523 lines
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523 lines
19 KiB
//! Many kinds of items or constructs can have generic parameters: functions,
//! structs, impls, traits, etc. This module provides a common HIR for these
//! generic parameters. See also the `Generics` type and the `generics_of` query
//! in rustc.
use base_db::FileId;
use either::Either;
use hir_expand::{
name::{AsName, Name},
ExpandResult, HirFileId, InFile,
use la_arena::{Arena, ArenaMap, Idx};
use once_cell::unsync::Lazy;
use std::ops::DerefMut;
use stdx::impl_from;
use syntax::ast::{self, HasGenericParams, HasName, HasTypeBounds};
use crate::{
body::{Expander, LowerCtx},
src::{HasChildSource, HasSource},
type_ref::{LifetimeRef, TypeBound, TypeRef},
AdtId, ConstParamId, GenericDefId, HasModule, LifetimeParamId, LocalLifetimeParamId,
LocalTypeOrConstParamId, Lookup, TypeOrConstParamId, TypeParamId,
/// Data about a generic type parameter (to a function, struct, impl, ...).
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TypeParamData {
pub name: Option<Name>,
pub default: Option<Interned<TypeRef>>,
pub provenance: TypeParamProvenance,
/// Data about a generic lifetime parameter (to a function, struct, impl, ...).
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct LifetimeParamData {
pub name: Name,
/// Data about a generic const parameter (to a function, struct, impl, ...).
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct ConstParamData {
pub name: Name,
pub ty: Interned<TypeRef>,
pub has_default: bool,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum TypeParamProvenance {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum TypeOrConstParamData {
impl TypeOrConstParamData {
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&Name> {
match self {
TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(x) => x.name.as_ref(),
TypeOrConstParamData::ConstParamData(x) => Some(&x.name),
pub fn has_default(&self) -> bool {
match self {
TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(x) => x.default.is_some(),
TypeOrConstParamData::ConstParamData(x) => x.has_default,
pub fn type_param(&self) -> Option<&TypeParamData> {
match self {
TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(x) => Some(x),
TypeOrConstParamData::ConstParamData(_) => None,
pub fn const_param(&self) -> Option<&ConstParamData> {
match self {
TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(_) => None,
TypeOrConstParamData::ConstParamData(x) => Some(x),
pub fn is_trait_self(&self) -> bool {
match self {
TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(x) => {
x.provenance == TypeParamProvenance::TraitSelf
TypeOrConstParamData::ConstParamData(_) => false,
impl_from!(TypeParamData, ConstParamData for TypeOrConstParamData);
/// Data about the generic parameters of a function, struct, impl, etc.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Default, Hash)]
pub struct GenericParams {
pub type_or_consts: Arena<TypeOrConstParamData>,
pub lifetimes: Arena<LifetimeParamData>,
pub where_predicates: Vec<WherePredicate>,
/// A single predicate from a where clause, i.e. `where Type: Trait`. Combined
/// where clauses like `where T: Foo + Bar` are turned into multiple of these.
/// It might still result in multiple actual predicates though, because of
/// associated type bindings like `Iterator<Item = u32>`.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum WherePredicate {
TypeBound {
target: WherePredicateTypeTarget,
bound: Interned<TypeBound>,
Lifetime {
target: LifetimeRef,
bound: LifetimeRef,
ForLifetime {
lifetimes: Box<[Name]>,
target: WherePredicateTypeTarget,
bound: Interned<TypeBound>,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
pub enum WherePredicateTypeTarget {
/// For desugared where predicates that can directly refer to a type param.
