This commit is part of the libstd facade RFC, issue #13851. This creates a new library, liballoc, which is intended to be the core allocation library for all of Rust. It is pinned on the basic assumption that an allocation failure is an abort or failure. This module has inherited the heap/libc_heap modules from std::rt, the owned/rc modules from std, and the arc module from libsync. These three pointers are currently the three most core pointer implementations in Rust. The UnsafeArc type in std::sync should be considered deprecated and replaced by Arc<Unsafe<T>>. This commit does not currently migrate to this type, but future commits will continue this refactoring.
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// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! The local, garbage collected heap
use alloc::util;
use iter::Iterator;
use libc::{c_void, free};
use mem;
use ops::Drop;
use option::{Option, None, Some};
use ptr::RawPtr;
use ptr;
use raw;
use rt::libc_heap;
use rt::local::Local;
use rt::task::Task;
use slice::{ImmutableVector, Vector};
use vec::Vec;
// This has no meaning with out rtdebug also turned on.
static TRACK_ALLOCATIONS: int = 0;
static MAGIC: u32 = 0xbadc0ffe;
pub type Box = raw::Box<()>;
pub struct MemoryRegion {
allocations: Vec<*AllocHeader>,
live_allocations: uint,
pub struct LocalHeap {
memory_region: MemoryRegion,
live_allocs: *mut raw::Box<()>,
impl LocalHeap {
pub fn new() -> LocalHeap {
let region = MemoryRegion {
allocations: Vec::new(),
live_allocations: 0,
LocalHeap {
memory_region: region,
live_allocs: ptr::mut_null(),
pub fn alloc(&mut self, drop_glue: fn(*mut u8), size: uint, align: uint) -> *mut Box {
let total_size = util::get_box_size(size, align);
let alloc = self.memory_region.malloc(total_size);
// Make sure that we can't use `mybox` outside of this scope
let mybox: &mut Box = unsafe { mem::transmute(alloc) };
// Clear out this box, and move it to the front of the live
// allocations list
mybox.drop_glue = drop_glue;
mybox.ref_count = 1;
mybox.prev = ptr::mut_null();
| = self.live_allocs;
if !self.live_allocs.is_null() {
unsafe { (*self.live_allocs).prev = alloc; }
self.live_allocs = alloc;
return alloc;
pub fn realloc(&mut self, ptr: *mut Box, size: uint) -> *mut Box {
// Make sure that we can't use `mybox` outside of this scope
let total_size = size + mem::size_of::<Box>();
let new_box = self.memory_region.realloc(ptr, total_size);
// Fix links because we could have moved around
let mybox: &mut Box = unsafe { mem::transmute(new_box) };
if !mybox.prev.is_null() {
unsafe { (*mybox.prev).next = new_box; }
if ! {
unsafe { (* = new_box; }
if self.live_allocs == ptr {
self.live_allocs = new_box;
return new_box;
pub fn free(&mut self, alloc: *mut Box) {
// Make sure that we can't use `mybox` outside of this scope
let mybox: &mut Box = unsafe { mem::transmute(alloc) };
// Unlink it from the linked list
if !mybox.prev.is_null() {
unsafe { (*mybox.prev).next =; }
if ! {
unsafe { (* = mybox.prev; }
if self.live_allocs == alloc {
self.live_allocs =;
impl Drop for LocalHeap {
fn drop(&mut self) {
struct AllocHeader {
magic: u32,
index: i32,
size: u32,
struct AllocHeader;
impl AllocHeader {
fn init(&mut self, size: u32) {
self.magic = MAGIC;
self.index = -1;
self.size = size;
fn init(&mut self, _size: u32) {}
fn assert_sane(&self) {
rtassert!(self.magic == MAGIC);
fn assert_sane(&self) {}
fn update_size(&mut self, size: u32) {
self.size = size;
fn update_size(&mut self, _size: u32) {}
fn as_box(&mut self) -> *mut Box {
let myaddr: uint = unsafe { mem::transmute(self) };
(myaddr + AllocHeader::size()) as *mut Box
fn size() -> uint {
// For some platforms, 16 byte alignment is required.
