Nilstrieb da26317a8a Stop mentioning internal lang items in no_std binary errors
When writing a no_std binary, you'll be greeted with nonsensical errors
mentioning lang items like eh_personality and start. That's pretty bad
because it makes you think that you need to define them somewhere! But
oh no, now you're getting the `internal_features` lint telling you that
you shouldn't use them! But you need a no_std binary! What now?

No problem! Writing a no_std binary is super easy. Just use panic=abort
and supply your own platform specific entrypoint symbol (like `main`)
and you're good to go. Would be nice if the compiler told you that,

This makes it so that it does do that.
2024-01-10 21:18:54 +01:00

1804 lines
42 KiB

use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use crate::fluent_generated as fluent;
use rustc_ast::Label;
use rustc_errors::{
error_code, AddToDiagnostic, Applicability, DiagCtxt, Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder,
DiagnosticSymbolList, EmissionGuarantee, IntoDiagnostic, Level, MultiSpan,
use rustc_hir::{self as hir, ExprKind, Target};
use rustc_macros::{Diagnostic, LintDiagnostic, Subdiagnostic};
use rustc_middle::ty::{MainDefinition, Ty};
use rustc_span::{Span, Symbol, DUMMY_SP};
use crate::check_attr::ProcMacroKind;
use crate::lang_items::Duplicate;
pub struct IncorrectDoNotRecommendLocation {
pub span: Span,
pub struct OuterCrateLevelAttr;
pub struct InnerCrateLevelAttr;
pub struct IgnoredAttrWithMacro<'a> {
pub sym: &'a str,
pub struct IgnoredAttr<'a> {
pub sym: &'a str,
pub struct IgnoredInlineAttrFnProto;
pub struct IgnoredInlineAttrConstants;
#[diag(passes_inline_not_fn_or_closure, code = "E0518")]
pub struct InlineNotFnOrClosure {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct IgnoredCoverageFnProto;
pub struct IgnoredCoveragePropagate;
pub struct IgnoredCoverageFnDefn;
#[diag(passes_coverage_not_coverable, code = "E0788")]
pub struct IgnoredCoverageNotCoverable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct AttrShouldBeAppliedToFn {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub on_crate: bool,
#[diag(passes_naked_tracked_caller, code = "E0736")]
pub struct NakedTrackedCaller {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_should_be_applied_to_fn, code = "E0739")]
pub struct TrackedCallerWrongLocation {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub on_crate: bool,
#[diag(passes_should_be_applied_to_struct_enum, code = "E0701")]
pub struct NonExhaustiveWrongLocation {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct AttrShouldBeAppliedToTrait {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct TargetFeatureOnStatement;
pub struct AttrShouldBeAppliedToStatic {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct DocExpectStr<'a> {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub attr_name: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasEmpty<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasBadChar<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub char_: char,
pub struct DocAliasStartEnd<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasBadLocation<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub location: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasNotAnAlias<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_str: &'a str,
pub struct DocAliasDuplicated {
pub first_defn: Span,
pub struct DocAliasNotStringLiteral {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocAliasMalformed {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordEmptyMod {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordNotMod {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordInvalidIdent {
pub span: Span,
pub doc_keyword: Symbol,
pub struct DocFakeVariadicNotValid {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordOnlyImpl {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocKeywordConflict {
pub spans: MultiSpan,
pub struct DocInlineOnlyUse {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub item_span: Option<Span>,
pub struct DocMaskedOnlyExternCrate {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub item_span: Option<Span>,
pub struct DocMaskedNotExternCrateSelf {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub item_span: Option<Span>,
pub struct DocAttrNotCrateLevel<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub attr_name: &'a str,
pub struct DocTestUnknown {
pub path: String,
pub struct DocTestLiteral;
pub struct DocTestTakesList;
pub struct DocCfgHideTakesList;
pub struct DocTestUnknownAny {
pub path: String,
pub struct DocTestUnknownSpotlight {
pub path: String,
