Florian Diebold ae9530addc Add HIR for impl blocks
Since we need to be able to go from def to containing impl block, as well as the
other direction, and to find all impls for a certain type, a design similar to
the one for modules, where we collect all impls for the whole crate and keep
them in an arena, seemed fitting. The ImplBlock type, which provides the public
interface, then consists only of an Arc to the arena containing all impls, and
the index into it.
2019-01-04 19:10:47 +01:00

377 lines
12 KiB

pub(super) mod imp;
pub(super) mod nameres;
use std::sync::Arc;
use log;
use ra_syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode, NameOwner},
use ra_arena::{Arena, RawId, impl_arena_id};
use ra_db::{SourceRootId, FileId, Cancelable};
use relative_path::RelativePathBuf;
use crate::{
Def, DefKind, DefLoc, DefId,
Name, Path, PathKind, HirDatabase, SourceItemId, SourceFileItemId, Crate,
pub use self::nameres::{ModuleScope, Resolution, Namespace, PerNs};
/// `Module` is API entry point to get all the information
/// about a particular module.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Module {
tree: Arc<ModuleTree>,
pub(crate) source_root_id: SourceRootId,
pub(crate) module_id: ModuleId,
impl Module {
pub(super) fn new(
db: &impl HirDatabase,
source_root_id: SourceRootId,
module_id: ModuleId,
) -> Cancelable<Module> {
let module_tree = db.module_tree(source_root_id)?;
let res = Module {
tree: module_tree,
/// Returns `mod foo;` or `mod foo {}` node whihc declared this module.
/// Returns `None` for the root module
pub fn parent_link_source(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Option<(FileId, ast::ModuleNode)> {
let link = self.module_id.parent_link(&self.tree)?;
let file_id = link
let src = link.bind_source(&self.tree, db);
Some((file_id, src))
pub fn file_id(&self) -> FileId {
/// Parent module. Returns `None` if this is a root module.
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<Module> {
let parent_id = self.module_id.parent(&self.tree)?;
Some(Module {
module_id: parent_id,
/// Returns an iterator of all children of this module.
pub fn children<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Name, Module)> + 'a {
.map(move |(name, module_id)| {
Module {
/// Returns the crate this module is part of.
pub fn krate(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Option<Crate> {
let root_id = self.module_id.crate_root(&self.tree);
let file_id = root_id.source(&self.tree).file_id().as_original_file();
let crate_graph = db.crate_graph();
let crate_id = crate_graph.crate_id_for_crate_root(file_id)?;
/// Returns the all modules on the way to the root.
pub fn path_to_root(&self) -> Vec<Module> {
generate(Some(self.clone()), move |it| it.parent()).collect::<Vec<Module>>()
/// The root of the tree this module is part of
pub fn crate_root(&self) -> Module {
let root_id = self.module_id.crate_root(&self.tree);
Module {
module_id: root_id,
/// `name` is `None` for the crate's root module
pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&Name> {
let link = self.module_id.parent_link(&self.tree)?;
pub fn def_id(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> DefId {
let def_loc = DefLoc {
kind: DefKind::Module,
source_root_id: self.source_root_id,
module_id: self.module_id,
source_item_id: self.module_id.source(&self.tree).0,
/// Finds a child module with the specified name.
pub fn child(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<Module> {
let child_id = self.module_id.child(&self.tree, name)?;
Some(Module {
module_id: child_id,
/// Returns a `ModuleScope`: a set of items, visible in this module.
pub fn scope(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Cancelable<ModuleScope> {
let item_map = db.item_map(self.source_root_id)?;
let res = item_map.per_module[&self.module_id].clone();
pub fn resolve_path(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase, path: &Path) -> Cancelable<PerNs<DefId>> {
let mut curr_per_ns = PerNs::types(
match path.kind {
PathKind::Crate => self.crate_root(),
PathKind::Self_ | PathKind::Plain => self.clone(),
PathKind::Super => {
if let Some(p) = self.parent() {
} else {
return Ok(PerNs::none());
let segments = &path.segments;
for name in segments.iter() {
let curr = if let Some(r) = curr_per_ns.as_ref().take(Namespace::Types) {
} else {
return Ok(PerNs::none());
let module = match curr.resolve(db)? {
Def::Module(it) => it,
// TODO here would be the place to handle enum variants...
_ => return Ok(PerNs::none()),
let scope = module.scope(db)?;
curr_per_ns = if let Some(r) = scope.get(&name) {
} else {
return Ok(PerNs::none());
pub fn problems(&self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Vec<(SyntaxNode, Problem)> {
self.module_id.problems(&self.tree, db)
pub(crate) fn source(&self) -> ModuleSource {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct ModuleId(RawId);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct LinkId(RawId);
/// Physically, rust source is organized as a set of files, but logically it is
/// organized as a tree of modules. Usually, a single file corresponds to a
/// single module, but it is not nessary the case.
/// Module encapsulate the logic of transitioning from the fuzzy world of files
/// (which can have multiple parents) to the precise world of modules (which
/// always have one parent).
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ModuleTree {
mods: Arena<ModuleId, ModuleData>,
links: Arena<LinkId, LinkData>,
impl ModuleTree {
pub(crate) fn modules<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = ModuleId> + 'a {
self.mods.iter().map(|(id, _)| id)
pub(crate) fn modules_with_sources<'a>(
&'a self,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (ModuleId, ModuleSource)> + 'a {
self.mods.iter().map(|(id, m)| (id, m.source))
/// `ModuleSource` is the syntax tree element that produced this module:
/// either a file, or an inlinde module.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ModuleSource(SourceItemId);
/// An owned syntax node for a module. Unlike `ModuleSource`,
/// this holds onto the AST for the whole file.
pub(crate) enum ModuleSourceNode {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Problem {
UnresolvedModule {
candidate: RelativePathBuf,
NotDirOwner {
move_to: RelativePathBuf,
candidate: RelativePathBuf,
impl ModuleId {
pub(crate) fn source(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleSource {
fn parent_link(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> Option<LinkId> {
fn parent(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> Option<ModuleId> {
let link = self.parent_link(tree)?;
fn crate_root(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleId {
generate(Some(self), move |it| it.parent(tree))
fn child(self, tree: &ModuleTree, name: &Name) -> Option<ModuleId> {
let link = tree.mods[self]
.map(|&it| &tree.links[it])
.find(|it| == *name)?;
fn children<'a>(self, tree: &'a ModuleTree) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Name, ModuleId)> + 'a {
tree.mods[self].children.iter().filter_map(move |&it| {
let link = &tree.links[it];
let module = *link.points_to.first()?;
Some((, module))
fn problems(self, tree: &ModuleTree, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> Vec<(SyntaxNode, Problem)> {
.filter_map(|&it| {
let p = tree.links[it].problem.clone()?;
let s = it.bind_source(tree, db);
let s = s.borrowed().name().unwrap().syntax().owned();
Some((s, p))
impl LinkId {
fn owner(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> ModuleId {
fn name(self, tree: &ModuleTree) -> &Name {
fn bind_source<'a>(self, tree: &ModuleTree, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> ast::ModuleNode {
let owner = self.owner(tree);
match owner.source(tree).resolve(db) {
ModuleSourceNode::SourceFile(root) => {
let ast = imp::modules(root.borrowed())
.find(|(name, _)| name == &tree.links[self].name)
ModuleSourceNode::Module(it) => it,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ModuleData {
source: ModuleSource,
parent: Option<LinkId>,
children: Vec<LinkId>,
impl ModuleSource {
// precondition: item_id **must** point to module
fn new(file_id: HirFileId, item_id: Option<SourceFileItemId>) -> ModuleSource {
let source_item_id = SourceItemId { file_id, item_id };
pub(crate) fn new_file(file_id: HirFileId) -> ModuleSource {
ModuleSource::new(file_id, None)
pub(crate) fn new_inline(
db: &impl HirDatabase,
file_id: HirFileId,
m: ast::Module,
) -> ModuleSource {
let file_items = db.file_items(file_id);
let item_id = file_items.id_of(file_id, m.syntax());
ModuleSource::new(file_id, Some(item_id))
pub(crate) fn file_id(self) -> HirFileId {
pub(crate) fn resolve(self, db: &impl HirDatabase) -> ModuleSourceNode {
let syntax_node = db.file_item(self.0);
let syntax_node = syntax_node.borrowed();
if let Some(file) = ast::SourceFile::cast(syntax_node) {
return ModuleSourceNode::SourceFile(file.owned());
let module = ast::Module::cast(syntax_node).unwrap();
#[derive(Hash, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct LinkData {
owner: ModuleId,
name: Name,
points_to: Vec<ModuleId>,
problem: Option<Problem>,
impl ModuleTree {
fn push_mod(&mut self, data: ModuleData) -> ModuleId {
fn push_link(&mut self, data: LinkData) -> LinkId {
let owner = data.owner;
let id = self.links.alloc(data);