582 lines
19 KiB
582 lines
19 KiB
//! A JSON emitter for errors.
//! This works by converting errors to a simplified structural format (see the
//! structs at the start of the file) and then serializing them. These should
//! contain as much information about the error as possible.
//! The format of the JSON output should be considered *unstable*. For now the
//! structs at the end of this file (Diagnostic*) specify the error format.
// FIXME: spec the JSON output properly.
use std::error::Report;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::vec;
use derive_setters::Setters;
use rustc_data_structures::sync::{IntoDynSyncSend, Lrc};
use rustc_error_messages::FluentArgs;
use rustc_lint_defs::Applicability;
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_span::hygiene::ExpnData;
use rustc_span::source_map::SourceMap;
use serde::Serialize;
use termcolor::{ColorSpec, WriteColor};
use crate::diagnostic::IsLint;
use crate::emitter::{
ColorConfig, Destination, Emitter, HumanEmitter, HumanReadableErrorType,
use crate::registry::Registry;
use crate::translation::{Translate, to_fluent_args};
use crate::{
CodeSuggestion, FluentBundle, LazyFallbackBundle, MultiSpan, SpanLabel, Subdiag, Suggestions,
mod tests;
pub struct JsonEmitter {
dst: IntoDynSyncSend<Box<dyn Write + Send>>,
registry: Option<Registry>,
sm: Lrc<SourceMap>,
fluent_bundle: Option<Lrc<FluentBundle>>,
fallback_bundle: LazyFallbackBundle,
pretty: bool,
ui_testing: bool,
ignored_directories_in_source_blocks: Vec<String>,
json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType,
color_config: ColorConfig,
diagnostic_width: Option<usize>,
macro_backtrace: bool,
track_diagnostics: bool,
terminal_url: TerminalUrl,
impl JsonEmitter {
pub fn new(
dst: Box<dyn Write + Send>,
sm: Lrc<SourceMap>,
fallback_bundle: LazyFallbackBundle,
pretty: bool,
json_rendered: HumanReadableErrorType,
color_config: ColorConfig,
) -> JsonEmitter {
JsonEmitter {
dst: IntoDynSyncSend(dst),
registry: None,
fluent_bundle: None,
ui_testing: false,
ignored_directories_in_source_blocks: Vec::new(),
diagnostic_width: None,
macro_backtrace: false,
track_diagnostics: false,
terminal_url: TerminalUrl::No,
fn emit(&mut self, val: EmitTyped<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
if self.pretty {
serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut *self.dst, &val)?
} else {
serde_json::to_writer(&mut *self.dst, &val)?
#[serde(tag = "$message_type", rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum EmitTyped<'a> {
impl Translate for JsonEmitter {
fn fluent_bundle(&self) -> Option<&FluentBundle> {
fn fallback_fluent_bundle(&self) -> &FluentBundle {
impl Emitter for JsonEmitter {
fn emit_diagnostic(&mut self, diag: crate::DiagInner) {
let data = Diagnostic::from_errors_diagnostic(diag, self);
let result = self.emit(EmitTyped::Diagnostic(data));
if let Err(e) = result {
panic!("failed to print diagnostics: {e:?}");
fn emit_artifact_notification(&mut self, path: &Path, artifact_type: &str) {
let data = ArtifactNotification { artifact: path, emit: artifact_type };
let result = self.emit(EmitTyped::Artifact(data));
if let Err(e) = result {
panic!("failed to print notification: {e:?}");
fn emit_future_breakage_report(&mut self, diags: Vec<crate::DiagInner>) {
let data: Vec<FutureBreakageItem<'_>> = diags
.map(|mut diag| {
// Allowed or expected lints don't normally (by definition) emit a lint
// but future incompat lints are special and are emitted anyway.
// So to avoid ICEs and confused users we "upgrade" the lint level for
// those `FutureBreakageItem` to warn.
if matches!(diag.level, crate::Level::Allow | crate::Level::Expect(..)) {
diag.level = crate::Level::Warning;
FutureBreakageItem {
diagnostic: EmitTyped::Diagnostic(Diagnostic::from_errors_diagnostic(
diag, self,
let report = FutureIncompatReport { future_incompat_report: data };
let result = self.emit(EmitTyped::FutureIncompat(report));
if let Err(e) = result {
panic!("failed to print future breakage report: {e:?}");
fn emit_unused_externs(&mut self, lint_level: rustc_lint_defs::Level, unused_externs: &[&str]) {
let lint_level = lint_level.as_str();
let data = UnusedExterns { lint_level, unused_extern_names: unused_externs };
let result = self.emit(EmitTyped::UnusedExtern(data));
if let Err(e) = result {
panic!("failed to print unused externs: {e:?}");
fn source_map(&self) -> Option<&SourceMap> {
fn should_show_explain(&self) -> bool {
// The following data types are provided just for serialisation.