#[suggestion(style = "short", applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "notable_trait")]
pub span: Span,
pub struct DocTestUnknownInclude {
pub path: String,
pub value: String,
pub inner: &'static str,
#[suggestion(code = "#{inner}[doc = include_str!(\"{value}\")]")]
pub sugg: (Span, Applicability),
pub struct DocInvalid;
pub struct PassByValue {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct AllowIncoherentImpl {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct HasIncoherentInherentImpl {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_both_ffi_const_and_pure, code = "E0757")]
pub struct BothFfiConstAndPure {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_ffi_pure_invalid_target, code = "E0755")]
pub struct FfiPureInvalidTarget {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_ffi_const_invalid_target, code = "E0756")]
pub struct FfiConstInvalidTarget {
pub attr_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_ffi_returns_twice_invalid_target, code = "E0724")]
pub struct FfiReturnsTwiceInvalidTarget {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct MustUseAsync {
pub span: Span,
pub struct MustUseNoEffect {
pub article: &'static str,
pub target: rustc_hir::Target,
pub struct MustNotSuspend {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct Cold {
pub span: Span,
pub on_crate: bool,
pub struct Link {
pub span: Option<Span>,
pub struct LinkName<'a> {
pub attr_span: Option<Span>,
pub span: Span,
pub value: &'a str,
pub struct NoLink {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct ExportName {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcLayoutScalarValidRangeNotStruct {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcLayoutScalarValidRangeArg {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsOnly {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub param_span: Span,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsIndex {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub generics_span: Span,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsIndexExceed {
pub span: Span,
pub arg_count: usize,
pub struct RustcLegacyConstGenericsIndexNegative {
pub invalid_args: Vec<Span>,
pub struct RustcDirtyClean {
pub span: Span,
pub struct LinkSection {
pub span: Span,
pub struct NoMangleForeign {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub attr_span: Span,
pub foreign_item_kind: &'static str,
pub struct NoMangle {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_repr_ident, code = "E0565")]
pub struct ReprIdent {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_repr_conflicting, code = "E0566")]
pub struct ReprConflicting {
pub hint_spans: Vec<Span>,
#[diag(passes_repr_conflicting, code = "E0566")]
pub struct ReprConflictingLint;
pub struct UsedStatic {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UsedCompilerLinker {
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub struct AllowInternalUnstable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct DebugVisualizerPlacement {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DebugVisualizerInvalid {
pub span: Span,
pub struct DebugVisualizerUnreadable<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub file: &'a Path,
pub error: Error,
pub struct RustcAllowConstFnUnstable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcSafeIntrinsic {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcStdInternalSymbol {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct LinkOrdinal {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct Confusables {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub(crate) struct EmptyConfusables {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_incorrect_meta_item, code = "E0539")]
pub(crate) struct IncorrectMetaItem {
pub span: Span,
pub suggestion: IncorrectMetaItemSuggestion,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_incorrect_meta_item_suggestion, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub(crate) struct IncorrectMetaItemSuggestion {
#[suggestion_part(code = "\"")]
pub lo: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = "\"")]
pub hi: Span,
pub struct StabilityPromotable {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct Deprecated;
pub struct MacroUse {
pub name: Symbol,
pub enum MacroExport {
UnknownItem { name: Symbol },
pub enum UnusedNote {
EmptyList { name: Symbol },
NoLints { name: Symbol },
pub struct Unused {
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub attr_span: Span,
pub note: UnusedNote,
#[diag(passes_non_exported_macro_invalid_attrs, code = "E0518")]
pub struct NonExportedMacroInvalidAttrs {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub struct UnusedDuplicate {
