2013-12-26 15:54:35 -08:00

296 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use driver::session;
use lib::llvm::{ContextRef, ModuleRef, ValueRef};
use lib::llvm::{llvm, TargetData, TypeNames};
use lib::llvm::mk_target_data;
use metadata::common::LinkMeta;
use middle::astencode;
use middle::resolve;
use middle::trans::adt;
use middle::trans::base;
use middle::trans::builder::Builder;
use middle::trans::debuginfo;
use middle::trans::common::{C_i32, C_null};
use middle::ty;
use middle::trans::type_::Type;
use util::sha2::Sha256;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::c_str::ToCStr;
use std::hashmap::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::local_data;
use std::libc::c_uint;
use syntax::ast;
use middle::trans::common::{mono_id,ExternMap,tydesc_info,BuilderRef_res,Stats};
use middle::trans::base::{decl_crate_map};
pub struct CrateContext {
sess: session::Session,
llmod: ModuleRef,
llcx: ContextRef,
metadata_llmod: ModuleRef,
td: TargetData,
tn: TypeNames,
externs: RefCell<ExternMap>,
intrinsics: HashMap<&'static str, ValueRef>,
item_vals: RefCell<HashMap<ast::NodeId, ValueRef>>,
exp_map2: resolve::ExportMap2,
reachable: @RefCell<HashSet<ast::NodeId>>,
item_symbols: RefCell<HashMap<ast::NodeId, ~str>>,
link_meta: LinkMeta,
tydescs: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, @tydesc_info>>,
// Set when running emit_tydescs to enforce that no more tydescs are
// created.
finished_tydescs: Cell<bool>,
// Track mapping of external ids to local items imported for inlining
external: RefCell<HashMap<ast::DefId, Option<ast::NodeId>>>,
// Backwards version of the `external` map (inlined items to where they
// came from)
external_srcs: RefCell<HashMap<ast::NodeId, ast::DefId>>,
// A set of static items which cannot be inlined into other crates. This
// will pevent in ii_item() structures from being encoded into the metadata
// that is generated
non_inlineable_statics: RefCell<HashSet<ast::NodeId>>,
// Cache instances of monomorphized functions
monomorphized: RefCell<HashMap<mono_id, ValueRef>>,
monomorphizing: RefCell<HashMap<ast::DefId, uint>>,
// Cache generated vtables
vtables: RefCell<HashMap<(ty::t, mono_id), ValueRef>>,
// Cache of constant strings,
const_cstr_cache: RefCell<HashMap<@str, ValueRef>>,
// Reverse-direction for const ptrs cast from globals.
// Key is an int, cast from a ValueRef holding a *T,
// Val is a ValueRef holding a *[T].
// Needed because LLVM loses pointer->pointee association
// when we ptrcast, and we have to ptrcast during translation
// of a [T] const because we form a slice, a [*T,int] pair, not
// a pointer to an LLVM array type.
const_globals: RefCell<HashMap<int, ValueRef>>,
// Cache of emitted const values
const_values: RefCell<HashMap<ast::NodeId, ValueRef>>,
// Cache of external const values
extern_const_values: RefCell<HashMap<ast::DefId, ValueRef>>,
impl_method_cache: RefCell<HashMap<(ast::DefId, ast::Name), ast::DefId>>,
module_data: RefCell<HashMap<~str, ValueRef>>,
lltypes: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Type>>,
llsizingtypes: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Type>>,
adt_reprs: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, @adt::Repr>>,
symbol_hasher: RefCell<Sha256>,
type_hashcodes: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, @str>>,
all_llvm_symbols: RefCell<HashSet<@str>>,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
maps: astencode::Maps,
stats: @mut Stats,
tydesc_type: Type,
int_type: Type,
opaque_vec_type: Type,
builder: BuilderRef_res,
crate_map: ValueRef,
crate_map_name: ~str,
// Set when at least one function uses GC. Needed so that
// decl_gc_metadata knows whether to link to the module metadata, which
// is not emitted by LLVM's GC pass when no functions use GC.
uses_gc: bool,
dbg_cx: Option<debuginfo::CrateDebugContext>,
do_not_commit_warning_issued: Cell<bool>,
impl CrateContext {
pub fn new(sess: session::Session,
name: &str,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
emap2: resolve::ExportMap2,
maps: astencode::Maps,
symbol_hasher: Sha256,
link_meta: LinkMeta,
reachable: @RefCell<HashSet<ast::NodeId>>)
-> CrateContext {
unsafe {
let llcx = llvm::LLVMContextCreate();
let llmod = name.with_c_str(|buf| {
llvm::LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(buf, llcx)
let metadata_llmod = format!("{}_metadata", name).with_c_str(|buf| {
llvm::LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(buf, llcx)
let data_layout: &str = sess.targ_cfg.target_strs.data_layout;
let targ_triple: &str = sess.targ_cfg.target_strs.target_triple;
data_layout.with_c_str(|buf| {
llvm::LLVMSetDataLayout(llmod, buf);
llvm::LLVMSetDataLayout(metadata_llmod, buf);
targ_triple.with_c_str(|buf| {
llvm::LLVMRustSetNormalizedTarget(llmod, buf);
llvm::LLVMRustSetNormalizedTarget(metadata_llmod, buf);
let targ_cfg = sess.targ_cfg;
let td = mk_target_data(sess.targ_cfg.target_strs.data_layout);
let tn = TypeNames::new();
let mut intrinsics = base::declare_intrinsics(llmod);
if sess.opts.extra_debuginfo {
base::declare_dbg_intrinsics(llmod, &mut intrinsics);
let int_type = Type::int(targ_cfg.arch);
let tydesc_type = Type::tydesc(targ_cfg.arch);
let opaque_vec_type = Type::opaque_vec(targ_cfg.arch);
let mut str_slice_ty = Type::named_struct("str_slice");
str_slice_ty.set_struct_body([Type::i8p(), int_type], false);
tn.associate_type("tydesc", &tydesc_type);
tn.associate_type("str_slice", &str_slice_ty);
let (crate_map_name, crate_map) = decl_crate_map(sess, link_meta.clone(), llmod);
let dbg_cx = if sess.opts.debuginfo {
Some(debuginfo::CrateDebugContext::new(llmod, name.to_owned()))
} else {
if sess.count_llvm_insns() {
CrateContext {
sess: sess,
llmod: llmod,
llcx: llcx,
metadata_llmod: metadata_llmod,
td: td,
tn: tn,
externs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
intrinsics: intrinsics,
item_vals: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
exp_map2: emap2,
reachable: reachable,
item_symbols: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
link_meta: link_meta,
tydescs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
finished_tydescs: Cell::new(false),
external: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
external_srcs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
non_inlineable_statics: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
monomorphized: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
monomorphizing: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
vtables: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
const_cstr_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
const_globals: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
const_values: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
extern_const_values: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
impl_method_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
module_data: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
lltypes: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
llsizingtypes: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
adt_reprs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
symbol_hasher: RefCell::new(symbol_hasher),
type_hashcodes: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
all_llvm_symbols: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
tcx: tcx,
maps: maps,
stats: @mut Stats {
n_static_tydescs: Cell::new(0u),
n_glues_created: Cell::new(0u),
n_null_glues: Cell::new(0u),
n_real_glues: Cell::new(0u),
n_fns: Cell::new(0u),
n_monos: Cell::new(0u),
n_inlines: 0u,
n_closures: 0u,
n_llvm_insns: 0u,
llvm_insn_ctxt: ~[],
llvm_insns: HashMap::new(),
fn_stats: ~[]
tydesc_type: tydesc_type,
int_type: int_type,
opaque_vec_type: opaque_vec_type,
builder: BuilderRef_res(llvm::LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(llcx)),
crate_map: crate_map,
crate_map_name: crate_map_name,
uses_gc: false,
dbg_cx: dbg_cx,
do_not_commit_warning_issued: Cell::new(false),
pub fn builder(@self) -> Builder {
pub fn const_inbounds_gepi(&self,
pointer: ValueRef,
indices: &[uint]) -> ValueRef {
debug!("const_inbounds_gepi: pointer={} indices={:?}",, indices);
let v: ~[ValueRef] =
indices.iter().map(|i| C_i32(*i as i32)).collect();
unsafe {
indices.len() as c_uint)
pub fn offsetof_gep(&self,
llptr_ty: Type,
indices: &[uint]) -> ValueRef {
* Returns the offset of applying the given GEP indices
* to an instance of `llptr_ty`. Similar to `offsetof` in C,
* except that `llptr_ty` must be a pointer type.
unsafe {
let null = C_null(llptr_ty);
llvm::LLVMConstPtrToInt(self.const_inbounds_gepi(null, indices),
impl Drop for CrateContext {
fn drop(&mut self) {
local_data_key!(task_local_llcx_key: @ContextRef)
pub fn task_llcx() -> ContextRef {
let opt = local_data::get(task_local_llcx_key, |k||k| *k));
*opt.expect("task-local LLVMContextRef wasn't ever set!")
fn set_task_llcx(c: ContextRef) {
local_data::set(task_local_llcx_key, @c);
fn unset_task_llcx() {