900 lines
31 KiB
900 lines
31 KiB
* A doubly-linked list. Supports O(1) head, tail, count, push, pop, etc.
* Do not use ==, !=, <, etc on doubly-linked lists -- it may not terminate.
import dlist_iter::extensions;
export dlist, dlist_node;
export new_dlist, from_elem, from_vec, extensions;
type dlist_link<T> = option<dlist_node<T>>;
enum dlist_node<T> = @{
data: T,
mut linked: bool, // for assertions
mut prev: dlist_link<T>,
mut next: dlist_link<T>
// Needs to be an @-box so nodes can back-reference it.
enum dlist<T> = @{
mut size: uint,
mut hd: dlist_link<T>,
mut tl: dlist_link<T>
impl private_methods<T> for dlist_node<T> {
pure fn assert_links() {
alt self.next {
some(neighbour) {
alt neighbour.prev {
some(me) {
if !box::ptr_eq(*self, *me) {
fail ~"Asymmetric next-link in dlist node."
none { fail ~"One-way next-link in dlist node." }
none { }
alt self.prev {
some(neighbour) {
alt neighbour.next {
some(me) {
if !box::ptr_eq(*me, *self) {
fail ~"Asymmetric prev-link in dlist node."
none { fail ~"One-way prev-link in dlist node." }
none { }
impl extensions<T> for dlist_node<T> {
/// Get the next node in the list, if there is one.
pure fn next_link() -> option<dlist_node<T>> {
/// Get the next node in the list, failing if there isn't one.
pure fn next_node() -> dlist_node<T> {
alt self.next_link() {
some(nobe) { nobe }
none { fail ~"This dlist node has no next neighbour." }
/// Get the previous node in the list, if there is one.
pure fn prev_link() -> option<dlist_node<T>> {
/// Get the previous node in the list, failing if there isn't one.
pure fn prev_node() -> dlist_node<T> {
alt self.prev_link() {
some(nobe) { nobe }
none { fail ~"This dlist node has no previous neighbour." }
/// Creates a new dlist node with the given data.
pure fn new_dlist_node<T>(+data: T) -> dlist_node<T> {
dlist_node(@{data: data, mut linked: false,
mut prev: none, mut next: none})
/// Creates a new, empty dlist.
pure fn new_dlist<T>() -> dlist<T> {
dlist(@{mut size: 0, mut hd: none, mut tl: none})
/// Creates a new dlist with a single element
pure fn from_elem<T>(+data: T) -> dlist<T> {
let list = new_dlist();
unchecked { list.push(data); }
fn from_vec<T: copy>(+vec: &[T]) -> dlist<T> {
do vec::foldl(new_dlist(), vec) |list,data| {
list.push(data); // Iterating left-to-right -- add newly to the tail.
/// Produce a list from a list of lists, leaving no elements behind in the
/// input. O(number of sub-lists).
fn concat<T>(lists: dlist<dlist<T>>) -> dlist<T> {
let result = new_dlist();
while !lists.is_empty() {
impl private_methods<T> for dlist<T> {
pure fn new_link(-data: T) -> dlist_link<T> {
some(dlist_node(@{data: data, mut linked: true,
mut prev: none, mut next: none}))
pure fn assert_mine(nobe: dlist_node<T>) {
// These asserts could be stronger if we had node-root back-pointers,
// but those wouldn't allow for O(1) append.
if self.size == 0 {
fail ~"This dlist is empty; that node can't be on it."
if !nobe.linked { fail ~"That node isn't linked to any dlist." }
if !((nobe.prev.is_some()
|| box::ptr_eq(*self.hd.expect(~"headless dlist?"), *nobe)) &&
|| box::ptr_eq(*self.tl.expect(~"tailless dlist?"), *nobe))) {
fail ~"That node isn't on this dlist."
fn make_mine(nobe: dlist_node<T>) {
if nobe.prev.is_some() || nobe.next.is_some() || nobe.linked {
fail ~"Cannot insert node that's already on a dlist!"
nobe.linked = true;
// Link two nodes together. If either of them are 'none', also sets
// the head and/or tail pointers appropriately.
fn link(+before: dlist_link<T>, +after: dlist_link<T>) {
alt before {
some(neighbour) { neighbour.next = after; }
none { self.hd = after; }
alt after {
some(neighbour) { neighbour.prev = before; }
none { self.tl = before; }
// Remove a node from the list.
fn unlink(nobe: dlist_node<T>) {
assert self.size > 0;
self.link(nobe.prev, nobe.next);
nobe.prev = none; // Release extraneous references.
nobe.next = none;
nobe.linked = false;
self.size -= 1;
fn add_head(+nobe: dlist_link<T>) {
self.link(nobe, self.hd); // Might set tail too.
self.hd = nobe;
self.size += 1;
fn add_tail(+nobe: dlist_link<T>) {
self.link(self.tl, nobe); // Might set head too.
self.tl = nobe;
self.size += 1;
fn insert_left(nobe: dlist_link<T>, neighbour: dlist_node<T>) {
assert self.size > 0;
self.link(neighbour.prev, nobe);
self.link(nobe, some(neighbour));
self.size += 1;
fn insert_right(neighbour: dlist_node<T>, nobe: dlist_link<T>) {
assert self.size > 0;
self.link(nobe, neighbour.next);
self.link(some(neighbour), nobe);
self.size += 1;
impl extensions<T> for dlist<T> {
/// Get the size of the list. O(1).
pure fn len() -> uint { self.size }
/// Returns true if the list is empty. O(1).
pure fn is_empty() -> bool { self.len() == 0 }
/// Returns true if the list is not empty. O(1).
pure fn is_not_empty() -> bool { self.len() != 0 }
/// Add data to the head of the list. O(1).
fn push_head(+data: T) {
* Add data to the head of the list, and get the new containing
* node. O(1).
fn push_head_n(+data: T) -> dlist_node<T> {
let mut nobe = self.new_link(data);
/// Add data to the tail of the list. O(1).
fn push(+data: T) {
* Add data to the tail of the list, and get the new containing
* node. O(1).
fn push_n(+data: T) -> dlist_node<T> {
let mut nobe = self.new_link(data);
* Insert data into the middle of the list, left of the given node.
* O(1).
fn insert_before(+data: T, neighbour: dlist_node<T>) {
self.insert_left(self.new_link(data), neighbour);
* Insert an existing node in the middle of the list, left of the
* given node. O(1).
fn insert_n_before(nobe: dlist_node<T>, neighbour: dlist_node<T>) {
self.insert_left(some(nobe), neighbour);
* Insert data in the middle of the list, left of the given node,
* and get its containing node. O(1).
fn insert_before_n(+data: T, neighbour: dlist_node<T>) -> dlist_node<T> {
let mut nobe = self.new_link(data);
self.insert_left(nobe, neighbour);
* Insert data into the middle of the list, right of the given node.
* O(1).
fn insert_after(+data: T, neighbour: dlist_node<T>) {
self.insert_right(neighbour, self.new_link(data));
* Insert an existing node in the middle of the list, right of the
* given node. O(1).
fn insert_n_after(nobe: dlist_node<T>, neighbour: dlist_node<T>) {
self.insert_right(neighbour, some(nobe));
* Insert data in the middle of the list, right of the given node,
* and get its containing node. O(1).
fn insert_after_n(+data: T, neighbour: dlist_node<T>) -> dlist_node<T> {
let mut nobe = self.new_link(data);
self.insert_right(neighbour, nobe);
/// Remove a node from the head of the list. O(1).
fn pop_n() -> option<dlist_node<T>> {
let hd = self.peek_n();
hd.map(|nobe| self.unlink(nobe));
/// Remove a node from the tail of the list. O(1).