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub this: Span,
pub other: Span,
pub warning: Option<()>,
pub struct UnusedMultiple {
#[suggestion(code = "", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub this: Span,
pub other: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct RustcLintOptTy {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct RustcLintOptDenyFieldAccess {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub span: Span,
pub struct CollapseDebuginfo {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub defn_span: Span,
pub struct DeprecatedAnnotationHasNoEffect {
#[suggestion(applicability = "machine-applicable", code = "")]
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_unknown_external_lang_item, code = "E0264")]
pub struct UnknownExternLangItem {
pub span: Span,
pub lang_item: Symbol,
pub struct MissingPanicHandler;
pub struct PanicUnwindWithoutStd;
pub struct MissingLangItem {
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct LangItemWithTargetFeature {
pub attr_span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub sig_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_lang_item_on_incorrect_target, code = "E0718")]
pub struct LangItemOnIncorrectTarget {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub expected_target: Target,
pub actual_target: Target,
#[diag(passes_unknown_lang_item, code = "E0522")]
pub struct UnknownLangItem {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct InvalidAttrAtCrateLevel {
pub span: Span,
pub sugg_span: Option<Span>,
pub name: Symbol,
pub item: Option<ItemFollowingInnerAttr>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct ItemFollowingInnerAttr {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: &'static str,
impl<G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for InvalidAttrAtCrateLevel {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &'_ DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag =
DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_invalid_attr_at_crate_level);
// Only emit an error with a suggestion if we can create a string out
// of the attribute span
if let Some(span) = self.sugg_span {
if let Some(item) = self.item {
diag.arg("kind", item.kind);
diag.span_label(item.span, fluent::passes_invalid_attr_at_crate_level_item);
pub struct DuplicateDiagnosticItemInCrate {
pub duplicate_span: Option<Span>,
pub orig_span: Option<Span>,
pub different_crates: Option<()>,
pub crate_name: Symbol,
pub orig_crate_name: Symbol,
pub name: Symbol,
pub struct LayoutAbi {
pub span: Span,
pub abi: String,
pub struct LayoutAlign {
pub span: Span,
pub align: String,
pub struct LayoutSize {
pub span: Span,
pub size: String,
pub struct LayoutHomogeneousAggregate {
pub span: Span,
pub homogeneous_aggregate: String,
pub struct LayoutOf {
pub span: Span,
pub normalized_ty: String,
pub ty_layout: String,
pub struct LayoutInvalidAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub struct AbiOf {
pub span: Span,
pub fn_name: Symbol,
pub fn_abi: String,
pub struct AbiNe {
pub span: Span,
pub left: String,
pub right: String,
pub struct AbiInvalidAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UnrecognizedField {
pub span: Span,
pub name: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_feature_stable_twice, code = "E0711")]
pub struct FeatureStableTwice {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub since: Symbol,
pub prev_since: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_feature_previously_declared, code = "E0711")]
pub struct FeaturePreviouslyDeclared<'a, 'b> {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub declared: &'a str,
pub prev_declared: &'b str,
pub struct BreakNonLoop<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub head: Option<Span>,
pub kind: &'a str,
pub suggestion: String,
pub loop_label: Option<Label>,
pub break_label: Option<Label>,
pub break_expr_kind: &'a ExprKind<'a>,
pub break_expr_span: Span,
impl<'a, G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for BreakNonLoop<'a> {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_break_non_loop);
diag.arg("kind", self.kind);
diag.span_label(self.span, fluent::passes_label);
if let Some(head) = self.head {
diag.span_label(head, fluent::passes_label2);
if let (Some(label), None) = (self.loop_label, self.break_label) {
match self.break_expr_kind {
hir::Path { segments: [segment], res: hir::def::Res::Err, .. },
)) if label.ident.to_string() == format!("'{}", segment.ident) => {
// This error is redundant, we will have already emitted a
// suggestion to use the label when `segment` wasn't found
// (hence the `Res::Err` check).
