991 lines
29 KiB
991 lines
29 KiB
import option::*;
import pat_util::*;
import syntax::ast::*;
import syntax::ast_util::*;
import syntax::{visit, codemap};
import codemap::span;
import std::map::{hashmap, int_hash};
import syntax::print::pprust::path_to_str;
import tstate::ann::{pre_and_post, pre_and_post_state, empty_ann, prestate,
poststate, precond, postcond,
set_prestate, set_poststate, set_in_poststate_,
extend_prestate, extend_poststate, set_precondition,
set_postcondition, ts_ann,
import driver::session::session;
import dvec::{dvec, extensions};
import tritv::{trit, tfalse, ttrue, dont_care, t};
import syntax::print::pprust::{constr_args_to_str, lit_to_str};
// Used to communicate which operands should be invalidated
// to helper functions
enum oper_type {
/* logging funs */
fn def_id_to_str(d: def_id) -> ~str {
return int::str(d.crate) + ~"," + int::str(d.node);
fn comma_str(args: ~[@constr_arg_use]) -> ~str {
let mut rslt = ~"";
let mut comma = false;
for args.each |a| {
if comma { rslt += ~", "; } else { comma = true; }
match a.node {
carg_base { rslt += ~"*"; }
carg_ident(i) { rslt += *i.ident; }
carg_lit(l) { rslt += lit_to_str(l); }
return rslt;
fn constraint_to_str(tcx: ty::ctxt, c: sp_constr) -> ~str {
return fmt!{"%s(%s) - arising from %s",
codemap::span_to_str(c.span, tcx.sess.codemap)};
fn tritv_to_str(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: tritv::t) -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
let mut comma = false;
for constraints(fcx).each |p| {
match v.get(p.bit_num) {
dont_care { }
tt {
s +=
if comma { ~", " } else { comma = true; ~"" } +
if tt == tfalse { ~"!" } else { ~"" } +
constraint_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, p.c);
return s;
fn log_tritv(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: tritv::t) {
log(debug, tritv_to_str(fcx, v));
fn first_difference_string(fcx: fn_ctxt, expected: tritv::t, actual: tritv::t)
-> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
for constraints(fcx).each |c| {
if expected.get(c.bit_num) == ttrue &&
actual.get(c.bit_num) != ttrue {
s = constraint_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, c.c);
return s;
fn log_tritv_err(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: tritv::t) {
log(error, tritv_to_str(fcx, v));
fn tos(v: ~[uint]) -> ~str {
let mut rslt = ~"";
for v.each |i| {
if i == 0u {
rslt += ~"0";
} else if i == 1u { rslt += ~"1"; } else { rslt += ~"?"; }
return rslt;
fn log_cond(v: ~[uint]) { log(debug, tos(v)); }
fn log_cond_err(v: ~[uint]) { log(error, tos(v)); }
fn log_pp(pp: pre_and_post) {
let p1 = pp.precondition.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.postcondition.to_vec();
fn log_pp_err(pp: pre_and_post) {
let p1 = pp.precondition.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.postcondition.to_vec();
fn log_states(pp: pre_and_post_state) {
let p1 = pp.prestate.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.poststate.to_vec();
fn log_states_err(pp: pre_and_post_state) {
let p1 = pp.prestate.to_vec();
let p2 = pp.poststate.to_vec();
fn print_ident(i: ident) { log(debug, ~" " + *i + ~" "); }
fn print_idents(&idents: ~[ident]) {
if vec::len::<ident>(idents) == 0u { return; }
log(debug, ~"an ident: " + *vec::pop::<ident>(idents));
/* data structures */
/* Two different data structures represent constraints in different
contexts: constraint and norm_constraint.
constraint gets used to record constraints in a table keyed by def_ids. Each
constraint has a single operator but a list of possible argument lists, and
thus represents several constraints at once, one for each possible argument
norm_constraint, in contrast, gets used when handling an instance of a
constraint rather than a definition of a constraint. It has only a single
argument list.
The representation of constraints, where multiple instances of the
same predicate are collapsed into one entry in the table, makes it
easier to look up a specific instance.
Both types are in constrast with the constraint type defined in
syntax::ast, which is for predicate constraints only, and is what
gets generated by the parser. aux and ast share the same type
to represent predicate *arguments* however. This type
(constr_arg_general) is parameterized (see comments in syntax::ast).
