253 lines
7.6 KiB
253 lines
7.6 KiB
/* Simple getopt alternative. Construct a vector of options, either by using
* reqopt, optopt, and optflag or by building them from components yourself,
* and pass them to getopts, along with a vector of actual arguments (not
* including argv[0]). You'll either get a failure code back, or a match.
* You'll have to verify whether the amount of 'free' arguments in the match
* is what you expect. Use opt_* accessors (bottom of the file) to get
* argument values out of the match object.
import option::some;
import option::none;
export opt;
export reqopt;
export optopt;
export optflag;
export optflagopt;
export optmulti;
export getopts;
export result;
export success;
export failure;
export match;
export fail_;
export fail_str;
export opt_present;
export opt_str;
export opt_strs;
export opt_maybe_str;
export opt_default;
tag name { long(istr); short(char); }
tag hasarg { yes; no; maybe; }
tag occur { req; optional; multi; }
type opt = {name: name, hasarg: hasarg, occur: occur};
fn mkname(nm: &istr) -> name {
ret if istr::char_len(nm) == 1u {
short(istr::char_at(nm, 0u))
} else { long(nm) };
fn reqopt(name: &istr) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: req};
fn optopt(name: &istr) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: optional};
fn optflag(name: &istr) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: no, occur: optional};
fn optflagopt(name: &istr) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: maybe, occur: optional};
fn optmulti(name: &istr) -> opt {
ret {name: mkname(name), hasarg: yes, occur: multi};
tag optval { val(istr); given; }
type match = {opts: [opt], vals: [mutable [optval]], free: [istr]};
fn is_arg(arg: &istr) -> bool {
ret istr::byte_len(arg) > 1u && arg[0] == '-' as u8;
fn name_str(nm: &name) -> istr {
ret alt nm { short(ch) { istr::from_char(ch) } long(s) { s } };
fn find_opt(opts: &[opt], nm: &name) -> option::t<uint> {
let i = 0u;
let l = vec::len::<opt>(opts);
while i < l { if opts[i].name == nm { ret some::<uint>(i); } i += 1u; }
ret none::<uint>;
tag fail_ {
fn fail_str(f: &fail_) -> istr {
ret alt f {
argument_missing(nm) {
~"Argument to option '" + nm + ~"' missing." }
unrecognized_option(nm) {
~"Unrecognized option: '" + nm + ~"'." }
option_missing(nm) { ~"Required option '" + nm + ~"' missing." }
option_duplicated(nm) {
~"Option '" + nm + ~"' given more than once."
unexpected_argument(nm) {
~"Option " + nm + ~" does not take an argument."
tag result { success(match); failure(fail_); }
fn getopts(args: &[istr], opts: &[opt]) -> result {
let n_opts = vec::len::<opt>(opts);
fn f(_x: uint) -> [optval] { ret []; }
let vals = vec::init_fn_mut::<[optval]>(f, n_opts);
let free: [istr] = [];
let l = vec::len(args);
let i = 0u;
while i < l {
let cur = args[i];
let curlen = istr::byte_len(cur);
if !is_arg(cur) {
free += [cur];
} else if istr::eq(cur, ~"--") {
let j = i + 1u;
while j < l { free += [args[j]]; j += 1u; }
} else {
let names;
let i_arg = option::none::<istr>;
if cur[1] == '-' as u8 {
let tail = istr::slice(cur, 2u, curlen);
let eq = istr::index(tail, '=' as u8);
if eq == -1 {
names = [long(tail)];
} else {
names = [long(istr::slice(tail, 0u, eq as uint))];
i_arg =
(eq as uint) + 1u,
curlen - 2u));
} else {
let j = 1u;
names = [];
while j < curlen {
let range = istr::char_range_at(cur, j);
names += [short(range.ch)];
j = range.next;
let name_pos = 0u;
for nm: name in names {
name_pos += 1u;
let optid;
alt find_opt(opts, nm) {
some(id) { optid = id; }
none. { ret failure(unrecognized_option(name_str(nm))); }
alt opts[optid].hasarg {
no. {
if !option::is_none::<istr>(i_arg) {
ret failure(unexpected_argument(name_str(nm)));
vals[optid] += [given];
maybe. {
if !option::is_none::<istr>(i_arg) {
vals[optid] += [val(option::get(i_arg))];
} else if name_pos < vec::len::<name>(names) ||
i + 1u == l || is_arg(args[i + 1u]) {
vals[optid] += [given];
} else { i += 1u; vals[optid] += [val(args[i])]; }
yes. {
if !option::is_none::<istr>(i_arg) {
vals[optid] += [val(option::get::<istr>(i_arg))];
} else if i + 1u == l {
ret failure(argument_missing(name_str(nm)));
} else { i += 1u; vals[optid] += [val(args[i])]; }
i += 1u;
i = 0u;
while i < n_opts {
let n = vec::len::<optval>(vals[i]);
let occ = opts[i].occur;
if occ == req {
if n == 0u {
ret failure(option_missing(name_str(opts[i].name)));
if occ != multi {
if n > 1u {
ret failure(option_duplicated(name_str(opts[i].name)));
i += 1u;
ret success({opts: opts, vals: vals, free: free});
fn opt_vals(m: &match, nm: &istr) -> [optval] {
ret alt find_opt(m.opts, mkname(nm)) {
some(id) { m.vals[id] }
none. { log_err ~"No option '" + nm + ~"' defined."; fail }
fn opt_val(m: &match, nm: &istr) -> optval { ret opt_vals(m, nm)[0]; }
fn opt_present(m: &match, nm: &istr) -> bool {
ret vec::len::<optval>(opt_vals(m, nm)) > 0u;
fn opt_str(m: &match, nm: &istr) -> istr {
ret alt opt_val(m, nm) { val(s) { s } _ { fail } };
fn opt_strs(m: &match, nm: &istr) -> [istr] {
let acc: [istr] = [];
for v: optval in opt_vals(m, nm) {
alt v { val(s) { acc += [s]; } _ { } }
ret acc;
fn opt_maybe_str(m: &match, nm: &istr) -> option::t<istr> {
let vals = opt_vals(m, nm);
if vec::len::<optval>(vals) == 0u { ret none::<istr>; }
ret alt vals[0] { val(s) { some::<istr>(s) } _ { none::<istr> } };
/// Returns none if the option was not present, `def` if the option was
/// present but no argument was provided, and the argument if the option was
/// present and an argument was provided.
fn opt_default(m: &match, nm: &istr, def: &istr) -> option::t<istr> {
let vals = opt_vals(m, nm);
if vec::len::<optval>(vals) == 0u { ret none::<istr>; }
ret alt vals[0] { val(s) { some::<istr>(s) } _ { some::<istr>(def) } }
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust;
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: