When writing a no_std binary, you'll be greeted with nonsensical errors mentioning lang items like eh_personality and start. That's pretty bad because it makes you think that you need to define them somewhere! But oh no, now you're getting the `internal_features` lint telling you that you shouldn't use them! But you need a no_std binary! What now? No problem! Writing a no_std binary is super easy. Just use panic=abort and supply your own platform specific entrypoint symbol (like `main`) and you're good to go. Would be nice if the compiler told you that, right? This makes it so that it does do that.
1804 lines
42 KiB
1804 lines
42 KiB
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use crate::fluent_generated as fluent;
use rustc_ast::Label;
use rustc_errors::{
error_code, AddToDiagnostic, Applicability, DiagCtxt, Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder,
DiagnosticSymbolList, EmissionGuarantee, IntoDiagnostic, Level, MultiSpan,
use rustc_hir::{self as hir, ExprKind, Target};
use rustc_macros::{Diagnostic, LintDiagnostic, Subdiagnostic};
use rustc_middle::ty::{MainDefinition, Ty};
use rustc_span::{Span, Symbol, DUMMY_SP};
use crate::check_attr::ProcMacroKind;
use crate::lang_items::Duplicate;
pub struct IncorrectDoNotRecommendLocation {
pub span: Span,
pub struct OuterCrateLevelAttr;
pub struct InnerCrateLevelAttr;
pub struct IgnoredAttrWithMacro<'a> {
pub sym: &'a str,
pub struct IgnoredAttr<'a> {
pub sym: &'a str,
pub struct IgnoredInlineAttrFnProto;
pub struct IgnoredInlineAttrConstants;
#[diag(passes_inline_not_fn_or_closure, code = "E0518")]
pub struct InlineNotFnOrClosure {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct IgnoredCoverageFnProto;
pub struct IgnoredCoveragePropagate;
pub struct IgnoredCoverageFnDefn;
#[diag(passes_coverage_not_coverable, code = "E0788")]
pub struct IgnoredCoverageNotCoverable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct AttrShouldBeAppliedToFn {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub on_crate: bool,
#[diag(passes_naked_tracked_caller, code = "E0736")]
pub struct NakedTrackedCaller {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_should_be_applied_to_fn, code = "E0739")]
pub struct TrackedCallerWrongLocation {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub on_crate: bool,
#[diag(passes_should_be_applied_to_struct_enum, code = "E0701")]
pub struct NonExhaustiveWrongLocation {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct AttrShouldBeAppliedToTrait {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct TargetFeatureOnStatement;
pub struct AttrShouldBeAppliedToStatic {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct DocExpectStr<'a> {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub attr_name: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasEmpty<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasBadChar<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub char_: char,
pub struct DocAliasStartEnd<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasBadLocation<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub location: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasNotAnAlias<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasDuplicated {
pub first_defn: Span,
pub struct DocAliasNotStringLiteral {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocAliasMalformed {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordEmptyMod {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordNotMod {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordInvalidIdent {
pub span: Span,
pub doc_keyword: Symbol,
pub struct DocFakeVariadicNotValid {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordOnlyImpl {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordConflict {
pub spans: MultiSpan,
pub struct DocInlineOnlyUse {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub item_span: Option<Span>,
pub struct DocMaskedOnlyExternCrate {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub item_span: Option<Span>,
pub struct DocMaskedNotExternCrateSelf {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub item_span: Option<Span>,
pub struct DocAttrNotCrateLevel<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_name: &'a str,
pub struct DocTestUnknown {
pub path: String,
pub struct DocTestLiteral;
pub struct DocTestTakesList;
pub struct DocCfgHideTakesList;
pub struct DocTestUnknownAny {
pub path: String,
pub struct DocTestUnknownSpotlight {
pub path: String,
#[suggestion(style = "short", applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "notable_trait")]
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocTestUnknownInclude {
pub path: String,
pub value: String,
pub inner: &'static str,
#[suggestion(code = "#{inner}[doc = include_str!(\"{value}\")]")]
pub sugg: (Span, Applicability),
pub struct DocInvalid;
pub struct PassByValue {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct AllowIncoherentImpl {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct HasIncoherentInherentImpl {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_both_ffi_const_and_pure, code = "E0757")]
pub struct BothFfiConstAndPure {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_ffi_pure_invalid_target, code = "E0755")]
pub struct FfiPureInvalidTarget {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_ffi_const_invalid_target, code = "E0756")]
pub struct FfiConstInvalidTarget {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_ffi_returns_twice_invalid_target, code = "E0724")]
pub struct FfiReturnsTwiceInvalidTarget {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct MustUseAsync {
pub span: Span,
pub struct MustUseNoEffect {
pub article: &'static str,
pub target: rustc_hir::Target,
pub struct MustNotSuspend {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct Cold {
pub span: Span,
pub on_crate: bool,
pub struct Link {
pub span: Option<Span>,
pub struct LinkName<'a> {
