2012-08-29 19:23:15 -07:00

565 lines
16 KiB

// Support code for rustc's built in test runner generator. Currently,
// none of this is meant for users. It is intended to support the
// simplest interface possible for representing and running tests
// while providing a base that other test frameworks may build off of.
import either::Either;
import result::{Ok, Err};
import io::WriterUtil;
import libc::size_t;
import task::TaskBuilder;
import comm = core::comm;
export test_name;
export test_fn;
export test_desc;
export test_main;
export test_result;
export test_opts;
export tr_ok;
export tr_failed;
export tr_ignored;
export run_tests_console;
#[abi = "cdecl"]
extern mod rustrt {
fn sched_threads() -> libc::size_t;
// The name of a test. By convention this follows the rules for rust
// paths; i.e. it should be a series of identifiers seperated by double
// colons. This way if some test runner wants to arrange the tests
// hierarchically it may.
type test_name = ~str;
// A function that runs a test. If the function returns successfully,
// the test succeeds; if the function fails then the test fails. We
// may need to come up with a more clever definition of test in order
// to support isolation of tests into tasks.
type test_fn = fn~();
// The definition of a single test. A test runner will run a list of
// these.
type test_desc = {
name: test_name,
fn: test_fn,
ignore: bool,
should_fail: bool
// The default console test runner. It accepts the command line
// arguments and a vector of test_descs (generated at compile time).
fn test_main(args: ~[~str], tests: ~[test_desc]) {
let opts =
match parse_opts(args) {
either::Left(o) => o,
either::Right(m) => fail m
if !run_tests_console(opts, tests) { fail ~"Some tests failed"; }
type test_opts = {filter: Option<~str>, run_ignored: bool,
logfile: Option<~str>};
type opt_res = Either<test_opts, ~str>;
// Parses command line arguments into test options
fn parse_opts(args: ~[~str]) -> opt_res {
let args_ = vec::tail(args);
let opts = ~[getopts::optflag(~"ignored"), getopts::optopt(~"logfile")];
let matches =
match getopts::getopts(args_, opts) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => return either::Right(getopts::fail_str(f))
let filter =
if vec::len( > 0u {
} else { option::None };
let run_ignored = getopts::opt_present(matches, ~"ignored");
let logfile = getopts::opt_maybe_str(matches, ~"logfile");
let test_opts = {filter: filter, run_ignored: run_ignored,
logfile: logfile};
return either::Left(test_opts);
enum test_result { tr_ok, tr_failed, tr_ignored, }
type console_test_state =
@{out: io::Writer,
log_out: Option<io::Writer>,
use_color: bool,
mut total: uint,
mut passed: uint,
mut failed: uint,
mut ignored: uint,
mut failures: ~[test_desc]};
// A simple console test runner
fn run_tests_console(opts: test_opts,
tests: ~[test_desc]) -> bool {
fn callback(event: testevent, st: console_test_state) {
debug!("callback(event=%?)", event);
match event {
te_filtered(filtered_tests) => { = vec::len(filtered_tests);
let noun = if != 1u { ~"tests" } else { ~"test" };
st.out.write_line(fmt!("\nrunning %u %s",, noun));
te_wait(test) => st.out.write_str(fmt!("test %s ... ",,
te_result(test, result) => {
match st.log_out {
Some(f) => write_log(f, result, test),
None => ()
match result {
tr_ok => {
st.passed += 1u;
write_ok(st.out, st.use_color);
tr_failed => {
st.failed += 1u;
write_failed(st.out, st.use_color);
vec::push(st.failures, copy test);
tr_ignored => {
st.ignored += 1u;
write_ignored(st.out, st.use_color);
let log_out = match opts.logfile {
Some(path) => match io::file_writer(&Path(path),