Both types store an ident and span, for error-logging purposes.
type pred_args_ = {args: ~[@constr_arg_use], bit_num: uint};
type pred_args = spanned<pred_args_>;
// The attached node ID is the *defining* node ID
// for this local.
type constr_arg_use = spanned<constr_arg_general_<inst>>;
/* Predicate constraints refer to the truth value of a predicate on variables
(definitely false, maybe true, or definitely true). The <path> field (and the
<def_id> field in the npred constructor) names a user-defined function that
may be the operator in a "check" expression in the source. */
type constraint = {
path: @path,
// FIXME (#2539): really only want it to be mut during
// collect_locals. freeze it after that.
descs: @dvec<pred_args>
type tsconstr = {
path: @path,
def_id: def_id,
args: ~[@constr_arg_use]
type sp_constr = spanned<tsconstr>;
type norm_constraint = {bit_num: uint, c: sp_constr};
type constr_map = std::map::hashmap<def_id, constraint>;
/* Contains stuff that has to be computed up front */
/* For easy access, the fn_info stores two special constraints for each
function. So we need context. And so it seems clearer to just have separate
constraints. */
type fn_info =
/* list, accumulated during pre/postcondition
computation, of all local variables that may be
used */
// Doesn't seem to work without the @ -- bug
{constrs: constr_map,
num_constraints: uint,
cf: ret_style,
used_vars: @mut ~[node_id],
ignore: bool};
/* mapping from node ID to typestate annotation */
type node_ann_table = @mut ~[mut ts_ann];
/* mapping from function name to fn_info map */
type fn_info_map = std::map::hashmap<node_id, fn_info>;
type fn_ctxt =
{enclosing: fn_info, id: node_id, name: ident, ccx: crate_ctxt};
type crate_ctxt = {tcx: ty::ctxt, node_anns: node_ann_table, fm: fn_info_map};
fn get_fn_info(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> fn_info {
assert (ccx.fm.contains_key(id));
return ccx.fm.get(id);
fn add_node(ccx: crate_ctxt, i: node_id, a: ts_ann) {
let sz = vec::len(*ccx.node_anns);
if sz <= i as uint {
vec::grow(*ccx.node_anns, (i as uint) - sz + 1u, empty_ann(0u));
ccx.node_anns[i] = a;
fn get_ts_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, i: node_id) -> option<ts_ann> {
if i as uint < vec::len(*ccx.node_anns) {
return some::<ts_ann>(ccx.node_anns[i]);
} else { return none::<ts_ann>; }
/********* utils ********/
fn node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> ts_ann {
match get_ts_ann(ccx, id) {
none {
error!{"node_id_to_ts_ann: no ts_ann for node_id %d", id};
some(tt) { return tt; }
fn node_id_to_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> poststate {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id).states.poststate;
fn stmt_to_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> ts_ann {
match s.node {
stmt_decl(_, id) | stmt_expr(_, id) | stmt_semi(_, id) {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
/* fails if e has no annotation */
fn expr_states(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> pre_and_post_state {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, e.id).states;
/* fails if e has no annotation */
fn expr_pp(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> pre_and_post {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, e.id).conditions;
fn stmt_pp(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> pre_and_post {
return stmt_to_ann(ccx, s).conditions;
/* fails if b has no annotation */
fn block_pp(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> pre_and_post {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, b.node.id).conditions;
fn clear_pp(pp: pre_and_post) {
fn clear_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) {
let pp = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
fn block_states(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> pre_and_post_state {
return node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, b.node.id).states;
fn stmt_states(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> pre_and_post_state {
return stmt_to_ann(ccx, s).states;
fn expr_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> precond {
return expr_pp(ccx, e).precondition;
fn expr_postcond(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> postcond {
return expr_pp(ccx, e).postcondition;
fn expr_prestate(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> prestate {
return expr_states(ccx, e).prestate;
fn expr_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> poststate {
return expr_states(ccx, e).poststate;
fn stmt_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> precond {
return stmt_pp(ccx, s).precondition;
fn stmt_postcond(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> postcond {
return stmt_pp(ccx, s).postcondition;
fn states_to_poststate(ss: pre_and_post_state) -> poststate {
return ss.poststate;
fn stmt_prestate(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> prestate {
return stmt_states(ccx, s).prestate;
fn stmt_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, s: stmt) -> poststate {
return stmt_states(ccx, s).poststate;
fn block_precond(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> precond {
return block_pp(ccx, b).precondition;
fn block_postcond(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> postcond {
return block_pp(ccx, b).postcondition;
fn block_prestate(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> prestate {
return block_states(ccx, b).prestate;
fn block_poststate(ccx: crate_ctxt, b: blk) -> poststate {
return block_states(ccx, b).poststate;
fn set_prestate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: prestate) -> bool {
return set_prestate(node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id), pre);
fn extend_prestate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: prestate) -> bool {
return extend_prestate(node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id).states.prestate, pre);
fn set_poststate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, post: poststate) -> bool {
return set_poststate(node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id), post);
fn extend_poststate_ann(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, post: poststate) ->
bool {
return extend_poststate(
node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id).states.poststate, post);
fn set_pre_and_post(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: precond,
post: postcond) {
let tt = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
set_precondition(tt, pre);
set_postcondition(tt, post);
fn copy_pre_post(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, sub: @expr) {
let p = expr_pp(ccx, sub);
copy_pre_post_(ccx, id, p.precondition, p.postcondition);
fn copy_pre_post_(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, pre: prestate,
post: poststate) {
let tt = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
set_precondition(tt, pre);
set_postcondition(tt, post);
/* sets all bits to *1* */
fn set_postcond_false(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) {
let p = node_id_to_ts_ann(ccx, id);
fn pure_exp(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id, p: prestate) -> bool {
return set_prestate_ann(ccx, id, p) | set_poststate_ann(ccx, id, p);
fn num_constraints(m: fn_info) -> uint { return m.num_constraints; }
fn new_crate_ctxt(cx: ty::ctxt) -> crate_ctxt {
let na: ~[mut ts_ann] = ~[mut];
return {tcx: cx, node_anns: @mut na, fm: int_hash::<fn_info>()};
/* Use e's type to determine whether it returns.
If it has a function type with a ! annotation,
the answer is noreturn. */
fn controlflow_expr(ccx: crate_ctxt, e: @expr) -> ret_style {
match ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, e.id)).struct {
ty::ty_fn(f) { return f.ret_style; }
_ { return return_val; }
fn constraints_expr(cx: ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> ~[@ty::constr] {
match ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(cx, e.id)).struct {
ty::ty_fn(f) { return f.constraints; }
_ { return ~[]; }
fn node_id_to_def_strict(cx: ty::ctxt, id: node_id) -> def {
match cx.def_map.find(id) {
none {
error!{"node_id_to_def: node_id %d has no def", id};
some(d) { return d; }
fn node_id_to_def(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> option<def> {
return ccx.tcx.def_map.find(id);
fn norm_a_constraint(id: def_id, c: constraint) -> ~[norm_constraint] {
let mut rslt: ~[norm_constraint] = ~[];
for (*c.descs).each |pd| {
{bit_num: pd.node.bit_num,
c: respan(pd.span, {path: c.path,
def_id: id,
args: pd.node.args})});
return rslt;
// Tried to write this as an iterator, but I got a
// non-exhaustive match in trans.
fn constraints(fcx: fn_ctxt) -> ~[norm_constraint] {
let mut rslt: ~[norm_constraint] = ~[];
for fcx.enclosing.constrs.each |key, val| {
vec::push_all(rslt, norm_a_constraint(key, val));
return rslt;
// FIXME (#2539): Would rather take an immutable vec as an argument,
// should freeze it at some earlier point.
