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// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
Generic communication channels for things that can be represented as,
or transformed to and from, byte vectors.
The `FlatPort` and `FlatChan` types implement the generic channel and
port interface for arbitrary types and transport strategies. It can
particularly be used to send and receive serializable types over I/O
`FlatPort` and `FlatChan` implement the same comm traits as pipe-based
ports and channels.
# Example
This example sends boxed integers across tasks using serialization.
let (port, chan) = serial::pipe_stream();
do task::spawn || {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
assert @i == port.recv()
# Safety Note
Flat pipes created from `io::Reader`s and `io::Writer`s share the same
blocking properties as the underlying stream. Since some implementations
block the scheduler thread, so will their pipes.
// The basic send/recv interface FlatChan and PortChan will implement
use core::io;
use core::comm::GenericChan;
use core::comm::GenericPort;
use core::sys::size_of;
use core::vec;
A FlatPort, consisting of a `BytePort` that receives byte vectors,
and an `Unflattener` that converts the bytes to a value.
Create using the constructors in the `serial` and `pod` modules.
pub struct FlatPort<T, U, P> {
unflattener: U,
byte_port: P
A FlatChan, consisting of a `Flattener` that converts values to
byte vectors, and a `ByteChan` that transmits the bytes.
Create using the constructors in the `serial` and `pod` modules.
pub struct FlatChan<T, F, C> {
flattener: F,
byte_chan: C
Constructors for flat pipes that using serialization-based flattening.
pub mod serial {
pub use DefaultEncoder = ebml::writer::Encoder;
pub use DefaultDecoder = ebml::reader::Decoder;
use serialize::{Decodable, Encodable};
use flatpipes::flatteners::{DeserializingUnflattener,
use flatpipes::flatteners::{deserialize_buffer, serialize_value};
use flatpipes::bytepipes::{ReaderBytePort, WriterByteChan};
use flatpipes::bytepipes::{PipeBytePort, PipeByteChan};
use flatpipes::{FlatPort, FlatChan};
use core::io::{Reader, Writer};
use core::comm::{Port, Chan};
use core::comm;
pub type ReaderPort<T, R> = FlatPort<
T, DeserializingUnflattener<DefaultDecoder, T>,
pub type WriterChan<T, W> = FlatChan<
T, SerializingFlattener<DefaultEncoder, T>, WriterByteChan<W>>;
pub type PipePort<T> = FlatPort<
T, DeserializingUnflattener<DefaultDecoder, T>, PipeBytePort>;
pub type PipeChan<T> = FlatChan<
T, SerializingFlattener<DefaultEncoder, T>, PipeByteChan>;
/// Create a `FlatPort` from a `Reader`
pub fn reader_port<T: Decodable<DefaultDecoder>,
R: Reader>(reader: R) -> ReaderPort<T, R> {
let unflat: DeserializingUnflattener<DefaultDecoder, T> =
deserialize_buffer::<DefaultDecoder, T>);
let byte_port = ReaderBytePort::new(reader);
FlatPort::new(unflat, byte_port)
/// Create a `FlatChan` from a `Writer`
pub fn writer_chan<T: Encodable<DefaultEncoder>,
W: Writer>(writer: W) -> WriterChan<T, W> {
let flat: SerializingFlattener<DefaultEncoder, T> =
serialize_value::<DefaultEncoder, T>);
let byte_chan = WriterByteChan::new(writer);
FlatChan::new(flat, byte_chan)
/// Create a `FlatPort` from a `Port<~[u8]>`
pub fn pipe_port<T:Decodable<DefaultDecoder>>(
port: Port<~[u8]>
) -> PipePort<T> {
let unflat: DeserializingUnflattener<DefaultDecoder, T> =
deserialize_buffer::<DefaultDecoder, T>);
let byte_port = PipeBytePort::new(port);
FlatPort::new(unflat, byte_port)
/// Create a `FlatChan` from a `Chan<~[u8]>`
pub fn pipe_chan<T:Encodable<DefaultEncoder>>(
chan: Chan<~[u8]>
) -> PipeChan<T> {
let flat: SerializingFlattener<DefaultEncoder, T> =
serialize_value::<DefaultEncoder, T>);
let byte_chan = PipeByteChan::new(chan);
FlatChan::new(flat, byte_chan)
/// Create a pair of `FlatChan` and `FlatPort`, backed by pipes
pub fn pipe_stream<T: Encodable<DefaultEncoder> +
) -> (PipePort<T>, PipeChan<T>) {
let (port, chan) = comm::stream();
return (pipe_port(port), pipe_chan(chan));
// FIXME #4074 this doesn't correctly enforce POD bounds
Constructors for flat pipes that send POD types using memcpy.
