The current terminology of "task failure" often causes problems when writing or speaking about code. You often want to talk about the possibility of an operation that returns a Result "failing", but cannot because of the ambiguity with task failure. Instead, you have to speak of "the failing case" or "when the operation does not succeed" or other circumlocutions. Likewise, we use a "Failure" header in rustdoc to describe when operations may fail the task, but it would often be helpful to separate out a section describing the "Err-producing" case. We have been steadily moving away from task failure and toward Result as an error-handling mechanism, so we should optimize our terminology accordingly: Result-producing functions should be easy to describe. To update your code, rename any call to `fail!` to `panic!` instead. Assuming you have not created your own macro named `panic!`, this will work on UNIX based systems: grep -lZR 'fail!' . | xargs -0 -l sed -i -e 's/fail!/panic!/g' You can of course also do this by hand. [breaking-change]
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895 lines
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// Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use driver::config::NoDebugInfo;
use driver::session::Session;
use llvm;
use llvm::{ContextRef, ModuleRef, ValueRef, BuilderRef};
use llvm::{TargetData};
use llvm::mk_target_data;
use metadata::common::LinkMeta;
use middle::resolve;
use middle::traits;
use middle::trans::adt;
use middle::trans::base;
use middle::trans::builder::Builder;
use middle::trans::common::{ExternMap,tydesc_info,BuilderRef_res};
use middle::trans::debuginfo;
use middle::trans::monomorphize::MonoId;
use middle::trans::type_::{Type, TypeNames};
use middle::ty;
use util::ppaux::Repr;
use util::sha2::Sha256;
use util::nodemap::{NodeMap, NodeSet, DefIdMap};
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
use std::c_str::ToCStr;
use std::ptr;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use syntax::abi;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
pub struct Stats {
pub n_static_tydescs: Cell<uint>,
pub n_glues_created: Cell<uint>,
pub n_null_glues: Cell<uint>,
pub n_real_glues: Cell<uint>,
pub n_fns: Cell<uint>,
pub n_monos: Cell<uint>,
pub n_inlines: Cell<uint>,
pub n_closures: Cell<uint>,
pub n_llvm_insns: Cell<uint>,
pub llvm_insns: RefCell<HashMap<String, uint>>,
// (ident, time-in-ms, llvm-instructions)
pub fn_stats: RefCell<Vec<(String, uint, uint)> >,
/// The shared portion of a `CrateContext`. There is one `SharedCrateContext`
/// per crate. The data here is shared between all compilation units of the
/// crate, so it must not contain references to any LLVM data structures
/// (aside from metadata-related ones).
pub struct SharedCrateContext<'tcx> {
local_ccxs: Vec<LocalCrateContext>,
metadata_llmod: ModuleRef,
metadata_llcx: ContextRef,
exp_map2: resolve::ExportMap2,
reachable: NodeSet,
item_symbols: RefCell<NodeMap<String>>,
link_meta: LinkMeta,
symbol_hasher: RefCell<Sha256>,
tcx: ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
stats: Stats,
available_monomorphizations: RefCell<HashSet<String>>,
available_drop_glues: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, String>>,
/// The local portion of a `CrateContext`. There is one `LocalCrateContext`
/// per compilation unit. Each one has its own LLVM `ContextRef` so that
/// several compilation units may be optimized in parallel. All other LLVM
/// data structures in the `LocalCrateContext` are tied to that `ContextRef`.
pub struct LocalCrateContext {
llmod: ModuleRef,
llcx: ContextRef,
td: TargetData,
tn: TypeNames,
externs: RefCell<ExternMap>,
item_vals: RefCell<NodeMap<ValueRef>>,
drop_glues: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, ValueRef>>,
tydescs: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Rc<tydesc_info>>>,
/// Set when running emit_tydescs to enforce that no more tydescs are
/// created.
finished_tydescs: Cell<bool>,
/// Track mapping of external ids to local items imported for inlining
external: RefCell<DefIdMap<Option<ast::NodeId>>>,
/// Backwards version of the `external` map (inlined items to where they
/// came from)
external_srcs: RefCell<NodeMap<ast::DefId>>,
/// Cache instances of monomorphized functions
monomorphized: RefCell<HashMap<MonoId, ValueRef>>,
monomorphizing: RefCell<DefIdMap<uint>>,
/// Cache generated vtables
vtables: RefCell<HashMap<(ty::t,Rc<ty::TraitRef>), ValueRef>>,
/// Cache of constant strings,
const_cstr_cache: RefCell<HashMap<InternedString, ValueRef>>,
/// Reverse-direction for const ptrs cast from globals.