struct Diagnostic {
/// The primary error message.
message: String,
code: Option<DiagnosticCode>,
/// "error: internal compiler error", "error", "warning", "note", "help".
level: &'static str,
spans: Vec<DiagnosticSpan>,
/// Associated diagnostic messages.
children: Vec<Diagnostic>,
/// The message as rustc would render it.
rendered: Option<String>,
struct DiagnosticSpan {
file_name: String,
byte_start: u32,
byte_end: u32,
/// 1-based.
line_start: usize,
line_end: usize,
/// 1-based, character offset.
column_start: usize,
column_end: usize,
/// Is this a "primary" span -- meaning the point, or one of the points,
/// where the error occurred?
is_primary: bool,
/// Source text from the start of line_start to the end of line_end.
text: Vec<DiagnosticSpanLine>,
/// Label that should be placed at this location (if any)
label: Option<String>,
/// If we are suggesting a replacement, this will contain text
/// that should be sliced in atop this span.
suggested_replacement: Option<String>,
/// If the suggestion is approximate
suggestion_applicability: Option<Applicability>,
/// Macro invocations that created the code at this span, if any.
expansion: Option<Box<DiagnosticSpanMacroExpansion>>,
struct DiagnosticSpanLine {
text: String,
/// 1-based, character offset in self.text.
highlight_start: usize,
highlight_end: usize,
struct DiagnosticSpanMacroExpansion {
/// span where macro was applied to generate this code; note that
/// this may itself derive from a macro (if
/// `span.expansion.is_some()`)
span: DiagnosticSpan,
/// name of macro that was applied (e.g., "foo!" or "#[derive(Eq)]")
macro_decl_name: String,
/// span where macro was defined (if known)
def_site_span: DiagnosticSpan,
struct DiagnosticCode {
/// The error code (e.g. "E1234"), if the diagnostic has one. Or the lint
/// name, if it's a lint without an error code.
code: String,
/// An explanation for the code.
explanation: Option<&'static str>,
struct ArtifactNotification<'a> {
/// The path of the artifact.
artifact: &'a Path,
/// What kind of artifact we're emitting.
emit: &'a str,
struct FutureBreakageItem<'a> {
// Always EmitTyped::Diagnostic, but we want to make sure it gets serialized
// with "$message_type".
diagnostic: EmitTyped<'a>,
struct FutureIncompatReport<'a> {
future_incompat_report: Vec<FutureBreakageItem<'a>>,
// NOTE: Keep this in sync with the equivalent structs in rustdoc's
// doctest component (as well as cargo).
// We could unify this struct the one in rustdoc but they have different
// ownership semantics, so doing so would create wasteful allocations.
struct UnusedExterns<'a> {
/// The severity level of the unused dependencies lint
lint_level: &'a str,
/// List of unused externs by their names.
unused_extern_names: &'a [&'a str],
impl Diagnostic {
/// Converts from `rustc_errors::DiagInner` to `Diagnostic`.
fn from_errors_diagnostic(diag: crate::DiagInner, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Diagnostic {
let args = to_fluent_args(diag.args.iter());
let sugg_to_diag = |sugg: &CodeSuggestion| {
let translated_message =
je.translate_message(&sugg.msg, &args).map_err(Report::new).unwrap();
Diagnostic {
message: translated_message.to_string(),
code: None,
level: "help",
spans: DiagnosticSpan::from_suggestion(sugg, &args, je),
children: vec![],
rendered: None,
let sugg = match &diag.suggestions {
Suggestions::Enabled(suggestions) => suggestions.iter().map(sugg_to_diag),
Suggestions::Sealed(suggestions) => suggestions.iter().map(sugg_to_diag),
Suggestions::Disabled => [].iter().map(sugg_to_diag),
// generate regular command line output and store it in the json
// A threadsafe buffer for writing.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct BufWriter(Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>);
impl Write for BufWriter {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
impl WriteColor for BufWriter {
fn supports_color(&self) -> bool {
fn set_color(&mut self, _spec: &ColorSpec) -> io::Result<()> {
fn reset(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
let translated_message = je.translate_messages(&diag.messages, &args);
let code = if let Some(code) = diag.code {
Some(DiagnosticCode {
code: code.to_string(),
explanation: je.registry.as_ref().unwrap().try_find_description(code).ok(),
} else if let Some(IsLint { name, .. }) = &diag.is_lint {
Some(DiagnosticCode { code: name.to_string(), explanation: None })
} else {
let level = diag.level.to_str();
let spans = DiagnosticSpan::from_multispan(&diag.span, &args, je);
let children = diag
.map(|c| Diagnostic::from_sub_diagnostic(c, &args, je))