fn match_args(fcx: fn_ctxt, occs: @dvec<pred_args>,
occ: ~[@constr_arg_use]) -> uint {
debug!{"match_args: looking at %s",
constr_args_to_str(fn@(i: inst) -> ~str { *i.ident }, occ)};
for (*occs).each |pd| {
~"match_args: candidate " + pred_args_to_str(pd));
fn eq(p: inst, q: inst) -> bool { return p.node == q.node; }
if ty::args_eq(eq, pd.node.args, occ) { return pd.node.bit_num; }
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"match_args: no match for occurring args");
fn def_id_for_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, t: node_id) -> def_id {
match tcx.def_map.find(t) {
none {
tcx.sess.bug(~"node_id_for_constr: bad node_id " + int::str(t));
some(def_fn(i, _)) { return i; }
_ { tcx.sess.bug(~"node_id_for_constr: pred is not a function"); }
fn expr_to_constr_arg(tcx: ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> @constr_arg_use {
match e.node {
expr_path(p) {
match tcx.def_map.find(e.id) {
some(def_local(nid, _)) | some(def_arg(nid, _)) |
some(def_binding(nid, _)) | some(def_upvar(nid, _, _, _)) {
return @respan(p.span,
carg_ident({ident: p.idents[0], node: nid}));
some(what) {
fmt!{"exprs_to_constr_args: non-local variable %? \
as pred arg", what});
none {
~"exprs_to_constr_args: unbound id as pred arg");
expr_lit(l) { return @respan(e.span, carg_lit(l)); }
_ {
~"arguments to constrained functions must be " +
~"literals or local variables");
fn exprs_to_constr_args(tcx: ty::ctxt,
args: ~[@expr]) -> ~[@constr_arg_use] {
let f = |a| expr_to_constr_arg(tcx, a);
let mut rslt: ~[@constr_arg_use] = ~[];
for args.each |e| { vec::push(rslt, f(e)); }
fn expr_to_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> sp_constr {
match e.node {
expr_call(operator, args, _) {
match operator.node {
expr_path(p) {
return respan(e.span,
{path: p,
def_id: def_id_for_constr(tcx, operator.id),
args: exprs_to_constr_args(tcx, args)});
_ {
~"ill-formed operator in predicate");
_ {
tcx.sess.span_bug(e.span, ~"ill-formed predicate");
fn pred_args_to_str(p: pred_args) -> ~str {
~"<" + uint::str(p.node.bit_num) + ~", " +
constr_args_to_str(fn@(i: inst) -> ~str {return *i.ident; },
+ ~">"
fn substitute_constr_args(cx: ty::ctxt, actuals: ~[@expr], c: @ty::constr) ->
tsconstr {
let mut rslt: ~[@constr_arg_use] = ~[];
for c.node.args.each |a| {
vec::push(rslt, substitute_arg(cx, actuals, a));
return {path: c.node.path,
def_id: c.node.id,
args: rslt};
fn substitute_arg(cx: ty::ctxt, actuals: ~[@expr], a: @constr_arg) ->
@constr_arg_use {
let num_actuals = vec::len(actuals);
match a.node {
carg_ident(i) {
if i < num_actuals {
return expr_to_constr_arg(cx, actuals[i]);
} else {
cx.sess.span_fatal(a.span, ~"constraint argument out of bounds");
carg_base { return @respan(a.span, carg_base); }
carg_lit(l) { return @respan(a.span, carg_lit(l)); }
fn pred_args_matches(pattern: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>],
desc: pred_args) ->
bool {
let mut i = 0u;
for desc.node.args.each |c| {
let n = pattern[i];
match c.node {
carg_ident(p) {
match n {
carg_ident(q) { if p.node != q.node { return false; } }
_ { return false; }
carg_base { if n != carg_base { return false; } }
carg_lit(l) {
match n {
carg_lit(m) { if !const_eval::lit_eq(l, m) { return false; } }
_ { return false; }
i += 1u;
return true;
fn find_instance_(pattern: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>],
descs: ~[pred_args]) ->
option<uint> {
for descs.each |d| {
