92 lines
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92 lines
3.4 KiB
// We specify incremental here because we want to test the partitioning for incremental compilation
//@ incremental
//@ compile-flags:-Zprint-mono-items=lazy
//@ compile-flags:-Zinline-in-all-cgus
// This test case makes sure, that references made through constants are
// recorded properly in the InliningMap.
mod mod1 {
pub trait Trait1 {
fn do_something(&self) {}
fn do_something_else(&self) {}
impl Trait1 for u32 {}
pub trait Trait1Gen<T> {
fn do_something(&self, x: T) -> T;
fn do_something_else(&self, x: T) -> T;
impl<T> Trait1Gen<T> for u32 {
fn do_something(&self, x: T) -> T { x }
fn do_something_else(&self, x: T) -> T { x }
//~ MONO_ITEM fn mod1::id::<i64> @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[Internal]
fn id<T>(x: T) -> T { x }
// These are referenced, so they produce mono-items (see start())
pub const TRAIT1_REF: &'static Trait1 = &0u32 as &Trait1;
pub const TRAIT1_GEN_REF: &'static Trait1Gen<u8> = &0u32 as &Trait1Gen<u8>;
pub const ID_CHAR: fn(char) -> char = id::<char>;
pub trait Trait2 {
fn do_something(&self) {}
fn do_something_else(&self) {}
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait2>::do_something @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[Internal]
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait2>::do_something_else @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[Internal]
impl Trait2 for u32 {}
pub trait Trait2Gen<T> {
fn do_something(&self, x: T) -> T;
fn do_something_else(&self, x: T) -> T;
impl<T> Trait2Gen<T> for u32 {
fn do_something(&self, x: T) -> T { x }
fn do_something_else(&self, x: T) -> T { x }
// These are not referenced, so they do not produce mono-items
pub const TRAIT2_REF: &'static Trait2 = &0u32 as &Trait2;
pub const TRAIT2_GEN_REF: &'static Trait2Gen<u8> = &0u32 as &Trait2Gen<u8>;
pub const ID_I64: fn(i64) -> i64 = id::<i64>;
//~ MONO_ITEM fn start
fn start(_: isize, _: *const *const u8) -> isize {
//~ MONO_ITEM fn std::ptr::drop_in_place::<u32> - shim(None) @@ vtable_through_const[Internal]
// Since Trait1::do_something() is instantiated via its default implementation,
// it is considered a generic and is instantiated here only because it is
// referenced in this module.
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait1>::do_something_else @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[External]
// Although it is never used, Trait1::do_something_else() has to be
// instantiated locally here too, otherwise the <&u32 as &Trait1> vtable
// could not be fully constructed.
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait1>::do_something @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[External]
// Same as above
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait1Gen<u8>>::do_something @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[External]
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait1Gen<u8>>::do_something_else @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[External]
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait2Gen<u8>>::do_something @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[Internal]
//~ MONO_ITEM fn <u32 as mod1::Trait2Gen<u8>>::do_something_else @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[Internal]
//~ MONO_ITEM fn mod1::id::<char> @@ vtable_through_const-mod1.volatile[External]