Brian Anderson d392556160 std: Fix perf of local allocations in newsched
Mostly optimizing TLS accesses to bring local heap allocation performance
closer to that of oldsched. It's not completely at parity but removing the
branches involved in supporting oldsched and optimizing pthread_get/setspecific
to instead use our dedicated TCB slot will probably make up for it.
2013-08-09 01:15:31 -07:00

1151 lines
36 KiB

// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Ports and channels.
use option::*;
use cast;
use ops::Drop;
use rt::kill::BlockedTask;
use kinds::Send;
use rt;
use rt::sched::Scheduler;
use rt::local::Local;
use rt::select::{Select, SelectPort};
use unstable::atomics::{AtomicUint, AtomicOption, Acquire, Relaxed, SeqCst};
use unstable::sync::UnsafeAtomicRcBox;
use util::Void;
use comm::{GenericChan, GenericSmartChan, GenericPort, Peekable};
use cell::Cell;
use clone::Clone;
use tuple::ImmutableTuple;
/// A combined refcount / BlockedTask-as-uint pointer.
/// Can be equal to the following values:
/// * 2 - both endpoints are alive
/// * 1 - either the sender or the receiver is dead, determined by context
/// * <ptr> - A pointer to a blocked Task (see BlockedTask::cast_{to,from}_uint)
type State = uint;
static STATE_BOTH: State = 2;
static STATE_ONE: State = 1;
/// The heap-allocated structure shared between two endpoints.
struct Packet<T> {
state: AtomicUint,
payload: Option<T>,
/// A one-shot channel.
pub struct ChanOne<T> {
void_packet: *mut Void,
suppress_finalize: bool
/// A one-shot port.
pub struct PortOne<T> {
void_packet: *mut Void,
suppress_finalize: bool
pub fn oneshot<T: Send>() -> (PortOne<T>, ChanOne<T>) {
let packet: ~Packet<T> = ~Packet {
state: AtomicUint::new(STATE_BOTH),
payload: None
unsafe {
let packet: *mut Void = cast::transmute(packet);
let port = PortOne {
void_packet: packet,
suppress_finalize: false
let chan = ChanOne {
void_packet: packet,
suppress_finalize: false
return (port, chan);
impl<T> ChanOne<T> {
fn packet(&self) -> *mut Packet<T> {
unsafe {
let p: *mut ~Packet<T> = cast::transmute(&self.void_packet);
let p: *mut Packet<T> = &mut **p;
return p;
/// Send a message on the one-shot channel. If a receiver task is blocked
/// waiting for the message, will wake it up and reschedule to it.
pub fn send(self, val: T) {
/// As `send`, but also returns whether or not the receiver endpoint is still open.
pub fn try_send(self, val: T) -> bool {
self.try_send_inner(val, true)
/// Send a message without immediately rescheduling to a blocked receiver.
/// This can be useful in contexts where rescheduling is forbidden, or to
/// optimize for when the sender expects to still have useful work to do.
pub fn send_deferred(self, val: T) {
/// As `send_deferred` and `try_send` together.
pub fn try_send_deferred(self, val: T) -> bool {
self.try_send_inner(val, false)
// 'do_resched' configures whether the scheduler immediately switches to
// the receiving task, or leaves the sending task still running.
fn try_send_inner(self, val: T, do_resched: bool) -> bool {
let mut this = self;
let mut recvr_active = true;
let packet = this.packet();
unsafe {
// Install the payload
(*packet).payload = Some(val);
// Atomically swap out the old state to figure out what
// the port's up to, issuing a release barrier to prevent
// reordering of the payload write. This also issues an
// acquire barrier that keeps the subsequent access of the
// ~Task pointer from being reordered.
let oldstate = (*packet).state.swap(STATE_ONE, SeqCst);
// Suppress the synchronizing actions in the finalizer. We're
// done with the packet. NB: In case of do_resched, this *must*
// happen before waking up a blocked task (or be unkillable),
// because we might get a kill signal during the reschedule.
this.suppress_finalize = true;
match oldstate {
// Port is not waiting yet. Nothing to do
do Local::borrow::<Scheduler, ()> |sched| {
rtdebug!("non-rendezvous send");
sched.metrics.non_rendezvous_sends += 1;
do Local::borrow::<Scheduler, ()> |sched| {
rtdebug!("rendezvous send");
sched.metrics.rendezvous_sends += 1;
// Port has closed. Need to clean up.