# Safety Note
This module is currently unsafe because it uses `Copy Owned` as a type
parameter bounds meaning POD (plain old data), but `Copy Owned` and
POD are not equivelant.
pub mod pod {
use flatpipes::flatteners::{PodUnflattener, PodFlattener};
use flatpipes::bytepipes::{ReaderBytePort, WriterByteChan};
use flatpipes::bytepipes::{PipeBytePort, PipeByteChan};
use flatpipes::{FlatPort, FlatChan};
use core::io::{Reader, Writer};
use core::comm::{Port, Chan};
use core::comm;
pub type ReaderPort<T, R> =
FlatPort<T, PodUnflattener<T>, ReaderBytePort<R>>;
pub type WriterChan<T, W> =
FlatChan<T, PodFlattener<T>, WriterByteChan<W>>;
pub type PipePort<T> = FlatPort<T, PodUnflattener<T>, PipeBytePort>;
pub type PipeChan<T> = FlatChan<T, PodFlattener<T>, PipeByteChan>;
/// Create a `FlatPort` from a `Reader`
pub fn reader_port<T:Copy + Owned,R:Reader>(
reader: R
) -> ReaderPort<T, R> {
let unflat: PodUnflattener<T> = PodUnflattener::new();
let byte_port = ReaderBytePort::new(reader);
FlatPort::new(unflat, byte_port)
/// Create a `FlatChan` from a `Writer`
pub fn writer_chan<T:Copy + Owned,W:Writer>(
writer: W
) -> WriterChan<T, W> {
let flat: PodFlattener<T> = PodFlattener::new();
let byte_chan = WriterByteChan::new(writer);
FlatChan::new(flat, byte_chan)
/// Create a `FlatPort` from a `Port<~[u8]>`
pub fn pipe_port<T:Copy + Owned>(port: Port<~[u8]>) -> PipePort<T> {
let unflat: PodUnflattener<T> = PodUnflattener::new();
let byte_port = PipeBytePort::new(port);
FlatPort::new(unflat, byte_port)
/// Create a `FlatChan` from a `Chan<~[u8]>`
pub fn pipe_chan<T:Copy + Owned>(chan: Chan<~[u8]>) -> PipeChan<T> {
let flat: PodFlattener<T> = PodFlattener::new();
let byte_chan = PipeByteChan::new(chan);
FlatChan::new(flat, byte_chan)
/// Create a pair of `FlatChan` and `FlatPort`, backed by pipes
pub fn pipe_stream<T:Copy + Owned>() -> (PipePort<T>, PipeChan<T>) {
let (port, chan) = comm::stream();
return (pipe_port(port), pipe_chan(chan));
Flatteners present a value as a byte vector
pub trait Flattener<T> {
fn flatten(&self, val: T) -> ~[u8];
Unflatteners convert a byte vector to a value
pub trait Unflattener<T> {
fn unflatten(&self, buf: ~[u8]) -> T;
BytePorts are a simple interface for receiving a specified number
pub trait BytePort {
fn try_recv(&self, count: uint) -> Option<~[u8]>;
ByteChans are a simple interface for sending bytes
pub trait ByteChan {
fn send(&self, val: ~[u8]);
static CONTINUE: [u8, ..4] = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];
impl<T,U:Unflattener<T>,P:BytePort> GenericPort<T> for FlatPort<T, U, P> {
fn recv(&self) -> T {
match self.try_recv() {
Some(val) => val,
None => fail!(~"port is closed")