fn pop_tail_n() -> option<dlist_node<T>> {
let tl = self.peek_tail_n();
tl.map(|nobe| self.unlink(nobe));
/// Remove data from the head of the list. O(1).
fn pop() -> option<T> {
do option::map_consume(self.pop_n()) |nobe| {
let dlist_node(@{ data: x, _ }) <- nobe;
/// Remove data from the tail of the list. O(1).
fn pop_tail() -> option<T> {
do option::map_consume(self.pop_tail_n()) |nobe| {
let dlist_node(@{ data: x, _ }) <- nobe;
/// Get the node at the list's head. O(1).
pure fn peek_n() -> option<dlist_node<T>> { self.hd }
/// Get the node at the list's tail. O(1).
pure fn peek_tail_n() -> option<dlist_node<T>> { self.tl }
/// Get the node at the list's head, failing if empty. O(1).
pure fn head_n() -> dlist_node<T> {
alt self.hd {
some(nobe) { nobe }
none {
fail ~"Attempted to get the head of an empty dlist."
/// Get the node at the list's tail, failing if empty. O(1).
pure fn tail_n() -> dlist_node<T> {
alt self.tl {
some(nobe) { nobe }
none {
fail ~"Attempted to get the tail of an empty dlist."
/// Remove a node from anywhere in the list. O(1).
fn remove(nobe: dlist_node<T>) { self.unlink(nobe); }
* Empty another list onto the end of this list, joining this list's tail
* to the other list's head. O(1).
fn append(them: dlist<T>) {
if box::ptr_eq(*self, *them) {
fail ~"Cannot append a dlist to itself!"
if them.len() > 0 {
self.link(self.tl, them.hd);
self.tl = them.tl;
self.size += them.size;
them.size = 0;
them.hd = none;
them.tl = none;
* Empty another list onto the start of this list, joining the other
* list's tail to this list's head. O(1).
fn prepend(them: dlist<T>) {
if box::ptr_eq(*self, *them) {
fail ~"Cannot prepend a dlist to itself!"
if them.len() > 0 {
self.link(them.tl, self.hd);
self.hd = them.hd;
self.size += them.size;
them.size = 0;
them.hd = none;
them.tl = none;
/// Reverse the list's elements in place. O(n).
fn reverse() {
let temp = new_dlist::<T>();
while !self.is_empty() {
let nobe = self.pop_n().get();
nobe.linked = true; // meh, kind of disorganised.
self.hd = temp.hd;
self.tl = temp.tl;
self.size = temp.size;
/// Iterate over nodes.
pure fn each_node(f: fn(dlist_node<T>) -> bool) {
let mut link = self.peek_n();
while link.is_some() {
let nobe = link.get();
if !f(nobe) { break; }
link = nobe.next_link();
/// Check data structure integrity. O(n).
fn assert_consistent() {
if option::is_none(self.hd) || option::is_none(self.tl) {
assert option::is_none(self.hd) && option::is_none(self.tl);
// iterate forwards
let mut count = 0;
let mut link = self.peek_n();
let mut rabbit = link;
while option::is_some(link) {
let nobe = option::get(link);
assert nobe.linked;
// check cycle
if option::is_some(rabbit) { rabbit = option::get(rabbit).next; }
if option::is_some(rabbit) { rabbit = option::get(rabbit).next; }
if option::is_some(rabbit) {
assert !box::ptr_eq(*option::get(rabbit), *nobe);
// advance
link = nobe.next_link();
count += 1;
assert count == self.len();
// iterate backwards - some of this is probably redundant.
link = self.peek_tail_n();
rabbit = link;
while option::is_some(link) {
let nobe = option::get(link);
assert nobe.linked;
// check cycle
if option::is_some(rabbit) { rabbit = option::get(rabbit).prev; }
if option::is_some(rabbit) { rabbit = option::get(rabbit).prev; }
if option::is_some(rabbit) {
assert !box::ptr_eq(*option::get(rabbit), *nobe);
// advance
link = nobe.prev_link();
count -= 1;
assert count == 0;
impl extensions<T: copy> for dlist<T> {
/// Get data at the list's head. O(1).