let _packet: ~Packet<T> = cast::transmute(this.void_packet);
recvr_active = false;
task_as_state => {
// Port is blocked. Wake it up.
let recvr = BlockedTask::cast_from_uint(task_as_state);
if do_resched {
do recvr.wake().map_move |woken_task| {
} else {
let recvr = Cell::new(recvr);
do Local::borrow::<Scheduler, ()> |sched| {
return recvr_active;
impl<T> PortOne<T> {
fn packet(&self) -> *mut Packet<T> {
unsafe {
let p: *mut ~Packet<T> = cast::transmute(&self.void_packet);
let p: *mut Packet<T> = &mut **p;
return p;
/// Wait for a message on the one-shot port. Fails if the send end is closed.
pub fn recv(self) -> T {
match self.try_recv() {
Some(val) => val,
None => {
fail!("receiving on closed channel");
/// As `recv`, but returns `None` if the send end is closed rather than failing.
pub fn try_recv(self) -> Option<T> {
let mut this = self;
// Optimistic check. If data was sent already, we don't even need to block.
// No release barrier needed here; we're not handing off our task pointer yet.
if !this.optimistic_check() {
// No data available yet.
// Switch to the scheduler to put the ~Task into the Packet state.
let sched = Local::take::<Scheduler>();
do sched.deschedule_running_task_and_then |sched, task| {
this.block_on(sched, task);
// Task resumes.
impl<T> Select for PortOne<T> {
#[inline] #[cfg(not(test))]
fn optimistic_check(&mut self) -> bool {
unsafe { (*self.packet()).state.load(Acquire) == STATE_ONE }
#[inline] #[cfg(test)]
fn optimistic_check(&mut self) -> bool {
// The optimistic check is never necessary for correctness. For testing
// purposes, making it randomly return false simulates a racing sender.
use rand::{Rand};
let actually_check = do Local::borrow::<Scheduler, bool> |sched| {
Rand::rand(&mut sched.rng)
if actually_check {
unsafe { (*self.packet()).state.load(Acquire) == STATE_ONE }
} else {
fn block_on(&mut self, sched: &mut Scheduler, task: BlockedTask) -> bool {
unsafe {
// Atomically swap the task pointer into the Packet state, issuing
// an acquire barrier to prevent reordering of the subsequent read
// of the payload. Also issues a release barrier to prevent
// reordering of any previous writes to the task structure.
let task_as_state = task.cast_to_uint();
let oldstate = (*self.packet()).state.swap(task_as_state, SeqCst);
match oldstate {
// Data has not been sent. Now we're blocked.
rtdebug!("non-rendezvous recv");
sched.metrics.non_rendezvous_recvs += 1;
// Re-record that we are the only owner of the packet.
// No barrier needed, even if the task gets reawoken
// on a different core -- this is analogous to writing a
// payload; a barrier in enqueueing the task protects it.
// NB(#8132). This *must* occur before the enqueue below.
// FIXME(#6842, #8130) This is usually only needed for the
// assertion in recv_ready, except in the case of select().
// This won't actually ever have cacheline contention, but
// maybe should be optimized out with a cfg(test) anyway?
(*self.packet()), Relaxed);
rtdebug!("rendezvous recv");
sched.metrics.rendezvous_recvs += 1;
// Channel is closed. Switch back and check the data.
// NB: We have to drop back into the scheduler event loop here
// instead of switching immediately back or we could end up
// triggering infinite recursion on the scheduler's stack.
let recvr = BlockedTask::cast_from_uint(task_as_state);
_ => rtabort!("can't block_on; a task is already blocked")
// This is the only select trait function that's not also used in recv.
fn unblock_from(&mut self) -> bool {
let packet = self.packet();
unsafe {
// In case the data is available, the acquire barrier here matches
// the release barrier the sender used to release the payload.
match (*packet).state.load(Acquire) {
// Impossible. We removed STATE_BOTH when blocking on it, and
// no self-respecting sender would put it back.
STATE_BOTH => rtabort!("refcount already 2 in unblock_from"),
// Here, a sender already tried to wake us up. Perhaps they
// even succeeded! Data is available.
