511 lines
18 KiB
511 lines
18 KiB
//! Implements syntax highlighting.
mod tags;
mod html;
mod tests;
use hir::{Name, Semantics};
use ra_ide_db::{
defs::{classify_name, classify_name_ref, Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass},
use ra_prof::profile;
use ra_syntax::{
ast::{self, HasFormatSpecifier, HasQuotes, HasStringValue},
AstNode, AstToken, Direction, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement,
SyntaxToken, TextRange, WalkEvent, T,
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use crate::{call_info::ActiveParameter, Analysis, FileId};
use ast::FormatSpecifier;
pub(crate) use html::highlight_as_html;
pub use tags::{Highlight, HighlightModifier, HighlightModifiers, HighlightTag};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct HighlightedRange {
pub range: TextRange,
pub highlight: Highlight,
pub binding_hash: Option<u64>,
struct HighlightedRangeStack {
stack: Vec<Vec<HighlightedRange>>,
/// We use a stack to implement the flattening logic for the highlighted
/// syntax ranges.
impl HighlightedRangeStack {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { stack: vec![Vec::new()] }
fn push(&mut self) {
/// Flattens the highlighted ranges.
/// For example `#[cfg(feature = "foo")]` contains the nested ranges:
/// 1) parent-range: Attribute [0, 23)
/// 2) child-range: String [16, 21)
/// The following code implements the flattening, for our example this results to:
/// `[Attribute [0, 16), String [16, 21), Attribute [21, 23)]`
fn pop(&mut self) {
let children = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
let prev = self.stack.last_mut().unwrap();
let needs_flattening = !children.is_empty()
&& !prev.is_empty()
&& prev.last().unwrap().range.contains_range(children.first().unwrap().range);
if !needs_flattening {
} else {
let mut parent = prev.pop().unwrap();
for ele in children {
let mut cloned = parent.clone();
parent.range = TextRange::new(parent.range.start(), ele.range.start());
cloned.range = TextRange::new(ele.range.end(), cloned.range.end());
if !parent.range.is_empty() {
parent = cloned;
if !parent.range.is_empty() {
fn add(&mut self, range: HighlightedRange) {
.expect("during DFS traversal, the stack must not be empty")
fn flattened(mut self) -> Vec<HighlightedRange> {
"after DFS traversal, the stack should only contain a single element"
let mut res = self.stack.pop().unwrap();
res.sort_by_key(|range| range.range.start());
// Check that ranges are sorted and disjoint
.all(|(left, right)| left.range.end() <= right.range.start()));
pub(crate) fn highlight(
db: &RootDatabase,
file_id: FileId,
range_to_highlight: Option<TextRange>,
) -> Vec<HighlightedRange> {
let _p = profile("highlight");
let sema = Semantics::new(db);
// Determine the root based on the given range.
let (root, range_to_highlight) = {
let source_file = sema.parse(file_id);
match range_to_highlight {
Some(range) => {
let node = match source_file.syntax().covering_element(range) {
NodeOrToken::Node(it) => it,
NodeOrToken::Token(it) => it.parent(),
(node, range)
None => (source_file.syntax().clone(), source_file.syntax().text_range()),
let mut bindings_shadow_count: FxHashMap<Name, u32> = FxHashMap::default();
// We use a stack for the DFS traversal below.
// When we leave a node, the we use it to flatten the highlighted ranges.
let mut stack = HighlightedRangeStack::new();
let mut current_macro_call: Option<ast::MacroCall> = None;
let mut format_string: Option<SyntaxElement> = None;
// Walk all nodes, keeping track of whether we are inside a macro or not.
// If in macro, expand it first and highlight the expanded code.
for event in root.preorder_with_tokens() {
match &event {
WalkEvent::Enter(_) => stack.push(),
WalkEvent::Leave(_) => stack.pop(),
let event_range = match &event {
WalkEvent::Enter(it) => it.text_range(),
WalkEvent::Leave(it) => it.text_range(),
// Element outside of the viewport, no need to highlight
if range_to_highlight.intersect(event_range).is_none() {
// Track "inside macro" state
match event.clone().map(|it| it.into_node().and_then(ast::MacroCall::cast)) {
WalkEvent::Enter(Some(mc)) => {
current_macro_call = Some(mc.clone());
if let Some(range) = macro_call_range(&mc) {
stack.add(HighlightedRange {
highlight: HighlightTag::Macro.into(),
binding_hash: None,
WalkEvent::Leave(Some(mc)) => {
assert!(current_macro_call == Some(mc));
current_macro_call = None;
format_string = None;
_ => (),
let element = match event {
WalkEvent::Enter(it) => it,
WalkEvent::Leave(_) => continue,
let range = element.text_range();
let element_to_highlight = if current_macro_call.is_some() {
// Inside a macro -- expand it first
let token = match element.clone().into_token() {
Some(it) if it.parent().kind() == TOKEN_TREE => it,
_ => continue,
let token = sema.descend_into_macros(token.clone());
let parent = token.parent();
// Check if macro takes a format string and remember it for highlighting later.
