306 lines
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306 lines
9.8 KiB
use std::iter::Step;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::RangeBounds;
use std::ops::{Bound, Range};
use crate::vec::Idx;
use crate::vec::IndexVec;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
mod tests;
/// Stores a set of intervals on the indices.
/// The elements in `map` are sorted and non-adjacent, which means
/// the second value of the previous element is *greater* than the
/// first value of the following element.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct IntervalSet<I> {
// Start, end
map: SmallVec<[(u32, u32); 4]>,
domain: usize,
_data: PhantomData<I>,
fn inclusive_start<T: Idx>(range: impl RangeBounds<T>) -> u32 {
match range.start_bound() {
Bound::Included(start) => start.index() as u32,
Bound::Excluded(start) => start.index() as u32 + 1,
Bound::Unbounded => 0,
fn inclusive_end<T: Idx>(domain: usize, range: impl RangeBounds<T>) -> Option<u32> {
let end = match range.end_bound() {
Bound::Included(end) => end.index() as u32,
Bound::Excluded(end) => end.index().checked_sub(1)? as u32,
Bound::Unbounded => domain.checked_sub(1)? as u32,
impl<I: Idx> IntervalSet<I> {
pub fn new(domain: usize) -> IntervalSet<I> {
IntervalSet { map: SmallVec::new(), domain, _data: PhantomData }
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = I> + '_
I: Step,
/// Iterates through intervals stored in the set, in order.
pub fn iter_intervals(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = std::ops::Range<I>> + '_
I: Step,
self.map.iter().map(|&(start, end)| I::new(start as usize)..I::new(end as usize + 1))
/// Returns true if we increased the number of elements present.
pub fn insert(&mut self, point: I) -> bool {
/// Returns true if we increased the number of elements present.
pub fn insert_range(&mut self, range: impl RangeBounds<I> + Clone) -> bool {
let start = inclusive_start(range.clone());
let Some(end) = inclusive_end(self.domain, range) else {
// empty range
return false;
if start > end {
return false;
// This condition looks a bit weird, but actually makes sense.
// if r.0 == end + 1, then we're actually adjacent, so we want to
// continue to the next range. We're looking here for the first
// range which starts *non-adjacently* to our end.
let next = self.map.partition_point(|r| r.0 <= end + 1);
let result = if let Some(right) = next.checked_sub(1) {
let (prev_start, prev_end) = self.map[right];
if prev_end + 1 >= start {
// If the start for the inserted range is adjacent to the
// end of the previous, we can extend the previous range.
if start < prev_start {
// The first range which ends *non-adjacently* to our start.
// And we can ensure that left <= right.
let left = self.map.partition_point(|l| l.1 + 1 < start);
let min = std::cmp::min(self.map[left].0, start);
let max = std::cmp::max(prev_end, end);
self.map[right] = (min, max);
if left != right {
} else {
// We overlap with the previous range, increase it to
// include us.
// Make sure we're actually going to *increase* it though --
// it may be that end is just inside the previously existing
// set.
if end > prev_end {
self.map[right].1 = end;
} else {
} else {
// Otherwise, we don't overlap, so just insert
self.map.insert(right + 1, (start, end));
} else {
if self.map.is_empty() {
// Quite common in practice, and expensive to call memcpy
// with length zero.
self.map.push((start, end));
} else {
self.map.insert(next, (start, end));
"wrong intervals after insert {:?}..={:?} to {:?}",
pub fn contains(&self, needle: I) -> bool {
let needle = needle.index() as u32;
let Some(last) = self.map.partition_point(|r| r.0 <= needle).checked_sub(1) else {
// All ranges in the map start after the new range's end
return false;
let (_, prev_end) = &self.map[last];
needle <= *prev_end
pub fn superset(&self, other: &IntervalSet<I>) -> bool
I: Step,
let mut sup_iter = self.iter_intervals();
let mut current = None;
let contains = |sup: Range<I>, sub: Range<I>, current: &mut Option<Range<I>>| {
if sup.end < sub.start {
// if `sup.end == sub.start`, the next sup doesn't contain `sub.start`
None // continue to the next sup
} else if sup.end >= sub.end && sup.start <= sub.start {
*current = Some(sup); // save the current sup
} else {
other.iter_intervals().all(|sub| {
.and_then(|sup| contains(sup, sub.clone(), &mut current))
.or_else(|| sup_iter.find_map(|sup| contains(sup, sub.clone(), &mut current)))
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns the maximum (last) element present in the set from `range`.
pub fn last_set_in(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<I> + Clone) -> Option<I> {
let start = inclusive_start(range.clone());
let Some(end) = inclusive_end(self.domain, range) else {
// empty range
return None;
if start > end {
return None;
let Some(last) = self.map.partition_point(|r| r.0 <= end).checked_sub(1) else {
// All ranges in the map start after the new range's end
return None;
let (_, prev_end) = &self.map[last];
if start <= *prev_end { Some(I::new(std::cmp::min(*prev_end, end) as usize)) } else { None }
pub fn insert_all(&mut self) {
if let Some(end) = self.domain.checked_sub(1) {
self.map.push((0, end.try_into().unwrap()));
pub fn union(&mut self, other: &IntervalSet<I>) -> bool
I: Step,
assert_eq!(self.domain, other.domain);
let mut did_insert = false;
for range in other.iter_intervals() {
did_insert |= self.insert_range(range);
// Check the intervals are valid, sorted and non-adjacent
fn check_invariants(&self) -> bool {
let mut current: Option<u32> = None;
for (start, end) in &self.map {
if start > end || current.map_or(false, |x| x + 1 >= *start) {
return false;
current = Some(*end);
current.map_or(true, |x| x < self.domain as u32)
/// This data structure optimizes for cases where the stored bits in each row
/// are expected to be highly contiguous (long ranges of 1s or 0s), in contrast
/// to BitMatrix and SparseBitMatrix which are optimized for
/// "random"/non-contiguous bits and cheap(er) point queries at the expense of
/// memory usage.
pub struct SparseIntervalMatrix<R, C>
R: Idx,
C: Idx,
rows: IndexVec<R, IntervalSet<C>>,
column_size: usize,
impl<R: Idx, C: Step + Idx> SparseIntervalMatrix<R, C> {
pub fn new(column_size: usize) -> SparseIntervalMatrix<R, C> {
SparseIntervalMatrix { rows: IndexVec::new(), column_size }
pub fn rows(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = R> {
pub fn row(&self, row: R) -> Option<&IntervalSet<C>> {
fn ensure_row(&mut self, row: R) -> &mut IntervalSet<C> {
self.rows.ensure_contains_elem(row, || IntervalSet::new(self.column_size));
&mut self.rows[row]
pub fn union_row(&mut self, row: R, from: &IntervalSet<C>) -> bool
C: Step,
pub fn union_rows(&mut self, read: R, write: R) -> bool
C: Step,
if read == write || self.rows.get(read).is_none() {
return false;
let (read_row, write_row) = self.rows.pick2_mut(read, write);
pub fn insert_all_into_row(&mut self, row: R) {
pub fn insert_range(&mut self, row: R, range: impl RangeBounds<C> + Clone) {
pub fn insert(&mut self, row: R, point: C) -> bool {
pub fn contains(&self, row: R, point: C) -> bool {
self.row(row).map_or(false, |r| r.contains(point))