This involved adding 'copy' to more generics than I hoped, but an experiment with making it implicit showed that that way lies madness -- unless enforced, you will not remember to mark functions that don't copy as not requiring copyable kind. Issue #1177
29 lines
646 B
29 lines
646 B
// -*- rust -*-
// Tests for standalone blocks as expressions with dynamic type sizes
type compare<T> = fn@(T, T) -> bool;
fn test_generic<copy T>(expected: T, eq: compare<T>) {
let actual: T = { expected };
assert (eq(expected, actual));
fn test_bool() {
fn compare_bool(&&b1: bool, &&b2: bool) -> bool { ret b1 == b2; }
let eq = bind compare_bool(_, _);
test_generic::<bool>(true, eq);
fn test_rec() {
type t = {a: int, b: int};
fn compare_rec(t1: t, t2: t) -> bool { ret t1 == t2; }
let eq = bind compare_rec(_, _);
test_generic::<t>({a: 1, b: 2}, eq);
fn main() { test_bool(); test_rec(); }