// The macros that accept a format string expand to a compiler builtin macros
// `format_args` and `format_args_nl`.
if let Some(fmt_macro_call) = parent.parent().and_then(ast::MacroCall::cast) {
if let Some(name) =
fmt_macro_call.path().and_then(|p| p.segment()).and_then(|s| s.name_ref())
match name.text().as_str() {
"format_args" | "format_args_nl" => {
format_string = parent
.filter(|t| t.kind() != WHITESPACE)
.filter(|e| {
|| ast::RawString::can_cast(e.kind())
_ => {}
// We only care Name and Name_ref
match (token.kind(), parent.kind()) {
(IDENT, NAME) | (IDENT, NAME_REF) => parent.into(),
_ => token.into(),
} else {
if let Some(token) = element.as_token().cloned().and_then(ast::RawString::cast) {
let expanded = element_to_highlight.as_token().unwrap().clone();
if highlight_injection(&mut stack, &sema, token, expanded).is_some() {
let is_format_string = format_string.as_ref() == Some(&element_to_highlight);
if let Some((highlight, binding_hash)) =
highlight_element(&sema, &mut bindings_shadow_count, element_to_highlight.clone())
stack.add(HighlightedRange { range, highlight, binding_hash });
if let Some(string) =
if is_format_string {
string.lex_format_specifier(|piece_range, kind| {
if let Some(highlight) = highlight_format_specifier(kind) {
stack.add(HighlightedRange {
range: piece_range + range.start(),
highlight: highlight.into(),
binding_hash: None,
} else if let Some(string) =
if is_format_string {
string.lex_format_specifier(|piece_range, kind| {
if let Some(highlight) = highlight_format_specifier(kind) {
stack.add(HighlightedRange {
range: piece_range + range.start(),
highlight: highlight.into(),
binding_hash: None,
fn highlight_format_specifier(kind: FormatSpecifier) -> Option<HighlightTag> {
Some(match kind {
| FormatSpecifier::Close
| FormatSpecifier::Colon
| FormatSpecifier::Fill
| FormatSpecifier::Align
| FormatSpecifier::Sign
| FormatSpecifier::NumberSign
| FormatSpecifier::DollarSign
| FormatSpecifier::Dot
| FormatSpecifier::Asterisk
| FormatSpecifier::QuestionMark => HighlightTag::FormatSpecifier,
FormatSpecifier::Integer | FormatSpecifier::Zero => HighlightTag::NumericLiteral,
FormatSpecifier::Identifier => HighlightTag::Local,
fn macro_call_range(macro_call: &ast::MacroCall) -> Option<TextRange> {
let path = macro_call.path()?;
let name_ref = path.segment()?.name_ref()?;
let range_start = name_ref.syntax().text_range().start();
let mut range_end = name_ref.syntax().text_range().end();
for sibling in path.syntax().siblings_with_tokens(Direction::Next) {
match sibling.kind() {
T![!] | IDENT => range_end = sibling.text_range().end(),
_ => (),
Some(TextRange::new(range_start, range_end))
fn highlight_element(
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
bindings_shadow_count: &mut FxHashMap<Name, u32>,
element: SyntaxElement,
) -> Option<(Highlight, Option<u64>)> {
let db = sema.db;
let mut binding_hash = None;
let highlight: Highlight = match element.kind() {
FN_DEF => {
return None;
// Highlight definitions depending on the "type" of the definition.
