164 lines
4.0 KiB
164 lines
4.0 KiB
// based on:
// http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
// u64q/program.php?test=mandelbrot&lang=python3&id=2
// takes 3 optional args:
// square image size, defaults to 80_u
// yield frequency, defaults to 10_u (yield every 10 spawns)
// output path, default is "" (no output), "-" means stdout
// in the shootout, they use 16000 as image size
// yield frequency doesn't seem to have much effect
// writes pbm image to output path
use std;
import io::writer_util;
import std::map::hashmap;
type cmplx = {re: f64, im: f64};
type line = {i: uint, b: [u8]};
impl arith for cmplx {
fn *(x: cmplx) -> cmplx {
{re: self.re*x.re - self.im*x.im, im: self.re*x.im + self.im*x.re}
fn +(x: cmplx) -> cmplx {
{re: self.re + x.re, im: self.im + x.im}
pure fn cabs(x: cmplx) -> f64
x.re*x.re + x.im*x.im
fn mb(x: cmplx) -> bool
let mut z = {re: 0., im: 0.};
let mut i = 0;
let mut in = true;
while i < 50 {
z = z*z + x;
if cabs(z) >= 4. {
in = false;
i += 1;
fn fillbyte(x: cmplx, incr: f64) -> u8 {
let mut rv = 0_u8;
let mut i = 0_u8;
while i < 8_u8 {
let z = {re: x.re + (i as f64)*incr, im: x.im};
if mb(z) {
rv += 1_u8 << (7_u8 - i);
i += 1_u8;
fn chanmb(i: uint, size: uint, ch: comm::chan<line>) -> ()
let mut crv = [];
let incr = 2./(size as f64);
let y = incr*(i as f64) - 1.;
let xincr = 8.*incr;
uint::range(0_u, size/8_u) {
let x = {re: xincr*(j as f64) - 1.5, im: y};
crv += [fillbyte(x, incr)];
comm::send(ch, {i:i, b:crv});
type devnull = {dn: int};
impl of io::writer for devnull {
fn write(_b: [const u8]) {}
fn seek(_i: int, _s: io::seek_style) {}
fn tell() -> uint {0_u}
fn flush() -> int {0}
fn writer(path: str, writech: comm::chan<comm::chan<line>>, size: uint)
let p: comm::port<line> = comm::port();
let ch = comm::chan(p);
comm::send(writech, ch);
let cout: io::writer = alt path {
"" {
{dn: 0} as io::writer
"-" {
_ {
[io::create, io::truncate]))
cout.write_line(#fmt("%u %u", size, size));
let lines = std::map::uint_hash();
let mut done = 0_u;
let mut i = 0_u;
while i < size {
let aline = comm::recv(p);
if aline.i == done {
#debug("W %u", aline.i);
done += 1_u;
let mut prev = done;
while prev <= i {
if lines.contains_key(prev) {
#debug("WS %u", prev);
// FIXME (#2280): this temporary shouldn't be
// necessary, but seems to be, for borrowing.
let v : [u8] = lines.get(prev);
done += 1_u;
prev += 1_u;
else {
else {
#debug("S %u", aline.i);
lines.insert(aline.i, aline.b);
i += 1_u;
fn main(argv: [str]) {
let size = if vec::len(argv) < 2_u { 80u }
else { option::get(uint::from_str(argv[1])) };
let yieldevery = if vec::len(argv) < 3_u { 10_u }
else { option::get(uint::from_str(argv[2])) };
let path = if vec::len(argv) < 4_u { "" }
else { argv[3] };
let writep = comm::port();
let writech = comm::chan(writep);
task::spawn {||
writer(path, writech, size);
let ch = comm::recv(writep);
uint::range(0_u, size) {|j|
task::spawn {|| chanmb(j, size, ch);};
if j % yieldevery == 0_u {
#debug("Y %u", j);