fn try_recv(&self) -> Option<T> {
let command = match self.byte_port.try_recv(CONTINUE.len()) {
Some(c) => c,
None => {
warn!("flatpipe: broken pipe");
return None;
if vec::eq(command, CONTINUE) {
let msg_len = match self.byte_port.try_recv(size_of::<u64>()) {
Some(bytes) => {
io::u64_from_be_bytes(bytes, 0, size_of::<u64>())
None => {
warn!("flatpipe: broken pipe");
return None;
let msg_len = msg_len as uint;
match self.byte_port.try_recv(msg_len) {
Some(bytes) => {
None => {
warn!("flatpipe: broken pipe");
return None;
else {
fail!(~"flatpipe: unrecognized command");
impl<T,F:Flattener<T>,C:ByteChan> GenericChan<T> for FlatChan<T, F, C> {
fn send(&self, val: T) {
let bytes = self.flattener.flatten(val);
let len = bytes.len() as u64;
do io::u64_to_be_bytes(len, size_of::<u64>()) |len_bytes| {
pub impl<T,U:Unflattener<T>,P:BytePort> FlatPort<T, U, P> {
fn new(u: U, p: P) -> FlatPort<T, U, P> {
FlatPort {
unflattener: u,
byte_port: p
pub impl<T,F:Flattener<T>,C:ByteChan> FlatChan<T, F, C> {
fn new(f: F, c: C) -> FlatChan<T, F, C> {
FlatChan {
flattener: f,
byte_chan: c
pub mod flatteners {
use ebml;
use flatpipes::{Flattener, Unflattener};
use io_util::BufReader;
use json;
use serialize::{Encoder, Decoder, Encodable, Decodable};
use core::cast;
use core::io::{Writer, Reader, ReaderUtil};
use core::ptr;
use core::sys::size_of;
use core::vec;
// FIXME #4074: Copy + Owned != POD
pub struct PodUnflattener<T> {
bogus: ()
pub struct PodFlattener<T> {
bogus: ()
impl<T:Copy + Owned> Unflattener<T> for PodUnflattener<T> {
fn unflatten(&self, buf: ~[u8]) -> T {
assert!(size_of::<T>() != 0);
assert!(size_of::<T>() == buf.len());
let addr_of_init: &u8 = unsafe { &*vec::raw::to_ptr(buf) };
let addr_of_value: &T = unsafe { cast::transmute(addr_of_init) };
copy *addr_of_value
impl<T:Copy + Owned> Flattener<T> for PodFlattener<T> {
fn flatten(&self, val: T) -> ~[u8] {
assert!(size_of::<T>() != 0);
let val: *T = ptr::to_unsafe_ptr(&val);
let byte_value = val as *u8;
unsafe { vec::from_buf(byte_value, size_of::<T>()) }
pub impl<T:Copy + Owned> PodUnflattener<T> {
fn new() -> PodUnflattener<T> {
PodUnflattener {
bogus: ()
pub impl<T:Copy + Owned> PodFlattener<T> {
fn new() -> PodFlattener<T> {
PodFlattener {
bogus: ()
pub type DeserializeBuffer<T> = ~fn(buf: &[u8]) -> T;
pub struct DeserializingUnflattener<D, T> {
deserialize_buffer: DeserializeBuffer<T>
pub type SerializeValue<T> = ~fn(val: &T) -> ~[u8];
pub struct SerializingFlattener<S, T> {
serialize_value: SerializeValue<T>
impl<D:Decoder,T:Decodable<D>> Unflattener<T>
for DeserializingUnflattener<D, T> {
fn unflatten(&self, buf: ~[u8]) -> T {
impl<S:Encoder,T:Encodable<S>> Flattener<T>
for SerializingFlattener<S, T> {
