2013-05-06 09:00:37 -04:00

261 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use libc::{c_char, c_void, intptr_t, uintptr_t};
use ptr::mut_null;
use repr::BoxRepr;
use sys::TypeDesc;
use cast::transmute;
#[cfg(notest)] use unstable::lang::clear_task_borrow_list;
#[cfg(notest)] use ptr::to_unsafe_ptr;
* Runtime structures
* NB: These must match the representation in the C++ runtime.
type DropGlue<'self> = &'self fn(**TypeDesc, *c_void);
type FreeGlue<'self> = &'self fn(**TypeDesc, *c_void);
type TaskID = uintptr_t;
struct StackSegment { priv opaque: () }
struct Scheduler { priv opaque: () }
struct SchedulerLoop { priv opaque: () }
struct Kernel { priv opaque: () }
struct Env { priv opaque: () }
struct AllocHeader { priv opaque: () }
struct MemoryRegion { priv opaque: () }
struct Registers {
data: [u32, ..16]
struct Registers {
data: [u32, ..32]
struct Context {
regs: Registers,
next: *Context,
pad: [u32, ..3]
struct Registers {
data: [u64, ..22]
struct Context {
regs: Registers,
next: *Context,
pad: uintptr_t
struct BoxedRegion {
env: *Env,
backing_region: *MemoryRegion,
live_allocs: *BoxRepr
struct Task {
// Public fields
refcount: intptr_t, // 0
id: TaskID, // 4
pad: [u32, ..2], // 8
ctx: Context, // 16
stack_segment: *StackSegment, // 96
runtime_sp: uintptr_t, // 100
scheduler: *Scheduler, // 104
scheduler_loop: *SchedulerLoop, // 108
// Fields known only to the runtime
kernel: *Kernel, // 112
name: *c_char, // 116
list_index: i32, // 120
boxed_region: BoxedRegion // 128
struct Task {
// Public fields
refcount: intptr_t,
id: TaskID,
ctx: Context,
stack_segment: *StackSegment,
runtime_sp: uintptr_t,
scheduler: *Scheduler,
scheduler_loop: *SchedulerLoop,
// Fields known only to the runtime
kernel: *Kernel,
name: *c_char,
list_index: i32,
boxed_region: BoxedRegion
* Box annihilation
* This runs at task death to free all boxes.
struct AnnihilateStats {
n_total_boxes: uint,
n_unique_boxes: uint,
n_bytes_freed: uint
unsafe fn each_live_alloc(read_next_before: bool,
f: &fn(box: *mut BoxRepr, uniq: bool) -> bool) {
//! Walks the internal list of allocations
use managed;
let task: *Task = transmute(rustrt::rust_get_task());
let box = (*task).boxed_region.live_allocs;
let mut box: *mut BoxRepr = transmute(copy box);
while box != mut_null() {
let next_before = transmute(copy (*box);
let uniq =
(*box).header.ref_count == managed::raw::RC_MANAGED_UNIQUE;
if ! f(box, uniq) {
if read_next_before {
box = next_before;
} else {
box = transmute(copy (*box);
fn debug_mem() -> bool {
fn debug_mem() -> bool {
/// Destroys all managed memory (i.e. @ boxes) held by the current task.
pub unsafe fn annihilate() {
use unstable::lang::{local_free};
use unstable::lang;
use io::WriterUtil;
use io;
use libc;
use sys;
use managed;
let mut stats = AnnihilateStats {
n_total_boxes: 0,
n_unique_boxes: 0,
n_bytes_freed: 0
// Quick hack: we need to free this list upon task exit, and this
// is a convenient place to do it.
// Pass 1: Make all boxes immortal.
// In this pass, nothing gets freed, so it does not matter whether
// we read the next field before or after the callback.
for each_live_alloc(true) |box, uniq| {
stats.n_total_boxes += 1;
if uniq {
lang::debug_mem("Managed-uniq: ", &*box);
stats.n_unique_boxes += 1;
} else {
lang::debug_mem("Immortalizing: ", &*box);
(*box).header.ref_count = managed::raw::RC_IMMORTAL;
// Pass 2: Drop all boxes.
// In this pass, unique-managed boxes may get freed, but not
// managed boxes, so we must read the `next` field *after* the
// callback, as the original value may have been freed.
for each_live_alloc(false) |box, uniq| {
if !uniq {
lang::debug_mem("Invoking tydesc/glue on: ", &*box);
let tydesc: *TypeDesc = transmute(copy (*box).header.type_desc);
let drop_glue: DropGlue = transmute(((*tydesc).drop_glue, 0));
lang::debug_mem("Box data: ", &(*box).data);
lang::debug_mem("Type descriptor: ", tydesc);
drop_glue(to_unsafe_ptr(&tydesc), transmute(&(*box).data));
lang::debug_mem("Dropped ", &*box);
// Pass 3: Free all boxes.
// In this pass, managed boxes may get freed (but not
// unique-managed boxes, though I think that none of those are
// left), so we must read the `next` field before, since it will
// not be valid after.
for each_live_alloc(true) |box, uniq| {
if !uniq {
lang::debug_mem("About to free: ", &*box);
stats.n_bytes_freed +=
+ sys::size_of::<BoxRepr>();
if debug_mem() {
// We do logging here w/o allocation.
let dbg = libc::STDERR_FILENO as io::fd_t;
dbg.write_str("annihilator stats:");
dbg.write_str("\n total_boxes: ");
dbg.write_str("\n unique_boxes: ");
dbg.write_str("\n bytes_freed: ");
/// Bindings to the runtime
pub mod rustrt {
use libc::c_void;
#[link_name = "rustrt"]
pub extern {
// FIXME (#4386): Unable to make following method private.
pub unsafe fn rust_get_task() -> *c_void;