let buf = BufWriter::default();
let mut dst: Destination = Box::new(buf.clone());
let short = je.json_rendered.short();
match je.color_config {
ColorConfig::Always | ColorConfig::Auto => dst = Box::new(termcolor::Ansi::new(dst)),
ColorConfig::Never => {}
HumanEmitter::new(dst, Lrc::clone(&je.fallback_bundle))
let buf = Arc::try_unwrap(buf.0).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap();
let buf = String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap();
Diagnostic {
message: translated_message.to_string(),
rendered: Some(buf),
fn from_sub_diagnostic(
subdiag: &Subdiag,
args: &FluentArgs<'_>,
je: &JsonEmitter,
) -> Diagnostic {
let translated_message = je.translate_messages(&subdiag.messages, args);
Diagnostic {
message: translated_message.to_string(),
code: None,
level: subdiag.level.to_str(),
spans: DiagnosticSpan::from_multispan(&subdiag.span, args, je),
children: vec![],
rendered: None,
impl DiagnosticSpan {
fn from_span_label(
span: SpanLabel,
suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>,
args: &FluentArgs<'_>,
je: &JsonEmitter,
) -> DiagnosticSpan {
.map(|m| je.translate_message(m, args).unwrap())
.map(|m| m.to_string()),
fn from_span_etc(
span: Span,
is_primary: bool,
label: Option<String>,
suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>,
je: &JsonEmitter,
) -> DiagnosticSpan {
// obtain the full backtrace from the `macro_backtrace`
// helper; in some ways, it'd be better to expand the
// backtrace ourselves, but the `macro_backtrace` helper makes
// some decision, such as dropping some frames, and I don't
// want to duplicate that logic here.
let backtrace = span.macro_backtrace();
DiagnosticSpan::from_span_full(span, is_primary, label, suggestion, backtrace, je)
fn from_span_full(
mut span: Span,
is_primary: bool,
label: Option<String>,
suggestion: Option<(&String, Applicability)>,
mut backtrace: impl Iterator<Item = ExpnData>,
je: &JsonEmitter,
) -> DiagnosticSpan {
let start = je.sm.lookup_char_pos(span.lo());
// If this goes from the start of a line to the end and the replacement
// is an empty string, increase the length to include the newline so we don't
// leave an empty line
if start.col.0 == 0
&& suggestion.map_or(false, |(s, _)| s.is_empty())
&& let Ok(after) = je.sm.span_to_next_source(span)
&& after.starts_with('\n')
span = span.with_hi(span.hi() + rustc_span::BytePos(1));
let end = je.sm.lookup_char_pos(span.hi());
let backtrace_step = backtrace.next().map(|bt| {
let call_site = Self::from_span_full(bt.call_site, false, None, None, backtrace, je);
let def_site_span = Self::from_span_full(
Box::new(DiagnosticSpanMacroExpansion {
span: call_site,
macro_decl_name: bt.kind.descr(),
DiagnosticSpan {
file_name: je.sm.filename_for_diagnostics(&start.file.name).to_string(),
byte_start: start.file.original_relative_byte_pos(span.lo()).0,
byte_end: start.file.original_relative_byte_pos(span.hi()).0,
line_start: start.line,
line_end: end.line,
column_start: start.col.0 + 1,
column_end: end.col.0 + 1,
text: DiagnosticSpanLine::from_span(span, je),
suggested_replacement: suggestion.map(|x| x.0.clone()),
suggestion_applicability: suggestion.map(|x| x.1),
expansion: backtrace_step,
fn from_multispan(
msp: &MultiSpan,
args: &FluentArgs<'_>,
je: &JsonEmitter,
) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpan> {
.map(|span_str| Self::from_span_label(span_str, None, args, je))
fn from_suggestion(
suggestion: &CodeSuggestion,
args: &FluentArgs<'_>,
je: &JsonEmitter,
) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpan> {
.flat_map(|substitution| {
substitution.parts.iter().map(move |suggestion_inner| {
let span_label =
SpanLabel { span: suggestion_inner.span, is_primary: true, label: None };
Some((&suggestion_inner.snippet, suggestion.applicability)),
impl DiagnosticSpanLine {
fn line_from_source_file(
sf: &rustc_span::SourceFile,
index: usize,
h_start: usize,
h_end: usize,
) -> DiagnosticSpanLine {
DiagnosticSpanLine {
text: sf.get_line(index).map_or_else(String::new, |l| l.into_owned()),
highlight_start: h_start,
highlight_end: h_end,
/// Creates a list of DiagnosticSpanLines from span - each line with any part
/// of `span` gets a DiagnosticSpanLine, with the highlight indicating the
/// `span` within the line.
fn from_span(span: Span, je: &JsonEmitter) -> Vec<DiagnosticSpanLine> {
.map(|lines| {
// We can't get any lines if the source is unavailable.
if !should_show_source_code(
) {
return vec![];
let sf = &*lines.file;
.map(|line| {
line.start_col.0 + 1,
line.end_col.0 + 1,
.unwrap_or_else(|_| vec![])