API is (for now) mostly by value, there are options to use it by reference if you like. Hash and equality functions must be pure and by reference (forward looking to the day when something like send_map becomes the standard map).
452 lines
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452 lines
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Syntax Extension: fmt
Format a string
The 'fmt' extension is modeled on the posix printf system.
A posix conversion ostensibly looks like this
> %~[parameter]~[flags]~[width]~[.precision]~[length]type
Given the different numeric type bestiary we have, we omit the 'length'
parameter and support slightly different conversions for 'type'
> %~[parameter]~[flags]~[width]~[.precision]type
we also only support translating-to-rust a tiny subset of the possible
combinations at the moment.
debug!{"hello, %s!", "world"};
import option::{some, none};
* We have a 'ct' (compile-time) module that parses format strings into a
* sequence of conversions. From those conversions AST fragments are built
* that call into properly-typed functions in the 'rt' (run-time) module.
* Each of those run-time conversion functions accepts another conversion
* description that specifies how to format its output.
* The building of the AST is currently done in a module inside the compiler,
* but should migrate over here as the plugin interface is defined.
// Functions used by the fmt extension at compile time
mod ct {
enum signedness { signed, unsigned, }
enum caseness { case_upper, case_lower, }
enum ty {
enum flag {
enum count {
// A formatted conversion from an expression to a string
type conv =
{param: option<int>,
flags: ~[flag],
width: count,
precision: count,
ty: ty};
// A fragment of the output sequence
enum piece { piece_string(~str), piece_conv(conv), }
type error_fn = fn@(~str) -> ! ;
fn parse_fmt_string(s: ~str, error: error_fn) -> ~[piece] {
let mut pieces: ~[piece] = ~[];
let lim = str::len(s);
let mut buf = ~"";
fn flush_buf(buf: ~str, &pieces: ~[piece]) -> ~str {
if str::len(buf) > 0u {
let piece = piece_string(buf);
vec::push(pieces, piece);
return ~"";
let mut i = 0u;
while i < lim {
let size = str::utf8_char_width(s[i]);
let curr = str::slice(s, i, i+size);
if curr == ~"%" {
i += 1u;
if i >= lim {
error(~"unterminated conversion at end of string");
let curr2 = str::slice(s, i, i+1u);
if curr2 == ~"%" {
buf += curr2;
i += 1u;
} else {
buf = flush_buf(buf, pieces);
let rs = parse_conversion(s, i, lim, error);
vec::push(pieces, rs.piece);
i = rs.next;
} else { buf += curr; i += size; }
flush_buf(buf, pieces);
return pieces;
fn peek_num(s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint) ->
option<{num: uint, next: uint}> {
if i >= lim { return none; }
let c = s[i];
if !('0' as u8 <= c && c <= '9' as u8) { return option::none; }
let n = (c - ('0' as u8)) as uint;
return alt peek_num(s, i + 1u, lim) {
none { some({num: n, next: i + 1u}) }
some(next) {
let m = next.num;
let j = next.next;
some({num: n * 10u + m, next: j})
fn parse_conversion(s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint, error: error_fn) ->
{piece: piece, next: uint} {
let parm = parse_parameter(s, i, lim);
let flags = parse_flags(s, parm.next, lim);
let width = parse_count(s, flags.next, lim);
let prec = parse_precision(s, width.next, lim);
let ty = parse_type(s, prec.next, lim, error);
return {piece:
piece_conv({param: parm.param,
flags: flags.flags,
width: width.count,
precision: prec.count,
ty: ty.ty}),
next: ty.next};
fn parse_parameter(s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint) ->
{param: option<int>, next: uint} {
if i >= lim { return {param: none, next: i}; }
let num = peek_num(s, i, lim);
return alt num {
none { {param: none, next: i} }
some(t) {
let n = t.num;
let j = t.next;
if j < lim && s[j] == '$' as u8 {
{param: some(n as int), next: j + 1u}
} else { {param: none, next: i} }
fn parse_flags(s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint) ->
{flags: ~[flag], next: uint} {
let noflags: ~[flag] = ~[];
if i >= lim { return {flags: noflags, next: i}; }