impl GenericParams {
/// Iterator of type_or_consts field
pub fn iter<'a>(
&'a self,
) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = (Idx<TypeOrConstParamData>, &TypeOrConstParamData)> {
pub(crate) fn generic_params_query(
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
def: GenericDefId,
) -> Interned<GenericParams> {
let _p = profile::span("generic_params_query");
macro_rules! id_to_generics {
($id:ident) => {{
let id = $id.lookup(db).id;
let tree = id.item_tree(db);
let item = &tree[id.value];
match def {
GenericDefId::FunctionId(id) => {
let loc = id.lookup(db);
let tree = loc.id.item_tree(db);
let item = &tree[loc.id.value];
let mut generic_params = GenericParams::clone(&item.explicit_generic_params);
let module = loc.container.module(db);
let func_data = db.function_data(id);
// Don't create an `Expander` nor call `loc.source(db)` if not needed since this
// causes a reparse after the `ItemTree` has been created.
let mut expander = Lazy::new(|| Expander::new(db, loc.source(db).file_id, module));
for (_, param) in &func_data.params {
generic_params.fill_implicit_impl_trait_args(db, &mut expander, param);
GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::StructId(id)) => id_to_generics!(id),
GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::EnumId(id)) => id_to_generics!(id),
GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::UnionId(id)) => id_to_generics!(id),
GenericDefId::TraitId(id) => id_to_generics!(id),
GenericDefId::TypeAliasId(id) => id_to_generics!(id),
GenericDefId::ImplId(id) => id_to_generics!(id),
GenericDefId::EnumVariantId(_) | GenericDefId::ConstId(_) => {
pub(crate) fn fill(&mut self, lower_ctx: &LowerCtx<'_>, node: &dyn HasGenericParams) {
if let Some(params) = node.generic_param_list() {
self.fill_params(lower_ctx, params)
if let Some(where_clause) = node.where_clause() {
self.fill_where_predicates(lower_ctx, where_clause);
pub(crate) fn fill_bounds(
&mut self,
lower_ctx: &LowerCtx<'_>,
node: &dyn ast::HasTypeBounds,
target: Either<TypeRef, LifetimeRef>,
) {
for bound in
node.type_bound_list().iter().flat_map(|type_bound_list| type_bound_list.bounds())
self.add_where_predicate_from_bound(lower_ctx, bound, None, target.clone());
fn fill_params(&mut self, lower_ctx: &LowerCtx<'_>, params: ast::GenericParamList) {
for type_or_const_param in params.type_or_const_params() {
match type_or_const_param {
ast::TypeOrConstParam::Type(type_param) => {
let name = type_param.name().map_or_else(Name::missing, |it| it.as_name());
// FIXME: Use `Path::from_src`
let default = type_param
.map(|it| Interned::new(TypeRef::from_ast(lower_ctx, it)));
let param = TypeParamData {
name: Some(name.clone()),
provenance: TypeParamProvenance::TypeParamList,
let type_ref = TypeRef::Path(name.into());
self.fill_bounds(lower_ctx, &type_param, Either::Left(type_ref));
ast::TypeOrConstParam::Const(const_param) => {
let name = const_param.name().map_or_else(Name::missing, |it| it.as_name());
let ty = const_param
.map_or(TypeRef::Error, |it| TypeRef::from_ast(lower_ctx, it));
let param = ConstParamData {
ty: Interned::new(ty),
has_default: const_param.default_val().is_some(),
for lifetime_param in params.lifetime_params() {
let name =
lifetime_param.lifetime().map_or_else(Name::missing, |lt| Name::new_lifetime(<));
let param = LifetimeParamData { name: name.clone() };
let lifetime_ref = LifetimeRef::new_name(name);
self.fill_bounds(lower_ctx, &lifetime_param, Either::Right(lifetime_ref));
fn fill_where_predicates(&mut self, lower_ctx: &LowerCtx<'_>, where_clause: ast::WhereClause) {
for pred in where_clause.predicates() {
let target = if let Some(type_ref) = pred.ty() {
Either::Left(TypeRef::from_ast(lower_ctx, type_ref))
} else if let Some(lifetime) = pred.lifetime() {
} else {
let lifetimes: Option<Box<_>> = pred.generic_param_list().map(|param_list| {
// Higher-Ranked Trait Bounds
.map(|lifetime_param| {
.map_or_else(Name::missing, |lt| Name::new_lifetime(<))
for bound in pred.type_bound_list().iter().flat_map(|l| l.bounds()) {
fn add_where_predicate_from_bound(
&mut self,
lower_ctx: &LowerCtx<'_>,
bound: ast::TypeBound,
hrtb_lifetimes: Option<&Box<[Name]>>,
target: Either<TypeRef, LifetimeRef>,
) {
let bound = TypeBound::from_ast(lower_ctx, bound);
let predicate = match (target, bound) {
(Either::Left(type_ref), bound) => match hrtb_lifetimes {
Some(hrtb_lifetimes) => WherePredicate::ForLifetime {
lifetimes: hrtb_lifetimes.clone(),
target: WherePredicateTypeTarget::TypeRef(Interned::new(type_ref)),
bound: Interned::new(bound),
None => WherePredicate::TypeBound {
target: WherePredicateTypeTarget::TypeRef(Interned::new(type_ref)),
bound: Interned::new(bound),
(Either::Right(lifetime), TypeBound::Lifetime(bound)) => {
WherePredicate::Lifetime { target: lifetime, bound }
_ => return,
pub(crate) fn fill_implicit_impl_trait_args(
&mut self,
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
expander: &mut impl DerefMut<Target = Expander>,
type_ref: &TypeRef,
) {
type_ref.walk(&mut |type_ref| {
if let TypeRef::ImplTrait(bounds) = type_ref {
let param = TypeParamData {
name: None,
default: None,
provenance: TypeParamProvenance::ArgumentImplTrait,
let param_id = self.type_or_consts.alloc(param.into());
for bound in bounds {
self.where_predicates.push(WherePredicate::TypeBound {
target: WherePredicateTypeTarget::TypeOrConstParam(param_id),
bound: bound.clone(),
if let TypeRef::Macro(mc) = type_ref {
let macro_call = mc.to_node(db.upcast());
match expander.enter_expand::<ast::Type>(db, macro_call) {
Ok(ExpandResult { value: Some((mark, expanded)), .. }) => {
let ctx = LowerCtx::new(db, expander.current_file_id());
let type_ref = TypeRef::from_ast(&ctx, expanded);
self.fill_implicit_impl_trait_args(db, expander, &type_ref);
expander.exit(db, mark);
_ => {}
pub(crate) fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {
let Self { lifetimes, type_or_consts: types, where_predicates } = self;
pub fn find_type_by_name(&self, name: &Name, parent: GenericDefId) -> Option<TypeParamId> {
self.type_or_consts.iter().find_map(|(id, p)| {
if p.name().as_ref() == Some(&name) && p.type_param().is_some() {
Some(TypeParamId::from_unchecked(TypeOrConstParamId { local_id: id, parent }))
} else {
pub fn find_const_by_name(&self, name: &Name, parent: GenericDefId) -> Option<ConstParamId> {
self.type_or_consts.iter().find_map(|(id, p)| {
if p.name().as_ref() == Some(&name) && p.const_param().is_some() {
Some(ConstParamId::from_unchecked(TypeOrConstParamId { local_id: id, parent }))
} else {
pub fn find_trait_self_param(&self) -> Option<LocalTypeOrConstParamId> {
self.type_or_consts.iter().find_map(|(id, p)| {
TypeOrConstParamData::TypeParamData(TypeParamData {
provenance: TypeParamProvenance::TraitSelf,
.then(|| id)
fn file_id_and_params_of(
def: GenericDefId,
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
) -> (HirFileId, Option<ast::GenericParamList>) {
match def {
GenericDefId::FunctionId(it) => {
let src = it.lookup(db).source(db);
(src.file_id, src.value.generic_param_list())
GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::StructId(it)) => {