_ => {
#[diag(passes_continue_labeled_block, code = "E0696")]
pub struct ContinueLabeledBlock {
pub span: Span,
pub block_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_break_inside_closure, code = "E0267")]
pub struct BreakInsideClosure<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub closure_span: Span,
pub name: &'a str,
#[diag(passes_break_inside_async_block, code = "E0267")]
pub struct BreakInsideAsyncBlock<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub closure_span: Span,
pub name: &'a str,
#[diag(passes_outside_loop, code = "E0268")]
pub struct OutsideLoop<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub name: &'a str,
pub is_break: bool,
pub suggestion: Option<OutsideLoopSuggestion>,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_outside_loop_suggestion, applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub struct OutsideLoopSuggestion {
#[suggestion_part(code = "'block: ")]
pub block_span: Span,
#[suggestion_part(code = " 'block")]
pub break_span: Span,
#[diag(passes_unlabeled_in_labeled_block, code = "E0695")]
pub struct UnlabeledInLabeledBlock<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub cf_type: &'a str,
#[diag(passes_unlabeled_cf_in_while_condition, code = "E0590")]
pub struct UnlabeledCfInWhileCondition<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub cf_type: &'a str,
pub struct CannotInlineNakedFunction {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UndefinedNakedFunctionAbi;
pub struct NoPatterns {
pub span: Span,
pub struct ParamsNotAllowed {
pub span: Span,
pub struct NakedFunctionsAsmBlock {
pub span: Span,
pub multiple_asms: Vec<Span>,
pub non_asms: Vec<Span>,
impl<G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for NakedFunctionsAsmBlock {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_naked_functions_asm_block);
for span in self.multiple_asms.iter() {
diag.span_label(*span, fluent::passes_label_multiple_asm);
for span in self.non_asms.iter() {
diag.span_label(*span, fluent::passes_label_non_asm);
#[diag(passes_naked_functions_operands, code = "E0787")]
pub struct NakedFunctionsOperands {
pub unsupported_operands: Vec<Span>,
#[diag(passes_naked_functions_asm_options, code = "E0787")]
pub struct NakedFunctionsAsmOptions {
pub span: Span,
pub unsupported_options: String,
#[diag(passes_naked_functions_must_use_noreturn, code = "E0787")]
pub struct NakedFunctionsMustUseNoreturn {
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(code = ", options(noreturn)", applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub last_span: Span,
pub struct AttrOnlyOnMain {
pub span: Span,
pub attr: Symbol,
pub struct AttrOnlyOnRootMain {
pub span: Span,
pub attr: Symbol,
pub struct AttrOnlyInFunctions {
pub span: Span,
pub attr: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_multiple_rustc_main, code = "E0137")]
pub struct MultipleRustcMain {
pub span: Span,
pub first: Span,
pub additional: Span,
#[diag(passes_multiple_start_functions, code = "E0138")]
pub struct MultipleStartFunctions {
pub span: Span,
pub labeled: Span,
pub previous: Span,
pub struct ExternMain {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UnixSigpipeValues {
pub span: Span,
pub struct NoMainErr {
pub sp: Span,
pub crate_name: Symbol,
pub has_filename: bool,
pub filename: PathBuf,
pub file_empty: bool,
pub non_main_fns: Vec<Span>,
pub main_def_opt: Option<MainDefinition>,
pub add_teach_note: bool,
impl<'a, G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'a, G> for NoMainErr {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &'a DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'a, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(dcx, level, fluent::passes_no_main_function);
diag.arg("crate_name", self.crate_name);
diag.arg("filename", self.filename);
diag.arg("has_filename", self.has_filename);
let note = if !self.non_main_fns.is_empty() {
for &span in &self.non_main_fns {
diag.span_note(span, fluent::passes_here_is_main);
// There were some functions named `main` though. Try to give the user a hint.
} else if self.has_filename {
} else {
if self.file_empty {
} else {
diag.span_label(self.sp.shrink_to_hi(), note);
if let Some(main_def) = self.main_def_opt
&& main_def.opt_fn_def_id().is_none()
// There is something at `crate::main`, but it is not a function definition.
diag.span_label(main_def.span, fluent::passes_non_function_main);
if self.add_teach_note {
pub struct DuplicateLangItem {
pub local_span: Option<Span>,
pub lang_item_name: Symbol,
pub crate_name: Symbol,
pub dependency_of: Symbol,
pub is_local: bool,
pub path: String,
pub first_defined_span: Option<Span>,
pub orig_crate_name: Symbol,
pub orig_dependency_of: Symbol,
pub orig_is_local: bool,
pub orig_path: String,
pub(crate) duplicate: Duplicate,
impl<G: EmissionGuarantee> IntoDiagnostic<'_, G> for DuplicateLangItem {
fn into_diagnostic(self, dcx: &DiagCtxt, level: Level) -> DiagnosticBuilder<'_, G> {
let mut diag = DiagnosticBuilder::new(
match self.duplicate {
Duplicate::Plain => fluent::passes_duplicate_lang_item,
Duplicate::Crate => fluent::passes_duplicate_lang_item_crate,
Duplicate::CrateDepends => fluent::passes_duplicate_lang_item_crate_depends,
diag.arg("lang_item_name", self.lang_item_name);
diag.arg("crate_name", self.crate_name);
diag.arg("dependency_of", self.dependency_of);
diag.arg("path", self.path);
diag.arg("orig_crate_name", self.orig_crate_name);
diag.arg("orig_dependency_of", self.orig_dependency_of);
diag.arg("orig_path", self.orig_path);
if let Some(span) = self.local_span {
if let Some(span) = self.first_defined_span {
diag.span_note(span, fluent::passes_first_defined_span);
} else {
if self.orig_dependency_of.is_empty() {
} else {
if self.orig_is_local {
} else {
if self.is_local {
} else {
#[diag(passes_incorrect_target, code = "E0718")]
pub struct IncorrectTarget<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub generics_span: Span,
pub name: &'a str, // cannot be symbol because it renders e.g. `r#fn` instead of `fn`
pub kind: &'static str,
pub num: usize,
pub actual_num: usize,
pub at_least: bool,
pub struct UselessAssignment<'a> {
pub is_field_assign: bool,
pub ty: Ty<'a>,
pub struct OnlyHasEffectOn {
pub attr_name: Symbol,
pub target_name: String,
pub struct ObjectLifetimeErr {
pub span: Span,
pub repr: String,
#[diag(passes_unrecognized_repr_hint, code = "E0552")]
pub struct UnrecognizedReprHint {
pub span: Span,
pub enum AttrApplication {
#[diag(passes_attr_application_enum, code = "E0517")]
Enum {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct, code = "E0517")]
Struct {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct_union, code = "E0517")]
StructUnion {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct_enum_union, code = "E0517")]
StructEnumUnion {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_attr_application_struct_enum_function_method_union, code = "E0517")]
StructEnumFunctionMethodUnion {
hint_span: Span,
span: Span,
#[diag(passes_transparent_incompatible, code = "E0692")]
pub struct TransparentIncompatible {
pub hint_spans: Vec<Span>,
pub target: String,
#[diag(passes_deprecated_attribute, code = "E0549")]
pub struct DeprecatedAttribute {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UselessStability {
pub span: Span,
pub item_sp: Span,
pub struct CannotStabilizeDeprecated {
pub span: Span,
pub item_sp: Span,
pub struct MissingStabilityAttr<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub descr: &'a str,
pub struct MissingConstStabAttr<'a> {
pub span: Span,
pub descr: &'a str,
pub struct TraitImplConstStable {
pub span: Span,
#[diag(passes_feature_only_on_nightly, code = "E0554")]
pub struct FeatureOnlyOnNightly {
pub span: Span,
pub release_channel: &'static str,
#[diag(passes_unknown_feature, code = "E0635")]
pub struct UnknownFeature {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub struct ImpliedFeatureNotExist {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub implied_by: Symbol,
#[diag(passes_duplicate_feature_err, code = "E0636")]
pub struct DuplicateFeatureErr {
pub span: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub struct MissingConstErr {
pub fn_sig_span: Span,
pub const_span: Span,
pub enum MultipleDeadCodes<'tcx> {
DeadCodes {
multiple: bool,
num: usize,
descr: &'tcx str,
participle: &'tcx str,
name_list: DiagnosticSymbolList,
parent_info: Option<ParentInfo<'tcx>>,
ignored_derived_impls: Option<IgnoredDerivedImpls>,
UnusedTupleStructFields {
multiple: bool,
num: usize,
descr: &'tcx str,
participle: &'tcx str,
name_list: DiagnosticSymbolList,
change_fields_suggestion: ChangeFieldsToBeOfUnitType,
parent_info: Option<ParentInfo<'tcx>>,
ignored_derived_impls: Option<IgnoredDerivedImpls>,
pub struct ParentInfo<'tcx> {
pub num: usize,
pub descr: &'tcx str,
pub parent_descr: &'tcx str,
pub span: Span,
pub struct IgnoredDerivedImpls {
pub name: Symbol,
pub trait_list: DiagnosticSymbolList,
pub trait_list_len: usize,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_change_fields_to_be_of_unit_type, applicability = "has-placeholders")]
pub struct ChangeFieldsToBeOfUnitType {
pub num: usize,
#[suggestion_part(code = "()")]
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub(crate) struct ProcMacroBadSig {
pub span: Span,
pub kind: ProcMacroKind,
pub struct SkippingConstChecks {
pub span: Span,
pub struct UnreachableDueToUninhabited<'desc, 'tcx> {
pub descr: &'desc str,
pub expr: Span,
pub orig: Span,
pub ty: Ty<'tcx>,
pub struct UnusedVarMaybeCaptureRef {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedCaptureMaybeCaptureRef {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedVarRemoveField {
pub name: String,
pub sugg: UnusedVarRemoveFieldSugg,
applicability = "machine-applicable"
pub struct UnusedVarRemoveFieldSugg {
#[suggestion_part(code = "")]
pub spans: Vec<Span>,
pub struct UnusedVarAssignedOnly {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnnecessaryStableFeature {
pub feature: Symbol,
pub since: Symbol,
pub struct UnnecessaryPartialStableFeature {
#[suggestion(code = "{implies}", applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub span: Span,
#[suggestion(passes_suggestion_remove, code = "", applicability = "maybe-incorrect")]
pub line: Span,
pub feature: Symbol,
pub since: Symbol,
pub implies: Symbol,
pub struct IneffectiveUnstableImpl;
pub struct UnusedAssign {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedAssignPassed {
pub name: String,
pub struct UnusedVariableTryPrefix {
pub label: Option<Span>,
pub string_interp: Vec<UnusedVariableStringInterp>,
pub sugg: UnusedVariableSugg,
pub name: String,
pub enum UnusedVariableSugg {
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_suggestion, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
TryPrefixSugg {
#[suggestion_part(code = "_{name}")]
spans: Vec<Span>,
name: String,
NoSugg {
span: Span,
name: String,
pub struct UnusedVariableStringInterp {
pub lit: Span,
pub lo: Span,
pub hi: Span,
impl AddToDiagnostic for UnusedVariableStringInterp {
fn add_to_diagnostic_with<F>(self, diag: &mut Diagnostic, _: F) {
diag.span_label(self.lit, crate::fluent_generated::passes_maybe_string_interpolation);
vec![(self.lo, String::from("format!(")), (self.hi, String::from(")"))],
pub struct UnusedVarTryIgnore {
pub sugg: UnusedVarTryIgnoreSugg,
#[multipart_suggestion(passes_suggestion, applicability = "machine-applicable")]
pub struct UnusedVarTryIgnoreSugg {
#[suggestion_part(code = "{name}: _")]
pub shorthands: Vec<Span>,
#[suggestion_part(code = "_")]
pub non_shorthands: Vec<Span>,
pub name: String,
pub struct AttrCrateLevelOnly {
pub sugg: Option<AttrCrateLevelOnlySugg>,
#[suggestion(passes_suggestion, applicability = "maybe-incorrect", code = "!", style = "verbose")]
pub struct AttrCrateLevelOnlySugg {
pub attr: Span,