.expect("failed to exec `echo`");
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
let output_str = str::from_utf8_owned(output);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
#[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10380)
fn test_finish_with_output_twice() {
let mut prog = run::Process::new("echo", [~"hello"], run::ProcessOptions::new())
.expect("failed to exec `echo`");
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
let output_str = str::from_utf8_owned(output);
assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
= prog.finish_with_output();
assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
// FIXME #7224
if !running_on_valgrind() {
assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("pwd", [], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: dir,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
}).expect("failed to exec `pwd`")
fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"pwd"], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: dir,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
}).expect("failed to exec `/system/bin/sh`")
fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("cmd", [~"/c", ~"cd"], run::ProcessOptions {
dir: dir,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
}).expect("failed to run `cmd`")
fn test_keep_current_working_dir() {
let mut prog = run_pwd(None);
let output = str::from_utf8_owned(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let parent_dir = os::getcwd();
let child_dir = Path::new(output.trim());
let parent_stat = parent_dir.stat();
let child_stat = child_dir.stat();
assert_eq!(parent_stat.unstable.device, child_stat.unstable.device);
assert_eq!(parent_stat.unstable.inode, child_stat.unstable.inode);
fn test_change_working_directory() {
// test changing to the parent of os::getcwd() because we know
// the path exists (and os::getcwd() is not expected to be root)
let parent_dir = os::getcwd().dir_path();
let mut prog = run_pwd(Some(&parent_dir));
let output = str::from_utf8_owned(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let child_dir = Path::new(output.trim());
let parent_stat = parent_dir.stat();
let child_stat = child_dir.stat();
assert_eq!(parent_stat.unstable.device, child_stat.unstable.device);
assert_eq!(parent_stat.unstable.inode, child_stat.unstable.inode);
fn run_env(env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("env", [], run::ProcessOptions {
env: env,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
}).expect("failed to exec `env`")
fn run_env(env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"set"], run::ProcessOptions {
env: env,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
}).expect("failed to exec `/system/bin/sh`")
fn run_env(env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
run::Process::new("cmd", [~"/c", ~"set"], run::ProcessOptions {
env: env,
.. run::ProcessOptions::new()
}).expect("failed to run `cmd`")
fn test_inherit_env() {
if running_on_valgrind() { return; }
let mut prog = run_env(None);
let output = str::from_utf8_owned(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let r = os::env();
for &(ref k, ref v) in r.iter() {
// don't check windows magical empty-named variables
assert!(k.is_empty() || output.contains(format!("{}={}", *k, *v)));
fn test_inherit_env() {
if running_on_valgrind() { return; }
let mut prog = run_env(None);
let output = str::from_utf8_owned(prog.finish_with_output().output);
let r = os::env();
for &(ref k, ref v) in r.iter() {
// don't check android RANDOM variables
if *k != ~"RANDOM" {
assert!(output.contains(format!("{}={}", *k, *v)) ||
output.contains(format!("{}=\'{}\'", *k, *v)));
fn test_add_to_env() {
let mut new_env = os::env();
new_env.push((~"RUN_TEST_NEW_ENV", ~"123"));
let mut prog = run_env(Some(new_env));
let output = str::from_utf8_owned(prog.finish_with_output().output);