let src = it.lookup(db).source(db);
(src.file_id, src.value.generic_param_list())
GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::UnionId(it)) => {
let src = it.lookup(db).source(db);
(src.file_id, src.value.generic_param_list())
GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::EnumId(it)) => {
let src = it.lookup(db).source(db);
(src.file_id, src.value.generic_param_list())
GenericDefId::TraitId(it) => {
let src = it.lookup(db).source(db);
(src.file_id, src.value.generic_param_list())
GenericDefId::TypeAliasId(it) => {
let src = it.lookup(db).source(db);
(src.file_id, src.value.generic_param_list())
GenericDefId::ImplId(it) => {
let src = it.lookup(db).source(db);
(src.file_id, src.value.generic_param_list())
// We won't be using this ID anyway
GenericDefId::EnumVariantId(_) | GenericDefId::ConstId(_) => (FileId(!0).into(), None),
impl HasChildSource<LocalTypeOrConstParamId> for GenericDefId {
type Value = Either<ast::TypeOrConstParam, ast::Trait>;
fn child_source(
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
) -> InFile<ArenaMap<LocalTypeOrConstParamId, Self::Value>> {
let generic_params = db.generic_params(*self);
let mut idx_iter = generic_params.type_or_consts.iter().map(|(idx, _)| idx);
let (file_id, generic_params_list) = file_id_and_params_of(*self, db);
let mut params = ArenaMap::default();
// For traits the first type index is `Self`, we need to add it before the other params.
if let GenericDefId::TraitId(id) = *self {
let trait_ref = id.lookup(db).source(db).value;
let idx = idx_iter.next().unwrap();
params.insert(idx, Either::Right(trait_ref));
if let Some(generic_params_list) = generic_params_list {
for (idx, ast_param) in idx_iter.zip(generic_params_list.type_or_const_params()) {
params.insert(idx, Either::Left(ast_param));
InFile::new(file_id, params)
impl HasChildSource<LocalLifetimeParamId> for GenericDefId {
type Value = ast::LifetimeParam;
fn child_source(
db: &dyn DefDatabase,
) -> InFile<ArenaMap<LocalLifetimeParamId, Self::Value>> {
let generic_params = db.generic_params(*self);
let idx_iter = generic_params.lifetimes.iter().map(|(idx, _)| idx);
let (file_id, generic_params_list) = file_id_and_params_of(*self, db);
let mut params = ArenaMap::default();
if let Some(generic_params_list) = generic_params_list {
for (idx, ast_param) in idx_iter.zip(generic_params_list.lifetime_params()) {
params.insert(idx, ast_param);
InFile::new(file_id, params)
impl ChildBySource for GenericDefId {
fn child_by_source_to(&self, db: &dyn DefDatabase, res: &mut DynMap, file_id: HirFileId) {
let (gfile_id, generic_params_list) = file_id_and_params_of(*self, db);
if gfile_id != file_id {
let generic_params = db.generic_params(*self);
let mut toc_idx_iter = generic_params.type_or_consts.iter().map(|(idx, _)| idx);
let lts_idx_iter = generic_params.lifetimes.iter().map(|(idx, _)| idx);
// For traits the first type index is `Self`, skip it.
if let GenericDefId::TraitId(_) = *self {
toc_idx_iter.next().unwrap(); // advance_by(1);
if let Some(generic_params_list) = generic_params_list {
for (local_id, ast_param) in
let id = TypeOrConstParamId { parent: *self, local_id };
match ast_param {
ast::TypeOrConstParam::Type(a) => res[keys::TYPE_PARAM].insert(a, id),
ast::TypeOrConstParam::Const(a) => res[keys::CONST_PARAM].insert(a, id),
for (local_id, ast_param) in lts_idx_iter.zip(generic_params_list.lifetime_params()) {
let id = LifetimeParamId { parent: *self, local_id };
res[keys::LIFETIME_PARAM].insert(ast_param, id);