previously miri had a check for const fn and other cases that CTFE requires. Instead the function call is completely processed inside the machine. This allows CTFE to have full control over what is called and miri to not have useless CTFE-checks in normal mode.
565 lines
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565 lines
24 KiB
use rustc::ty::{self, Ty};
use rustc::hir::def_id::{DefId, CRATE_DEF_INDEX};
use rustc::mir;
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::abi::Abi;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use std::mem;
use rustc_miri::interpret::*;
use super::{
pub trait EvalContextExt<'tcx> {
fn call_c_abi(
&mut self,
def_id: DefId,
arg_operands: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
dest: Lvalue<'tcx>,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
dest_block: mir::BasicBlock,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx>;
fn resolve_path(&self, path: &[&str]) -> EvalResult<'tcx, ty::Instance<'tcx>>;
fn call_missing_fn(
&mut self,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
destination: Option<(Lvalue<'tcx>, mir::BasicBlock)>,
arg_operands: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
path: String,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx>;
fn eval_fn_call(
&mut self,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
destination: Option<(Lvalue<'tcx>, mir::BasicBlock)>,
arg_operands: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
span: Span,
sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, bool>;
impl<'a, 'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for EvalContext<'a, 'tcx, super::Evaluator> {
fn eval_fn_call(
&mut self,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
destination: Option<(Lvalue<'tcx>, mir::BasicBlock)>,
arg_operands: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
span: Span,
sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, bool> {
trace!("eval_fn_call: {:#?}, {:#?}", instance, destination);
let mir = match self.load_mir(instance.def) {
Ok(mir) => mir,
Err(EvalError::NoMirFor(path)) => {
self.call_missing_fn(instance, destination, arg_operands, sig, path)?;
return Ok(true);
Err(other) => return Err(other),
let (return_lvalue, return_to_block) = match destination {
Some((lvalue, block)) => (lvalue, StackPopCleanup::Goto(block)),
None => (Lvalue::undef(), StackPopCleanup::None),
fn call_c_abi(
&mut self,
def_id: DefId,
arg_operands: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
dest: Lvalue<'tcx>,
dest_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
dest_block: mir::BasicBlock,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
let name = self.tcx.item_name(def_id);
let attrs = self.tcx.get_attrs(def_id);
let link_name = attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&attrs, "link_name")
let args_res: EvalResult<Vec<Value>> = arg_operands.iter()
.map(|arg| self.eval_operand(arg))
let args = args_res?;
let usize = self.tcx.types.usize;
match &link_name[..] {
"malloc" => {
let size = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()?;
if size == 0 {
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
} else {
let align = self.memory.pointer_size();
let ptr = self.memory.allocate(size, align, Kind::C)?;
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Ptr(ptr), dest_ty)?;
"free" => {
let ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
if !ptr.is_null()? {
self.memory.deallocate(ptr.to_ptr()?, None, Kind::C)?;
"syscall" => {
match self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()? {
511 => return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented("miri does not support random number generators".to_owned())),
id => return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented(format!("miri does not support syscall id {}", id))),
"dlsym" => {
let _handle = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let symbol = args[1].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.to_ptr()?;
let symbol_name = self.memory.read_c_str(symbol)?;
let err = format!("bad c unicode symbol: {:?}", symbol_name);
let symbol_name = ::std::str::from_utf8(symbol_name).unwrap_or(&err);
return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented(format!("miri does not support dynamically loading libraries (requested symbol: {})", symbol_name)));
"__rust_maybe_catch_panic" => {
// fn __rust_maybe_catch_panic(f: fn(*mut u8), data: *mut u8, data_ptr: *mut usize, vtable_ptr: *mut usize) -> u32
// We abort on panic, so not much is going on here, but we still have to call the closure
let u8_ptr_ty = self.tcx.mk_mut_ptr(self.tcx.types.u8);
let f = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.to_ptr()?;
let data = args[1].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let f_instance = self.memory.get_fn(f)?;
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
// Now we make a function call. TODO: Consider making this re-usable? EvalContext::step does sth. similar for the TLS dtors,
// and of course eval_main.
