Patrick Walton 6f99a27886 librustc: Implement lifetime elision.
This implements RFC 39. Omitted lifetimes in return values will now be
inferred to more useful defaults, and an error is reported if a lifetime
in a return type is omitted and one of the two lifetime elision rules
does not specify what it should be.

This primarily breaks two uncommon code patterns. The first is this:

    unsafe fn get_foo_out_of_thin_air() -> &Foo {

This should be changed to:

    unsafe fn get_foo_out_of_thin_air() -> &'static Foo {

The second pattern that needs to be changed is this:

    enum MaybeBorrowed<'a> {
        Borrowed(&'a str),

    fn foo() -> MaybeBorrowed {
        Owned(format!("hello world"))

Change code like this to:

    enum MaybeBorrowed<'a> {
        Borrowed(&'a str),

    fn foo() -> MaybeBorrowed<'static> {
        Owned(format!("hello world"))

Closes #15552.

2014-07-19 13:10:58 -07:00

287 lines
7.4 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
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// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// ignore-android see #10393 #13206
use std::string::String;
use std::slice;
use std::sync::{Arc, Future};
static TABLE: [u8, ..4] = [ 'A' as u8, 'C' as u8, 'G' as u8, 'T' as u8 ];
static TABLE_SIZE: uint = 2 << 16;
static OCCURRENCES: [&'static str, ..5] = [
// Code implementation
#[deriving(PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
struct Code(u64);
impl Code {
fn hash(&self) -> u64 {
let Code(ret) = *self;
return ret;
fn push_char(&self, c: u8) -> Code {
Code((self.hash() << 2) + (pack_symbol(c) as u64))
fn rotate(&self, c: u8, frame: uint) -> Code {
Code(self.push_char(c).hash() & ((1u64 << (2 * frame)) - 1))
fn pack(string: &str) -> Code {
string.bytes().fold(Code(0u64), |a, b| a.push_char(b))
fn unpack(&self, frame: uint) -> String {
let mut key = self.hash();
let mut result = Vec::new();
for _ in range(0, frame) {
result.push(unpack_symbol((key as u8) & 3));
key >>= 2;
// Hash table implementation
trait TableCallback {
fn f(&self, entry: &mut Entry);
struct BumpCallback;
impl TableCallback for BumpCallback {
fn f(&self, entry: &mut Entry) {
entry.count += 1;
struct PrintCallback(&'static str);
impl TableCallback for PrintCallback {
fn f(&self, entry: &mut Entry) {
let PrintCallback(s) = *self;
println!("{}\t{}", entry.count as int, s);
struct Entry {
code: Code,
count: uint,
next: Option<Box<Entry>>,
struct Table {
count: uint,
items: Vec<Option<Box<Entry>>> }
struct Items<'a> {
cur: Option<&'a Entry>,
items: slice::Items<'a, Option<Box<Entry>>>,
impl Table {
fn new() -> Table {
Table {
count: 0,
items: Vec::from_fn(TABLE_SIZE, |_| None),
fn search_remainder<C:TableCallback>(item: &mut Entry, key: Code, c: C) {
match {
None => {
let mut entry = box Entry {
code: key,
count: 0,
next: None,
c.f(&mut *entry); = Some(entry);
Some(ref mut entry) => {
if entry.code == key {
c.f(&mut **entry);
Table::search_remainder(&mut **entry, key, c)
fn lookup<C:TableCallback>(&mut self, key: Code, c: C) {
let index = key.hash() % (TABLE_SIZE as u64);
if self.items.get(index as uint).is_none() {
let mut entry = box Entry {
code: key,
count: 0,
next: None,
c.f(&mut *entry);
*self.items.get_mut(index as uint) = Some(entry);
let entry = &mut *self.items.get_mut(index as uint).get_mut_ref();
if entry.code == key {
c.f(&mut **entry);
Table::search_remainder(&mut **entry, key, c)
fn iter(&self) -> Items {
Items { cur: None, items: self.items.iter() }
impl<'a> Iterator<&'a Entry> for Items<'a> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Entry> {
let ret = match self.cur {
None => {
let i;
loop {
match {
None => return None,
Some(&None) => {}
Some(&Some(ref a)) => { i = &**a; break }
self.cur = Some(&*i);
Some(c) => c
match {
None => { self.cur = None; }
Some(ref next) => { self.cur = Some(&**next); }
return Some(ret);
// Main program
fn pack_symbol(c: u8) -> u8 {
match c as char {
'A' => 0,
'C' => 1,
'G' => 2,
'T' => 3,
_ => fail!("{}", c as char),
fn unpack_symbol(c: u8) -> u8 {
TABLE[c as uint]
fn generate_frequencies(mut input: &[u8], frame: uint) -> Table {
let mut frequencies = Table::new();
if input.len() < frame { return frequencies; }
let mut code = Code(0);
// Pull first frame.
for _ in range(0, frame) {
code = code.push_char(input[0]);
input = input.slice_from(1);
frequencies.lookup(code, BumpCallback);
while input.len() != 0 && input[0] != ('>' as u8) {
code = code.rotate(input[0], frame);
frequencies.lookup(code, BumpCallback);
input = input.slice_from(1);
fn print_frequencies(frequencies: &Table, frame: uint) {
let mut vector = Vec::new();
for entry in frequencies.iter() {
vector.push((entry.count, entry.code));
let mut total_count = 0;
for &(count, _) in vector.iter() {
total_count += count;
for &(count, key) in vector.iter().rev() {
println!("{} {:.3f}",
(count as f32 * 100.0) / (total_count as f32));
fn print_occurrences(frequencies: &mut Table, occurrence: &'static str) {
frequencies.lookup(Code::pack(occurrence), PrintCallback(occurrence))
fn get_sequence<R: Buffer>(r: &mut R, key: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut res = Vec::new();
for l in r.lines().map(|l| l.ok().unwrap())
.skip_while(|l| key != l.as_slice().slice_to(key.len())).skip(1)
for b in res.mut_iter() {
*b = b.to_ascii().to_upper().to_byte();
fn main() {
let input = if std::os::getenv("RUST_BENCH").is_some() {
let fd = std::io::File::open(&Path::new(""));
get_sequence(&mut std::io::BufferedReader::new(fd), ">THREE")
} else {
get_sequence(&mut std::io::stdin(), ">THREE")
let input = Arc::new(input);
let nb_freqs: Vec<(uint, Future<Table>)> = range(1u, 3).map(|i| {
let input = input.clone();
(i, Future::spawn(proc() generate_frequencies(input.as_slice(), i)))
let occ_freqs: Vec<Future<Table>> = OCCURRENCES.iter().map(|&occ| {
let input = input.clone();
Future::spawn(proc() generate_frequencies(input.as_slice(), occ.len()))
for (i, freq) in nb_freqs.move_iter() {
print_frequencies(&freq.unwrap(), i);
for (&occ, freq) in OCCURRENCES.iter().zip(occ_freqs.move_iter()) {
print_occurrences(&mut freq.unwrap(), occ);