I was still having issues with the build system somehow getting confused as to which set of valgrind headers to use when compiling rt. This commit moves all the valgrind headers into their own directory under rt and makes the usage more consistent. The compiler is now passed the -DNVALGRIND flag when valgrind is not installed, as opposed to passing -DHAVE_VALGRIND. We also pass -I src/rt to the compiler when building rt so you can more easily import what you want. I also cleaned up some erroneous #includes along the way. It should be safe to always just import the local valgrind headers and use them without question. NVALGRIND turns the operations to no-ops when it is active, and the build and tests run cleanly with or without.
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# This is a procedure to define the targets for building
# the runtime.
# Argument 1 is the target triple.
# This is not really the right place to explain this, but
# for those of you who are not Makefile gurus, let me briefly
# cover the $ expansion system in use here, because it
# confused me for a while! The variable DEF_RUNTIME_TARGETS
# will be defined once and then expanded with different
# values substituted for $(1) each time it is called.
# That resulting text is then eval'd.
# For most variables, you could use a single $ sign. The result
# is that the substitution would occur when the CALL occurs,
# I believe. The problem is that the automatic variables $< and $@
# need to be expanded-per-rule. Therefore, for those variables at
# least, you need $$< and $$@ in the variable text. This way, after
# the CALL substitution occurs, you will have $< and $@. This text
# will then be evaluated, and all will work as you like.
# Reader beware, this explanantion could be wrong, but it seems to
# fit the experimental data (i.e., I was able to get the system
# working under these assumptions).
# Hack for passing flags into LIBUV, see below.
LIBUV_FLAGS_i386 = -m32 -fPIC
LIBUV_FLAGS_x86_64 = -m64 -fPIC
# Runtime (C++) library variables
RUNTIME_CS_$(1) := \
rt/sync/timer.cpp \
rt/sync/sync.cpp \
rt/sync/lock_and_signal.cpp \
rt/rust.cpp \
rt/rust_builtin.cpp \
rt/rust_run_program.cpp \
rt/rust_crate_cache.cpp \
rt/rust_env.cpp \
rt/rust_scheduler.cpp \
rt/rust_task.cpp \
rt/rust_task_list.cpp \
rt/rust_port.cpp \
rt/rust_upcall.cpp \
rt/rust_uv.cpp \
rt/rust_log.cpp \
rt/rust_timer.cpp \
rt/circular_buffer.cpp \
rt/isaac/randport.cpp \
rt/rust_srv.cpp \
rt/rust_kernel.cpp \
rt/rust_shape.cpp \
rt/rust_obstack.cpp \
rt/rust_gc.cpp \
rt/rust_abi.cpp \
rt/rust_cc.cpp \
rt/rust_debug.cpp \
rt/memory_region.cpp \
rt/test/rust_test_harness.cpp \
rt/test/rust_test_runtime.cpp \
rt/test/rust_test_util.cpp \
RUNTIME_S_$(1) := rt/arch/$$(HOST_$(1))/_context.S \
rt/arch/$$(HOST_$(1))/ccall.S \
RUNTIME_HDR_$(1) := rt/globals.h \
rt/rust.h \
rt/rust_abi.h \
rt/rust_cc.h \
rt/rust_debug.h \
rt/rust_gc.h \
rt/rust_internal.h \