~[io::Create, io::Truncate]) {
result::Ok(w) => Some(w),
result::Err(s) => {
fail(fmt!("can't open output file: %s", s))
None => None
let st =
@{out: io::stdout(),
log_out: log_out,
use_color: use_color(),
mut total: 0u,
mut passed: 0u,
mut failed: 0u,
mut ignored: 0u,
mut failures: ~[]};
run_tests(opts, tests, |x| callback(x, st));
assert (st.passed + st.failed + st.ignored ==;
let success = st.failed == 0u;
if !success {
st.out.write_str(fmt!("\nresult: "));
if success {
// There's no parallelism at this point so it's safe to use color
write_ok(st.out, true);
} else { write_failed(st.out, true); }
st.out.write_str(fmt!(". %u passed; %u failed; %u ignored\n\n", st.passed,
st.failed, st.ignored));
return success;
fn write_log(out: io::Writer, result: test_result, test: test_desc) {
out.write_line(fmt!("%s %s",
match result {
tr_ok => ~"ok",
tr_failed => ~"failed",
tr_ignored => ~"ignored"
fn write_ok(out: io::Writer, use_color: bool) {
write_pretty(out, ~"ok", term::color_green, use_color);
fn write_failed(out: io::Writer, use_color: bool) {
write_pretty(out, ~"FAILED", term::color_red, use_color);
fn write_ignored(out: io::Writer, use_color: bool) {
write_pretty(out, ~"ignored", term::color_yellow, use_color);
fn write_pretty(out: io::Writer, word: ~str, color: u8, use_color: bool) {
if use_color && term::color_supported() {
term::fg(out, color);
if use_color && term::color_supported() {
fn print_failures(st: console_test_state) {
let failures = copy st.failures;
let failures = vec::map(failures, |test|;
let failures = sort::merge_sort(|x, y| str::le(*x, *y), failures);
for vec::each(failures) |name| {
st.out.write_line(fmt!(" %s", name));
fn should_sort_failures_before_printing_them() {
let buffer = io::mem_buffer();
let writer = io::mem_buffer_writer(buffer);
let test_a = {
name: ~"a",
fn: fn~() { },
ignore: false,
should_fail: false
let test_b = {
name: ~"b",
fn: fn~() { },
ignore: false,
should_fail: false
let st =
@{out: writer,
log_out: option::None,
use_color: false,
mut total: 0u,
mut passed: 0u,
mut failed: 0u,
mut ignored: 0u,
mut failures: ~[test_b, test_a]};
let s = io::mem_buffer_str(buffer);
let apos = option::get(str::find_str(s, ~"a"));
let bpos = option::get(str::find_str(s, ~"b"));
assert apos < bpos;
fn use_color() -> bool { return get_concurrency() == 1u; }
enum testevent {
te_result(test_desc, test_result),
type monitor_msg = (test_desc, test_result);
fn run_tests(opts: test_opts, tests: ~[test_desc],
callback: fn@(testevent)) {
let mut filtered_tests = filter_tests(opts, tests);
callback(te_filtered(copy filtered_tests));
// It's tempting to just spawn all the tests at once, but since we have
// many tests that run in other processes we would be making a big mess.
let concurrency = get_concurrency();
debug!("using %u test tasks", concurrency);
let total = vec::len(filtered_tests);
let mut run_idx = 0u;
let mut wait_idx = 0u;
let mut done_idx = 0u;
let p = core::comm::Port();
let ch = core::comm::Chan(p);
while done_idx < total {
while wait_idx < concurrency && run_idx < total {
let test = copy filtered_tests[run_idx];
if concurrency == 1u {
// We are doing one test at a time so we can print the name
// of the test before we run it. Useful for debugging tests
// that hang forever.
callback(te_wait(copy test));
run_test(test, ch);
wait_idx += 1u;
run_idx += 1u;
let (test, result) = core::comm::recv(p);
if concurrency != 1u {
callback(te_wait(copy test));
callback(te_result(test, result));
wait_idx -= 1u;
done_idx += 1u;
// Windows tends to dislike being overloaded with threads.