fn flatten(&self, val: T) -> ~[u8] {
pub impl<D:Decoder,T:Decodable<D>> DeserializingUnflattener<D, T> {
fn new(deserialize_buffer: DeserializeBuffer<T>)
-> DeserializingUnflattener<D, T> {
DeserializingUnflattener {
deserialize_buffer: deserialize_buffer
pub impl<S:Encoder,T:Encodable<S>> SerializingFlattener<S, T> {
fn new(serialize_value: SerializeValue<T>)
-> SerializingFlattener<S, T> {
SerializingFlattener {
serialize_value: serialize_value
Implementations of the serialization functions required by
pub fn deserialize_buffer<D: Decoder + FromReader,
T: Decodable<D>>(
buf: &[u8])
-> T {
let buf = vec::to_owned(buf);
let buf_reader = @BufReader::new(buf);
let reader = buf_reader as @Reader;
let mut deser: D = FromReader::from_reader(reader);
Decodable::decode(&mut deser)
pub fn serialize_value<D: Encoder + FromWriter,
T: Encodable<D>>(
val: &T)
-> ~[u8] {
do io::with_bytes_writer |writer| {
let mut ser = FromWriter::from_writer(writer);
val.encode(&mut ser);
pub trait FromReader {
fn from_reader(r: @Reader) -> Self;
pub trait FromWriter {
fn from_writer(w: @Writer) -> Self;
impl FromReader for json::Decoder {
fn from_reader(r: @Reader) -> json::Decoder {
match json::from_reader(r) {
Ok(json) => {
Err(e) => fail!(fmt!("flatpipe: can't parse json: %?", e))
impl FromWriter for json::Encoder {
fn from_writer(w: @Writer) -> json::Encoder {
impl FromReader for ebml::reader::Decoder {
fn from_reader(r: @Reader) -> ebml::reader::Decoder {
let buf = @r.read_whole_stream();
let doc = ebml::reader::Doc(buf);
impl FromWriter for ebml::writer::Encoder {
fn from_writer(w: @Writer) -> ebml::writer::Encoder {
pub mod bytepipes {
use flatpipes::{ByteChan, BytePort};
use core::io::{Writer, Reader, ReaderUtil};
use core::comm::{Port, Chan};
pub struct ReaderBytePort<R> {
reader: R
pub struct WriterByteChan<W> {
writer: W
impl<R:Reader> BytePort for ReaderBytePort<R> {
fn try_recv(&self, count: uint) -> Option<~[u8]> {
let mut left = count;
let mut bytes = ~[];
while !self.reader.eof() && left > 0 {
assert!(left <= count);
assert!(left > 0);
let new_bytes = self.reader.read_bytes(left);
assert!(new_bytes.len() <= left);
left -= new_bytes.len();
if left == 0 {
return Some(bytes);
} else {
warn!("flatpipe: dropped %? broken bytes", left);
return None;
impl<W:Writer> ByteChan for WriterByteChan<W> {
fn send(&self, val: ~[u8]) {
pub impl<R:Reader> ReaderBytePort<R> {
fn new(r: R) -> ReaderBytePort<R> {
ReaderBytePort {
reader: r
pub impl<W:Writer> WriterByteChan<W> {
fn new(w: W) -> WriterByteChan<W> {
WriterByteChan {
writer: w
// XXX: Remove `@mut` when this module is ported to the new I/O traits,
// which use `&mut self` properly.