NAME => {
let name = element.into_node().and_then(ast::Name::cast).unwrap();
let name_kind = classify_name(sema, &name);
if let Some(NameClass::Definition(Definition::Local(local))) = &name_kind {
if let Some(name) = local.name(db) {
let shadow_count = bindings_shadow_count.entry(name.clone()).or_default();
*shadow_count += 1;
binding_hash = Some(calc_binding_hash(&name, *shadow_count))
match name_kind {
Some(NameClass::Definition(def)) => {
highlight_name(db, def) | HighlightModifier::Definition
Some(NameClass::ConstReference(def)) => highlight_name(db, def),
None => highlight_name_by_syntax(name) | HighlightModifier::Definition,
// Highlight references like the definitions they resolve to
NAME_REF if element.ancestors().any(|it| it.kind() == ATTR) => return None,
let name_ref = element.into_node().and_then(ast::NameRef::cast).unwrap();
match classify_name_ref(sema, &name_ref) {
Some(name_kind) => match name_kind {
NameRefClass::Definition(def) => {
if let Definition::Local(local) = &def {
if let Some(name) = local.name(db) {
let shadow_count =
binding_hash = Some(calc_binding_hash(&name, *shadow_count))
highlight_name(db, def)
NameRefClass::FieldShorthand { .. } => HighlightTag::Field.into(),
None => HighlightTag::UnresolvedReference.into(),
// Simple token-based highlighting
COMMENT => HighlightTag::Comment.into(),
STRING | RAW_STRING | RAW_BYTE_STRING | BYTE_STRING => HighlightTag::StringLiteral.into(),
ATTR => HighlightTag::Attribute.into(),
INT_NUMBER | FLOAT_NUMBER => HighlightTag::NumericLiteral.into(),
BYTE => HighlightTag::ByteLiteral.into(),
CHAR => HighlightTag::CharLiteral.into(),
let h = Highlight::new(HighlightTag::Lifetime);
match element.parent().map(|it| it.kind()) {
Some(LIFETIME_PARAM) | Some(LABEL) => h | HighlightModifier::Definition,
_ => h,
k if k.is_keyword() => {
let h = Highlight::new(HighlightTag::Keyword);
match k {
| T![continue]
| T![else]
| T![for]
| T![if]
| T![loop]
| T![match]
| T![return]
| T![while] => h | HighlightModifier::ControlFlow,
T![unsafe] => h | HighlightModifier::Unsafe,
_ => h,
_ => return None,
return Some((highlight, binding_hash));
fn calc_binding_hash(name: &Name, shadow_count: u32) -> u64 {
fn hash<T: std::hash::Hash + std::fmt::Debug>(x: T) -> u64 {
use std::{collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, hash::Hasher};
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
x.hash(&mut hasher);
hash((name, shadow_count))
fn highlight_name(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Highlight {
match def {
Definition::Macro(_) => HighlightTag::Macro,
Definition::Field(_) => HighlightTag::Field,
Definition::ModuleDef(def) => match def {
hir::ModuleDef::Module(_) => HighlightTag::Module,
hir::ModuleDef::Function(_) => HighlightTag::Function,
hir::ModuleDef::Adt(hir::Adt::Struct(_)) => HighlightTag::Struct,
hir::ModuleDef::Adt(hir::Adt::Enum(_)) => HighlightTag::Enum,
hir::ModuleDef::Adt(hir::Adt::Union(_)) => HighlightTag::Union,
hir::ModuleDef::EnumVariant(_) => HighlightTag::EnumVariant,
hir::ModuleDef::Const(_) => HighlightTag::Constant,
hir::ModuleDef::Static(_) => HighlightTag::Static,
hir::ModuleDef::Trait(_) => HighlightTag::Trait,
hir::ModuleDef::TypeAlias(_) => HighlightTag::TypeAlias,
hir::ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) => HighlightTag::BuiltinType,
Definition::SelfType(_) => HighlightTag::SelfType,
Definition::TypeParam(_) => HighlightTag::TypeParam,
// FIXME: distinguish between locals and parameters
Definition::Local(local) => {
let mut h = Highlight::new(HighlightTag::Local);
if local.is_mut(db) || local.ty(db).is_mutable_reference() {
h |= HighlightModifier::Mutable;
return h;
fn highlight_name_by_syntax(name: ast::Name) -> Highlight {
let default = HighlightTag::Function.into();
let parent = match name.syntax().parent() {
Some(it) => it,
_ => return default,
match parent.kind() {
STRUCT_DEF => HighlightTag::Struct.into(),
ENUM_DEF => HighlightTag::Enum.into(),
UNION_DEF => HighlightTag::Union.into(),
TRAIT_DEF => HighlightTag::Trait.into(),
TYPE_ALIAS_DEF => HighlightTag::TypeAlias.into(),
TYPE_PARAM => HighlightTag::TypeParam.into(),
RECORD_FIELD_DEF => HighlightTag::Field.into(),
_ => default,
fn highlight_injection(
acc: &mut HighlightedRangeStack,
sema: &Semantics<RootDatabase>,
literal: ast::RawString,
expanded: SyntaxToken,
) -> Option<()> {
let active_parameter = ActiveParameter::at_token(&sema, expanded)?;
if !active_parameter.name.starts_with("ra_fixture") {
return None;
let value = literal.value()?;
let (analysis, tmp_file_id) = Analysis::from_single_file(value);
if let Some(range) = literal.open_quote_text_range() {
acc.add(HighlightedRange {
highlight: HighlightTag::StringLiteral.into(),
binding_hash: None,
for mut h in analysis.highlight(tmp_file_id).unwrap() {
if let Some(r) = literal.map_range_up(h.range) {
h.range = r;
if let Some(range) = literal.close_quote_text_range() {
acc.add(HighlightedRange {
highlight: HighlightTag::StringLiteral.into(),
binding_hash: None,