const sched_overcommit : uint = 1u;
const sched_overcommit : uint = 4u;
fn get_concurrency() -> uint {
let threads = rustrt::sched_threads() as uint;
if threads == 1u { 1u }
else { threads * sched_overcommit }
fn filter_tests(opts: test_opts,
tests: ~[test_desc]) -> ~[test_desc] {
let mut filtered = copy tests;
// Remove tests that don't match the test filter
filtered = if option::is_none(opts.filter) {
} else {
let filter_str =
match opts.filter {
option::Some(f) => f,
option::None => ~""
fn filter_fn(test: test_desc, filter_str: ~str) ->
Option<test_desc> {
if str::contains(, filter_str) {
return option::Some(copy test);
} else { return option::None; }
vec::filter_map(filtered, |x| filter_fn(x, filter_str))
// Maybe pull out the ignored test and unignore them
filtered = if !opts.run_ignored {
} else {
fn filter(test: test_desc) -> Option<test_desc> {
if test.ignore {
return option::Some({name:,
fn: copy test.fn,
ignore: false,
should_fail: test.should_fail});
} else { return option::None; }
vec::filter_map(filtered, |x| filter(x))
// Sort the tests alphabetically
filtered = {
pure fn lteq(t1: &test_desc, t2: &test_desc) -> bool {
sort::merge_sort(lteq, filtered)
return filtered;
type test_future = {test: test_desc, wait: fn@() -> test_result};
fn run_test(+test: test_desc, monitor_ch: comm::Chan<monitor_msg>) {
if test.ignore {
core::comm::send(monitor_ch, (copy test, tr_ignored));
do task::spawn {
let testfn = copy test.fn;
let mut result_future = None; // task::future_result(builder);
task::task().unlinked().future_result(|+r| {
result_future = Some(r);
let task_result = future::get(&option::unwrap(result_future));
let test_result = calc_result(test, task_result == task::Success);
comm::send(monitor_ch, (copy test, test_result));
fn calc_result(test: test_desc, task_succeeded: bool) -> test_result {
if task_succeeded {
if test.should_fail { tr_failed }
else { tr_ok }
} else {
if test.should_fail { tr_ok }
else { tr_failed }
mod tests {
fn do_not_run_ignored_tests() {
fn f() { fail; }
let desc = {
name: ~"whatever",
fn: f,
ignore: true,
should_fail: false
let p = core::comm::Port();
let ch = core::comm::Chan(p);
run_test(desc, ch);
let (_, res) = core::comm::recv(p);
assert res != tr_ok;
fn ignored_tests_result_in_ignored() {
fn f() { }
let desc = {
name: ~"whatever",
fn: f,
ignore: true,
should_fail: false
let p = core::comm::Port();
let ch = core::comm::Chan(p);
run_test(desc, ch);
let (_, res) = core::comm::recv(p);
assert res == tr_ignored;
fn test_should_fail() {
fn f() { fail; }
let desc = {
name: ~"whatever",
fn: f,
ignore: false,
should_fail: true
let p = core::comm::Port();
let ch = core::comm::Chan(p);
run_test(desc, ch);
let (_, res) = core::comm::recv(p);
assert res == tr_ok;
fn test_should_fail_but_succeeds() {
fn f() { }
let desc = {
name: ~"whatever",
fn: f,
ignore: false,
should_fail: true
let p = core::comm::Port();
let ch = core::comm::Chan(p);
run_test(desc, ch);
let (_, res) = core::comm::recv(p);
assert res == tr_failed;
fn first_free_arg_should_be_a_filter() {
let args = ~[~"progname", ~"filter"];
let opts = match parse_opts(args) {
either::Left(o) => o,
_ => fail ~"Malformed arg in first_free_arg_should_be_a_filter"
assert ~"filter" == option::get(opts.filter);
fn parse_ignored_flag() {
let args = ~[~"progname", ~"filter", ~"--ignored"];
let opts = match parse_opts(args) {
either::Left(o) => o,
_ => fail ~"Malformed arg in parse_ignored_flag"
assert (opts.run_ignored);
fn filter_for_ignored_option() {
// When we run ignored tests the test filter should filter out all the
// unignored tests and flip the ignore flag on the rest to false
let opts = {filter: option::None, run_ignored: true,
logfile: option::None};
let tests =
~[{name: ~"1", fn: fn~() { }, ignore: true, should_fail: false},
{name: ~"2", fn: fn~() { }, ignore: false, should_fail: false}];
let filtered = filter_tests(opts, tests);
assert (vec::len(filtered) == 1u);
assert (filtered[0].name == ~"1");
assert (filtered[0].ignore == false);
fn sort_tests() {
let opts = {filter: option::None, run_ignored: false,
logfile: option::None};
let names =
~[~"sha1::test", ~"int::test_to_str", ~"int::test_pow",
~"test::parse_ignored_flag", ~"test::filter_for_ignored_option",
let tests =
let testfn = fn~() { };
let mut tests = ~[];
for vec::each(names) |name| {
let test = {name: name, fn: copy testfn, ignore: false,
should_fail: false};
tests += ~[test];
let filtered = filter_tests(opts, tests);
let expected =
~[~"int::test_pow", ~"int::test_to_str", ~"sha1::test",
let pairs = vec::zip(expected, filtered);
for vec::each(pairs) |p| { let (a, b) = copy p; assert (a ==; }
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust;
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: