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1864 lines
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// Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Unicode string manipulation (the `str` type).
//! Rust's `str` type is one of the core primitive types of the language. `&str`
//! is the borrowed string type. This type of string can only be created from
//! other strings, unless it is a `&'static str` (see below). It is not possible
//! to move out of borrowed strings because they are owned elsewhere.
//! # Examples
//! Here's some code that uses a `&str`:
//! ```
//! let s = "Hello, world.";
//! ```
//! This `&str` is a `&'static str`, which is the type of string literals.
//! They're `'static` because literals are available for the entire lifetime of
//! the program.
//! You can get a non-`'static` `&str` by taking a slice of a `String`:
//! ```
//! # let some_string = "Hello, world.".to_string();
//! let s = &some_string;
//! ```
//! # Representation
//! Rust's string type, `str`, is a sequence of Unicode scalar values encoded as
//! a stream of UTF-8 bytes. All [strings](../../reference.html#literals) are
//! guaranteed to be validly encoded UTF-8 sequences. Additionally, strings are
//! not null-terminated and can thus contain null bytes.
//! The actual representation of `str`s have direct mappings to slices: `&str`
//! is the same as `&[u8]`.
#![doc(primitive = "str")]
#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
use self::RecompositionState::*;
use self::DecompositionType::*;
use core::clone::Clone;
use core::iter::{Iterator, Extend};
use core::option::Option::{self, Some, None};
use core::result::Result;
use core::str as core_str;
use core::str::pattern::Pattern;
use core::str::pattern::{Searcher, ReverseSearcher, DoubleEndedSearcher};
use rustc_unicode::str::{UnicodeStr, Utf16Encoder};
use core::convert::AsRef;
use vec_deque::VecDeque;
use borrow::{Borrow, ToOwned};
use string::String;
use rustc_unicode;
use vec::Vec;
use slice::SliceConcatExt;
pub use core::str::{FromStr, Utf8Error};
pub use core::str::{Lines, LinesAny, CharRange};
pub use core::str::{Split, RSplit};
pub use core::str::{SplitN, RSplitN};
pub use core::str::{SplitTerminator, RSplitTerminator};
pub use core::str::{Matches, RMatches};
pub use core::str::{MatchIndices, RMatchIndices};
pub use core::str::{from_utf8, Chars, CharIndices, Bytes};
pub use core::str::{from_utf8_unchecked, ParseBoolError};
pub use rustc_unicode::str::{SplitWhitespace, Words, Graphemes, GraphemeIndices};
pub use core::str::pattern;
Section: Creating a string
impl<S: AsRef<str>> SliceConcatExt<str, String> for [S] {
fn concat(&self) -> String {
if self.is_empty() {
return String::new();
// `len` calculation may overflow but push_str will check boundaries
let len = self.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().len()).sum();
let mut result = String::with_capacity(len);
for s in self {
fn connect(&self, sep: &str) -> String {
if self.is_empty() {
return String::new();
// concat is faster
if sep.is_empty() {
return self.concat();
// this is wrong without the guarantee that `self` is non-empty
// `len` calculation may overflow but push_str but will check boundaries
let len = sep.len() * (self.len() - 1)
+ self.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().len()).sum::<usize>();
let mut result = String::with_capacity(len);
let mut first = true;
for s in self {
if first {
first = false;
} else {
Section: Iterators
// Helper functions used for Unicode normalization
fn canonical_sort(comb: &mut [(char, u8)]) {
let len = comb.len();
for i in 0..len {
let mut swapped = false;
for j in 1..len-i {
let class_a = comb[j-1].1;
let class_b = comb[j].1;
if class_a != 0 && class_b != 0 && class_a > class_b {
comb.swap(j-1, j);
swapped = true;
if !swapped { break; }
enum DecompositionType {
/// External iterator for a string decomposition's characters.
/// For use with the `std::iter` module.
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-normalization` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may be replaced with a more generic \
unicode crate on crates.io")]
pub struct Decompositions<'a> {
kind: DecompositionType,
iter: Chars<'a>,
buffer: Vec<(char, u8)>,
sorted: bool
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<'a> Iterator for Decompositions<'a> {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
match self.buffer.first() {
Some(&(c, 0)) => {
self.sorted = false;
return Some(c);
Some(&(c, _)) if self.sorted => {
return Some(c);
_ => self.sorted = false
if !self.sorted {
for ch in self.iter.by_ref() {
let buffer = &mut self.buffer;
let sorted = &mut self.sorted;
let callback = |d| {
let class =
if class == 0 && !*sorted {
*sorted = true;
buffer.push((d, class));
match self.kind {
Canonical => {
rustc_unicode::char::decompose_canonical(ch, callback)
Compatible => {
rustc_unicode::char::decompose_compatible(ch, callback)
if *sorted {
if !self.sorted {
canonical_sort(&mut self.buffer);
self.sorted = true;
if self.buffer.is_empty() {
} else {
match self.buffer.remove(0) {
(c, 0) => {
self.sorted = false;
(c, _) => Some(c),
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let (lower, _) = self.iter.size_hint();
(lower, None)
enum RecompositionState {
/// External iterator for a string recomposition's characters.