/// Key is an int, cast from a ValueRef holding a *T,
/// Val is a ValueRef holding a *[T].
/// Needed because LLVM loses pointer->pointee association
/// when we ptrcast, and we have to ptrcast during translation
/// of a [T] const because we form a slice, a [*T,int] pair, not
/// a pointer to an LLVM array type.
const_globals: RefCell<HashMap<int, ValueRef>>,
/// Cache of emitted const values
const_values: RefCell<NodeMap<ValueRef>>,
/// Cache of emitted static values
static_values: RefCell<NodeMap<ValueRef>>,
/// Cache of external const values
extern_const_values: RefCell<DefIdMap<ValueRef>>,
impl_method_cache: RefCell<HashMap<(ast::DefId, ast::Name), ast::DefId>>,
/// Cache of closure wrappers for bare fn's.
closure_bare_wrapper_cache: RefCell<HashMap<ValueRef, ValueRef>>,
lltypes: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Type>>,
llsizingtypes: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Type>>,
adt_reprs: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Rc<adt::Repr>>>,
type_hashcodes: RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, String>>,
all_llvm_symbols: RefCell<HashSet<String>>,
int_type: Type,
opaque_vec_type: Type,
builder: BuilderRef_res,
/// Holds the LLVM values for closure IDs.
unboxed_closure_vals: RefCell<HashMap<MonoId, ValueRef>>,
dbg_cx: Option<debuginfo::CrateDebugContext>,
eh_personality: RefCell<Option<ValueRef>>,
intrinsics: RefCell<HashMap<&'static str, ValueRef>>,
/// Number of LLVM instructions translated into this `LocalCrateContext`.
/// This is used to perform some basic load-balancing to keep all LLVM
/// contexts around the same size.
n_llvm_insns: Cell<uint>,
trait_cache: RefCell<HashMap<Rc<ty::TraitRef>,
pub struct CrateContext<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
shared: &'a SharedCrateContext<'tcx>,
local: &'a LocalCrateContext,
/// The index of `local` in `shared.local_ccxs`. This is used in
/// `maybe_iter(true)` to identify the original `LocalCrateContext`.
index: uint,
pub struct CrateContextIterator<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
shared: &'a SharedCrateContext<'tcx>,
index: uint,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Iterator<CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>> for CrateContextIterator<'a,'tcx> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>> {
if self.index >= self.shared.local_ccxs.len() {
return None;
let index = self.index;
self.index += 1;
Some(CrateContext {
shared: self.shared,
local: &self.shared.local_ccxs[index],
index: index,
/// The iterator produced by `CrateContext::maybe_iter`.
pub struct CrateContextMaybeIterator<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
shared: &'a SharedCrateContext<'tcx>,
index: uint,
single: bool,
origin: uint,
impl<'a, 'tcx> Iterator<(CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>, bool)> for CrateContextMaybeIterator<'a, 'tcx> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(CrateContext<'a, 'tcx>, bool)> {
if self.index >= self.shared.local_ccxs.len() {
return None;
let index = self.index;
self.index += 1;
if self.single {
self.index = self.shared.local_ccxs.len();
let ccx = CrateContext {
shared: self.shared,
local: &self.shared.local_ccxs[index],
index: index,
Some((ccx, index == self.origin))
unsafe fn create_context_and_module(sess: &Session, mod_name: &str) -> (ContextRef, ModuleRef) {
let llcx = llvm::LLVMContextCreate();
let llmod = mod_name.with_c_str(|buf| {
llvm::LLVMModuleCreateWithNameInContext(buf, llcx)
.with_c_str(|buf| {
llvm::LLVMSetDataLayout(llmod, buf);
.with_c_str(|buf| {
llvm::LLVMRustSetNormalizedTarget(llmod, buf);
(llcx, llmod)
impl<'tcx> SharedCrateContext<'tcx> {
pub fn new(crate_name: &str,
local_count: uint,
tcx: ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
emap2: resolve::ExportMap2,
symbol_hasher: Sha256,
link_meta: LinkMeta,
reachable: NodeSet)
-> SharedCrateContext<'tcx> {
let (metadata_llcx, metadata_llmod) = unsafe {
create_context_and_module(&tcx.sess, "metadata")
let mut shared_ccx = SharedCrateContext {
local_ccxs: Vec::with_capacity(local_count),
metadata_llmod: metadata_llmod,
metadata_llcx: metadata_llcx,
exp_map2: emap2,
reachable: reachable,
item_symbols: RefCell::new(NodeMap::new()),
link_meta: link_meta,
symbol_hasher: RefCell::new(symbol_hasher),
tcx: tcx,
stats: Stats {
n_static_tydescs: Cell::new(0u),
n_glues_created: Cell::new(0u),
n_null_glues: Cell::new(0u),
n_real_glues: Cell::new(0u),
n_fns: Cell::new(0u),
n_monos: Cell::new(0u),
n_inlines: Cell::new(0u),
n_closures: Cell::new(0u),
n_llvm_insns: Cell::new(0u),
llvm_insns: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
fn_stats: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
available_monomorphizations: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
available_drop_glues: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
for i in range(0, local_count) {
// Append ".rs" to crate name as LLVM module identifier.
// LLVM code generator emits a ".file filename" directive
// for ELF backends. Value of the "filename" is set as the
// LLVM module identifier. Due to a LLVM MC bug[1], LLVM
// crashes if the module identifier is same as other symbols
// such as a function name in the module.
// 1.
let llmod_id = format!("{}.{}.rs", crate_name, i);
let local_ccx = LocalCrateContext::new(&shared_ccx, llmod_id.as_slice());
pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> CrateContextIterator<'a, 'tcx> {
CrateContextIterator {
shared: self,
index: 0,
pub fn get_ccx<'a>(&'a self, index: uint) -> CrateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
CrateContext {
shared: self,
local: &self.local_ccxs[index],
index: index,
fn get_smallest_ccx<'a>(&'a self) -> CrateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
let (local_ccx, index) =
.zip(range(0, self.local_ccxs.len()))
.min_by(|&(local_ccx, _idx)| local_ccx.n_llvm_insns.get())
CrateContext {
shared: self,
local: local_ccx,
index: index,
pub fn metadata_llmod(&self) -> ModuleRef {
pub fn metadata_llcx(&self) -> ContextRef {
pub fn exp_map2<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a resolve::ExportMap2 {
pub fn reachable<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a NodeSet {
pub fn item_symbols<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<NodeMap<String>> {
pub fn link_meta<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a LinkMeta {
pub fn symbol_hasher<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<Sha256> {
pub fn tcx<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx> {
pub fn take_tcx(self) -> ty::ctxt<'tcx> {
pub fn sess<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Session {
pub fn stats<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Stats {
impl LocalCrateContext {
fn new(shared: &SharedCrateContext,
name: &str)
-> LocalCrateContext {
unsafe {
let (llcx, llmod) = create_context_and_module(&shared.tcx.sess, name);
let td = mk_target_data(shared.tcx
let dbg_cx = if shared.tcx.sess.opts.debuginfo != NoDebugInfo {
} else {
let mut local_ccx = LocalCrateContext {
