423 lines
14 KiB
423 lines
14 KiB
use rustc_ast::{ast, ptr};
use rustc_span::Span;
use crate::attr::get_attrs_from_stmt;
use crate::config::lists::*;
use crate::config::Version;
use crate::expr::{block_contains_comment, is_simple_block, is_unsafe_block, rewrite_cond};
use crate::items::{span_hi_for_param, span_lo_for_param};
use crate::lists::{definitive_tactic, itemize_list, write_list, ListFormatting, Separator};
use crate::overflow::OverflowableItem;
use crate::rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext};
use crate::shape::Shape;
use crate::source_map::SpanUtils;
use crate::utils::{last_line_width, left_most_sub_expr, stmt_expr, NodeIdExt};
// This module is pretty messy because of the rules around closures and blocks:
// FIXME - the below is probably no longer true in full.
// * if there is a return type, then there must be braces,
// * given a closure with braces, whether that is parsed to give an inner block
// or not depends on if there is a return type and if there are statements
// in that block,
// * if the first expression in the body ends with a block (i.e., is a
// statement without needing a semi-colon), then adding or removing braces
// can change whether it is treated as an expression or statement.
pub(crate) fn rewrite_closure(
capture: ast::CaptureBy,
is_async: &ast::Async,
movability: ast::Movability,
fn_decl: &ast::FnDecl,
body: &ast::Expr,
span: Span,
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
shape: Shape,
) -> Option<String> {
debug!("rewrite_closure {:?}", body);
let (prefix, extra_offset) = rewrite_closure_fn_decl(
capture, is_async, movability, fn_decl, body, span, context, shape,
// 1 = space between `|...|` and body.
let body_shape = shape.offset_left(extra_offset)?;
if let ast::ExprKind::Block(ref block, _) = body.kind {
// The body of the closure is an empty block.
if block.stmts.is_empty() && !block_contains_comment(context, block) {
return body
.rewrite(context, shape)
.map(|s| format!("{} {}", prefix, s));
let result = match fn_decl.output {
ast::FnRetTy::Default(_) if !context.inside_macro() => {
try_rewrite_without_block(body, &prefix, context, shape, body_shape)
_ => None,
result.or_else(|| {
// Either we require a block, or tried without and failed.
rewrite_closure_block(block, &prefix, context, body_shape)
} else {
rewrite_closure_expr(body, &prefix, context, body_shape).or_else(|| {
// The closure originally had a non-block expression, but we can't fit on
// one line, so we'll insert a block.
rewrite_closure_with_block(body, &prefix, context, body_shape)
fn try_rewrite_without_block(
expr: &ast::Expr,
prefix: &str,
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
shape: Shape,
body_shape: Shape,
) -> Option<String> {
let expr = get_inner_expr(expr, prefix, context);
if is_block_closure_forced(context, expr) {
rewrite_closure_with_block(expr, prefix, context, shape)
} else {
rewrite_closure_expr(expr, prefix, context, body_shape)
fn get_inner_expr<'a>(
expr: &'a ast::Expr,
prefix: &str,
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
) -> &'a ast::Expr {
if let ast::ExprKind::Block(ref block, _) = expr.kind {
if !needs_block(block, prefix, context) {
// block.stmts.len() == 1 except with `|| {{}}`;
// https://github.com/rust-lang/rustfmt/issues/3844
if let Some(expr) = block.stmts.first().and_then(stmt_expr) {
return get_inner_expr(expr, prefix, context);
// Figure out if a block is necessary.
fn needs_block(block: &ast::Block, prefix: &str, context: &RewriteContext<'_>) -> bool {
let has_attributes = block.stmts.first().map_or(false, |first_stmt| {
|| block.stmts.len() > 1
|| has_attributes
|| block_contains_comment(context, block)
|| prefix.contains('\n')
fn veto_block(e: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
match e.kind {
| ast::ExprKind::Binary(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Cast(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Type(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Assign(..)
| ast::ExprKind::AssignOp(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Field(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Index(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Range(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Try(..) => true,
_ => false,
// Rewrite closure with a single expression wrapping its body with block.
fn rewrite_closure_with_block(
body: &ast::Expr,
prefix: &str,
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
shape: Shape,
) -> Option<String> {
let left_most = left_most_sub_expr(body);
let veto_block = veto_block(body) && !expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(left_most);
if veto_block {
return None;
let block = ast::Block {
stmts: vec![ast::Stmt {
id: ast::NodeId::root(),
kind: ast::StmtKind::Expr(ptr::P(body.clone())),
span: body.span,
tokens: None,
id: ast::NodeId::root(),
rules: ast::BlockCheckMode::Default,
span: body.span,
tokens: None,
let block = crate::expr::rewrite_block_with_visitor(
Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, block))
// Rewrite closure with a single expression without wrapping its body with block.
fn rewrite_closure_expr(
expr: &ast::Expr,
prefix: &str,
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
shape: Shape,
) -> Option<String> {
fn allow_multi_line(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
match expr.kind {
| ast::ExprKind::Async(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Block(..)
| ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Loop(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Struct(..) => true,
ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) => allow_multi_line(expr),
_ => false,
// When rewriting closure's body without block, we require it to fit in a single line
// unless it is a block-like expression or we are inside macro call.
let veto_multiline = (!allow_multi_line(expr) && !context.inside_macro())
|| context.config.force_multiline_blocks();
expr.rewrite(context, shape)
.and_then(|rw| {
if veto_multiline && rw.contains('\n') {
} else {
.map(|rw| format!("{} {}", prefix, rw))
// Rewrite closure whose body is block.
fn rewrite_closure_block(
block: &ast::Block,
prefix: &str,
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
shape: Shape,
) -> Option<String> {
Some(format!("{} {}", prefix, block.rewrite(context, shape)?))
// Return type is (prefix, extra_offset)
fn rewrite_closure_fn_decl(
capture: ast::CaptureBy,
asyncness: &ast::Async,
movability: ast::Movability,
fn_decl: &ast::FnDecl,
body: &ast::Expr,
span: Span,
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
shape: Shape,
) -> Option<(String, usize)> {
let is_async = if asyncness.is_async() { "async " } else { "" };
let mover = if capture == ast::CaptureBy::Value {
"move "
} else {
let immovable = if movability == ast::Movability::Static {
"static "
} else {
// 4 = "|| {".len(), which is overconservative when the closure consists of
// a single expression.
let nested_shape = shape
.shrink_left(is_async.len() + mover.len() + immovable.len())?
// 1 = |
let param_offset = nested_shape.indent + 1;
let param_shape = nested_shape.offset_left(1)?.visual_indent(0);
let ret_str = fn_decl.output.rewrite(context, param_shape)?;
let param_items = itemize_list(
|param| span_lo_for_param(param),
|param| span_hi_for_param(context, param),
|param| param.rewrite(context, param_shape),
context.snippet_provider.span_after(span, "|"),
let item_vec = param_items.collect::<Vec<_>>();
// 1 = space between parameters and return type.
let horizontal_budget = nested_shape.width.saturating_sub(ret_str.len() + 1);
let tactic = definitive_tactic(
let param_shape = match tactic {
DefinitiveListTactic::Horizontal => param_shape.sub_width(ret_str.len() + 1)?,
_ => param_shape,
let fmt = ListFormatting::new(param_shape, context.config)
let list_str = write_list(&item_vec, &fmt)?;
let mut prefix = format!("{}{}{}|{}|", is_async, immovable, mover, list_str);
if !ret_str.is_empty() {
if prefix.contains('\n') {
} else {
prefix.push(' ');
// 1 = space between `|...|` and body.
let extra_offset = last_line_width(&prefix) + 1;
Some((prefix, extra_offset))
// Rewriting closure which is placed at the end of the function call's arg.
// Returns `None` if the reformatted closure 'looks bad'.
pub(crate) fn rewrite_last_closure(
context: &RewriteContext<'_>,
expr: &ast::Expr,
shape: Shape,
) -> Option<String> {
if let ast::ExprKind::Closure(capture, ref is_async, movability, ref fn_decl, ref body, _) =
let body = match body.kind {
ast::ExprKind::Block(ref block, _)
if !is_unsafe_block(block)
&& !context.inside_macro()
&& is_simple_block(context, block, Some(&body.attrs)) =>
_ => body,
let (prefix, extra_offset) = rewrite_closure_fn_decl(
capture, is_async, movability, fn_decl, body, expr.span, context, shape,
// If the closure goes multi line before its body, do not overflow the closure.
if prefix.contains('\n') {
return None;
let body_shape = shape.offset_left(extra_offset)?;
// We force to use block for the body of the closure for certain kinds of expressions.
if is_block_closure_forced(context, body) {
return rewrite_closure_with_block(body, &prefix, context, body_shape).and_then(
|body_str| {
// If the expression can fit in a single line, we need not force block closure.
if body_str.lines().count() <= 7 {
match rewrite_closure_expr(body, &prefix, context, shape) {
Some(ref single_line_body_str)
if !single_line_body_str.contains('\n') =>
_ => Some(body_str),
} else {
// When overflowing the closure which consists of a single control flow expression,
// force to use block if its condition uses multi line.
let is_multi_lined_cond = rewrite_cond(context, body, body_shape).map_or(false, |cond| {
cond.contains('\n') || cond.len() > body_shape.width
if is_multi_lined_cond {
return rewrite_closure_with_block(body, &prefix, context, body_shape);
// Seems fine, just format the closure in usual manner.
return expr.rewrite(context, shape);
/// Returns `true` if the given vector of arguments has more than one `ast::ExprKind::Closure`.
pub(crate) fn args_have_many_closure(args: &[OverflowableItem<'_>]) -> bool {
.filter(|expr| match expr.kind {
ast::ExprKind::Closure(..) => true,
_ => false,
> 1
fn is_block_closure_forced(context: &RewriteContext<'_>, expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
// If we are inside macro, we do not want to add or remove block from closure body.
if context.inside_macro() {
} else {
is_block_closure_forced_inner(expr, context.config.version())
fn is_block_closure_forced_inner(expr: &ast::Expr, version: Version) -> bool {
match expr.kind {
ast::ExprKind::If(..) | ast::ExprKind::While(..) | ast::ExprKind::ForLoop(..) => true,
ast::ExprKind::Loop(..) if version == Version::Two => true,
ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(_, _, ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Try(ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Unary(_, ref expr)
| ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, _) => is_block_closure_forced_inner(expr, version),
_ => false,
/// Does this expression require a semicolon to be treated
/// as a statement? The negation of this: 'can this expression
/// be used as a statement without a semicolon' -- is used
/// as an early-bail-out in the parser so that, for instance,
/// if true {...} else {...}
/// |x| 5
/// isn't parsed as (if true {...} else {...} | x) | 5
// From https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/master/src/libsyntax/parse/classify.rs.
fn expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(e: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
match e.kind {
| ast::ExprKind::Match(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Block(..)
| ast::ExprKind::While(..)
| ast::ExprKind::Loop(..)
| ast::ExprKind::ForLoop(..)
| ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(..) => false,
_ => true,