if pred_args_matches(pattern, d) { return some(d.node.bit_num); }
return none;
type inst = {ident: ident, node: node_id};
enum dest {
local_dest(inst), // RHS is assigned to a local variable
call // RHS is passed to a function
type subst = ~[{from: inst, to: inst}];
fn find_instances(_fcx: fn_ctxt, subst: subst,
c: constraint) -> ~[{from: uint, to: uint}] {
if vec::len(subst) == 0u { return ~[]; }
let mut res = ~[];
do (*c.descs).swap |v| {
let v <- vec::from_mut(v);
for v.each |d| {
if args_mention(d.node.args, find_in_subst_bool, subst) {
let old_bit_num = d.node.bit_num;
let newv = replace(subst, d);
match find_instance_(newv, v) {
some(d1) {vec::push(res, {from: old_bit_num, to: d1})}
_ {}
} else {}
return res;
fn find_in_subst(id: node_id, s: subst) -> option<inst> {
for s.each |p| {
if id == p.from.node { return some(p.to); }
return none;
fn find_in_subst_bool(s: subst, id: node_id) -> bool {
is_some(find_in_subst(id, s))
fn insts_to_str(stuff: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>]) -> ~str {
let mut rslt = ~"<";
for stuff.each |i| {
rslt +=
~" " +
match i {
carg_ident(p) { *p.ident }
carg_base { ~"*" }
carg_lit(_) { ~"~[lit]" }
} + ~" ";
rslt += ~">";
fn replace(subst: subst, d: pred_args) -> ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>] {
let mut rslt: ~[constr_arg_general_<inst>] = ~[];
for d.node.args.each |c| {
match c.node {
carg_ident(p) {
match find_in_subst(p.node, subst) {
some(newv) { vec::push(rslt, carg_ident(newv)); }
_ { vec::push(rslt, c.node); }
_ {
vec::push(rslt, c.node);
return rslt;
enum if_ty { if_check, plain_if, }
fn for_constraints_mentioning(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id,
f: fn(norm_constraint)) {
for constraints(fcx).each |c| {
if constraint_mentions(fcx, c, id) { f(c); }
fn local_node_id_to_def_id_strict(fcx: fn_ctxt, sp: span, i: node_id) ->
def_id {
match local_node_id_to_def(fcx, i) {
some(def_local(nid, _)) | some(def_arg(nid, _)) |
some(def_upvar(nid, _, _)) {
return local_def(nid);
some(_) {
~"local_node_id_to_def_id: id \
isn't a local");
none {
// should really be bug. span_bug()?
~"local_node_id_to_def_id: id \
is unbound");
fn local_node_id_to_def(fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id) -> option<def> {
fn local_node_id_to_def_id(fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id) -> option<def_id> {
match local_node_id_to_def(fcx, i) {
some(def_local(nid, _)) | some(def_arg(nid, _)) |
some(def_binding(nid, _)) | some(def_upvar(nid, _, _)) {
_ { none }
fn local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx: fn_ctxt, i: node_id) ->
option<node_id> {
match local_node_id_to_def_id(fcx, i) {
some(did) { some(did.node) }
_ { none }
fn copy_in_postcond(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent_exp: node_id, dest: inst, src: inst,
ty: oper_type) {
let post =
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, parent_exp).conditions.postcondition;
copy_in_poststate_two(fcx, post, post, dest, src, ty);
fn copy_in_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, post: poststate, dest: inst, src: inst,
ty: oper_type) {
copy_in_poststate_two(fcx, post, post, dest, src, ty);
// In target_post, set the bits corresponding to copies of any
// constraints mentioning src that are set in src_post, with
// dest substituted for src.
// (This doesn't create any new constraints. If a new, substituted
// constraint isn't already in the bit vector, it's ignored.)