pub struct PipeBytePort {
port: comm::Port<~[u8]>,
buf: @mut ~[u8]
pub struct PipeByteChan {
chan: comm::Chan<~[u8]>
impl BytePort for PipeBytePort {
fn try_recv(&self, count: uint) -> Option<~[u8]> {
if vec::uniq_len(&const *self.buf) >= count {
let mut bytes = ::core::util::replace(&mut *self.buf, ~[]);
*self.buf = bytes.slice(count, bytes.len()).to_owned();
return Some(bytes);
} else if vec::uniq_len(&const *self.buf) > 0 {
let mut bytes = ::core::util::replace(&mut *self.buf, ~[]);
assert!(count > bytes.len());
match self.try_recv(count - bytes.len()) {
Some(rest) => {
return Some(bytes);
None => return None
} else if vec::uniq_len(&const *self.buf) == 0 {
match self.port.try_recv() {
Some(buf) => {
*self.buf = buf;
return self.try_recv(count);
None => return None
} else {
impl ByteChan for PipeByteChan {
fn send(&self, val: ~[u8]) {
pub impl PipeBytePort {
fn new(p: Port<~[u8]>) -> PipeBytePort {
PipeBytePort {
port: p,
buf: @mut ~[]
pub impl PipeByteChan {
fn new(c: Chan<~[u8]>) -> PipeByteChan {
PipeByteChan {
chan: c
mod test {
use flatpipes::{Flattener, Unflattener};
use flatpipes::bytepipes::*;
use flatpipes::pod;
use flatpipes::serial;
use io_util::BufReader;
use flatpipes::{BytePort, FlatChan, FlatPort};
use net::tcp::TcpSocketBuf;
use core::io::BytesWriter;
fn test_serializing_memory_stream() {
let writer = BytesWriter();
let chan = serial::writer_chan(writer);
let bytes = copy *chan.byte_chan.writer.bytes;
let reader = BufReader::new(bytes);
let port = serial::reader_port(reader);
let res: int = port.recv();
assert!(res == 10i);
#[ignore(reason = "FIXME #6211 failing on linux snapshot machine")]
fn test_serializing_pipes() {
let (port, chan) = serial::pipe_stream();
do task::spawn || {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
assert!(i == port.recv())
fn test_serializing_boxes() {
let (port, chan) = serial::pipe_stream();
do task::spawn || {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
assert!(@i == port.recv())
fn test_pod_memory_stream() {
let writer = BytesWriter();
let chan = pod::writer_chan(writer);
let bytes = copy *chan.byte_chan.writer.bytes;
let reader = BufReader::new(bytes);
let port = pod::reader_port(reader);
let res: int = port.recv();
assert!(res == 10);
fn test_pod_pipes() {
let (port, chan) = pod::pipe_stream();
do task::spawn || {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
assert!(i == port.recv())
// FIXME #2064: Networking doesn't work on x86
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
fn test_pod_tcp_stream() {
fn reader_port(buf: TcpSocketBuf
) -> pod::ReaderPort<int, TcpSocketBuf> {
fn writer_chan(buf: TcpSocketBuf
) -> pod::WriterChan<int, TcpSocketBuf> {
test_some_tcp_stream(reader_port, writer_chan, 9666);
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
fn test_serializing_tcp_stream() {
fn reader_port(buf: TcpSocketBuf
) -> serial::ReaderPort<int, TcpSocketBuf> {
fn writer_chan(buf: TcpSocketBuf
) -> serial::WriterChan<int, TcpSocketBuf> {
test_some_tcp_stream(reader_port, writer_chan, 9667);
type ReaderPortFactory<U> =
~fn(TcpSocketBuf) -> FlatPort<int, U, ReaderBytePort<TcpSocketBuf>>;
type WriterChanFactory<F> =
~fn(TcpSocketBuf) -> FlatChan<int, F, WriterByteChan<TcpSocketBuf>>;
fn test_some_tcp_stream<U:Unflattener<int>,F:Flattener<int>>(
reader_port: ReaderPortFactory<U>,
writer_chan: WriterChanFactory<F>,
port: uint) {
use core::cell::Cell;
use net::ip;
use net::tcp;
use uv;
// Indicate to the client task that the server is listening
let (begin_connect_port, begin_connect_chan) = comm::stream();
// The connection is sent from the server task to the receiver task
// to handle the connection
let (accept_port, accept_chan) = comm::stream();
// The main task will wait until the test is over to proceed
let (finish_port, finish_chan) = comm::stream();
let addr0 = ip::v4::parse_addr("");
let begin_connect_chan = Cell(begin_connect_chan);
let accept_chan = Cell(accept_chan);
// The server task
let addr = copy addr0;
do task::spawn || {
let iotask = &uv::global_loop::get();
let begin_connect_chan = begin_connect_chan.take();
let accept_chan = accept_chan.take();
let listen_res = do tcp::listen(
copy addr, port, 128, iotask, |_kill_ch| {
// Tell the sender to initiate the connection
}) |new_conn, kill_ch| {
// Incoming connection. Send it to the receiver task to accept
let (res_port, res_chan) = comm::stream();
accept_chan.send((new_conn, res_chan));
// Wait until the connection is accepted
// Stop listening
// Client task
let addr = copy addr0;
do task::spawn || {
// Wait for the server to start listening
let iotask = &uv::global_loop::get();
let connect_result = tcp::connect(copy addr, port, iotask);
let sock = result::unwrap(connect_result);
let socket_buf: tcp::TcpSocketBuf = tcp::socket_buf(sock);
// TcpSocketBuf is a Writer!
let chan = writer_chan(socket_buf);
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
debug!("sending %?", i);
// Receiver task
do task::spawn || {
// Wait for a connection
let (conn, res_chan) = accept_port.recv();
debug!("accepting connection");
let accept_result = tcp::accept(conn);
let sock = result::unwrap(accept_result);
let socket_buf: tcp::TcpSocketBuf = tcp::socket_buf(sock);
// TcpSocketBuf is a Reader!
let port = reader_port(socket_buf);
for int::range(0, 10) |i| {
let j = port.recv();
debug!("received %?", j);
assert!(i == j);
// The test is over!
// Tests that the different backends behave the same when the
// binary streaming protocol is broken
mod broken_protocol {
use flatpipes::{BytePort, FlatPort};
use flatpipes::flatteners::PodUnflattener;
use flatpipes::pod;
use io_util::BufReader;
type PortLoader<P> =
~fn(~[u8]) -> FlatPort<int, PodUnflattener<int>, P>;
fn reader_port_loader(bytes: ~[u8]
) -> pod::ReaderPort<int, BufReader> {
let reader = BufReader::new(bytes);
fn pipe_port_loader(bytes: ~[u8]
) -> pod::PipePort<int> {
let (port, chan) = comm::stream();
if !bytes.is_empty() {
fn test_try_recv_none1<P:BytePort>(loader: PortLoader<P>) {
let bytes = ~[];
let port = loader(bytes);
let res: Option<int> = port.try_recv();
fn test_try_recv_none1_reader() {
fn test_try_recv_none1_pipe() {
fn test_try_recv_none2<P:BytePort>(loader: PortLoader<P>) {
// The control word in the protocol is interrupted
let bytes = ~[0];
let port = loader(bytes);
let res: Option<int> = port.try_recv();
fn test_try_recv_none2_reader() {
fn test_try_recv_none2_pipe() {
fn test_try_recv_none3<P:BytePort>(loader: PortLoader<P>) {
static CONTINUE: [u8, ..4] = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];
// The control word is followed by garbage
let bytes = CONTINUE.to_vec() + ~[0];
let port = loader(bytes);
let res: Option<int> = port.try_recv();
fn test_try_recv_none3_reader() {
fn test_try_recv_none3_pipe() {
fn test_try_recv_none4<P:BytePort>(loader: PortLoader<P>) {
assert!(do task::try || {
static CONTINUE: [u8, ..4] = [0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD];
// The control word is followed by a valid length,
// then undeserializable garbage
let len_bytes = do io::u64_to_be_bytes(
1, sys::size_of::<u64>()) |len_bytes| {
let bytes = CONTINUE.to_vec() + len_bytes + ~[0, 0, 0, 0];
let port = loader(bytes);
let _res: Option<int> = port.try_recv();
fn test_try_recv_none4_reader() {
fn test_try_recv_none4_pipe() {