pub attr_span: Option<Span>,
pub span: Span,
pub value: &'a str,
pub struct NoLink {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct ExportName {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcLayoutScalarValidRangeNotStruct {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcLayoutScalarValidRangeArg {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsOnly {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub param_span: Span,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsIndex {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub generics_span: Span,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsIndexExceed {
pub span: Span,
pub arg_count: usize,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsIndexNegative {
pub invalid_args: Vec<Span>,
pub struct RustcDirtyClean {
pub span: Span,
pub struct LinkSection {
pub span: Span,
pub struct NoMangleForeign {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub attr_span: Span,
pub foreign_item_kind: &'static str,
pub struct NoMangle {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_repr_ident, code = "E0565")]
pub struct ReprIdent {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_repr_conflicting, code = "E0566")]
pub struct ReprConflicting {
pub hint_spans: Vec<Span>,
#[diag(passes_repr_conflicting, code = "E0566")]
pub struct ReprConflictingLint;
pub struct UsedStatic {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UsedCompilerLinker {
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub struct AllowInternalUnstable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct DebugVisualizerPlacement {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DebugVisualizerInvalid {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DebugVisualizerUnreadable<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub file: &'a Path,
pub error: Error,
pub struct RustcAllowConstFnUnstable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcSafeIntrinsic {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcStdInternalSymbol {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct LinkOrdinal {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct Confusables {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub(crate) struct EmptyConfusables {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_incorrect_meta_item, code = "E0539")]
pub(crate) struct IncorrectMetaItem {
pub span: Span,
pub suggestion: IncorrectMetaItemSuggestion,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_incorrect_meta_item_suggestion, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub(crate) struct IncorrectMetaItemSuggestion {
#[suggestion_part(code = "\"")]
pub lo: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = "\"")]
pub hi: Span,
pub struct StabilityPromotable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct Deprecated;
pub struct MacroUse {
pub name: Symbol,
pub enum MacroExport {
UnknownItem { name: Symbol },
pub enum UnusedNote {
EmptyList { name: Symbol },
NoLints { name: Symbol },
pub struct Unused {
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub attr_span: Span,
pub note: UnusedNote,
#[diag(passes_non_exported_macro_invalid_attrs, code = "E0518")]
pub struct NonExportedMacroInvalidAttrs {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct UnusedDuplicate {
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub this: Span,
pub other: Span,
pub warning: Option<()>,
pub struct UnusedMultiple {
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub this: Span,
pub other: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct RustcLintOptTy {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcLintOptDenyFieldAccess {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct CollapseDebuginfo {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct DeprecatedAnnotationHasNoEffect {
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "")]
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_unknown_external_lang_item, code = "E0264")]
pub struct UnknownExternLangItem {
pub span: Span,
pub lang_item: Symbol,
pub struct MissingPanicHandler;
pub struct PanicUnwindWithoutStd;
pub struct MissingLangItem {
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct LangItemWithTargetFeature {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub sig_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_lang_item_on_incorrect_target, code = "E0718")]
pub struct LangItemOnIncorrectTarget {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub expected_target: Target,
pub actual_target: Target,
#[diag(passes_unknown_lang_item, code = "E0522")]
pub struct UnknownLangItem {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct InvalidAttrAtCrateLevel {
pub span: Span,
pub sugg_span: Option<Span>,
pub name: Symbol,
pub item: Option<ItemFollowingInnerAttr>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ItemFollowingInnerAttr {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: &'static str,
impl<G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for InvalidAttrAtCrateLevel {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &'_ DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag =
DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_invalid_attr_at_crate_level);
diag.arg("name", self.name);
// Only emit an error with a suggestion if we can create a string out
// of the attribute span
if let Some(span) = self.sugg_span {
if let Some(item) = self.item {
diag.arg("kind", item.kind);
diag.span_label(item.span, fluent::passes_invalid_attr_at_crate_level_item);
pub struct DuplicateDiagnosticItemInCrate {
pub duplicate_span: Option<Span>,
pub orig_span: Option<Span>,
pub different_crates: Option<()>,
pub crate_name: Symbol,
pub orig_crate_name: Symbol,
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct LayoutAbi {
pub span: Span,
pub abi: String,
pub struct LayoutAlign {
pub span: Span,
pub align: String,
pub struct LayoutSize {
pub span: Span,