fn copy_in_poststate_two(fcx: fn_ctxt, src_post: poststate,
target_post: poststate, dest: inst, src: inst,
ty: oper_type) {
let mut subst;
match ty {
oper_swap { subst = ~[{from: dest, to: src}, {from: src, to: dest}]; }
oper_assign_op {
return; // Don't do any propagation
_ { subst = ~[{from: src, to: dest}]; }
for fcx.enclosing.constrs.each_value |val| {
// replace any occurrences of the src def_id with the
// dest def_id
let insts = find_instances(fcx, subst, val);
for insts.each |p| {
if bitvectors::promises_(p.from, src_post) {
set_in_poststate_(p.to, target_post);
fn forget_in_postcond(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent_exp: node_id, dead_v: node_id) {
// In the postcondition given by parent_exp, clear the bits
// for any constraints mentioning dead_v
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx, dead_v);
do option::iter(d) |d_id| {
do for_constraints_mentioning(fcx, d_id) |c| {
debug!{"clearing constraint %u %s",
constraint_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, c.c)};
fn forget_in_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, dead_v: node_id) -> bool {
// In the poststate given by parent_exp, clear the bits
// for any constraints mentioning dead_v
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx, dead_v);
let mut changed = false;
do option::iter(d) |d_id| {
do for_constraints_mentioning(fcx, d_id) |c| {
changed |= clear_in_poststate_(c.bit_num, p);
return changed;
fn any_eq(v: ~[node_id], d: node_id) -> bool {
for v.each |i| { if i == d { return true; } }
fn constraint_mentions(_fcx: fn_ctxt, c: norm_constraint, v: node_id) ->
bool {
return args_mention(c.c.node.args, any_eq, ~[v]);
fn args_mention<T>(args: ~[@constr_arg_use],
q: fn(~[T], node_id) -> bool,
s: ~[T]) -> bool {
for args.each |a| {
match a.node {
carg_ident(p1) { if q(s, p1.node) { return true; } } _ { }
return false;
fn use_var(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: node_id) {
vec::push(*fcx.enclosing.used_vars, v);
fn op_to_oper_ty(io: init_op) -> oper_type {
match io { init_move { oper_move } _ { oper_assign } }
// default function visitor
fn do_nothing<T>(_fk: visit::fn_kind, _decl: fn_decl, _body: blk,
_sp: span, _id: node_id,
_t: T, _v: visit::vt<T>) {
fn args_to_constr_args(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: ~[arg],
indices: ~[@sp_constr_arg<uint>])
-> ~[@constr_arg_use] {
let mut actuals: ~[@constr_arg_use] = ~[];
let num_args = vec::len(args);
for indices.each |a| {
match a.node {
carg_base { carg_base }
carg_ident(i) {
if i < num_args {
carg_ident({ident: args[i].ident,
node: args[i].id})
} else {
~"index out of bounds in \
constraint arg");
carg_lit(l) { carg_lit(l) }
return actuals;
fn ast_constr_to_ts_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: ~[arg], c: @constr) ->
tsconstr {
let tconstr = ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, c);
return {path: tconstr.node.path,
def_id: tconstr.node.id,
args: args_to_constr_args(tcx, args, tconstr.node.args)};
fn ast_constr_to_sp_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: ~[arg], c: @constr) ->
sp_constr {
let tconstr = ast_constr_to_ts_constr(tcx, args, c);
return respan(c.span, tconstr);
type binding = {lhs: ~[dest], rhs: option<initializer>};
fn local_to_bindings(tcx: ty::ctxt, loc: @local) -> binding {
let mut lhs = ~[];
do pat_bindings(tcx.def_map, loc.node.pat) |_bm, p_id, _s, name| {
vec::push(lhs, local_dest({ident: path_to_ident(name), node: p_id}));
{lhs: lhs, rhs: loc.node.init}
fn locals_to_bindings(tcx: ty::ctxt, locals: ~[@local]) -> ~[binding] {
let mut rslt = ~[];
for locals.each |loc| { vec::push(rslt, local_to_bindings(tcx, loc)); }
return rslt;
fn callee_modes(fcx: fn_ctxt, callee: node_id) -> ~[mode] {
let ty = ty::type_autoderef(fcx.ccx.tcx,
ty::node_id_to_type(fcx.ccx.tcx, callee));
match ty::get(ty).struct {
ty::ty_fn({inputs: args, _}) {
let mut modes = ~[];
for args.each |arg| { vec::push(modes, arg.mode); }
return modes;
_ {
// Shouldn't happen; callee should be ty_fn.
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"non-fn callee type in callee_modes: " +
util::ppaux::ty_to_str(fcx.ccx.tcx, ty));
fn callee_arg_init_ops(fcx: fn_ctxt, callee: node_id) -> ~[init_op] {
do vec::map(callee_modes(fcx, callee)) |m| {
match ty::resolved_mode(fcx.ccx.tcx, m) {
by_move { init_move }
by_copy | by_ref | by_val | by_mutbl_ref { init_assign }
fn arg_bindings(ops: ~[init_op], es: ~[@expr]) -> ~[binding] {
let mut bindings: ~[binding] = ~[];
let mut i = 0u;
for ops.each |op| {
{lhs: ~[call], rhs: some({op: op, expr: es[i]})});
i += 1u;
return bindings;
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// mode: rust
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