rt/rust_util.h \
rt/rust_env.h \
rt/rust_obstack.h \
rt/rust_unwind.h \
rt/rust_upcall.h \
rt/rust_port.h \
rt/rust_scheduler.h \
rt/rust_shape.h \
rt/rust_task.h \
rt/rust_task_list.h \
rt/rust_log.h \
rt/circular_buffer.h \
rt/util/array_list.h \
rt/util/indexed_list.h \
rt/util/synchronized_indexed_list.h \
rt/util/hash_map.h \
rt/sync/sync.h \
rt/sync/timer.h \
rt/sync/lock_and_signal.h \
rt/sync/lock_free_queue.h \
rt/rust_srv.h \
rt/rust_kernel.h \
rt/memory_region.h \
rt/memory.h \
rt/test/rust_test_harness.h \
rt/test/rust_test_runtime.h \
rt/test/rust_test_util.h \
rt/arch/$$(HOST_$(1))/context.h \
ifeq ($$(HOST_$(1)), i386)
LIBUV_ARCH_$(1) := ia32
LIBUV_ARCH_$(1) := x86_64
ifeq ($$(CFG_WINDOWSY), 1)
LIBUV_OSTYPE_$(1) := win
LIBUV_LIB_$(1) := rt/$(1)/libuv/Default/obj.target/src/libuv/libuv.a
else ifeq ($(CFG_OSTYPE), apple-darwin)
LIBUV_OSTYPE_$(1) := mac
LIBUV_LIB_$(1) := rt/$(1)/libuv/Default/libuv.a
LIBUV_OSTYPE_$(1) := unix
LIBUV_LIB_$(1) := rt/$(1)/libuv/Default/obj.target/src/libuv/libuv.a
RUNTIME_DEF_$(1) := rt/rustrt$$(CFG_DEF_SUFFIX)
RUNTIME_INCS_$(1) := -I $$(S)src/rt -I $$(S)src/rt/isaac -I $$(S)src/rt/uthash \
-I $$(S)src/rt/arch/$$(HOST_$(1)) \
-I $$(S)src/libuv/include
RUNTIME_OBJS_$(1) := $$(RUNTIME_CS_$(1):rt/%.cpp=rt/$(1)/%.o) \
RUNTIME_LIBS_$(1) := $$(LIBUV_LIB_$(1))
rt/$(1)/%.o: rt/%.cpp $$(MKFILE_DEPS)
@$$(call E, compile: $$@)
$$(Q)$$(call CFG_COMPILE_C_$(1), $$@, $$(RUNTIME_INCS_$(1))) $$<
rt/$(1)/%.o: rt/%.S $$(MKFILE_DEPS)
@$$(call E, compile: $$@)
$$(Q)$$(call CFG_COMPILE_C_$(1), $$@, $$(RUNTIME_INCS_$(1))) $$<
rt/$(1)/arch/$$(HOST_$(1))/libmorestack.a: \
@$$(call E, link: $$@)
$$(Q)ar rcs $$@ $$<
rt/$(1)/$(CFG_RUNTIME): $$(RUNTIME_OBJS_$(1)) $$(MKFILE_DEPS) \
$$(RUNTIME_HDR_$(1)) \
$$(RUNTIME_DEF_$(1)) \
@$$(call E, link: $$@)
$$(Q)$$(call CFG_LINK_C_$(1),$$@, $$(RUNTIME_OBJS_$(1)) \
# FIXME: For some reason libuv's makefiles can't figure out the correct definition
# of CC on the mingw I'm using, so we are explicitly using gcc. Also, we
# have to list environment variables first on windows... mysterious
$$(LIBUV_LIB_$(1)): $$(wildcard \
$$(S)src/libuv/* \
$$(S)src/libuv/*/* \
$$(S)src/libuv/*/*/* \
$$(Q)$$(MAKE) -C $$(S)mk/libuv/$$(LIBUV_ARCH_$(1))/$$(LIBUV_OSTYPE_$(1)) \
CFLAGS="$$(LIBUV_FLAGS_$$(HOST_$(1)))" \
builddir_name="$$(CFG_BUILD_DIR)/rt/$(1)/libuv" \
# These could go in rt.mk or rustllvm.mk, they're needed for both.
# This regexp has a single $, escaped twice
%.linux.def: %.def.in $$(MKFILE_DEPS)
@$$(call E, def: $$@)
$$(Q)echo "{" > $$@
$$(Q)sed 's/.$$$$/&;/' $$< >> $$@
$$(Q)echo "};" >> $$@
%.darwin.def: %.def.in $$(MKFILE_DEPS)
@$$(call E, def: $$@)
$$(Q)sed 's/^./_&/' $$< > $$@
%.def: %.def.in $$(MKFILE_DEPS)
@$$(call E, def: $$@)
$$(Q)echo LIBRARY $$* > $$@
$$(Q)echo EXPORTS >> $$@
$$(Q)sed 's/^./ &/' $$< >> $$@
# Instantiate template for all stages
$(foreach target,$(CFG_TARGET_TRIPLES), \
$(eval $(call DEF_RUNTIME_TARGETS,$(target))))