/// For use with the `std::iter` module.
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-normalization` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may be replaced with a more generic \
unicode crate on crates.io")]
pub struct Recompositions<'a> {
iter: Decompositions<'a>,
state: RecompositionState,
buffer: VecDeque<char>,
composee: Option<char>,
last_ccc: Option<u8>
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<'a> Iterator for Recompositions<'a> {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
loop {
match self.state {
Composing => {
for ch in self.iter.by_ref() {
let ch_class = rustc_unicode::char::canonical_combining_class(ch);
if self.composee.is_none() {
if ch_class != 0 {
return Some(ch);
self.composee = Some(ch);
let k = self.composee.clone().unwrap();
match self.last_ccc {
None => {
match rustc_unicode::char::compose(k, ch) {
Some(r) => {
self.composee = Some(r);
None => {
if ch_class == 0 {
self.composee = Some(ch);
return Some(k);
self.last_ccc = Some(ch_class);
Some(l_class) => {
if l_class >= ch_class {
// `ch` is blocked from `composee`
if ch_class == 0 {
self.composee = Some(ch);
self.last_ccc = None;
self.state = Purging;
return Some(k);
self.last_ccc = Some(ch_class);
match rustc_unicode::char::compose(k, ch) {
Some(r) => {
self.composee = Some(r);
None => {
self.last_ccc = Some(ch_class);
self.state = Finished;
if self.composee.is_some() {
return self.composee.take();
Purging => {
match self.buffer.pop_front() {
None => self.state = Composing,
s => return s
Finished => {
match self.buffer.pop_front() {
None => return self.composee.take(),
s => return s
/// External iterator for a string's UTF16 codeunits.
/// For use with the `std::iter` module.
#[unstable(feature = "collections")]
pub struct Utf16Units<'a> {
encoder: Utf16Encoder<Chars<'a>>
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<'a> Iterator for Utf16Units<'a> {
type Item = u16;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u16> { self.encoder.next() }
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.encoder.size_hint() }
Section: Misc
// Return the initial codepoint accumulator for the first byte.
// The first byte is special, only want bottom 5 bits for width 2, 4 bits
// for width 3, and 3 bits for width 4
macro_rules! utf8_first_byte {
($byte:expr, $width:expr) => (($byte & (0x7F >> $width)) as u32)
// return the value of $ch updated with continuation byte $byte
macro_rules! utf8_acc_cont_byte {
($ch:expr, $byte:expr) => (($ch << 6) | ($byte & 63) as u32)
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Borrow<str> for String {
fn borrow(&self) -> &str { &self[..] }
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl ToOwned for str {
type Owned = String;
fn to_owned(&self) -> String {
unsafe {
Section: CowString
Section: Trait implementations
/// Any string that can be represented as a slice.
#[lang = "str"]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl str {
/// Escapes each char in `s` with `char::escape_default`.
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "return type may change to be an iterator")]
pub fn escape_default(&self) -> String {
self.chars().flat_map(|c| c.escape_default()).collect()
/// Escapes each char in `s` with `char::escape_unicode`.
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "return type may change to be an iterator")]
pub fn escape_unicode(&self) -> String {
self.chars().flat_map(|c| c.escape_unicode()).collect()
/// Replaces all occurrences of one string with another.
/// `replace` takes two arguments, a sub-`&str` to find in `self`, and a
/// second `&str` to
/// replace it with. If the original `&str` isn't found, no change occurs.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = "this is old";
/// assert_eq!(s.replace("old", "new"), "this is new");
/// ```
/// When a `&str` isn't found:
/// ```
/// let s = "this is old";
/// assert_eq!(s.replace("cookie monster", "little lamb"), s);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn replace(&self, from: &str, to: &str) -> String {
let mut result = String::new();
let mut last_end = 0;
for (start, end) in self.match_indices(from) {
result.push_str(unsafe { self.slice_unchecked(last_end, start) });
last_end = end;
result.push_str(unsafe { self.slice_unchecked(last_end, self.len()) });
/// Returns an iterator over the string in Unicode Normalization Form D
/// (canonical decomposition).