pub size: String,
pub struct LayoutHomogeneousAggregate {
pub span: Span,
pub homogeneous_aggregate: String,
pub struct LayoutOf {
pub span: Span,
pub normalized_ty: String,
pub ty_layout: String,
pub struct LayoutInvalidAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub struct AbiOf {
pub span: Span,
pub fn_name: Symbol,
pub fn_abi: String,
pub struct AbiNe {
pub span: Span,
pub left: String,
pub right: String,
pub struct AbiInvalidAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UnrecognizedField {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_feature_stable_twice, code = "E0711")]
pub struct FeatureStableTwice {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub since: Symbol,
pub prev_since: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_feature_previously_declared, code = "E0711")]
pub struct FeaturePreviouslyDeclared<'a, 'b> {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub declared: &'a str,
pub prev_declared: &'b str,
pub struct BreakNonLoop<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub head: Option<Span>,
pub kind: &'a str,
pub suggestion: String,
pub loop_label: Option<Label>,
pub break_label: Option<Label>,
pub break_expr_kind: &'a ExprKind<'a>,
pub break_expr_span: Span,
impl<'a, G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for BreakNonLoop<'a> {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_break_non_loop);
diag.arg("kind", self.kind);
diag.span_label(self.span, fluent::passes_label);
if let Some(head) = self.head {
diag.span_label(head, fluent::passes_label2);
if let (Some(label), None) = (self.loop_label, self.break_label) {
match self.break_expr_kind {
hir::Path { segments: [segment], res: hir::def::Res::Err, .. },
)) if label.ident.to_string() == format!("'{}", segment.ident) => {
// This error is redundant, we will have already emitted a
// suggestion to use the label when `segment` wasn't found
// (hence the `Res::Err` check).
_ => {
#[diag(passes_continue_labeled_block, code = "E0696")]
pub struct ContinueLabeledBlock {
pub span: Span,
pub block_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_break_inside_closure, code = "E0267")]
pub struct BreakInsideClosure<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub closure_span: Span,
pub name: &'a str,
#[diag(passes_break_inside_async_block, code = "E0267")]
pub struct BreakInsideAsyncBlock<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub closure_span: Span,
pub name: &'a str,
#[diag(passes_outside_loop, code = "E0268")]
pub struct OutsideLoop<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub name: &'a str,
pub is_break: bool,
pub suggestion: Option<OutsideLoopSuggestion>,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_outside_loop_suggestion, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub struct OutsideLoopSuggestion {
#[suggestion_part(code = "'block: ")]
pub block_span: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = " 'block")]
pub break_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_unlabeled_in_labeled_block, code = "E0695")]
pub struct UnlabeledInLabeledBlock<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub cf_type: &'a str,
#[diag(passes_unlabeled_cf_in_while_condition, code = "E0590")]
pub struct UnlabeledCfInWhileCondition<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub cf_type: &'a str,
pub struct CannotInlineNakedFunction {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UndefinedNakedFunctionAbi;
pub struct NoPatterns {
pub span: Span,
pub struct ParamsNotAllowed {
pub span: Span,
pub struct NakedFunctionsAsmBlock {
pub span: Span,
pub multiple_asms: Vec<Span>,
pub non_asms: Vec<Span>,
impl<G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for NakedFunctionsAsmBlock {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_naked_functions_asm_block);
for span in self.multiple_asms.iter() {
diag.span_label(*span, fluent::passes_label_multiple_asm);
for span in self.non_asms.iter() {
diag.span_label(*span, fluent::passes_label_non_asm);
#[diag(passes_naked_functions_operands, code = "E0787")]
pub struct NakedFunctionsOperands {
pub unsupported_operands: Vec<Span>,
#[diag(passes_naked_functions_asm_options, code = "E0787")]
pub struct NakedFunctionsAsmOptions {
pub span: Span,
pub unsupported_options: String,
#[diag(passes_naked_functions_must_use_noreturn, code = "E0787")]
pub struct NakedFunctionsMustUseNoreturn {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(code = ", options(noreturn)", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub last_span: Span,
pub struct AttrOnlyOnMain {
pub span: Span,
pub attr: Symbol,
pub struct AttrOnlyOnRootMain {
pub span: Span,
pub attr: Symbol,
pub struct AttrOnlyInFunctions {
pub span: Span,
pub attr: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_multiple_rustc_main, code = "E0137")]
pub struct MultipleRustcMain {
pub span: Span,
pub first: Span,
pub additional: Span,
#[diag(passes_multiple_start_functions, code = "E0138")]
pub struct MultipleStartFunctions {
pub span: Span,
pub labeled: Span,
pub previous: Span,
pub struct ExternMain {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UnixSigpipeValues {
pub span: Span,
pub struct NoMainErr {
pub sp: Span,
pub crate_name: Symbol,
pub has_filename: bool,
pub filename: PathBuf,
pub file_empty: bool,
pub non_main_fns: Vec<Span>,
pub main_def_opt: Option<MainDefinition>,
pub add_teach_note: bool,
impl<'a, G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'a, G> for NoMainErr {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &'a DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_no_main_function);
diag.arg("crate_name", self.crate_name);
diag.arg("filename", self.filename);
diag.arg("has_filename", self.has_filename);
let note = if !self.non_main_fns.is_empty() {
for &span in &self.non_main_fns {
diag.span_note(span, fluent::passes_here_is_main);
// There were some functions named `main` though. Try to give the user a hint.
