231 lines
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231 lines
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//! This modules defines type to represent changes to the source code, that flow
//! from the server to the client.
//! It can be viewed as a dual for `Change`.
use std::{collections::hash_map::Entry, iter, mem};
use base_db::{AnchoredPathBuf, FileId};
use stdx::{hash::NoHashHashMap, never};
use syntax::{algo, AstNode, SyntaxNode, SyntaxNodePtr, TextRange, TextSize};
use text_edit::{TextEdit, TextEditBuilder};
use crate::SnippetCap;
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SourceChange {
pub source_file_edits: NoHashHashMap<FileId, TextEdit>,
pub file_system_edits: Vec<FileSystemEdit>,
pub is_snippet: bool,
impl SourceChange {
/// Creates a new SourceChange with the given label
/// from the edits.
pub fn from_edits(
source_file_edits: NoHashHashMap<FileId, TextEdit>,
file_system_edits: Vec<FileSystemEdit>,
) -> Self {
SourceChange { source_file_edits, file_system_edits, is_snippet: false }
pub fn from_text_edit(file_id: FileId, edit: TextEdit) -> Self {
SourceChange {
source_file_edits: iter::once((file_id, edit)).collect(),
/// Inserts a [`TextEdit`] for the given [`FileId`]. This properly handles merging existing
/// edits for a file if some already exist.
pub fn insert_source_edit(&mut self, file_id: FileId, edit: TextEdit) {
match self.source_file_edits.entry(file_id) {
Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
never!(entry.get_mut().union(edit).is_err(), "overlapping edits for same file");
Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
pub fn push_file_system_edit(&mut self, edit: FileSystemEdit) {
pub fn get_source_edit(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Option<&TextEdit> {
pub fn merge(mut self, other: SourceChange) -> SourceChange {
self.is_snippet |= other.is_snippet;
impl Extend<(FileId, TextEdit)> for SourceChange {
fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = (FileId, TextEdit)>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
iter.into_iter().for_each(|(file_id, edit)| self.insert_source_edit(file_id, edit));
impl Extend<FileSystemEdit> for SourceChange {
fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = FileSystemEdit>>(&mut self, iter: T) {
iter.into_iter().for_each(|edit| self.push_file_system_edit(edit));
impl From<NoHashHashMap<FileId, TextEdit>> for SourceChange {
fn from(source_file_edits: NoHashHashMap<FileId, TextEdit>) -> SourceChange {
SourceChange { source_file_edits, file_system_edits: Vec::new(), is_snippet: false }
pub struct SourceChangeBuilder {
pub edit: TextEditBuilder,
pub file_id: FileId,
pub source_change: SourceChange,
pub trigger_signature_help: bool,
/// Maps the original, immutable `SyntaxNode` to a `clone_for_update` twin.
pub mutated_tree: Option<TreeMutator>,
pub struct TreeMutator {
immutable: SyntaxNode,
mutable_clone: SyntaxNode,
impl TreeMutator {
pub fn new(immutable: &SyntaxNode) -> TreeMutator {
let immutable = immutable.ancestors().last().unwrap();
let mutable_clone = immutable.clone_for_update();
TreeMutator { immutable, mutable_clone }
pub fn make_mut<N: AstNode>(&self, node: &N) -> N {
pub fn make_syntax_mut(&self, node: &SyntaxNode) -> SyntaxNode {
let ptr = SyntaxNodePtr::new(node);
impl SourceChangeBuilder {
pub fn new(file_id: FileId) -> SourceChangeBuilder {
SourceChangeBuilder {
edit: TextEdit::builder(),
source_change: SourceChange::default(),
trigger_signature_help: false,
mutated_tree: None,
pub fn edit_file(&mut self, file_id: FileId) {
self.file_id = file_id;
fn commit(&mut self) {
if let Some(tm) = self.mutated_tree.take() {
algo::diff(&tm.immutable, &tm.mutable_clone).into_text_edit(&mut self.edit)
let edit = mem::take(&mut self.edit).finish();
if !edit.is_empty() {
self.source_change.insert_source_edit(self.file_id, edit);
pub fn make_mut<N: AstNode>(&mut self, node: N) -> N {
self.mutated_tree.get_or_insert_with(|| TreeMutator::new(node.syntax())).make_mut(&node)
/// Returns a copy of the `node`, suitable for mutation.
/// Syntax trees in rust-analyzer are typically immutable, and mutating
/// operations panic at runtime. However, it is possible to make a copy of
/// the tree and mutate the copy freely. Mutation is based on interior
/// mutability, and different nodes in the same tree see the same mutations.
/// The typical pattern for an assist is to find specific nodes in the read
/// phase, and then get their mutable couterparts using `make_mut` in the
/// mutable state.
pub fn make_syntax_mut(&mut self, node: SyntaxNode) -> SyntaxNode {
self.mutated_tree.get_or_insert_with(|| TreeMutator::new(&node)).make_syntax_mut(&node)
/// Remove specified `range` of text.
pub fn delete(&mut self, range: TextRange) {
/// Append specified `text` at the given `offset`
pub fn insert(&mut self, offset: TextSize, text: impl Into<String>) {
self.edit.insert(offset, text.into())
/// Append specified `snippet` at the given `offset`
pub fn insert_snippet(
&mut self,
_cap: SnippetCap,
offset: TextSize,
snippet: impl Into<String>,
) {
self.source_change.is_snippet = true;
self.insert(offset, snippet);
/// Replaces specified `range` of text with a given string.
pub fn replace(&mut self, range: TextRange, replace_with: impl Into<String>) {
self.edit.replace(range, replace_with.into())
/// Replaces specified `range` of text with a given `snippet`.
pub fn replace_snippet(
&mut self,
_cap: SnippetCap,
range: TextRange,
snippet: impl Into<String>,
) {
self.source_change.is_snippet = true;
self.replace(range, snippet);
pub fn replace_ast<N: AstNode>(&mut self, old: N, new: N) {
algo::diff(old.syntax(), new.syntax()).into_text_edit(&mut self.edit)
pub fn create_file(&mut self, dst: AnchoredPathBuf, content: impl Into<String>) {
let file_system_edit = FileSystemEdit::CreateFile { dst, initial_contents: content.into() };
pub fn move_file(&mut self, src: FileId, dst: AnchoredPathBuf) {
let file_system_edit = FileSystemEdit::MoveFile { src, dst };
pub fn trigger_signature_help(&mut self) {
self.trigger_signature_help = true;
pub fn finish(mut self) -> SourceChange {
mem::take(&mut self.source_change)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum FileSystemEdit {
CreateFile { dst: AnchoredPathBuf, initial_contents: String },
MoveFile { src: FileId, dst: AnchoredPathBuf },
MoveDir { src: AnchoredPathBuf, src_id: FileId, dst: AnchoredPathBuf },
impl From<FileSystemEdit> for SourceChange {
fn from(edit: FileSystemEdit) -> SourceChange {
SourceChange {
source_file_edits: Default::default(),
file_system_edits: vec![edit],
is_snippet: false,