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-normalization` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may be replaced with a more generic \
unicode crate on crates.io")]
pub fn nfd_chars(&self) -> Decompositions {
Decompositions {
iter: self[..].chars(),
buffer: Vec::new(),
sorted: false,
kind: Canonical
/// Returns an iterator over the string in Unicode Normalization Form KD
/// (compatibility decomposition).
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-normalization` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may be replaced with a more generic \
unicode crate on crates.io")]
pub fn nfkd_chars(&self) -> Decompositions {
Decompositions {
iter: self[..].chars(),
buffer: Vec::new(),
sorted: false,
kind: Compatible
/// An Iterator over the string in Unicode Normalization Form C
/// (canonical decomposition followed by canonical composition).
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-normalization` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may be replaced with a more generic \
unicode crate on crates.io")]
pub fn nfc_chars(&self) -> Recompositions {
Recompositions {
iter: self.nfd_chars(),
state: Composing,
buffer: VecDeque::new(),
composee: None,
last_ccc: None
/// An Iterator over the string in Unicode Normalization Form KC
/// (compatibility decomposition followed by canonical composition).
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-normalization` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may be replaced with a more generic \
unicode crate on crates.io")]
pub fn nfkc_chars(&self) -> Recompositions {
Recompositions {
iter: self.nfkd_chars(),
state: Composing,
buffer: VecDeque::new(),
composee: None,
last_ccc: None
/// Returns `true` if `self` contains another `&str`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// assert!("bananas".contains("nana"));
/// assert!(!"bananas".contains("foobar"));
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn contains<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
core_str::StrExt::contains(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over the codepoints of `self`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<char> = "abc åäö".chars().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ['a', 'b', 'c', ' ', 'å', 'ä', 'ö']);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn chars(&self) -> Chars {
/// An iterator over the bytes of `self`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<u8> = "bors".bytes().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, b"bors".to_vec());
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn bytes(&self) -> Bytes {
/// An iterator over the characters of `self` and their byte offsets.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<(usize, char)> = "abc".char_indices().collect();
/// let b = vec![(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')];
/// assert_eq!(v, b);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn char_indices(&self) -> CharIndices {
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
/// matched by a pattern.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator will be double ended if the pattern allows a
/// reverse search and forward/reverse search yields the same elements.
/// This is true for, eg, `char` but not
/// for `&str`.
/// If the pattern allows a reverse search but its results might differ
/// from a forward search, `rsplit()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "Mary had a little lamb".split(' ').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "".split('X').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [""]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lionXXtigerXleopard".split('X').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["lion", "", "tiger", "leopard"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lion::tiger::leopard".split("::").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["lion", "tiger", "leopard"]);
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi".split(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["abc", "def", "ghi"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lionXtigerXleopard".split(char::is_uppercase).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["lion", "tiger", "leopard"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn split<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Split<'a, P> {
core_str::StrExt::split(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
/// matched by a pattern and yielded in reverse order.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator requires that the pattern supports a
/// reverse search,
/// and it will be double ended if a forward/reverse search yields
/// the same elements.
/// For iterating from the front, `split()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```rust
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "Mary had a little lamb".rsplit(' ').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["lamb", "little", "a", "had", "Mary"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "".rsplit('X').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [""]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lionXXtigerXleopard".rsplit('X').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["leopard", "tiger", "", "lion"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lion::tiger::leopard".rsplit("::").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["leopard", "tiger", "lion"]);
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```rust
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi".rsplit(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["ghi", "def", "abc"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lionXtigerXleopard".rsplit(char::is_uppercase).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["leopard", "tiger", "lion"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn rsplit<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RSplit<'a, P>
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::rsplit(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
/// matched by a pattern.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns
/// like regular expressions.
/// Equivalent to `split`, except that the trailing substring
/// is skipped if empty.
/// This method can be used for string data that is _terminated_,
/// rather than _seperated_ by a pattern.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator will be double ended if the pattern allows a
/// reverse search
/// and forward/reverse search yields the same elements. This is true
/// for, eg, `char` but not for `&str`.
/// If the pattern allows a reverse search but its results might differ
/// from a forward search, `rsplit_terminator()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "A.B.".split_terminator('.').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["A", "B"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "A..B..".split_terminator(".").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["A", "", "B", ""]);
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi3".split_terminator(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["abc", "def", "ghi"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn split_terminator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> SplitTerminator<'a, P> {
core_str::StrExt::split_terminator(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by characters
/// matched by a pattern and yielded in reverse order.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// Equivalent to `split`, except that the trailing substring is
/// skipped if empty.
/// This method can be used for string data that is _terminated_,
/// rather than _seperated_ by a pattern.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator requires that the pattern supports a
/// reverse search, and it will be double ended if a forward/reverse
/// search yields the same elements.
