36 lines
621 B
36 lines
621 B
pub static V: &u32 = &X;
pub static F: fn() = f;
pub static G: fn() = G0;
pub static H: &(dyn Fn() + Sync) = &h;
pub static I: fn() = Helper(j).mk();
static X: u32 = 42;
static G0: fn() = g;
pub fn v() -> *const u32 {
fn f() {}
fn g() {}
fn h() {}
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Helper<T: Copy>(T);
impl<T: Copy + FnOnce()> Helper<T> {
const fn mk(self) -> fn() {
fn i<T: FnOnce()>() {
assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<T>(), 0);
// unsafe to work around the lack of a `Default` impl for function items
unsafe { (std::mem::transmute_copy::<(), T>(&()))() }
fn j() {}