Point out the type of associated types in every method call of iterator chains
Partially address #105184 by pointing out the type of associated types in every method call of iterator chains:
note: the expression is of type `Map<std::slice::Iter<'_, {integer}>, [closure@src/test/ui/iterators/invalid-iterator-chain.rs:12:18: 12:21]>`
--> src/test/ui/iterators/invalid-iterator-chain.rs:12:14
10 | vec![0, 1]
| ---------- this expression has type `Vec<{integer}>`
11 | .iter()
| ------ associated type `std::iter::Iterator::Item` is `&{integer}` here
12 | .map(|x| { x; })
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ associated type `std::iter::Iterator::Item` is `()` here
We also reduce the number of impls we mention when any of the candidates is an "exact match". This benefits the output of cases with numerics greatly.
Outstanding work would be to provide a structured suggestion for appropriate changes, like in this case detecting the spurious `;` in the closure.