/// For iterating from the front, `split_terminator()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "A.B.".rsplit_terminator('.').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["B", "A"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "A..B..".rsplit_terminator(".").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["", "B", "", "A"]);
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi3".rsplit_terminator(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["ghi", "def", "abc"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn rsplit_terminator<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RSplitTerminator<'a, P>
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::rsplit_terminator(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by a pattern,
/// restricted to returning
/// at most `count` items.
/// The last element returned, if any, will contain the remainder of the
/// string.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator will not be double ended, because it is
/// not efficient to support.
/// If the pattern allows a reverse search, `rsplitn()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "Mary had a little lambda".splitn(3, ' ').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["Mary", "had", "a little lambda"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lionXXtigerXleopard".splitn(3, "X").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["lion", "", "tigerXleopard"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abcXdef".splitn(1, 'X').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["abcXdef"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "".splitn(1, 'X').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [""]);
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi".splitn(2, |c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["abc", "def2ghi"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn splitn<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, count: usize, pat: P) -> SplitN<'a, P> {
core_str::StrExt::splitn(&self[..], count, pat)
/// An iterator over substrings of `self`, separated by a pattern,
/// starting from the end of the string, restricted to returning
/// at most `count` items.
/// The last element returned, if any, will contain the remainder of the
/// string.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator will not be double ended, because it is not
/// efficient to support.
/// `splitn()` can be used for splitting from the front.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "Mary had a little lamb".rsplitn(3, ' ').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["lamb", "little", "Mary had a"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lionXXtigerXleopard".rsplitn(3, 'X').collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["leopard", "tiger", "lionX"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "lion::tiger::leopard".rsplitn(2, "::").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["leopard", "lion::tiger"]);
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abc1def2ghi".rsplitn(2, |c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["ghi", "abc1def"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn rsplitn<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, count: usize, pat: P) -> RSplitN<'a, P>
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::rsplitn(&self[..], count, pat)
/// An iterator over the matches of a pattern within `self`.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator will be double ended if the pattern allows
/// a reverse search
/// and forward/reverse search yields the same elements. This is true
/// for, eg, `char` but not
/// for `&str`.
/// If the pattern allows a reverse search but its results might differ
/// from a forward search, `rmatches()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(collections)]
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abcXXXabcYYYabc".matches("abc").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["abc", "abc", "abc"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "1abc2abc3".matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["1", "2", "3"]);
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "method got recently added")]
pub fn matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Matches<'a, P> {
core_str::StrExt::matches(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over the matches of a pattern within `self`, yielded in
/// reverse order.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator requires that the pattern supports a
/// reverse search,
/// and it will be double ended if a forward/reverse search yields
/// the same elements.
/// For iterating from the front, `matches()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(collections)]
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "abcXXXabcYYYabc".rmatches("abc").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["abc", "abc", "abc"]);
/// let v: Vec<&str> = "1abc2abc3".rmatches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()).collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["3", "2", "1"]);
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "method got recently added")]
pub fn rmatches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RMatches<'a, P>
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::rmatches(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over the start and end indices of the disjoint matches
/// of a pattern within `self`.
/// For matches of `pat` within `self` that overlap, only the indices
/// corresponding to the first
/// match are returned.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines
/// the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator will be double ended if the pattern allows a
/// reverse search
/// and forward/reverse search yields the same elements. This is true for,
/// eg, `char` but not
/// for `&str`.
/// If the pattern allows a reverse search but its results might differ
/// from a forward search, `rmatch_indices()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(collections)]
/// let v: Vec<(usize, usize)> = "abcXXXabcYYYabc".match_indices("abc").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [(0, 3), (6, 9), (12, 15)]);
/// let v: Vec<(usize, usize)> = "1abcabc2".match_indices("abc").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [(1, 4), (4, 7)]);
/// let v: Vec<(usize, usize)> = "ababa".match_indices("aba").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [(0, 3)]); // only the first `aba`
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "might have its iterator type changed")]
// NB: Right now MatchIndices yields `(usize, usize)`, but it would
// be more consistent with `matches` and `char_indices` to return `(usize, &str)`
pub fn match_indices<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> MatchIndices<'a, P> {
core_str::StrExt::match_indices(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over the start and end indices of the disjoint matches of
/// a pattern within
/// `self`, yielded in reverse order.
/// For matches of `pat` within `self` that overlap, only the indices
/// corresponding to the last
/// match are returned.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines
/// the split.
/// Additional libraries might provide more complex patterns like
/// regular expressions.
/// # Iterator behavior
/// The returned iterator requires that the pattern supports a
/// reverse search,
/// and it will be double ended if a forward/reverse search yields
/// the same elements.
/// For iterating from the front, `match_indices()` can be used.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(collections)]
/// let v: Vec<(usize, usize)> = "abcXXXabcYYYabc".rmatch_indices("abc").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [(12, 15), (6, 9), (0, 3)]);
/// let v: Vec<(usize, usize)> = "1abcabc2".rmatch_indices("abc").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [(4, 7), (1, 4)]);
/// let v: Vec<(usize, usize)> = "ababa".rmatch_indices("aba").collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, [(2, 5)]); // only the last `aba`
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "might have its iterator type changed")]
// NB: Right now RMatchIndices yields `(usize, usize)`, but it would
// be more consistent with `rmatches` and `char_indices` to return `(usize, &str)`
pub fn rmatch_indices<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> RMatchIndices<'a, P>
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::rmatch_indices(&self[..], pat)
/// An iterator over the lines of a string, separated by `\n`.
/// This does not include the empty string after a trailing `\n`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let four_lines = "foo\nbar\n\nbaz";
/// let v: Vec<&str> = four_lines.lines().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["foo", "bar", "", "baz"]);
/// ```
/// Leaving off the trailing character:
/// ```
/// let four_lines = "foo\nbar\n\nbaz\n";
/// let v: Vec<&str> = four_lines.lines().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["foo", "bar", "", "baz"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn lines(&self) -> Lines {
/// An iterator over the lines of a string, separated by either
/// `\n` or `\r\n`.
/// As with `.lines()`, this does not include an empty trailing line.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let four_lines = "foo\r\nbar\n\r\nbaz";
/// let v: Vec<&str> = four_lines.lines_any().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["foo", "bar", "", "baz"]);
/// ```
/// Leaving off the trailing character:
/// ```
/// let four_lines = "foo\r\nbar\n\r\nbaz\n";
/// let v: Vec<&str> = four_lines.lines_any().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["foo", "bar", "", "baz"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn lines_any(&self) -> LinesAny {
/// Returns a slice of the string from the character range [`begin`..`end`).
/// That is, start at the `begin`-th code point of the string and continue
/// to the `end`-th code point. This does not detect or handle edge cases
/// such as leaving a combining character as the first code point of the
/// string.
/// Due to the design of UTF-8, this operation is `O(end)`. See `slice`,
/// `slice_to` and `slice_from` for `O(1)` variants that use byte indices
/// rather than code point indices.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `begin` > `end` or the either `begin` or `end` are beyond the
/// last character of the string.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(collections)]
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// assert_eq!(s.slice_chars(0, 4), "Löwe");
/// assert_eq!(s.slice_chars(5, 7), "老虎");
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "may have yet to prove its worth")]
pub fn slice_chars(&self, begin: usize, end: usize) -> &str {
core_str::StrExt::slice_chars(&self[..], begin, end)
/// Takes a bytewise slice from a string.
/// Returns the substring from [`begin`..`end`).
/// # Unsafety
/// Caller must check both UTF-8 character boundaries and the boundaries
/// of the entire slice as
/// well.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// unsafe {
/// assert_eq!(s.slice_unchecked(0, 21), "Löwe 老虎 Léopard");
/// }
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub unsafe fn slice_unchecked(&self, begin: usize, end: usize) -> &str {
core_str::StrExt::slice_unchecked(&self[..], begin, end)
/// Returns `true` if the given `&str` is a prefix of the string.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// assert!("banana".starts_with("ba"));
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn starts_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool {
core_str::StrExt::starts_with(&self[..], pat)
/// Returns true if the given `&str` is a suffix of the string.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// assert!("banana".ends_with("nana"));
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn ends_with<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> bool
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::ends_with(&self[..], pat)
/// Returns a string with all pre- and suffixes that match a pattern
/// repeatedly removed.
/// The pattern can be a simple `char`, or a closure that determines
/// the split.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_matches('1'), "foo1bar");
/// let x: &[_] = &['1', '2'];
/// assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_matches(x), "foo1bar");
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()), "foo1bar");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn trim_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
where P::Searcher: DoubleEndedSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::trim_matches(&self[..], pat)
/// Returns a string with all prefixes that match a pattern
/// repeatedly removed.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_left_matches('1'), "foo1bar11");
/// let x: &[_] = &['1', '2'];
/// assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_left_matches(x), "foo1bar12");
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_left_matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()), "foo1bar123");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn trim_left_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str {
core_str::StrExt::trim_left_matches(&self[..], pat)
/// Returns a string with all suffixes that match a pattern
/// repeatedly removed.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the split.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("11foo1bar11".trim_right_matches('1'), "11foo1bar");
/// let x: &[_] = &['1', '2'];
/// assert_eq!("12foo1bar12".trim_right_matches(x), "12foo1bar");
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("123foo1bar123".trim_right_matches(|c: char| c.is_numeric()), "123foo1bar");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn trim_right_matches<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> &'a str
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::trim_right_matches(&self[..], pat)
/// Checks that `index`-th byte lies at the start and/or end of a
/// UTF-8 code point sequence.
