Vadim Petrochenkov b25d3ba781 ast/hir: Rename field-related structures
StructField -> FieldDef ("field definition")
Field -> ExprField ("expression field", not "field expression")
FieldPat -> PatField ("pattern field", not "field pattern")

Also rename visiting and other methods working on them.
2021-03-16 11:41:24 +03:00

314 lines
13 KiB

use super::{ImplTraitContext, LoweringContext, ParamMode};
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::*;
use rustc_data_structures::stack::ensure_sufficient_stack;
use rustc_errors::Applicability;
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_hir::def::Res;
use rustc_span::symbol::Ident;
use rustc_span::{source_map::Spanned, Span};
impl<'a, 'hir> LoweringContext<'a, 'hir> {
crate fn lower_pat(&mut self, mut pattern: &Pat) -> &'hir hir::Pat<'hir> {
ensure_sufficient_stack(|| {
// loop here to avoid recursion
let node = loop {
match pattern.kind {
PatKind::Wild => break hir::PatKind::Wild,
PatKind::Ident(ref binding_mode, ident, ref sub) => {
let lower_sub = |this: &mut Self| sub.as_ref().map(|s| this.lower_pat(&*s));
break self.lower_pat_ident(pattern, binding_mode, ident, lower_sub);
PatKind::Lit(ref e) => break hir::PatKind::Lit(self.lower_expr(e)),
PatKind::TupleStruct(ref path, ref pats) => {
let qpath = self.lower_qpath(,
let (pats, ddpos) = self.lower_pat_tuple(pats, "tuple struct");
break hir::PatKind::TupleStruct(qpath, pats, ddpos);
PatKind::Or(ref pats) => {
break hir::PatKind::Or(
self.arena.alloc_from_iter(pats.iter().map(|x| self.lower_pat(x))),
PatKind::Path(ref qself, ref path) => {
let qpath = self.lower_qpath(,
break hir::PatKind::Path(qpath);
PatKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, etc) => {
let qpath = self.lower_qpath(,
let fs = self.arena.alloc_from_iter(fields.iter().map(|f| hir::PatField {
hir_id: self.next_id(),
ident: f.ident,
pat: self.lower_pat(&f.pat),
is_shorthand: f.is_shorthand,
span: f.span,
break hir::PatKind::Struct(qpath, fs, etc);
PatKind::Tuple(ref pats) => {
let (pats, ddpos) = self.lower_pat_tuple(pats, "tuple");
break hir::PatKind::Tuple(pats, ddpos);
PatKind::Box(ref inner) => {
break hir::PatKind::Box(self.lower_pat(inner));
PatKind::Ref(ref inner, mutbl) => {
break hir::PatKind::Ref(self.lower_pat(inner), mutbl);
PatKind::Range(ref e1, ref e2, Spanned { node: ref end, .. }) => {
break hir::PatKind::Range(
e1.as_deref().map(|e| self.lower_expr(e)),
e2.as_deref().map(|e| self.lower_expr(e)),
self.lower_range_end(end, e2.is_some()),
PatKind::Slice(ref pats) => break self.lower_pat_slice(pats),
PatKind::Rest => {
// If we reach here the `..` pattern is not semantically allowed.
break self.ban_illegal_rest_pat(pattern.span);
// return inner to be processed in next loop
PatKind::Paren(ref inner) => pattern = inner,
PatKind::MacCall(_) => panic!("{:?} shouldn't exist here", pattern.span),
self.pat_with_node_id_of(pattern, node)
fn lower_pat_tuple(
&mut self,
pats: &[P<Pat>],
ctx: &str,
) -> (&'hir [&'hir hir::Pat<'hir>], Option<usize>) {
let mut elems = Vec::with_capacity(pats.len());
let mut rest = None;
let mut iter = pats.iter().enumerate();
for (idx, pat) in iter.by_ref() {
// Interpret the first `..` pattern as a sub-tuple pattern.
// Note that unlike for slice patterns,
// where `xs @ ..` is a legal sub-slice pattern,
// it is not a legal sub-tuple pattern.
match pat.kind {
// Found a sub-tuple rest pattern
PatKind::Rest => {
rest = Some((idx, pat.span));
// Found a sub-tuple pattern `$binding_mode $ident @ ..`.
// This is not allowed as a sub-tuple pattern
PatKind::Ident(ref _bm, ident, Some(ref sub)) if sub.is_rest() => {
let sp = pat.span;
&format!("`{} @` is not allowed in a {}",, ctx),
.span_label(sp, "this is only allowed in slice patterns")
.help("remove this and bind each tuple field independently")
&format!("if you don't need to use the contents of {}, discard the tuple's remaining fields", ident),
_ => {}
// It was not a sub-tuple pattern so lower it normally.
for (_, pat) in iter {
// There was a previous sub-tuple pattern; make sure we don't allow more...
if pat.is_rest() {
// ...but there was one again, so error.
self.ban_extra_rest_pat(pat.span, rest.unwrap().1, ctx);
} else {
(self.arena.alloc_from_iter(elems),|(ddpos, _)| ddpos))
/// Lower a slice pattern of form `[pat_0, ..., pat_n]` into
/// `hir::PatKind::Slice(before, slice, after)`.
/// When encountering `($binding_mode $ident @)? ..` (`slice`),