let mir = self.load_mir(f_instance.def)?;
let arg_local = self.frame().mir.args_iter().next().ok_or(EvalError::AbiViolation("Argument to __rust_maybe_catch_panic does not take enough arguments.".to_owned()))?;
let arg_dest = self.eval_lvalue(&mir::Lvalue::Local(arg_local))?;
self.write_ptr(arg_dest, data, u8_ptr_ty)?;
// We ourselves return 0
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
// Don't fall through
return Ok(());
"__rust_start_panic" => {
return Err(EvalError::Panic);
"memcmp" => {
let left = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let right = args[1].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let n = self.value_to_primval(args[2], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let result = {
let left_bytes = self.memory.read_bytes(left, n)?;
let right_bytes = self.memory.read_bytes(right, n)?;
use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
match left_bytes.cmp(right_bytes) {
Less => -1i8,
Equal => 0,
Greater => 1,
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Bytes(result as u128), dest_ty)?;
"memrchr" => {
let ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let val = self.value_to_primval(args[1], usize)?.to_u64()? as u8;
let num = self.value_to_primval(args[2], usize)?.to_u64()?;
if let Some(idx) = self.memory.read_bytes(ptr, num)?.iter().rev().position(|&c| c == val) {
let new_ptr = ptr.offset(num - idx as u64 - 1, &self)?;
self.write_ptr(dest, new_ptr, dest_ty)?;
} else {
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
"memchr" => {
let ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let val = self.value_to_primval(args[1], usize)?.to_u64()? as u8;
let num = self.value_to_primval(args[2], usize)?.to_u64()?;
if let Some(idx) = self.memory.read_bytes(ptr, num)?.iter().position(|&c| c == val) {
let new_ptr = ptr.offset(idx as u64, &self)?;
self.write_ptr(dest, new_ptr, dest_ty)?;
} else {
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
"getenv" => {
let result = {
let name_ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.to_ptr()?;
let name = self.memory.read_c_str(name_ptr)?;
match self.machine_data.env_vars.get(name) {
Some(&var) => PrimVal::Ptr(var),
None => PrimVal::Bytes(0),
self.write_primval(dest, result, dest_ty)?;
"unsetenv" => {
let mut success = None;
let name_ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
if !name_ptr.is_null()? {
let name = self.memory.read_c_str(name_ptr.to_ptr()?)?;
if !name.is_empty() && !name.contains(&b'=') {
success = Some(self.machine_data.env_vars.remove(name));
if let Some(old) = success {
if let Some(var) = old {
self.memory.deallocate(var, None, Kind::Env)?;
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
} else {
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::from_i128(-1), dest_ty)?;
"setenv" => {
let mut new = None;
let name_ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let value_ptr = args[1].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.to_ptr()?;
let value = self.memory.read_c_str(value_ptr)?;
if !name_ptr.is_null()? {
let name = self.memory.read_c_str(name_ptr.to_ptr()?)?;
if !name.is_empty() && !name.contains(&b'=') {
new = Some((name.to_owned(), value.to_owned()));
if let Some((name, value)) = new {
// +1 for the null terminator
let value_copy = self.memory.allocate((value.len() + 1) as u64, 1, Kind::Env)?;
self.memory.write_bytes(value_copy.into(), &value)?;
let trailing_zero_ptr = value_copy.offset(value.len() as u64, &self)?.into();
self.memory.write_bytes(trailing_zero_ptr, &[0])?;
if let Some(var) = self.machine_data.env_vars.insert(name.to_owned(), value_copy) {
self.memory.deallocate(var, None, Kind::Env)?;
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
} else {
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::from_i128(-1), dest_ty)?;
"write" => {
let fd = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let buf = args[1].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
let n = self.value_to_primval(args[2], usize)?.to_u64()?;
trace!("Called write({:?}, {:?}, {:?})", fd, buf, n);
let result = if fd == 1 || fd == 2 { // stdout/stderr
use std::io::{self, Write};
let buf_cont = self.memory.read_bytes(buf, n)?;
let res = if fd == 1 { io::stdout().write(buf_cont) } else { io::stderr().write(buf_cont) };
match res { Ok(n) => n as isize, Err(_) => -1 }
} else {
info!("Ignored output to FD {}", fd);
n as isize // pretend it all went well
}; // now result is the value we return back to the program
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Bytes(result as u128), dest_ty)?;
"strlen" => {
let ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.to_ptr()?;
let n = self.memory.read_c_str(ptr)?.len();
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Bytes(n as u128), dest_ty)?;
// Some things needed for sys::thread initialization to go through
"signal" | "sigaction" | "sigaltstack" => {
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Bytes(0), dest_ty)?;
"sysconf" => {
let name = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()?;
trace!("sysconf() called with name {}", name);
// cache the sysconf integers via miri's global cache
let paths = &[
(&["libc", "_SC_PAGESIZE"], PrimVal::Bytes(4096)),
(&["libc", "_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX"], PrimVal::from_i128(-1)),
let mut result = None;
for &(path, path_value) in paths {
if let Ok(instance) = self.resolve_path(path) {
let cid = GlobalId { instance, promoted: None };
// compute global if not cached
let val = match self.globals.get(&cid).map(|glob| glob.value) {
Some(value) => self.value_to_primval(value, usize)?.to_u64()?,
None => eval_body_as_primval(self.tcx, instance)?.0.to_u64()?,
if val == name {
result = Some(path_value);
if let Some(result) = result {
self.write_primval(dest, result, dest_ty)?;
} else {
return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented(format!("Unimplemented sysconf name: {}", name)));
// Hook pthread calls that go to the thread-local storage memory subsystem
"pthread_key_create" => {
let key_ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
// Extract the function type out of the signature (that seems easier than constructing it ourselves...)