/// The start and end of the string (when `index == self.len()`) are
/// considered to be
/// boundaries.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `index` is greater than `self.len()`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(str_char)]
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// assert!(s.is_char_boundary(0));
/// // start of `老`
/// assert!(s.is_char_boundary(6));
/// assert!(s.is_char_boundary(s.len()));
/// // second byte of `ö`
/// assert!(!s.is_char_boundary(2));
/// // third byte of `老`
/// assert!(!s.is_char_boundary(8));
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "str_char",
reason = "it is unclear whether this method pulls its weight \
with the existence of the char_indices iterator or \
this method may want to be replaced with checked \
pub fn is_char_boundary(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
core_str::StrExt::is_char_boundary(&self[..], index)
/// Given a byte position, return the next char and its index.
/// This can be used to iterate over the Unicode characters of a string.
/// # Panics
/// If `i` is greater than or equal to the length of the string.
/// If `i` is not the index of the beginning of a valid UTF-8 character.
/// # Examples
/// This example manually iterates through the characters of a string;
/// this should normally be
/// done by `.chars()` or `.char_indices()`.
/// ```
/// # #![feature(str_char, core)]
/// use std::str::CharRange;
/// let s = "中华Việt Nam";
/// let mut i = 0;
/// while i < s.len() {
/// let CharRange {ch, next} = s.char_range_at(i);
/// println!("{}: {}", i, ch);
/// i = next;
/// }
/// ```
/// This outputs:
/// ```text
/// 0: 中
/// 3: 华
/// 6: V
/// 7: i
/// 8: ệ
/// 11: t
/// 12:
/// 13: N
/// 14: a
/// 15: m
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "str_char",
reason = "often replaced by char_indices, this method may \
be removed in favor of just char_at() or eventually \
removed altogether")]
pub fn char_range_at(&self, start: usize) -> CharRange {
core_str::StrExt::char_range_at(&self[..], start)
/// Given a byte position, return the previous `char` and its position.
/// This function can be used to iterate over a Unicode string in reverse.
/// Returns 0 for next index if called on start index 0.
/// # Panics
/// If `i` is greater than the length of the string.
/// If `i` is not an index following a valid UTF-8 character.
/// # Examples
/// This example manually iterates through the characters of a string;
/// this should normally be
/// done by `.chars().rev()` or `.char_indices()`.
/// ```
/// # #![feature(str_char, core)]
/// use std::str::CharRange;
/// let s = "中华Việt Nam";
/// let mut i = s.len();
/// while i > 0 {
/// let CharRange {ch, next} = s.char_range_at_reverse(i);
/// println!("{}: {}", i, ch);
/// i = next;
/// }
/// ```
/// This outputs:
/// ```text
/// 16: m
/// 15: a
/// 14: N
/// 13:
/// 12: t
/// 11: ệ
/// 8: i
/// 7: V
/// 6: 华
/// 3: 中
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "str_char",
reason = "often replaced by char_indices, this method may \
be removed in favor of just char_at_reverse() or \
eventually removed altogether")]
pub fn char_range_at_reverse(&self, start: usize) -> CharRange {
core_str::StrExt::char_range_at_reverse(&self[..], start)
/// Given a byte position, return the `char` at that position.
/// # Panics
/// If `i` is greater than or equal to the length of the string.
/// If `i` is not the index of the beginning of a valid UTF-8 character.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(str_char)]
/// let s = "abπc";
/// assert_eq!(s.char_at(1), 'b');
/// assert_eq!(s.char_at(2), 'π');
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "str_char",
reason = "frequently replaced by the chars() iterator, this \
method may be removed or possibly renamed in the \
future; it is normally replaced by chars/char_indices \
iterators or by getting the first char from a \
pub fn char_at(&self, i: usize) -> char {
core_str::StrExt::char_at(&self[..], i)
/// Given a byte position, return the `char` at that position, counting
/// from the end.
/// # Panics
/// If `i` is greater than the length of the string.
/// If `i` is not an index following a valid UTF-8 character.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(str_char)]
/// let s = "abπc";
/// assert_eq!(s.char_at_reverse(1), 'a');
/// assert_eq!(s.char_at_reverse(2), 'b');
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "str_char",
reason = "see char_at for more details, but reverse semantics \
are also somewhat unclear, especially with which \
cases generate panics")]
pub fn char_at_reverse(&self, i: usize) -> char {
core_str::StrExt::char_at_reverse(&self[..], i)
/// Converts `self` to a byte slice.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("bors".as_bytes(), b"bors");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Returns the byte index of the first character of `self` that matches
/// the pattern, if it
/// exists.
/// Returns `None` if it doesn't exist.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`, or a closure that
/// determines the
/// split.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// assert_eq!(s.find('L'), Some(0));
/// assert_eq!(s.find('é'), Some(14));
/// assert_eq!(s.find("Léopard"), Some(13));
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// assert_eq!(s.find(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()), Some(5));
/// assert_eq!(s.find(char::is_lowercase), Some(1));
/// ```
/// Not finding the pattern:
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// let x: &[_] = &['1', '2'];
/// assert_eq!(s.find(x), None);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn find<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize> {
core_str::StrExt::find(&self[..], pat)
/// Returns the byte index of the last character of `self` that
/// matches the pattern, if it
/// exists.
/// Returns `None` if it doesn't exist.
/// The pattern can be a simple `&str`, `char`,
/// or a closure that determines the split.
/// # Examples
/// Simple patterns:
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// assert_eq!(s.rfind('L'), Some(13));
/// assert_eq!(s.rfind('é'), Some(14));
/// ```
/// More complex patterns with closures:
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// assert_eq!(s.rfind(|c: char| c.is_whitespace()), Some(12));
/// assert_eq!(s.rfind(char::is_lowercase), Some(20));
/// ```
/// Not finding the pattern:
/// ```
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// let x: &[_] = &['1', '2'];
/// assert_eq!(s.rfind(x), None);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn rfind<'a, P: Pattern<'a>>(&'a self, pat: P) -> Option<usize>
where P::Searcher: ReverseSearcher<'a>
core_str::StrExt::rfind(&self[..], pat)
/// Retrieves the first character from a `&str` and returns it.
/// This does not allocate a new string; instead, it returns a slice that
/// points one character
/// beyond the character that was shifted.
/// If the slice does not contain any characters, None is returned instead.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(str_char)]
/// let s = "Löwe 老虎 Léopard";
/// let (c, s1) = s.slice_shift_char().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(c, 'L');
/// assert_eq!(s1, "öwe 老虎 Léopard");
/// let (c, s2) = s1.slice_shift_char().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(c, 'ö');
/// assert_eq!(s2, "we 老虎 Léopard");
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "str_char",
reason = "awaiting conventions about shifting and slices and \
may not be warranted with the existence of the chars \
and/or char_indices iterators")]
pub fn slice_shift_char(&self) -> Option<(char, &str)> {
/// Returns the byte offset of an inner slice relative to an enclosing
/// outer slice.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if `inner` is not a direct slice contained within self.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(collections)]
/// let string = "a\nb\nc";
/// let lines: Vec<&str> = string.lines().collect();
/// assert!(string.subslice_offset(lines[0]) == 0); // &"a"
/// assert!(string.subslice_offset(lines[1]) == 2); // &"b"
/// assert!(string.subslice_offset(lines[2]) == 4); // &"c"
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "awaiting convention about comparability of arbitrary slices")]
pub fn subslice_offset(&self, inner: &str) -> usize {
core_str::StrExt::subslice_offset(&self[..], inner)
/// Returns an unsafe pointer to the `&str`'s buffer.
/// The caller must ensure that the string outlives this pointer, and
/// that it is not
/// reallocated (e.g. by pushing to the string).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = "Hello";
/// let p = s.as_ptr();
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {
/// Returns an iterator of `u16` over the string encoded as UTF-16.
#[unstable(feature = "collections",
reason = "this functionality may only be provided by libunicode")]
pub fn utf16_units(&self) -> Utf16Units {
Utf16Units { encoder: Utf16Encoder::new(self[..].chars()) }
/// Returns the length of `self` in bytes.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("foo".len(), 3);
/// assert_eq!("ƒoo".len(), 4); // fancy f!
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns true if this slice has a length of zero bytes.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// assert!("".is_empty());
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Parses `self` into the specified type.
/// # Failure
/// Will return `Err` if it's not possible to parse `self` into the type.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("4".parse::<u32>(), Ok(4));
/// ```
/// Failing:
/// ```
/// assert!("j".parse::<u32>().is_err());
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn parse<F: FromStr>(&self) -> Result<F, F::Err> {
/// Returns an iterator over the [grapheme clusters][graphemes] of `self`.
/// [graphemes]: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries
/// If `is_extended` is true, the iterator is over the
/// *extended grapheme clusters*;
/// otherwise, the iterator is over the *legacy grapheme clusters*.
/// [UAX#29](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundaries)
/// recommends extended grapheme cluster boundaries for general processing.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(unicode, core)]
/// let gr1 = "a\u{310}e\u{301}o\u{308}\u{332}".graphemes(true).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
/// let b: &[_] = &["a\u{310}", "e\u{301}", "o\u{308}\u{332}"];
/// assert_eq!(&gr1[..], b);
/// let gr2 = "a\r\nb🇷🇺🇸🇹".graphemes(true).collect::<Vec<&str>>();
/// let b: &[_] = &["a", "\r\n", "b", "🇷🇺🇸🇹"];
/// assert_eq!(&gr2[..], b);
/// ```
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-segmentation` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may only be provided by libunicode")]
pub fn graphemes(&self, is_extended: bool) -> Graphemes {
UnicodeStr::graphemes(&self[..], is_extended)
/// Returns an iterator over the grapheme clusters of `self` and their
/// byte offsets. See
/// `graphemes()` for more information.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(unicode, core)]
/// let gr_inds = "a̐éö̲\r\n".grapheme_indices(true).collect::<Vec<(usize, &str)>>();
/// let b: &[_] = &[(0, "a̐"), (3, "é"), (6, "ö̲"), (11, "\r\n")];
/// assert_eq!(&gr_inds[..], b);
/// ```
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-segmentation` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may only be provided by libunicode")]
pub fn grapheme_indices(&self, is_extended: bool) -> GraphemeIndices {
UnicodeStr::grapheme_indices(&self[..], is_extended)
/// An iterator over the non-empty substrings of `self` which contain no whitespace,
/// and which are separated by any amount of whitespace.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(str_words)]
/// # #![allow(deprecated)]
/// let some_words = " Mary had\ta little \n\t lamb";
/// let v: Vec<&str> = some_words.words().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]);
/// ```
#[deprecated(reason = "words() will be removed. Use split_whitespace() instead",
since = "1.1.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "str_words",
reason = "the precise algorithm to use is unclear")]
pub fn words(&self) -> Words {
/// An iterator over the non-empty substrings of `self` which contain no whitespace,
/// and which are separated by any amount of whitespace.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let some_words = " Mary had\ta little \n\t lamb";
/// let v: Vec<&str> = some_words.split_whitespace().collect();
/// assert_eq!(v, ["Mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb"]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "split_whitespace", since = "1.1.0")]
pub fn split_whitespace(&self) -> SplitWhitespace {
/// Returns a string's displayed width in columns.
/// Control characters have zero width.
/// `is_cjk` determines behavior for characters in the Ambiguous category:
/// if `is_cjk` is
/// `true`, these are 2 columns wide; otherwise, they are 1.
/// In CJK locales, `is_cjk` should be
/// `true`, else it should be `false`.
/// [Unicode Standard Annex #11](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/)
/// recommends that these
/// characters be treated as 1 column (i.e., `is_cjk = false`) if the
/// locale is unknown.
#[deprecated(reason = "use the crates.io `unicode-width` library instead",
since = "1.0.0")]
#[unstable(feature = "unicode",
reason = "this functionality may only be provided by libunicode")]
pub fn width(&self, is_cjk: bool) -> usize {
UnicodeStr::width(&self[..], is_cjk)
/// Returns a `&str` with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = " Hello\tworld\t";
/// assert_eq!(s.trim(), "Hello\tworld");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn trim(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns a `&str` with leading whitespace removed.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = " Hello\tworld\t";
/// assert_eq!(s.trim_left(), "Hello\tworld\t");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn trim_left(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns a `&str` with trailing whitespace removed.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = " Hello\tworld\t";
/// assert_eq!(s.trim_right(), " Hello\tworld");
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn trim_right(&self) -> &str {
/// Returns the lowercase equivalent of this string.
/// # Examples
/// let s = "HELLO";
/// assert_eq!(s.to_lowercase(), "hello");
#[unstable(feature = "collections")]
pub fn to_lowercase(&self) -> String {
let mut s = String::with_capacity(self.len());
s.extend(self[..].chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_lowercase()));
return s;
/// Returns the uppercase equivalent of this string.
/// # Examples
/// let s = "hello";
/// assert_eq!(s.to_uppercase(), "HELLO");
#[unstable(feature = "collections")]
pub fn to_uppercase(&self) -> String {
let mut s = String::with_capacity(self.len());
s.extend(self[..].chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase()));
return s;