pure fn peek() -> option<T> { self.peek_n().map (|nobe| nobe.data) }
/// Get data at the list's tail. O(1).
pure fn peek_tail() -> option<T> {
self.peek_tail_n().map (|nobe| nobe.data)
/// Get data at the list's head, failing if empty. O(1).
pure fn head() -> T { self.head_n().data }
/// Get data at the list's tail, failing if empty. O(1).
pure fn tail() -> T { self.tail_n().data }
/// Get the elements of the list as a vector. O(n).
pure fn to_vec() -> ~[mut T] {
let mut v = ~[mut];
unchecked {
vec::reserve(v, self.size);
// Take this out of the unchecked when iter's functions are pure
for self.eachi |index,data| {
v[index] = data;
mod tests {
fn test_dlist_concat() {
let a = from_vec(~[1,2]);
let b = from_vec(~[3,4]);
let c = from_vec(~[5,6]);
let d = from_vec(~[7,8]);
let ab = from_vec(~[a,b]);
let cd = from_vec(~[c,d]);
let abcd = concat(concat(from_vec(~[ab,cd])));
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.len() == 8;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 1;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 2;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 3;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 4;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 5;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 6;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 7;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.pop().get() == 8;
abcd.assert_consistent(); assert abcd.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_append() {
let a = from_vec(~[1,2,3]);
let b = from_vec(~[4,5,6]);
assert a.len() == 6;
assert b.len() == 0;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 1;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 2;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 3;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 4;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 5;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 6;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_append_empty() {
let a = from_vec(~[1,2,3]);
let b = new_dlist::<int>();
assert a.len() == 3;
assert b.len() == 0;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 1;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 2;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 3;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_append_to_empty() {
let a = new_dlist::<int>();
let b = from_vec(~[4,5,6]);
assert a.len() == 3;
assert b.len() == 0;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 4;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 5;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 6;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_append_two_empty() {
let a = new_dlist::<int>();
let b = new_dlist::<int>();
assert a.len() == 0;
assert b.len() == 0;
fn test_dlist_append_self() {
let a = new_dlist::<int>();
fn test_dlist_prepend_self() {
let a = new_dlist::<int>();
fn test_dlist_prepend() {
let a = from_vec(~[1,2,3]);
let b = from_vec(~[4,5,6]);
assert a.len() == 0;
assert b.len() == 6;
b.assert_consistent(); assert b.pop().get() == 1;
b.assert_consistent(); assert b.pop().get() == 2;
b.assert_consistent(); assert b.pop().get() == 3;
b.assert_consistent(); assert b.pop().get() == 4;
b.assert_consistent(); assert b.pop().get() == 5;
b.assert_consistent(); assert b.pop().get() == 6;
b.assert_consistent(); assert b.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_reverse() {
let a = from_vec(~[5,4,3,2,1]);
assert a.len() == 5;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 1;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 2;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 3;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 4;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 5;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_reverse_empty() {
let a = new_dlist::<int>();
assert a.len() == 0;
fn test_dlist_each_node() {
let a = from_vec(~[1,2,4,5]);
for a.each_node |nobe| {
if nobe.data > 3 {
a.insert_before(3, nobe);
assert a.len() == 6;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 1;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 2;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 3;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 4;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 3;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.pop().get() == 5;
a.assert_consistent(); assert a.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_is_empty() {
let empty = new_dlist::<int>();
let full1 = from_vec(~[1,2,3]);
assert empty.is_empty();
assert !full1.is_empty();
assert !empty.is_not_empty();
assert full1.is_not_empty();
fn test_dlist_head_tail() {
let l = from_vec(~[1,2,3]);
assert l.head() == 1;
assert l.tail() == 3;
assert l.len() == 3;
fn test_dlist_pop() {
let l = from_vec(~[1,2,3]);
assert l.pop().get() == 1;
assert l.tail() == 3;
assert l.head() == 2;
assert l.pop().get() == 2;
assert l.tail() == 3;
assert l.head() == 3;
assert l.pop().get() == 3;
assert l.is_empty();
assert l.pop().is_none();
fn test_dlist_pop_tail() {
let l = from_vec(~[1,2,3]);
assert l.pop_tail().get() == 3;
assert l.tail() == 2;
assert l.head() == 1;
assert l.pop_tail().get() == 2;
assert l.tail() == 1;
assert l.head() == 1;
assert l.pop_tail().get() == 1;
assert l.is_empty();
assert l.pop_tail().is_none();
fn test_dlist_push() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
assert l.head() == 1;
assert l.tail() == 1;
assert l.head() == 1;
assert l.tail() == 2;
assert l.head() == 1;
assert l.tail() == 3;
assert l.len() == 3;