fn more_(f: flag, s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint) ->
{flags: ~[flag], next: uint} {
let next = parse_flags(s, i + 1u, lim);
let rest = next.flags;
let j = next.next;
let curr: ~[flag] = ~[f];
return {flags: vec::append(curr, rest), next: j};
let more = |x| more_(x, s, i, lim);
let f = s[i];
return if f == '-' as u8 {
} else if f == '0' as u8 {
} else if f == ' ' as u8 {
} else if f == '+' as u8 {
} else if f == '#' as u8 {
} else { {flags: noflags, next: i} };
fn parse_count(s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint)
-> {count: count, next: uint} {
return if i >= lim {
{count: count_implied, next: i}
} else if s[i] == '*' as u8 {
let param = parse_parameter(s, i + 1u, lim);
let j = param.next;
alt param.param {
none { {count: count_is_next_param, next: j} }
some(n) { {count: count_is_param(n), next: j} }
} else {
let num = peek_num(s, i, lim);
alt num {
none { {count: count_implied, next: i} }
some(num) {
{count: count_is(num.num as int), next: num.next}
fn parse_precision(s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint) ->
{count: count, next: uint} {
return if i >= lim {
{count: count_implied, next: i}
} else if s[i] == '.' as u8 {
let count = parse_count(s, i + 1u, lim);
// If there were no digits specified, i.e. the precision
// was ".", then the precision is 0
alt count.count {
count_implied { {count: count_is(0), next: count.next} }
_ { count }
} else { {count: count_implied, next: i} };
fn parse_type(s: ~str, i: uint, lim: uint, error: error_fn) ->
{ty: ty, next: uint} {
if i >= lim { error(~"missing type in conversion"); }
let tstr = str::slice(s, i, i+1u);
// FIXME (#2249): Do we really want two signed types here?
// How important is it to be printf compatible?
let t =
if tstr == ~"b" {
} else if tstr == ~"s" {
} else if tstr == ~"c" {
} else if tstr == ~"d" || tstr == ~"i" {
} else if tstr == ~"u" {
} else if tstr == ~"x" {
} else if tstr == ~"X" {
} else if tstr == ~"t" {
} else if tstr == ~"o" {
} else if tstr == ~"f" {
} else if tstr == ~"?" {
} else { error(~"unknown type in conversion: " + tstr) };
return {ty: t, next: i + 1u};
// Functions used by the fmt extension at runtime. For now there are a lot of
// decisions made a runtime. If it proves worthwhile then some of these
// conditions can be evaluated at compile-time. For now though it's cleaner to
// implement it 0this way, I think.
mod rt {
const flag_none : u32 = 0u32;
const flag_left_justify : u32 = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001u32;
const flag_left_zero_pad : u32 = 0b00000000000000000000000000000010u32;
const flag_space_for_sign : u32 = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100u32;
const flag_sign_always : u32 = 0b00000000000000000000000000001000u32;
const flag_alternate : u32 = 0b00000000000000000000000000010000u32;
enum count { count_is(int), count_implied, }
enum ty { ty_default, ty_bits, ty_hex_upper, ty_hex_lower, ty_octal, }
type conv = {flags: u32, width: count, precision: count, ty: ty};
pure fn conv_int(cv: conv, i: int) -> ~str {
let radix = 10u;
let prec = get_int_precision(cv);
let mut s : ~str = int_to_str_prec(i, radix, prec);
if 0 <= i {
if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_sign_always) {
unchecked { str::unshift_char(s, '+') };
} else if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_space_for_sign) {
unchecked { str::unshift_char(s, ' ') };
return unchecked { pad(cv, s, pad_signed) };
pure fn conv_uint(cv: conv, u: uint) -> ~str {
let prec = get_int_precision(cv);
let mut rs =
alt cv.ty {
ty_default { uint_to_str_prec(u, 10u, prec) }
ty_hex_lower { uint_to_str_prec(u, 16u, prec) }
ty_hex_upper { str::to_upper(uint_to_str_prec(u, 16u, prec)) }
ty_bits { uint_to_str_prec(u, 2u, prec) }
ty_octal { uint_to_str_prec(u, 8u, prec) }
return unchecked { pad(cv, rs, pad_unsigned) };
pure fn conv_bool(cv: conv, b: bool) -> ~str {
let s = if b { ~"true" } else { ~"false" };
// run the boolean conversion through the string conversion logic,
// giving it the same rules for precision, etc.
return conv_str(cv, s);
pure fn conv_char(cv: conv, c: char) -> ~str {
let mut s = str::from_char(c);
return unchecked { pad(cv, s, pad_nozero) };
pure fn conv_str(cv: conv, s: &str) -> ~str {
// For strings, precision is the maximum characters
// displayed
let mut unpadded = alt cv.precision {
count_implied { s.to_unique() }
count_is(max) {
if max as uint < str::char_len(s) {
str::substr(s, 0u, max as uint)
} else { s.to_unique() }
return unchecked { pad(cv, unpadded, pad_nozero) };
pure fn conv_float(cv: conv, f: float) -> ~str {
let (to_str, digits) = alt cv.precision {
count_is(c) { (float::to_str_exact, c as uint) }
count_implied { (float::to_str, 6u) }
let mut s = unchecked { to_str(f, digits) };
if 0.0 <= f {
if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_sign_always) {
s = ~"+" + s;
} else if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_space_for_sign) {
s = ~" " + s;
return unchecked { pad(cv, s, pad_float) };
pure fn conv_poly<T>(cv: conv, v: T) -> ~str {
let s = sys::log_str(v);
return conv_str(cv, s);
// Convert an int to string with minimum number of digits. If precision is
// 0 and num is 0 then the result is the empty string.
pure fn int_to_str_prec(num: int, radix: uint, prec: uint) -> ~str {
return if num < 0 {
~"-" + uint_to_str_prec(-num as uint, radix, prec)
} else { uint_to_str_prec(num as uint, radix, prec) };
// Convert a uint to string with a minimum number of digits. If precision
// is 0 and num is 0 then the result is the empty string. Could move this
// to uint: but it doesn't seem all that useful.
pure fn uint_to_str_prec(num: uint, radix: uint, prec: uint) -> ~str {
return if prec == 0u && num == 0u {
} else {
let s = uint::to_str(num, radix);
let len = str::char_len(s);
if len < prec {
let diff = prec - len;
let pad = str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(diff, '0'));
pad + s
} else { s }
pure fn get_int_precision(cv: conv) -> uint {
return alt cv.precision {
count_is(c) { c as uint }
count_implied { 1u }
enum pad_mode { pad_signed, pad_unsigned, pad_nozero, pad_float }
fn pad(cv: conv, &s: ~str, mode: pad_mode) -> ~str {
let uwidth : uint = alt cv.width {
count_implied { return s; }
count_is(width) {
// FIXME: width should probably be uint (see Issue #1996)
width as uint
let strlen = str::char_len(s);
if uwidth <= strlen { return s; }
let mut padchar = ' ';
let diff = uwidth - strlen;
if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_left_justify) {
let padstr = str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(diff, padchar));
return s + padstr;
let {might_zero_pad, signed} = alt mode {
pad_nozero { {might_zero_pad:false, signed:false} }
pad_signed { {might_zero_pad:true, signed:true } }
pad_float { {might_zero_pad:true, signed:true } }
pad_unsigned { {might_zero_pad:true, signed:false} }
pure fn have_precision(cv: conv) -> bool {
return alt cv.precision { count_implied { false } _ { true } };
let zero_padding = {
if might_zero_pad && have_flag(cv.flags, flag_left_zero_pad) &&
(!have_precision(cv) || mode == pad_float) {
padchar = '0';
} else {
let padstr = str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(diff, padchar));
// This is completely heinous. If we have a signed value then
// potentially rip apart the intermediate result and insert some
// zeros. It may make sense to convert zero padding to a precision
// instead.
if signed && zero_padding && str::len(s) > 0u {
let head = str::shift_char(s);
if head == '+' || head == '-' || head == ' ' {
let headstr = str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(1u, head));
return headstr + padstr + s;
else {
str::unshift_char(s, head);
return padstr + s;
pure fn have_flag(flags: u32, f: u32) -> bool {
flags & f != 0
mod test {
fn fmt_slice() {
let s = "abc";
let _s = fmt!{"%s", s};
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust;
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End: