
39 lines
1.2 KiB

// compile-flags: -Zunleash-the-miri-inside-of-you
// stderr-per-bitwidth
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
const MUTATE_INTERIOR_MUT: usize = {
static FOO: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
FOO.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) //~ERROR evaluation of constant value failed
const READ_INTERIOR_MUT: usize = {
static FOO: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
unsafe { *(&FOO as *const _ as *const usize) } //~ERROR evaluation of constant value failed
static mut MUTABLE: u32 = 0;
const READ_MUT: u32 = unsafe { MUTABLE }; //~ERROR evaluation of constant value failed
const REF_INTERIOR_MUT: &usize = { //~ ERROR undefined behavior to use this value
//~| encountered a reference pointing to a static variable
static FOO: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
unsafe { &*(&FOO as *const _ as *const usize) }
// ok some day perhaps
const READ_IMMUT: &usize = { //~ ERROR it is undefined behavior to use this value
//~| encountered a reference pointing to a static variable
static FOO: usize = 0;
static MY_STATIC: u8 = 4;
const REF_IMMUT: &u8 = &MY_STATIC;
//~^ ERROR it is undefined behavior to use this value
//~| encountered a reference pointing to a static variable
fn main() {}