fn test_dlist_push_head() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
assert l.head() == 3;
assert l.tail() == 3;
assert l.head() == 2;
assert l.tail() == 3;
assert l.head() == 1;
assert l.tail() == 3;
assert l.len() == 3;
fn test_dlist_foldl() {
let l = from_vec(vec::from_fn(101, |x|x));
assert iter::foldl(l, 0, |accum,elem| accum+elem) == 5050;
fn test_dlist_break_early() {
let l = from_vec(~[1,2,3,4,5]);
let mut x = 0;
for l.each |i| {
x += 1;
if (i == 3) { break; }
assert x == 3;
fn test_dlist_remove_head() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let _two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let _three = l.push_n(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(one);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_remove_mid() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let _one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let _three = l.push_n(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(two);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_remove_tail() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let _one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let _two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let three = l.push_n(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(three);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_remove_one_two() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let _three = l.push_n(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(one);
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(two);
// and through and through, the vorpal blade went snicker-snack
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_remove_one_three() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let _two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let three = l.push_n(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(one);
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(three);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_remove_two_three() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let _one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let three = l.push_n(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(two);
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(three);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_remove_all() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let three = l.push_n(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(two);
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(three);
l.assert_consistent(); l.remove(one); // Twenty-three is number one!
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.peek() == none;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_insert_n_before() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let _one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let three = new_dlist_node(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); l.insert_n_before(three, two);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_insert_n_after() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let _two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); let three = new_dlist_node(3);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); l.insert_n_after(three, one);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_insert_before_head() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let _two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); l.insert_before(3, one);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
fn test_dlist_insert_after_tail() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
l.assert_consistent(); let _one = l.push_n(1);
l.assert_consistent(); let two = l.push_n(2);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); l.insert_after(3, two);
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.len() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.head() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.tail() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 1;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 2;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.pop().get() == 3;
l.assert_consistent(); assert l.is_empty();
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_asymmetric_link() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
let _one = l.push_n(1);
let two = l.push_n(2);
two.prev = none;
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_cyclic_list() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
let one = l.push_n(1);
let _two = l.push_n(2);
let three = l.push_n(3);
three.next = some(one);
one.prev = some(three);
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_headless() {
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_insert_already_present_before() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
let one = l.push_n(1);
let two = l.push_n(2);
l.insert_n_before(two, one);
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_insert_already_present_after() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
let one = l.push_n(1);
let two = l.push_n(2);
l.insert_n_after(one, two);
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_insert_before_orphan() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
let one = new_dlist_node(1);
let two = new_dlist_node(2);
l.insert_n_before(one, two);
#[test] #[should_fail] #[ignore(cfg(windows))]
fn test_insert_after_orphan() {
let l = new_dlist::<int>();
let one = new_dlist_node(1);
let two = new_dlist_node(2);
l.insert_n_after(two, one);