STATE_ONE => true,
// Still registered as blocked. Need to "unblock" the pointer.
task_as_state => {
// In the window between the load and the CAS, a sender
// might take the pointer and set the refcount to ONE. If
// that happens, we shouldn't clobber that with BOTH!
// Acquire barrier again for the same reason as above.
match (*packet).state.compare_and_swap(task_as_state, STATE_BOTH,
Acquire) {
STATE_BOTH => rtabort!("refcount became 2 in unblock_from"),
STATE_ONE => true, // Lost the race. Data available.
same_ptr => {
// We successfully unblocked our task pointer.
assert!(task_as_state == same_ptr);
let handle = BlockedTask::cast_from_uint(task_as_state);
// Because we are already awake, the handle we
// gave to this port shall already be empty.
impl<T> SelectPort<T> for PortOne<T> {
fn recv_ready(self) -> Option<T> {
let mut this = self;
let packet = this.packet();
// No further memory barrier is needed here to access the
// payload. Some scenarios:
// 1) We encountered STATE_ONE above - the atomic_xchg was the acq barrier. We're fine.
// 2) We encountered STATE_BOTH above and blocked. The sending task then ran us
// and ran on its thread. The sending task issued a read barrier when taking the
// pointer to the receiving task.
// 3) We encountered STATE_BOTH above and blocked, but the receiving task (this task)
// is pinned to some other scheduler, so the sending task had to give us to
// a different scheduler for resuming. That send synchronized memory.
unsafe {
// See corresponding store() above in block_on for rationale.
// FIXME(#8130) This can happen only in test builds.
assert!((*packet).state.load(Relaxed) == STATE_ONE);
let payload = (*packet).payload.take();
// The sender has closed up shop. Drop the packet.
let _packet: ~Packet<T> = cast::transmute(this.void_packet);
// Suppress the synchronizing actions in the finalizer. We're done with the packet.
this.suppress_finalize = true;
return payload;
impl<T> Peekable<T> for PortOne<T> {
fn peek(&self) -> bool {
unsafe {
let packet: *mut Packet<T> = self.packet();
let oldstate = (*packet).state.load(SeqCst);
match oldstate {
STATE_BOTH => false,
STATE_ONE => (*packet).payload.is_some(),
_ => rtabort!("peeked on a blocked task")
impl<T> Drop for ChanOne<T> {
fn drop(&self) {
if self.suppress_finalize { return }
unsafe {
let this = cast::transmute_mut(self);
let oldstate = (*this.packet()).state.swap(STATE_ONE, SeqCst);
match oldstate {
// Port still active. It will destroy the Packet.
let _packet: ~Packet<T> = cast::transmute(this.void_packet);
task_as_state => {
// The port is blocked waiting for a message we will never send. Wake it.
let recvr = BlockedTask::cast_from_uint(task_as_state);
do recvr.wake().map_move |woken_task| {
impl<T> Drop for PortOne<T> {
fn drop(&self) {
if self.suppress_finalize { return }
unsafe {
let this = cast::transmute_mut(self);
let oldstate = (*this.packet()).state.swap(STATE_ONE, SeqCst);
match oldstate {
// Chan still active. It will destroy the packet.
let _packet: ~Packet<T> = cast::transmute(this.void_packet);
task_as_state => {
// This case occurs during unwinding, when the blocked
// receiver was killed awake. The task can't still be
// blocked (we are it), but we need to free the handle.
let recvr = BlockedTask::cast_from_uint(task_as_state);
/// Trait for non-rescheduling send operations, similar to `send_deferred` on ChanOne.
pub trait SendDeferred<T> {
fn send_deferred(&self, val: T);
fn try_send_deferred(&self, val: T) -> bool;
struct StreamPayload<T> {
val: T,
next: PortOne<StreamPayload<T>>
type StreamChanOne<T> = ChanOne<StreamPayload<T>>;
type StreamPortOne<T> = PortOne<StreamPayload<T>>;
/// A channel with unbounded size.
pub struct Chan<T> {
// FIXME #5372. Using Cell because we don't take &mut self
next: Cell<StreamChanOne<T>>
/// An port with unbounded size.
pub struct Port<T> {
// FIXME #5372. Using Cell because we don't take &mut self
next: Cell<StreamPortOne<T>>
pub fn stream<T: Send>() -> (Port<T>, Chan<T>) {
let (pone, cone) = oneshot();
let port = Port { next: Cell::new(pone) };
let chan = Chan { next: Cell::new(cone) };
return (port, chan);
impl<T: Send> Chan<T> {
fn try_send_inner(&self, val: T, do_resched: bool) -> bool {
let (next_pone, next_cone) = oneshot();
let cone =;;
cone.try_send_inner(StreamPayload { val: val, next: next_pone }, do_resched)
impl<T: Send> GenericChan<T> for Chan<T> {
fn send(&self, val: T) {
impl<T: Send> GenericSmartChan<T> for Chan<T> {
fn try_send(&self, val: T) -> bool {
self.try_send_inner(val, true)
impl<T: Send> SendDeferred<T> for Chan<T> {
fn send_deferred(&self, val: T) {
fn try_send_deferred(&self, val: T) -> bool {
self.try_send_inner(val, false)
impl<T> GenericPort<T> for Port<T> {
fn recv(&self) -> T {
match self.try_recv() {
Some(val) => val,
None => {
fail!("receiving on closed channel");
fn try_recv(&self) -> Option<T> {
let pone =;
match pone.try_recv() {
Some(StreamPayload { val, next }) => {;
None => None
impl<T> Peekable<T> for Port<T> {
fn peek(&self) -> bool {|p| p.peek())
// XXX: Kind of gross. A Port<T> should be selectable so you can make an array
// of them, but a &Port<T> should also be selectable so you can select2 on it
// alongside a PortOne<U> without passing the port by value in recv_ready.
impl<'self, T> Select for &'self Port<T> {
fn optimistic_check(&mut self) -> bool {
do |pone| { pone.optimistic_check() }
fn block_on(&mut self, sched: &mut Scheduler, task: BlockedTask) -> bool {
let task = Cell::new(task);
do |pone| { pone.block_on(sched, task.take()) }
fn unblock_from(&mut self) -> bool {
do |pone| { pone.unblock_from() }
impl<T> Select for Port<T> {
fn optimistic_check(&mut self) -> bool {
fn block_on(&mut self, sched: &mut Scheduler, task: BlockedTask) -> bool {
(&*self).block_on(sched, task)
fn unblock_from(&mut self) -> bool {
impl<'self, T> SelectPort<T> for &'self Port<T> {
fn recv_ready(self) -> Option<T> {
match {
Some(StreamPayload { val, next }) => {;
None => None
pub struct SharedChan<T> {
// Just like Chan, but a shared AtomicOption instead of Cell
priv next: UnsafeAtomicRcBox<AtomicOption<StreamChanOne<T>>>
impl<T> SharedChan<T> {
pub fn new(chan: Chan<T>) -> SharedChan<T> {
let next =;
let next = AtomicOption::new(~next);
SharedChan { next: UnsafeAtomicRcBox::new(next) }
impl<T: Send> SharedChan<T> {
fn try_send_inner(&self, val: T, do_resched: bool) -> bool {
unsafe {
let (next_pone, next_cone) = oneshot();
let cone = (*, SeqCst);
cone.unwrap().try_send_inner(StreamPayload { val: val, next: next_pone },
impl<T: Send> GenericChan<T> for SharedChan<T> {
fn send(&self, val: T) {
impl<T: Send> GenericSmartChan<T> for SharedChan<T> {
fn try_send(&self, val: T) -> bool {
self.try_send_inner(val, true)
impl<T: Send> SendDeferred<T> for SharedChan<T> {
fn send_deferred(&self, val: T) {
fn try_send_deferred(&self, val: T) -> bool {
self.try_send_inner(val, false)
impl<T> Clone for SharedChan<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> SharedChan<T> {
SharedChan {
pub struct SharedPort<T> {
// The next port on which we will receive the next port on which we will receive T
priv next_link: UnsafeAtomicRcBox<AtomicOption<PortOne<StreamPortOne<T>>>>
impl<T> SharedPort<T> {
pub fn new(port: Port<T>) -> SharedPort<T> {
// Put the data port into a new link pipe
let next_data_port =;
let (next_link_port, next_link_chan) = oneshot();
let next_link = AtomicOption::new(~next_link_port);
SharedPort { next_link: UnsafeAtomicRcBox::new(next_link) }
impl<T: Send> GenericPort<T> for SharedPort<T> {
fn recv(&self) -> T {
match self.try_recv() {
Some(val) => val,
None => {
fail!("receiving on a closed channel");
fn try_recv(&self) -> Option<T> {
unsafe {
let (next_link_port, next_link_chan) = oneshot();
let link_port = (*self.next_link.get()).swap(~next_link_port, SeqCst);
let link_port = link_port.unwrap();
let data_port = link_port.recv();
let (next_data_port, res) = match data_port.try_recv() {