let ptr_size = 16;
let header_size = mem::size_of::<AllocHeader>();
return (header_size + ptr_size - 1) / ptr_size * ptr_size;
fn from(a_box: *mut Box) -> *mut AllocHeader {
(a_box as uint - AllocHeader::size()) as *mut AllocHeader
impl MemoryRegion {
fn malloc(&mut self, size: uint) -> *mut Box {
let total_size = size + AllocHeader::size();
let alloc: *AllocHeader = unsafe {
libc_heap::malloc_raw(total_size) as *AllocHeader
let alloc: &mut AllocHeader = unsafe { mem::transmute(alloc) };
alloc.init(size as u32);
self.live_allocations += 1;
return alloc.as_box();
fn realloc(&mut self, alloc: *mut Box, size: uint) -> *mut Box {
let orig_alloc = AllocHeader::from(alloc);
unsafe { (*orig_alloc).assert_sane(); }
let total_size = size + AllocHeader::size();
let alloc: *AllocHeader = unsafe {
libc_heap::realloc_raw(orig_alloc as *mut u8, total_size) as *AllocHeader
let alloc: &mut AllocHeader = unsafe { mem::transmute(alloc) };
alloc.update_size(size as u32);
self.update(alloc, orig_alloc as *AllocHeader);
return alloc.as_box();
fn free(&mut self, alloc: *mut Box) {
let alloc = AllocHeader::from(alloc);
unsafe {
rtassert!(self.live_allocations > 0);
self.live_allocations -= 1;
free(alloc as *mut c_void)
fn claim(&mut self, alloc: &mut AllocHeader) {
alloc.index = self.allocations.len() as i32;
self.allocations.push(&*alloc as *AllocHeader);
fn claim(&mut self, _alloc: &mut AllocHeader) {}
fn release(&mut self, alloc: &AllocHeader) {
rtassert!(self.allocations.as_slice()[alloc.index] == alloc as *AllocHeader);
self.allocations.as_mut_slice()[alloc.index] = ptr::null();
fn release(&mut self, _alloc: &AllocHeader) {}
fn update(&mut self, alloc: &mut AllocHeader, orig: *AllocHeader) {
rtassert!(self.allocations.as_slice()[alloc.index] == orig);
self.allocations.as_mut_slice()[alloc.index] = &*alloc as *AllocHeader;
fn update(&mut self, _alloc: &mut AllocHeader, _orig: *AllocHeader) {}
impl Drop for MemoryRegion {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.live_allocations != 0 {
rtabort!("leaked managed memory ({} objects)", self.live_allocations);
rtassert!(self.allocations.as_slice().iter().all(|s| s.is_null()));
pub unsafe fn local_malloc_(drop_glue: fn(*mut u8), size: uint, align: uint) -> *u8 {
local_malloc(drop_glue, size, align)
pub unsafe fn local_malloc(drop_glue: fn(*mut u8), size: uint, align: uint) -> *u8 {
// FIXME: Unsafe borrow for speed. Lame.
let task: Option<*mut Task> = Local::try_unsafe_borrow();
match task {
Some(task) => {
(*task).heap.alloc(drop_glue, size, align) as *u8
None => rtabort!("local malloc outside of task")
pub unsafe fn local_free_(ptr: *u8) {
// NB: Calls to free CANNOT be allowed to fail, as throwing an exception from
// inside a landing pad may corrupt the state of the exception handler. If a
// problem occurs, call exit instead.
pub unsafe fn local_free(ptr: *u8) {
// FIXME: Unsafe borrow for speed. Lame.
let task_ptr: Option<*mut Task> = Local::try_unsafe_borrow();
match task_ptr {
Some(task) => {
(*task) as *mut Box)
None => rtabort!("local free outside of task")
pub fn live_allocs() -> *mut Box {
mod bench {
extern crate test;
use self::test::Bencher;
fn alloc_managed_small(b: &mut Bencher) {
b.iter(|| { @10; });
fn alloc_managed_big(b: &mut Bencher) {
b.iter(|| { @([10, ..1000]); });