llmod: llmod,
llcx: llcx,
td: td,
tn: TypeNames::new(),
externs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
item_vals: RefCell::new(NodeMap::new()),
drop_glues: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
tydescs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
finished_tydescs: Cell::new(false),
external: RefCell::new(DefIdMap::new()),
external_srcs: RefCell::new(NodeMap::new()),
monomorphized: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
monomorphizing: RefCell::new(DefIdMap::new()),
vtables: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
const_cstr_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
const_globals: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
const_values: RefCell::new(NodeMap::new()),
static_values: RefCell::new(NodeMap::new()),
extern_const_values: RefCell::new(DefIdMap::new()),
impl_method_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
closure_bare_wrapper_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
lltypes: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
llsizingtypes: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
adt_reprs: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
type_hashcodes: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
all_llvm_symbols: RefCell::new(HashSet::new()),
int_type: Type::from_ref(ptr::null_mut()),
opaque_vec_type: Type::from_ref(ptr::null_mut()),
builder: BuilderRef_res(llvm::LLVMCreateBuilderInContext(llcx)),
unboxed_closure_vals: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
dbg_cx: dbg_cx,
eh_personality: RefCell::new(None),
intrinsics: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
n_llvm_insns: Cell::new(0u),
trait_cache: RefCell::new(HashMap::new()),
local_ccx.int_type = Type::int(&local_ccx.dummy_ccx(shared));
local_ccx.opaque_vec_type = Type::opaque_vec(&local_ccx.dummy_ccx(shared));
// Done mutating local_ccx directly. (The rest of the
// initialization goes through RefCell.)
let ccx = local_ccx.dummy_ccx(shared);
let mut str_slice_ty = Type::named_struct(&ccx, "str_slice");
str_slice_ty.set_struct_body([Type::i8p(&ccx), ccx.int_type()], false);
|"str_slice", &str_slice_ty);
|"tydesc", &Type::tydesc(&ccx, str_slice_ty));
if ccx.sess().count_llvm_insns() {
/// Create a dummy `CrateContext` from `self` and the provided
/// `SharedCrateContext`. This is somewhat dangerous because `self` may
/// not actually be an element of `shared.local_ccxs`, which can cause some
/// operations to panic unexpectedly.
/// This is used in the `LocalCrateContext` constructor to allow calling
/// functions that expect a complete `CrateContext`, even before the local
/// portion is fully initialized and attached to the `SharedCrateContext`.
fn dummy_ccx<'a, 'tcx>(&'a self, shared: &'a SharedCrateContext<'tcx>)
-> CrateContext<'a, 'tcx> {
CrateContext {
shared: shared,
local: self,
index: -1 as uint,
impl<'b, 'tcx> CrateContext<'b, 'tcx> {
pub fn shared(&self) -> &'b SharedCrateContext<'tcx> {
pub fn local(&self) -> &'b LocalCrateContext {
/// Get a (possibly) different `CrateContext` from the same
/// `SharedCrateContext`.
pub fn rotate(&self) -> CrateContext<'b, 'tcx> {
/// Either iterate over only `self`, or iterate over all `CrateContext`s in
/// the `SharedCrateContext`. The iterator produces `(ccx, is_origin)`
/// pairs, where `is_origin` is `true` if `ccx` is `self` and `false`
/// otherwise. This method is useful for avoiding code duplication in
/// cases where it may or may not be necessary to translate code into every
/// context.
pub fn maybe_iter(&self, iter_all: bool) -> CrateContextMaybeIterator<'b, 'tcx> {
CrateContextMaybeIterator {
shared: self.shared,
index: if iter_all { 0 } else { self.index },
single: !iter_all,
origin: self.index,
pub fn tcx<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx> {
pub fn sess<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Session {
pub fn builder<'a>(&'a self) -> Builder<'a, 'tcx> {
pub fn raw_builder<'a>(&'a self) -> BuilderRef {
pub fn tydesc_type(&self) -> Type {
pub fn get_intrinsic(&self, key: & &'static str) -> ValueRef {
match self.intrinsics().borrow().find_copy(key) {
Some(v) => return v,
_ => {}
match declare_intrinsic(self, key) {
Some(v) => return v,
None => panic!()
// Although there is an experimental implementation of LLVM which
// supports SS on armv7 it wasn't approved by Apple, see:
// It looks like it might be never accepted to upstream LLVM.
