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// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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//! Base64 binary-to-text encoding
use core::prelude::*;
use core::vec;
/// A trait for converting a value to base64 encoding.
pub trait ToBase64 {
/// Converts the value of `self` to a base64 value, returning the owned
/// string
fn to_base64(&self) -> ~str;
static CHARS: [char, ..64] = [
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'
impl<'self> ToBase64 for &'self [u8] {
* Turn a vector of `u8` bytes into a base64 string.
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* extern mod std;
* use std::base64::ToBase64;
* fn main () {
* let str = [52,32].to_base64();
* println(fmt!("%s", str));
* }
* ~~~
fn to_base64(&self) -> ~str {
let mut s = ~"";
let len = self.len();
s.reserve(((len + 3u) / 4u) * 3u);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < len - (len % 3u) {
let n = (self[i] as uint) << 16u |
(self[i + 1u] as uint) << 8u |
(self[i + 2u] as uint);
// This 24-bit number gets separated into four 6-bit numbers.
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 18u) & 63u]);
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 12u) & 63u]);
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 6u) & 63u]);
s.push_char(CHARS[n & 63u]);
i += 3u;
// Heh, would be cool if we knew this was exhaustive
// (the dream of bounded integer types)
match len % 3 {
0 => (),
1 => {
let n = (self[i] as uint) << 16u;
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 18u) & 63u]);
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 12u) & 63u]);
2 => {
let n = (self[i] as uint) << 16u |
(self[i + 1u] as uint) << 8u;
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 18u) & 63u]);
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 12u) & 63u]);
s.push_char(CHARS[(n >> 6u) & 63u]);
_ => fail!("Algebra is broken, please alert the math police")
impl<'self> ToBase64 for &'self str {
* Convert any string (literal, `@`, `&`, or `~`) to base64 encoding.
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* extern mod std;
* use std::base64::ToBase64;
* fn main () {
* let str = "Hello, World".to_base64();
* println(fmt!("%s",str));
* }
* ~~~
fn to_base64(&self) -> ~str {
pub trait FromBase64 {
fn from_base64(&self) -> ~[u8];
impl<'self> FromBase64 for &'self [u8] {
* Convert base64 `u8` vector into u8 byte values.
* Every 4 encoded characters is converted into 3 octets, modulo padding.
* # Example
* ~~~ {.rust}
* extern mod std;
* use std::base64::ToBase64;
* use std::base64::FromBase64;
* fn main () {
* let str = [52,32].to_base64();
* println(fmt!("%s", str));
* let bytes = str.from_base64();
* println(fmt!("%?",bytes));
* }
* ~~~
fn from_base64(&self) -> ~[u8] {
if self.len() % 4u != 0u { fail!("invalid base64 length"); }
let len = self.len();
let mut padding = 0u;
if len != 0u {
if self[len - 1u] == '=' as u8 { padding += 1u; }
if self[len - 2u] == '=' as u8 { padding += 1u; }
let mut r = vec::with_capacity((len / 4u) * 3u - padding);
let mut i = 0u;
while i < len {
let mut n = 0u;
for 4u.times {
let ch = self[i] as char;
n <<= 6u;
match ch {
'A'..'Z' => n |= (ch as uint) - 0x41,
'a'..'z' => n |= (ch as uint) - 0x47,
'0'..'9' => n |= (ch as uint) + 0x04,
'+' => n |= 0x3E,
'/' => n |= 0x3F,
'=' => {
match len - i {
1u => {
r.push(((n >> 16u) & 0xFFu) as u8);
r.push(((n >> 8u ) & 0xFFu) as u8);
return copy r;
2u => {
r.push(((n >> 10u) & 0xFFu) as u8);
return copy r;
_ => fail!("invalid base64 padding")
_ => fail!("invalid base64 character")
i += 1u;
r.push(((n >> 16u) & 0xFFu) as u8);
r.push(((n >> 8u ) & 0xFFu) as u8);
r.push(((n ) & 0xFFu) as u8);
impl<'self> FromBase64 for &'self str {
* Convert any base64 encoded string (literal, `@`, `&`, or `~`)
* to the byte values it encodes.
* You can use the `from_bytes` function in `core::str`
* to turn a `[u8]` into a string with characters corresponding to those values.
* # Example
* This converts a string literal to base64 and back.
* ~~~ {.rust}
* extern mod std;
* use std::base64::ToBase64;
* use std::base64::FromBase64;
* use core::str;
* fn main () {
* let hello_str = "Hello, World".to_base64();
* println(fmt!("%s",hello_str));
* let bytes = hello_str.from_base64();
* println(fmt!("%?",bytes));
* let result_str = str::from_bytes(bytes);
* println(fmt!("%s",result_str));
* }
* ~~~
fn from_base64(&self) -> ~[u8] {
mod tests {
fn test_to_base64() {
assert_eq!("".to_base64(), ~"");
assert_eq!("f".to_base64(), ~"Zg==");
assert_eq!("fo".to_base64(), ~"Zm8=");
assert_eq!("foo".to_base64(), ~"Zm9v");
assert_eq!("foob".to_base64(), ~"Zm9vYg==");
assert_eq!("fooba".to_base64(), ~"Zm9vYmE=");
assert_eq!("foobar".to_base64(), ~"Zm9vYmFy");
fn test_from_base64() {
assert_eq!("".from_base64(), "".as_bytes().to_owned());
assert_eq!("Zg==".from_base64(), "f".as_bytes().to_owned());
assert_eq!("Zm8=".from_base64(), "fo".as_bytes().to_owned());
assert_eq!("Zm9v".from_base64(), "foo".as_bytes().to_owned());
assert_eq!("Zm9vYg==".from_base64(), "foob".as_bytes().to_owned());
assert_eq!("Zm9vYmE=".from_base64(), "fooba".as_bytes().to_owned());
assert_eq!("Zm9vYmFy".from_base64(), "foobar".as_bytes().to_owned());