Implement rust-lang/compiler-team#578. When an ICE is encountered on nightly releases, the new rustc panic handler will also write the contents of the backtrace to disk. If any `delay_span_bug`s are encountered, their backtrace is also added to the file. The platform and rustc version will also be collected.
16 lines
757 B
16 lines
757 B
// compile-flags: -Ztreat-err-as-bug
// rustc-env:RUSTC_ICE=0
// failure-status: 101
// error-pattern: aborting due to
// error-pattern: we would appreciate a bug report:
// normalize-stderr-test "note: compiler flags.*\n\n" -> ""
// normalize-stderr-test "note: rustc.*running on.*" -> "note: rustc {version} running on {platform}"
// normalize-stderr-test "thread.*panicked at .*, compiler.*" -> "thread panicked at 'aborting due to `-Z treat-err-as-bug`'"
// normalize-stderr-test " +\d{1,}: .*\n" -> ""
// normalize-stderr-test " + at .*\n" -> ""
// normalize-stderr-test ".*note: Some details are omitted.*\n" -> ""
fn wrong()
//~^ ERROR expected one of