/// this is interpreted as a sub-slice pattern semantically.
/// Patterns that follow, which are not like `slice` -- or an error occurs, are in `after`.
fn lower_pat_slice(&mut self, pats: &[P<Pat>]) -> hir::PatKind<'hir> {
let mut before = Vec::new();
let mut after = Vec::new();
let mut slice = None;
let mut prev_rest_span = None;
// Lowers `$bm $ident @ ..` to `$bm $ident @ _`.
let lower_rest_sub = |this: &mut Self, pat, bm, ident, sub| {
let lower_sub = |this: &mut Self| Some(this.pat_wild_with_node_id_of(sub));
let node = this.lower_pat_ident(pat, bm, ident, lower_sub);
this.pat_with_node_id_of(pat, node)
let mut iter = pats.iter();
// Lower all the patterns until the first occurrence of a sub-slice pattern.
for pat in iter.by_ref() {
match pat.kind {
// Found a sub-slice pattern `..`. Record, lower it to `_`, and stop here.
PatKind::Rest => {
prev_rest_span = Some(pat.span);
slice = Some(self.pat_wild_with_node_id_of(pat));
// Found a sub-slice pattern `$binding_mode $ident @ ..`.
// Record, lower it to `$binding_mode $ident @ _`, and stop here.
PatKind::Ident(ref bm, ident, Some(ref sub)) if sub.is_rest() => {
prev_rest_span = Some(sub.span);
slice = Some(lower_rest_sub(self, pat, bm, ident, sub));
// It was not a subslice pattern so lower it normally.
_ => before.push(self.lower_pat(pat)),
// Lower all the patterns after the first sub-slice pattern.
for pat in iter {
// There was a previous subslice pattern; make sure we don't allow more.
let rest_span = match pat.kind {
PatKind::Rest => Some(pat.span),
PatKind::Ident(ref bm, ident, Some(ref sub)) if sub.is_rest() => {
// #69103: Lower into `binding @ _` as above to avoid ICEs.
after.push(lower_rest_sub(self, pat, bm, ident, sub));
_ => None,
if let Some(rest_span) = rest_span {
// We have e.g., `[a, .., b, ..]`. That's no good, error!
self.ban_extra_rest_pat(rest_span, prev_rest_span.unwrap(), "slice");
} else {
// Lower the pattern normally.
fn lower_pat_ident(
&mut self,
p: &Pat,
binding_mode: &BindingMode,
ident: Ident,
lower_sub: impl FnOnce(&mut Self) -> Option<&'hir hir::Pat<'hir>>,
) -> hir::PatKind<'hir> {
match self.resolver.get_partial_res(|d| d.base_res()) {
// `None` can occur in body-less function signatures
res @ (None | Some(Res::Local(_))) => {
let canonical_id = match res {
Some(Res::Local(id)) => id,
_ =>,
Some(res) => hir::PatKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(
self.arena.alloc(hir::Path {
span: ident.span,
res: self.lower_res(res),
segments: arena_vec![self; hir::PathSegment::from_ident(ident)],
fn lower_binding_mode(&mut self, b: &BindingMode) -> hir::BindingAnnotation {
match *b {
BindingMode::ByValue(Mutability::Not) => hir::BindingAnnotation::Unannotated,
BindingMode::ByRef(Mutability::Not) => hir::BindingAnnotation::Ref,
BindingMode::ByValue(Mutability::Mut) => hir::BindingAnnotation::Mutable,
BindingMode::ByRef(Mutability::Mut) => hir::BindingAnnotation::RefMut,
fn pat_wild_with_node_id_of(&mut self, p: &Pat) -> &'hir hir::Pat<'hir> {
self.pat_with_node_id_of(p, hir::PatKind::Wild)
/// Construct a `Pat` with the `HirId` of `` lowered.
fn pat_with_node_id_of(&mut self, p: &Pat, kind: hir::PatKind<'hir>) -> &'hir hir::Pat<'hir> {
self.arena.alloc(hir::Pat {
hir_id: self.lower_node_id(,
span: p.span,
default_binding_modes: true,
/// Emit a friendly error for extra `..` patterns in a tuple/tuple struct/slice pattern.
crate fn ban_extra_rest_pat(&self, sp: Span, prev_sp: Span, ctx: &str) {
.struct_span_err(sp, &format!("`..` can only be used once per {} pattern", ctx))
.span_label(sp, &format!("can only be used once per {} pattern", ctx))
.span_label(prev_sp, "previously used here")
/// Used to ban the `..` pattern in places it shouldn't be semantically.
fn ban_illegal_rest_pat(&self, sp: Span) -> hir::PatKind<'hir> {
.struct_span_err(sp, "`..` patterns are not allowed here")
.note("only allowed in tuple, tuple struct, and slice patterns")
// We're not in a list context so `..` can be reasonably treated
// as `_` because it should always be valid and roughly matches the
// intent of `..` (notice that the rest of a single slot is that slot).
fn lower_range_end(&mut self, e: &RangeEnd, has_end: bool) -> hir::RangeEnd {
match *e {
RangeEnd::Excluded if has_end => hir::RangeEnd::Excluded,
// No end; so `X..` behaves like `RangeFrom`.
RangeEnd::Excluded | RangeEnd::Included(_) => hir::RangeEnd::Included,