Nikita Popov c2fd26a115 Separate immediate and in-memory ScalarPair representation
Currently, we assume that ScalarPair is always represented using
a two-element struct, both as an immediate value and when stored
in memory.

This currently works fairly well, but runs into problems with, where a ScalarPair
involving an i128 type can no longer be represented as a two-element
struct in memory. For example, the tuple `(i32, i128)` needs to be
represented in-memory as `{ i32, [3 x i32], i128 }` to satisfy
alignment requirement. Using `{ i32, i128 }` instead will result in
the second element being stored at the wrong offset (prior to
LLVM 18).

Resolve this issue by no longer requiring that the immediate and
in-memory type for ScalarPair are the same. The in-memory type
will now look the same as for normal struct types (and will include
padding filler and similar), while the immediate type stays a
simple two-element struct type. This also means that booleans in
immediate ScalarPair are now represented as i1 rather than i8,
just like we do everywhere else.

The core change here is to llvm_type (which now treats ScalarPair
as a normal struct) and immediate_llvm_type (which returns the
two-element struct that llvm_type used to produce). The rest is
fixing things up to no longer assume these are the same. In
particular, this switches places that try to get pointers to the
ScalarPair elements to use byte-geps instead of struct-geps.
2023-12-15 17:42:05 +01:00

