impl FromStr for proc_macro::Literal
Note that unlike `impl FromStr for proc_macro::TokenStream`, this impl does not permit whitespace or comments. The input string must consist of nothing but your literal.
- `"1".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ ok
- `"1.0".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ ok
- `"'a'".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ ok
- `"\"\n\"".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ ok
- `"0 1".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ LexError
- `" 0".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ LexError
- `"0 ".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ LexError
- `"/* comment */0".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ LexError
- `"0/* comment */".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ LexError
- `"0// comment".parse::<Literal>()` ⟶ LexError
## Use case
let hex_int: Literal = format!("0x{:x}", int).parse().unwrap();
The only way this is expressible in the current API is significantly worse.
let hex_int = match format!("0x{:x}", int)
TokenTree::Literal(literal) => literal,
_ => unreachable!(),