// So far the decision was to disable them in default builds
// but it could be enabled (with patched LLVM)
pub fn is_split_stack_supported(&self) -> bool {
let ref cfg = self.sess().targ_cfg;
(cfg.os != abi::OsiOS || cfg.arch != abi::Arm) && cfg.os != abi::OsWindows
pub fn llmod(&self) -> ModuleRef {
pub fn llcx(&self) -> ContextRef {
pub fn td<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a TargetData {
pub fn tn<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a TypeNames {
pub fn externs<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<ExternMap> {
pub fn item_vals<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<NodeMap<ValueRef>> {
pub fn exp_map2<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a resolve::ExportMap2 {
pub fn reachable<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a NodeSet {
pub fn item_symbols<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<NodeMap<String>> {
pub fn link_meta<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a LinkMeta {
pub fn drop_glues<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, ValueRef>> {
pub fn tydescs<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Rc<tydesc_info>>> {
pub fn finished_tydescs<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Cell<bool> {
pub fn external<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<DefIdMap<Option<ast::NodeId>>> {
pub fn external_srcs<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<NodeMap<ast::DefId>> {
pub fn monomorphized<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<MonoId, ValueRef>> {
pub fn monomorphizing<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<DefIdMap<uint>> {
pub fn vtables<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<(ty::t,Rc<ty::TraitRef>), ValueRef>> {
pub fn const_cstr_cache<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<InternedString, ValueRef>> {
pub fn const_globals<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<int, ValueRef>> {
pub fn const_values<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<NodeMap<ValueRef>> {
pub fn static_values<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<NodeMap<ValueRef>> {
pub fn extern_const_values<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<DefIdMap<ValueRef>> {
pub fn impl_method_cache<'a>(&'a self)
-> &'a RefCell<HashMap<(ast::DefId, ast::Name), ast::DefId>> {
pub fn closure_bare_wrapper_cache<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ValueRef, ValueRef>> {
pub fn lltypes<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Type>> {
pub fn llsizingtypes<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Type>> {
pub fn adt_reprs<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, Rc<adt::Repr>>> {
pub fn symbol_hasher<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<Sha256> {
pub fn type_hashcodes<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, String>> {
pub fn all_llvm_symbols<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashSet<String>> {
pub fn stats<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Stats {
pub fn available_monomorphizations<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashSet<String>> {
pub fn available_drop_glues<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<ty::t, String>> {
pub fn int_type(&self) -> Type {
pub fn opaque_vec_type(&self) -> Type {
pub fn unboxed_closure_vals<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<MonoId,ValueRef>> {
pub fn dbg_cx<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Option<debuginfo::CrateDebugContext> {
pub fn eh_personality<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<Option<ValueRef>> {
fn intrinsics<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a RefCell<HashMap<&'static str, ValueRef>> {
pub fn count_llvm_insn(&self) {
self.local.n_llvm_insns.set(self.local.n_llvm_insns.get() + 1);
pub fn trait_cache(&self) -> &RefCell<HashMap<Rc<ty::TraitRef>, traits::Vtable<()>>> {
pub fn max_obj_size(&self) -> u64 {
1<<31 /* FIXME #18069: select based on architecture */
pub fn report_overbig_object(&self, obj: ty::t) -> ! {
format!("the type `{}` is too big for the current architecture",
fn declare_intrinsic(ccx: &CrateContext, key: & &'static str) -> Option<ValueRef> {
macro_rules! ifn (
($name:expr fn() -> $ret:expr) => (
if *key == $name {
let f = base::decl_cdecl_fn(ccx, $name, Type::func([], &$ret), ty::mk_nil());
ccx.intrinsics().borrow_mut().insert($name, f.clone());
return Some(f);
($name:expr fn($($arg:expr),*) -> $ret:expr) => (
if *key == $name {
let f = base::decl_cdecl_fn(ccx, $name,
Type::func([$($arg),*], &$ret), ty::mk_nil());
ccx.intrinsics().borrow_mut().insert($name, f.clone());
return Some(f);
macro_rules! mk_struct (
($($field_ty:expr),*) => (Type::struct_(ccx, [$($field_ty),*], false))
let i8p = Type::i8p(ccx);
let void = Type::void(ccx);
let i1 = Type::i1(ccx);
let t_i8 = Type::i8(ccx);
let t_i16 = Type::i16(ccx);
let t_i32 = Type::i32(ccx);
let t_i64 = Type::i64(ccx);
let t_f32 = Type::f32(ccx);
let t_f64 = Type::f64(ccx);
ifn!("llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i32" fn(i8p, i8p, t_i32, t_i32, i1) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64" fn(i8p, i8p, t_i64, t_i32, i1) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i32" fn(i8p, i8p, t_i32, t_i32, i1) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64" fn(i8p, i8p, t_i64, t_i32, i1) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.memset.p0i8.i32" fn(i8p, t_i8, t_i32, t_i32, i1) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.memset.p0i8.i64" fn(i8p, t_i8, t_i64, t_i32, i1) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.trap" fn() -> void);
ifn!("llvm.debugtrap" fn() -> void);
ifn!("llvm.frameaddress" fn(t_i32) -> i8p);
ifn!("llvm.powi.f32" fn(t_f32, t_i32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.powi.f64" fn(t_f64, t_i32) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.pow.f32" fn(t_f32, t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.pow.f64" fn(t_f64, t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.sqrt.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.sqrt.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.sin.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.sin.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.cos.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.cos.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.exp.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.exp.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.exp2.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.exp2.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.log.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.log.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.log10.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.log10.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.log2.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.log2.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.fma.f32" fn(t_f32, t_f32, t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.fma.f64" fn(t_f64, t_f64, t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.fabs.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.fabs.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.floor.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.floor.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.ceil.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.ceil.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.trunc.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.trunc.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.rint.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.rint.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.nearbyint.f32" fn(t_f32) -> t_f32);
ifn!("llvm.nearbyint.f64" fn(t_f64) -> t_f64);
ifn!("llvm.ctpop.i8" fn(t_i8) -> t_i8);
ifn!("llvm.ctpop.i16" fn(t_i16) -> t_i16);
ifn!("llvm.ctpop.i32" fn(t_i32) -> t_i32);
ifn!("llvm.ctpop.i64" fn(t_i64) -> t_i64);
ifn!("llvm.ctlz.i8" fn(t_i8 , i1) -> t_i8);
ifn!("llvm.ctlz.i16" fn(t_i16, i1) -> t_i16);
ifn!("llvm.ctlz.i32" fn(t_i32, i1) -> t_i32);
ifn!("llvm.ctlz.i64" fn(t_i64, i1) -> t_i64);
ifn!("llvm.cttz.i8" fn(t_i8 , i1) -> t_i8);
ifn!("llvm.cttz.i16" fn(t_i16, i1) -> t_i16);
ifn!("llvm.cttz.i32" fn(t_i32, i1) -> t_i32);
ifn!("llvm.cttz.i64" fn(t_i64, i1) -> t_i64);
ifn!("llvm.bswap.i16" fn(t_i16) -> t_i16);
ifn!("llvm.bswap.i32" fn(t_i32) -> t_i32);
ifn!("llvm.bswap.i64" fn(t_i64) -> t_i64);
ifn!("llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i8" fn(t_i8, t_i8) -> mk_struct!{t_i8, i1});
ifn!("llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i16" fn(t_i16, t_i16) -> mk_struct!{t_i16, i1});
ifn!("llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i32" fn(t_i32, t_i32) -> mk_struct!{t_i32, i1});
ifn!("llvm.sadd.with.overflow.i64" fn(t_i64, t_i64) -> mk_struct!{t_i64, i1});
ifn!("llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i8" fn(t_i8, t_i8) -> mk_struct!{t_i8, i1});
ifn!("llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i16" fn(t_i16, t_i16) -> mk_struct!{t_i16, i1});
ifn!("llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i32" fn(t_i32, t_i32) -> mk_struct!{t_i32, i1});
ifn!("llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64" fn(t_i64, t_i64) -> mk_struct!{t_i64, i1});
ifn!("llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i8" fn(t_i8, t_i8) -> mk_struct!{t_i8, i1});
ifn!("llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i16" fn(t_i16, t_i16) -> mk_struct!{t_i16, i1});
ifn!("llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i32" fn(t_i32, t_i32) -> mk_struct!{t_i32, i1});
ifn!("llvm.ssub.with.overflow.i64" fn(t_i64, t_i64) -> mk_struct!{t_i64, i1});
ifn!("llvm.usub.with.overflow.i8" fn(t_i8, t_i8) -> mk_struct!{t_i8, i1});
ifn!("llvm.usub.with.overflow.i16" fn(t_i16, t_i16) -> mk_struct!{t_i16, i1});
ifn!("llvm.usub.with.overflow.i32" fn(t_i32, t_i32) -> mk_struct!{t_i32, i1});
ifn!("llvm.usub.with.overflow.i64" fn(t_i64, t_i64) -> mk_struct!{t_i64, i1});
ifn!("llvm.smul.with.overflow.i8" fn(t_i8, t_i8) -> mk_struct!{t_i8, i1});
ifn!("llvm.smul.with.overflow.i16" fn(t_i16, t_i16) -> mk_struct!{t_i16, i1});
ifn!("llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32" fn(t_i32, t_i32) -> mk_struct!{t_i32, i1});
ifn!("llvm.smul.with.overflow.i64" fn(t_i64, t_i64) -> mk_struct!{t_i64, i1});
ifn!("llvm.umul.with.overflow.i8" fn(t_i8, t_i8) -> mk_struct!{t_i8, i1});
ifn!("llvm.umul.with.overflow.i16" fn(t_i16, t_i16) -> mk_struct!{t_i16, i1});
ifn!("llvm.umul.with.overflow.i32" fn(t_i32, t_i32) -> mk_struct!{t_i32, i1});
ifn!("llvm.umul.with.overflow.i64" fn(t_i64, t_i64) -> mk_struct!{t_i64, i1});
ifn!("llvm.lifetime.start" fn(t_i64,i8p) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.lifetime.end" fn(t_i64, i8p) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.expect.i1" fn(i1, i1) -> i1);
ifn!("llvm.assume" fn(i1) -> void);
// Some intrinsics were introduced in later versions of LLVM, but they have
// fallbacks in libc or libm and such. Currently, all of these intrinsics
// were introduced in LLVM 3.4, so we case on that.
macro_rules! compatible_ifn (
($name:expr, $cname:ident ($($arg:expr),*) -> $ret:expr) => (
if unsafe { llvm::LLVMVersionMinor() >= 4 } {
// The `if key == $name` is already in ifn!
ifn!($name fn($($arg),*) -> $ret);
} else if *key == $name {
let f = base::decl_cdecl_fn(ccx, stringify!($cname),
Type::func([$($arg),*], &$ret),
ccx.intrinsics().borrow_mut().insert($name, f.clone());
return Some(f);
compatible_ifn!("llvm.copysign.f32", copysignf(t_f32, t_f32) -> t_f32);
compatible_ifn!("llvm.copysign.f64", copysign(t_f64, t_f64) -> t_f64);
compatible_ifn!("llvm.round.f32", roundf(t_f32) -> t_f32);
compatible_ifn!("llvm.round.f64", round(t_f64) -> t_f64);
if ccx.sess().opts.debuginfo != NoDebugInfo {
ifn!("llvm.dbg.declare" fn(Type::metadata(ccx), Type::metadata(ccx)) -> void);
ifn!("llvm.dbg.value" fn(Type::metadata(ccx), t_i64, Type::metadata(ccx)) -> void);
return None;