2024-04-14 15:29:01 +02:00

200 lines
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//! The Rust parser.
//! NOTE: The crate is undergoing refactors, don't believe everything the docs
//! say :-)
//! The parser doesn't know about concrete representation of tokens and syntax
//! trees. Abstract [`TokenSource`] and [`TreeSink`] traits are used instead. As
//! a consequence, this crate does not contain a lexer.
//! The [`Parser`] struct from the [`parser`] module is a cursor into the
//! sequence of tokens. Parsing routines use [`Parser`] to inspect current
//! state and advance the parsing.
//! The actual parsing happens in the [`grammar`] module.
//! Tests for this crate live in the `syntax` crate.
//! [`Parser`]: crate::parser::Parser
#![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "in-rust-tree", feature(rustc_private))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "in-rust-tree"))]
extern crate ra_ap_rustc_lexer as rustc_lexer;
#[cfg(feature = "in-rust-tree")]
extern crate rustc_lexer;
mod edition;
mod event;
mod grammar;
mod input;
mod lexed_str;
mod output;
mod parser;
mod shortcuts;
mod syntax_kind;
mod token_set;
mod tests;
pub(crate) use token_set::TokenSet;
pub use crate::{
output::{Output, Step},
/// Parse the whole of the input as a given syntactic construct.
/// This covers two main use-cases:
/// * Parsing a Rust file.
/// * Parsing a result of macro expansion.
/// That is, for something like
/// ```
/// quick_check! {
/// fn prop() {}
/// }
/// ```
/// the input to the macro will be parsed with [`PrefixEntryPoint::Item`], and
/// the result will be [`TopEntryPoint::MacroItems`].
/// [`TopEntryPoint::parse`] makes a guarantee that
/// * all input is consumed
/// * the result is a valid tree (there's one root node)
pub enum TopEntryPoint {
/// Edge case -- macros generally don't expand to attributes, with the
/// exception of `cfg_attr` which does!
/// Edge case 2 -- eager macros expand their input to a delimited list of comma separated expressions
impl TopEntryPoint {
pub fn parse(&self, input: &Input, edition: Edition) -> Output {
let _p = tracing::span!(tracing::Level::INFO, "TopEntryPoint::parse", ?self).entered();
let entry_point: fn(&'_ mut parser::Parser<'_>) = match self {
TopEntryPoint::SourceFile => grammar::entry::top::source_file,
TopEntryPoint::MacroStmts => grammar::entry::top::macro_stmts,
TopEntryPoint::MacroItems => grammar::entry::top::macro_items,
TopEntryPoint::Pattern => grammar::entry::top::pattern,
TopEntryPoint::Type => grammar::entry::top::type_,
TopEntryPoint::Expr => grammar::entry::top::expr,
TopEntryPoint::MetaItem => grammar::entry::top::meta_item,
TopEntryPoint::MacroEagerInput => grammar::entry::top::eager_macro_input,
let mut p = parser::Parser::new(input, edition);
entry_point(&mut p);
let events = p.finish();
let res = event::process(events);
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let mut depth = 0;
let mut first = true;
for step in res.iter() {
assert!(depth > 0 || first);
first = false;
match step {
Step::Enter { .. } => depth += 1,
Step::Exit => depth -= 1,
Step::FloatSplit { ends_in_dot: has_pseudo_dot } => {
depth -= 1 + !has_pseudo_dot as usize
Step::Token { .. } | Step::Error { .. } => (),
assert!(!first, "no tree at all");
assert_eq!(depth, 0, "unbalanced tree");
/// Parse a prefix of the input as a given syntactic construct.
/// This is used by macro-by-example parser to implement things like `$i:item`
/// and the naming of variants follows the naming of macro fragments.
/// Note that this is generally non-optional -- the result is intentionally not
/// `Option<Output>`. The way MBE work, by the time we *try* to parse `$e:expr`
/// we already commit to expression. In other words, this API by design can't be
/// used to implement "rollback and try another alternative" logic.
pub enum PrefixEntryPoint {
impl PrefixEntryPoint {
pub fn parse(&self, input: &Input, edition: Edition) -> Output {
let entry_point: fn(&'_ mut parser::Parser<'_>) = match self {
PrefixEntryPoint::Vis => grammar::entry::prefix::vis,
PrefixEntryPoint::Block => grammar::entry::prefix::block,
PrefixEntryPoint::Stmt => grammar::entry::prefix::stmt,
PrefixEntryPoint::Pat => grammar::entry::prefix::pat,
PrefixEntryPoint::PatTop => grammar::entry::prefix::pat_top,
PrefixEntryPoint::Ty => grammar::entry::prefix::ty,
PrefixEntryPoint::Expr => grammar::entry::prefix::expr,
PrefixEntryPoint::Path => grammar::entry::prefix::path,
PrefixEntryPoint::Item => grammar::entry::prefix::item,
PrefixEntryPoint::MetaItem => grammar::entry::prefix::meta_item,
let mut p = parser::Parser::new(input, edition);
entry_point(&mut p);
let events = p.finish();
/// A parsing function for a specific braced-block.
pub struct Reparser(fn(&mut parser::Parser<'_>));
impl Reparser {
/// If the node is a braced block, return the corresponding `Reparser`.
pub fn for_node(
node: SyntaxKind,
first_child: Option<SyntaxKind>,
parent: Option<SyntaxKind>,
) -> Option<Reparser> {
grammar::reparser(node, first_child, parent).map(Reparser)
/// Re-parse given tokens using this `Reparser`.
/// Tokens must start with `{`, end with `}` and form a valid brace
/// sequence.
pub fn parse(self, tokens: &Input, edition: Edition) -> Output {
let Reparser(r) = self;
let mut p = parser::Parser::new(tokens, edition);
r(&mut p);
let events = p.finish();