} else if self.has_filename {
} else {
if self.file_empty {
} else {
diag.span_label(self.sp.shrink_to_hi(), note);
if let Some(main_def) = self.main_def_opt
&& main_def.opt_fn_def_id().is_none()
// There is something at `crate::main`, but it is not a function definition.
diag.span_label(main_def.span, fluent::passes_non_function_main);
if self.add_teach_note {
pub struct DuplicateLangItem {
pub local_span: Option<Span>,
pub lang_item_name: Symbol,
pub crate_name: Symbol,
pub dependency_of: Symbol,
pub is_local: bool,
pub path: String,
pub first_defined_span: Option<Span>,
pub orig_crate_name: Symbol,
pub orig_dependency_of: Symbol,
pub orig_is_local: bool,
pub orig_path: String,
pub(crate) duplicate: Duplicate,
impl<G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for DuplicateLangItem {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(
match self.duplicate {
Duplicate::Plain => fluent::passes_duplicate_lang_item,
Duplicate::Crate => fluent::passes_duplicate_lang_item_crate,
Duplicate::CrateDepends => fluent::passes_duplicate_lang_item_crate_depends,
diag.arg("lang_item_name", self.lang_item_name);
diag.arg("crate_name", self.crate_name);
diag.arg("dependency_of", self.dependency_of);
diag.arg("path", self.path);
diag.arg("orig_crate_name", self.orig_crate_name);
diag.arg("orig_dependency_of", self.orig_dependency_of);
diag.arg("orig_path", self.orig_path);
if let Some(span) = self.local_span {
if let Some(span) = self.first_defined_span {
diag.span_note(span, fluent::passes_first_defined_span);
} else {
if self.orig_dependency_of.is_empty() {
} else {
if self.orig_is_local {
} else {
if self.is_local {
} else {
#[diag(passes_incorrect_target, code = "E0718")]
pub struct IncorrectTarget<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub generics_span: Span,
pub name: &'a str, // cannot be symbol because it renders e.g. `r#fn` instead of `fn`
pub kind: &'static str,
pub num: usize,
pub actual_num: usize,
pub at_least: bool,
pub struct UselessAssignment<'a> {
pub is_field_assign: bool,
pub ty: Ty<'a>,
pub struct OnlyHasEffectOn {
pub attr_name: Symbol,
pub target_name: String,
pub struct ObjectLifetimeErr {
pub span: Span,
pub repr: String,
#[diag(passes_unrecognized_repr_hint, code = "E0552")]
pub struct UnrecognizedReprHint {
pub span: Span,
pub enum AttrApplication {
#[diag(passes_attr_application_enum, code = "E0517")]
Enum {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct, code = "E0517")]
Struct {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct_union, code = "E0517")]
StructUnion {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct_enum_union, code = "E0517")]
StructEnumUnion {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct_enum_function_method_union, code = "E0517")]
StructEnumFunctionMethodUnion {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_transparent_incompatible, code = "E0692")]
pub struct TransparentIncompatible {
pub hint_spans: Vec<Span>,
pub target: String,
#[diag(passes_deprecated_attribute, code = "E0549")]
pub struct DeprecatedAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UselessStability {
pub span: Span,
pub item_sp: Span,
pub struct CannotStabilizeDeprecated {
pub span: Span,
pub item_sp: Span,
pub struct MissingStabilityAttr<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub descr: &'a str,
pub struct MissingConstStabAttr<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub descr: &'a str,
pub struct TraitImplConstStable {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_feature_only_on_nightly, code = "E0554")]
pub struct FeatureOnlyOnNightly {
pub span: Span,
pub release_channel: &'static str,
#[diag(passes_unknown_feature, code = "E0635")]
pub struct UnknownFeature {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub struct ImpliedFeatureNotExist {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub implied_by: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_duplicate_feature_err, code = "E0636")]
pub struct DuplicateFeatureErr {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub struct MissingConstErr {
pub fn_sig_span: Span,
pub const_span: Span,
pub enum MultipleDeadCodes<'tcx> {
DeadCodes {
multiple: bool,
num: usize,
descr: &'tcx str,
participle: &'tcx str,
name_list: DiagnosticSymbolList,
parent_info: Option<ParentInfo<'tcx>>,
ignored_derived_impls: Option<IgnoredDerivedImpls>,
UnusedTupleStructFields {
multiple: bool,
num: usize,
descr: &'tcx str,
participle: &'tcx str,
name_list: DiagnosticSymbolList,
change_fields_suggestion: ChangeFieldsToBeOfUnitType,
parent_info: Option<ParentInfo<'tcx>>,
ignored_derived_impls: Option<IgnoredDerivedImpls>,
pub struct ParentInfo<'tcx> {
pub num: usize,
pub descr: &'tcx str,
pub parent_descr: &'tcx str,
pub span: Span,
pub struct IgnoredDerivedImpls {
pub name: Symbol,
pub trait_list: DiagnosticSymbolList,
pub trait_list_len: usize,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_change_fields_to_be_of_unit_type, applicability = "has-placeholders")]
pub struct ChangeFieldsToBeOfUnitType {
pub num: usize,
#[suggestion_part(code = "()")]
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub(crate) struct ProcMacroBadSig {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ProcMacroKind,
pub struct SkippingConstChecks {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UnreachableDueToUninhabited<'desc, 'tcx> {
pub descr: &'desc str,
pub expr: Span,
pub orig: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub struct UnusedVarMaybeCaptureRef {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedCaptureMaybeCaptureRef {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedVarRemoveField {
pub name: String,
pub sugg: UnusedVarRemoveFieldSugg,
applicability = "machine-applicable"
pub struct UnusedVarRemoveFieldSugg {
#[suggestion_part(code = "")]
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub struct UnusedVarAssignedOnly {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnnecessaryStableFeature {
pub feature: Symbol,
pub since: Symbol,
pub struct UnnecessaryPartialStableFeature {
#[suggestion(code = "{implies}", applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(passes_suggestion_remove, code = "", applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub line: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub since: Symbol,
pub implies: Symbol,
pub struct IneffectiveUnstableImpl;
pub struct UnusedAssign {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedAssignPassed {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedVariableTryPrefix {
pub label: Option<Span>,
pub string_interp: Vec<UnusedVariableStringInterp>,
pub sugg: UnusedVariableSugg,
pub name: String,
pub enum UnusedVariableSugg {
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_suggestion, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
TryPrefixSugg {
#[suggestion_part(code = "_{name}")]
spans: Vec<Span>,
name: String,
NoSugg {
span: Span,
name: String,
pub struct UnusedVariableStringInterp {
pub lit: Span,
pub lo: Span,
pub hi: Span,
impl AddToDiagnostic for UnusedVariableStringInterp {
fn add_to_diagnostic_with<F>(self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, _: F) {
diag.span_label(self.lit, crate::fluent_generated::passes_maybe_string_interpolation);
vec![(self.lo, String::from("format!(")), (self.hi, String::from(")"))],
pub struct UnusedVarTryIgnore {
pub sugg: UnusedVarTryIgnoreSugg,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_suggestion, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub struct UnusedVarTryIgnoreSugg {
#[suggestion_part(code = "{name}: _")]
pub shorthands: Vec<Span>,
#[suggestion_part(code = "_")]
pub non_shorthands: Vec<Span>,
pub name: String,
pub struct AttrCrateLevelOnly {
pub sugg: Option<AttrCrateLevelOnlySugg>,
#[suggestion(passes_suggestion, applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "!", style = "verbose")]
pub struct AttrCrateLevelOnlySugg {
pub attr: Span,