470 lines
13 KiB

// compile-flags: -O -C no-prepopulate-passes
// only-64bit (so I don't need to worry about usize)
#![crate_type = "lib"]
use std::intrinsics::{transmute, transmute_unchecked};
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
// Some of these need custom MIR to not get removed by MIR optimizations.
use std::intrinsics::mir::*;
pub enum ZstNever {}
pub struct BigNever(ZstNever, u16, ZstNever);
pub struct Scalar64(i64);
#[repr(C, align(4))]
pub struct Aggregate64(u16, u8, i8, f32);
pub struct Aggregate8(u8);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_bigger_size(
pub unsafe fn check_bigger_size(x: u16) -> u32 {
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_smaller_size(
pub unsafe fn check_smaller_size(x: u32) -> u16 {
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_smaller_array(
pub unsafe fn check_smaller_array(x: [u32; 7]) -> [u32; 3] {
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_bigger_array(
pub unsafe fn check_bigger_array(x: [u32; 3]) -> [u32; 7] {
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_empty_array(
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub unsafe fn check_to_empty_array(x: [u32; 5]) -> [u32; 0] {
// CHECK-NOT: trap
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-NOT: trap
mir! {
RET = CastTransmute(x);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_empty_array(
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub unsafe fn check_from_empty_array(x: [u32; 0]) -> [u32; 5] {
// CHECK-NOT: trap
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-NOT: trap
mir! {
RET = CastTransmute(x);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_uninhabited(
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub unsafe fn check_to_uninhabited(x: u16) {
// CHECK-NOT: trap
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-NOT: trap
mir! {
let temp: BigNever;
temp = CastTransmute(x);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_uninhabited(
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub unsafe fn check_from_uninhabited(x: BigNever) -> u16 {
// CHECK: ret i16 poison
mir! {
RET = CastTransmute(x);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_intermediate_passthrough(
pub unsafe fn check_intermediate_passthrough(x: u32) -> i32 {
// CHECK: start
// CHECK: %[[TMP:.+]] = add i32 1, %x
// CHECK: %[[RET:.+]] = add i32 %[[TMP]], 1
// CHECK: ret i32 %[[RET]]
unsafe { transmute::<u32, i32>(1 + x) + 1 }
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_nop_pair(
pub unsafe fn check_nop_pair(x: (u8, i8)) -> (i8, u8) {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %0 = insertvalue { i8, i8 } poison, i8 %x.0, 0
// CHECK: %1 = insertvalue { i8, i8 } %0, i8 %x.1, 1
// CHECK: ret { i8, i8 } %1
unsafe { transmute(x) }
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_newtype(
pub unsafe fn check_to_newtype(x: u64) -> Scalar64 {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: ret i64 %x
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_newtype(
pub unsafe fn check_from_newtype(x: Scalar64) -> u64 {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: ret i64 %x
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_aggregate_to_bool(
pub unsafe fn check_aggregate_to_bool(x: Aggregate8) -> bool {
// CHECK: %x = alloca %Aggregate8, align 1
// CHECK: %[[BYTE:.+]] = load i8, ptr %x, align 1
// CHECK: %[[BOOL:.+]] = trunc i8 %[[BYTE]] to i1
// CHECK: ret i1 %[[BOOL]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_aggregate_from_bool(
pub unsafe fn check_aggregate_from_bool(x: bool) -> Aggregate8 {
// CHECK: %_0 = alloca %Aggregate8, align 1
// CHECK: %[[BYTE:.+]] = zext i1 %x to i8
// CHECK: store i8 %[[BYTE]], ptr %_0, align 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_byte_to_bool(
pub unsafe fn check_byte_to_bool(x: u8) -> bool {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %[[R:.+]] = trunc i8 %x to i1
// CHECK: ret i1 %[[R]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_byte_from_bool(
pub unsafe fn check_byte_from_bool(x: bool) -> u8 {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %[[R:.+]] = zext i1 %x to i8
// CHECK: ret i8 %[[R:.+]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_pair(
pub unsafe fn check_to_pair(x: u64) -> Option<i32> {
// CHECK: %_0 = alloca %"core::option::Option<i32>", align 4
// CHECK: store i64 %x, ptr %_0, align 4
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_pair(
pub unsafe fn check_from_pair(x: Option<i32>) -> u64 {
// The two arguments are of types that are only 4-aligned, but they're
// immediates so we can write using the destination alloca's alignment.
const { assert!(std::mem::align_of::<Option<i32>>() == 4) };
// CHECK: %_0 = alloca i64, align 8
// CHECK: store i32 %x.0, ptr %_0, align 8
// CHECK: store i32 %x.1, ptr %0, align 4
// CHECK: %[[R:.+]] = load i64, ptr %_0, align 8
// CHECK: ret i64 %[[R]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_float(
pub unsafe fn check_to_float(x: u32) -> f32 {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %_0 = bitcast i32 %x to float
// CHECK: ret float %_0
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_float(
pub unsafe fn check_from_float(x: f32) -> u32 {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %_0 = bitcast float %x to i32
// CHECK: ret i32 %_0
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_bytes(
pub unsafe fn check_to_bytes(x: u32) -> [u8; 4] {
// CHECK: %_0 = alloca [4 x i8], align 1
// CHECK: store i32 %x, ptr %_0, align 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_bytes(
pub unsafe fn check_from_bytes(x: [u8; 4]) -> u32 {
// CHECK: %x = alloca [4 x i8], align 1
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = load i32, ptr %x, align 1
// CHECK: ret i32 %[[VAL]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_aggregate(
pub unsafe fn check_to_aggregate(x: u64) -> Aggregate64 {
// CHECK: %_0 = alloca %Aggregate64, align 4
// CHECK: store i64 %x, ptr %_0, align 4
// CHECK: %0 = load i64, ptr %_0, align 4
// CHECK: ret i64 %0
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_aggregate(
pub unsafe fn check_from_aggregate(x: Aggregate64) -> u64 {
// CHECK: %x = alloca %Aggregate64, align 4
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = load i64, ptr %x, align 4
// CHECK: ret i64 %[[VAL]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_long_array_less_aligned(
pub unsafe fn check_long_array_less_aligned(x: [u64; 100]) -> [u16; 400] {
// CHECK-NEXT: start
// CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.memcpy.p0.p0.i64(ptr align 2 %_0, ptr align 8 %x, i64 800, i1 false)
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_long_array_more_aligned(
pub unsafe fn check_long_array_more_aligned(x: [u8; 100]) -> [u32; 25] {
// CHECK-NEXT: start
// CHECK-NEXT: call void @llvm.memcpy.p0.p0.i64(ptr align 4 %_0, ptr align 1 %x, i64 100, i1 false)
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_pair_with_bool(
pub unsafe fn check_pair_with_bool(x: (u8, bool)) -> (bool, i8) {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: trunc i8 %x.0 to i1
// CHECK: zext i1 %x.1 to i8
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_float_to_pointer(
pub unsafe fn check_float_to_pointer(x: f64) -> *const () {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %0 = bitcast double %x to i64
// CHECK: %_0 = inttoptr i64 %0 to ptr
// CHECK: ret ptr %_0
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_float_from_pointer(
pub unsafe fn check_float_from_pointer(x: *const ()) -> f64 {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %0 = ptrtoint ptr %x to i64
// CHECK: %_0 = bitcast i64 %0 to double
// CHECK: ret double %_0
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_array_to_pair(
pub unsafe fn check_array_to_pair(x: [u8; 16]) -> (i64, u64) {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: %[[FST:.+]] = load i64, ptr %{{.+}}, align 1, !noundef !
// CHECK: %[[SND:.+]] = load i64, ptr %{{.+}}, align 1, !noundef !
// CHECK: %[[PAIR0:.+]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } poison, i64 %[[FST]], 0
// CHECK: %[[PAIR01:.+]] = insertvalue { i64, i64 } %[[PAIR0]], i64 %[[SND]], 1
// CHECK: ret { i64, i64 } %[[PAIR01]]
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_pair_to_array(
pub unsafe fn check_pair_to_array(x: (i64, u64)) -> [u8; 16] {
// CHECK-NOT: alloca
// CHECK: store i64 %x.0, ptr %{{.+}}, align 1
// CHECK: store i64 %x.1, ptr %{{.+}}, align 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_heterogeneous_integer_pair(
pub unsafe fn check_heterogeneous_integer_pair(x: (i32, bool)) -> (bool, u32) {
// CHECK: store i32 %x.0
// CHECK: %[[WIDER:.+]] = zext i1 %x.1 to i8
// CHECK: store i8 %[[WIDER]]
// CHECK: %[[BYTE:.+]] = load i8
// CHECK: trunc i8 %[[BYTE:.+]] to i1
// CHECK: load i32
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_heterogeneous_float_pair(
pub unsafe fn check_heterogeneous_float_pair(x: (f64, f32)) -> (f32, f64) {
// CHECK: store double %x.0
// CHECK: store float %x.1
// CHECK: %[[A:.+]] = load float
// CHECK: %[[B:.+]] = load double
// CHECK: %[[P:.+]] = insertvalue { float, double } poison, float %[[A]], 0
// CHECK: insertvalue { float, double } %[[P]], double %[[B]], 1
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_issue_110005(
pub unsafe fn check_issue_110005(x: (usize, bool)) -> Option<Box<[u8]>> {
// CHECK: store i64 %x.0
// CHECK: %[[WIDER:.+]] = zext i1 %x.1 to i8
// CHECK: store i8 %[[WIDER]]
// CHECK: load ptr
// CHECK: load i64
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_pair_to_dst_ref(
pub unsafe fn check_pair_to_dst_ref<'a>(x: (usize, usize)) -> &'a [u8] {
// CHECK: %_0.0 = inttoptr i64 %x.0 to ptr
// CHECK: %0 = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } poison, ptr %_0.0, 0
// CHECK: %1 = insertvalue { ptr, i64 } %0, i64 %x.1, 1
// CHECK: ret { ptr, i64 } %1
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_issue_109992(
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub unsafe fn check_issue_109992(x: ()) -> [(); 1] {
// This uses custom MIR to avoid MIR optimizations having removed ZST ops.
// CHECK: start
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
mir! {
RET = CastTransmute(x);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_unit_to_never(
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub unsafe fn check_unit_to_never(x: ()) {
// This uses custom MIR to avoid MIR optimizations having removed ZST ops.
// CHECK-NOT: trap
// CHECK: call void @llvm.trap
// CHECK-NOT: trap
mir! {
let temp: ZstNever;
temp = CastTransmute(x);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_unit_from_never(
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub unsafe fn check_unit_from_never(x: ZstNever) -> () {
// This uses custom MIR to avoid MIR optimizations having removed ZST ops.
// CHECK: start
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
mir! {
RET = CastTransmute(x);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_maybe_uninit_pair(i16 %x.0, i64 %x.1)
pub unsafe fn check_maybe_uninit_pair(
x: (MaybeUninit<u16>, MaybeUninit<u64>),
) -> (MaybeUninit<i64>, MaybeUninit<i16>) {
// Thanks to `MaybeUninit` this is actually defined behaviour,
// unlike the examples above with pairs of primitives.
// CHECK: store i16 %x.0
// CHECK: store i64 %x.1
// CHECK: load i64
// CHECK-NOT: noundef
// CHECK: load i16
// CHECK-NOT: noundef
// CHECK: ret { i64, i16 }
pub struct HighAlignScalar(u8);
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_to_overalign(
pub unsafe fn check_to_overalign(x: u64) -> HighAlignScalar {
// CHECK: %_0 = alloca %HighAlignScalar, align 8
// CHECK: store i64 %x, ptr %_0, align 8
// CHECK: %0 = load i64, ptr %_0, align 8
// CHECK: ret i64 %0
// CHECK-LABEL: @check_from_overalign(
pub unsafe fn check_from_overalign(x: HighAlignScalar) -> u64 {
// CHECK: %x = alloca %HighAlignScalar, align 8
// CHECK: %[[VAL:.+]] = load i64, ptr %x, align 8
// CHECK: ret i64 %[[VAL]]