Some(StreamPayload { val, next }) => {
(next, Some(val))
None => {
let (next_data_port, _) = oneshot();
(next_data_port, None)
return res;
impl<T> Clone for SharedPort<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> SharedPort<T> {
SharedPort {
next_link: self.next_link.clone()
// XXX: Need better name
type MegaPipe<T> = (SharedPort<T>, SharedChan<T>);
pub fn megapipe<T: Send>() -> MegaPipe<T> {
let (port, chan) = stream();
(SharedPort::new(port), SharedChan::new(chan))
impl<T: Send> GenericChan<T> for MegaPipe<T> {
fn send(&self, val: T) {
impl<T: Send> GenericSmartChan<T> for MegaPipe<T> {
fn try_send(&self, val: T) -> bool {
impl<T: Send> GenericPort<T> for MegaPipe<T> {
fn recv(&self) -> T {
fn try_recv(&self) -> Option<T> {
impl<T: Send> SendDeferred<T> for MegaPipe<T> {
fn send_deferred(&self, val: T) {
fn try_send_deferred(&self, val: T) -> bool {
mod test {
use super::*;
use option::*;
use rt::test::*;
use cell::Cell;
use iter::Times;
fn oneshot_single_thread_close_port_first() {
// Simple test of closing without sending
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, _chan) = oneshot::<int>();
{ let _p = port; }
fn oneshot_single_thread_close_chan_first() {
// Simple test of closing without sending
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (_port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
{ let _c = chan; }
fn oneshot_single_thread_send_port_close() {
// Testing that the sender cleans up the payload if receiver is closed
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<~int>();
{ let _p = port; }
fn oneshot_single_thread_recv_chan_close() {
// Receiving on a closed chan will fail
do run_in_newsched_task {
let res = do spawntask_try {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<~int>();
{ let _c = chan; }
// What is our res?
rtdebug!("res is: %?", res.is_err());
fn oneshot_single_thread_send_then_recv() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<~int>();
assert!(port.recv() == ~10);
fn oneshot_single_thread_try_send_open() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
assert!(port.recv() == 10);
fn oneshot_single_thread_try_send_closed() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
{ let _p = port; }
fn oneshot_single_thread_try_recv_open() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
assert!(port.try_recv() == Some(10));
fn oneshot_single_thread_try_recv_closed() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
{ let _c = chan; }
assert!(port.try_recv() == None);
fn oneshot_single_thread_peek_data() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
fn oneshot_single_thread_peek_close() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
{ let _c = chan; }
fn oneshot_single_thread_peek_open() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, _) = oneshot::<int>();
fn oneshot_multi_task_recv_then_send() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<~int>();
let port_cell = Cell::new(port);
do spawntask {
assert!(port_cell.take().recv() == ~10);
fn oneshot_multi_task_recv_then_close() {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<~int>();
let port_cell = Cell::new(port);
let chan_cell = Cell::new(chan);
do spawntask_later {
let _cell = chan_cell.take();
let res = do spawntask_try {
assert!(port_cell.take().recv() == ~10);
fn oneshot_multi_thread_close_stress() {
do stress_factor().times {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
let port_cell = Cell::new(port);
let thread = do spawntask_thread {
let _p = port_cell.take();
let _chan = chan;
fn oneshot_multi_thread_send_close_stress() {
do stress_factor().times {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
let chan_cell = Cell::new(chan);
let port_cell = Cell::new(port);
let thread1 = do spawntask_thread {
let _p = port_cell.take();
let thread2 = do spawntask_thread {
let c = chan_cell.take();
fn oneshot_multi_thread_recv_close_stress() {
do stress_factor().times {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<int>();
let chan_cell = Cell::new(chan);
let port_cell = Cell::new(port);
let thread1 = do spawntask_thread {
let port_cell = Cell::new(port_cell.take());
let res = do spawntask_try {
let thread2 = do spawntask_thread {
let chan_cell = Cell::new(chan_cell.take());
do spawntask {
fn oneshot_multi_thread_send_recv_stress() {
do stress_factor().times {
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = oneshot::<~int>();
let chan_cell = Cell::new(chan);
let port_cell = Cell::new(port);
let thread1 = do spawntask_thread {
let thread2 = do spawntask_thread {
assert!(port_cell.take().recv() == ~10);
fn stream_send_recv_stress() {
do stress_factor().times {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = stream::<~int>();
send(chan, 0);
recv(port, 0);
fn send(chan: Chan<~int>, i: int) {
if i == 10 { return }
let chan_cell = Cell::new(chan);
do spawntask_random {
let chan = chan_cell.take();
send(chan, i + 1);
fn recv(port: Port<~int>, i: int) {
if i == 10 { return }
let port_cell = Cell::new(port);
do spawntask_random {
let port = port_cell.take();
assert!(port.recv() == ~i);
recv(port, i + 1);
fn recv_a_lot() {
// Regression test that we don't run out of stack in scheduler context
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = stream();
do 10000.times { chan.send(()) }
do 10000.times { port.recv() }
fn shared_chan_stress() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = stream();
let chan = SharedChan::new(chan);
let total = stress_factor() + 100;
do total.times {
let chan_clone = chan.clone();
do spawntask_random {
do total.times {
fn shared_port_stress() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
// XXX: Removing these type annotations causes an ICE
let (end_port, end_chan) = stream::<()>();
let (port, chan) = stream::<()>();
let end_chan = SharedChan::new(end_chan);
let port = SharedPort::new(port);
let total = stress_factor() + 100;
do total.times {
let end_chan_clone = end_chan.clone();
let port_clone = port.clone();
do spawntask_random {
do total.times {
do total.times {
fn shared_port_close_simple() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let (port, chan) = stream::<()>();
let port = SharedPort::new(port);
{ let _chan = chan; }
fn shared_port_close() {
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let (end_port, end_chan) = stream::<bool>();
let (port, chan) = stream::<()>();
let end_chan = SharedChan::new(end_chan);
let port = SharedPort::new(port);
let chan = SharedChan::new(chan);
let send_total = 10;
let recv_total = 20;
do spawntask_random {
do send_total.times {
let chan_clone = chan.clone();
do spawntask_random {
let end_chan_clone = end_chan.clone();
do spawntask_random {
do recv_total.times {
let port_clone = port.clone();
let end_chan_clone = end_chan_clone.clone();
do spawntask_random {
let recvd = port_clone.try_recv().is_some();
let mut recvd = 0;
do recv_total.times {
recvd += if end_port.recv() { 1 } else { 0 };
assert!(recvd == send_total);
fn megapipe_stress() {
use rand;
use rand::RngUtil;
do run_in_mt_newsched_task {
let (end_port, end_chan) = stream::<()>();
let end_chan = SharedChan::new(end_chan);
let pipe = megapipe();
let total = stress_factor() + 10;
let mut rng = rand::rng();
do total.times {
let msgs = rng.gen_uint_range(0, 10);
let pipe_clone = pipe.clone();
let end_chan_clone = end_chan.clone();
do spawntask_random {
do msgs.times {
do msgs.times {
do total.times {
fn send_deferred() {
use unstable::sync::atomically;
// Tests no-rescheduling of send_deferred on all types of channels.
do run_in_newsched_task {
let (pone, cone) = oneshot();
let (pstream, cstream) = stream();
let (pshared, cshared) = stream();
let cshared = SharedChan::new(cshared);
let mp = megapipe();
let pone = Cell::new(pone);
do spawntask { pone.take().recv(); }
let pstream = Cell::new(pstream);
do spawntask { pstream.take().recv(); }
let pshared = Cell::new(pshared);
do spawntask { pshared.take().recv(); }
let p_mp = Cell::new(mp.clone());
do spawntask { p_mp.take().recv(); }
let cs = Cell::new((cone, cstream, cshared, mp));
unsafe {
do atomically {
let (cone, cstream, cshared, mp) = cs.take();