let dtor = match args[1].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.into_inner_primval() {
PrimVal::Ptr(dtor_ptr) => Some(self.memory.get_fn(dtor_ptr)?),
PrimVal::Bytes(0) => None,
PrimVal::Bytes(_) => return Err(EvalError::ReadBytesAsPointer),
PrimVal::Undef => return Err(EvalError::ReadUndefBytes),
// Figure out how large a pthread TLS key actually is. This is libc::pthread_key_t.
let key_type = self.operand_ty(&arg_operands[0]).builtin_deref(true, ty::LvaluePreference::NoPreference)
.ok_or(EvalError::AbiViolation("Wrong signature used for pthread_key_create: First argument must be a raw pointer.".to_owned()))?.ty;
let key_size = {
let layout = self.type_layout(key_type)?;
// Create key and write it into the memory where key_ptr wants it
let key = self.memory.create_tls_key(dtor) as u128;
if key_size.bits() < 128 && key >= (1u128 << key_size.bits() as u128) {
return Err(EvalError::OutOfTls);
// TODO: Does this need checking for alignment?
self.memory.write_uint(key_ptr.to_ptr()?, key, key_size.bytes())?;
// Return success (0)
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
"pthread_key_delete" => {
// The conversion into TlsKey here is a little fishy, but should work as long as usize >= libc::pthread_key_t
let key = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()? as TlsKey;
// Return success (0)
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
"pthread_getspecific" => {
// The conversion into TlsKey here is a little fishy, but should work as long as usize >= libc::pthread_key_t
let key = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()? as TlsKey;
let ptr = self.memory.load_tls(key)?;
self.write_ptr(dest, ptr, dest_ty)?;
"pthread_setspecific" => {
// The conversion into TlsKey here is a little fishy, but should work as long as usize >= libc::pthread_key_t
let key = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()? as TlsKey;
let new_ptr = args[1].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?;
self.memory.store_tls(key, new_ptr)?;
// Return success (0)
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
// Stub out all the other pthread calls to just return 0
link_name if link_name.starts_with("pthread_") => {
warn!("ignoring C ABI call: {}", link_name);
self.write_null(dest, dest_ty)?;
_ => {
return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented(format!("can't call C ABI function: {}", link_name)));
// Since we pushed no stack frame, the main loop will act
// as if the call just completed and it's returning to the
// current frame.
/// Get an instance for a path.
fn resolve_path(&self, path: &[&str]) -> EvalResult<'tcx, ty::Instance<'tcx>> {
let cstore = &self.tcx.sess.cstore;
let crates = cstore.crates();
.find(|&&krate| cstore.crate_name(krate) == path[0])
.and_then(|krate| {
let krate = DefId {
krate: *krate,
let mut items = cstore.item_children(krate, self.tcx.sess);
let mut path_it = path.iter().skip(1).peekable();
while let Some(segment) = {
for item in &mem::replace(&mut items, vec![]) {
if == *segment {
if path_it.peek().is_none() {
return Some(ty::Instance::mono(self.tcx, item.def.def_id()));
items = cstore.item_children(item.def.def_id(), self.tcx.sess);
.ok_or_else(|| {
let path = path.iter()
.map(|&s| s.to_owned())
fn call_missing_fn(
&mut self,
instance: ty::Instance<'tcx>,
destination: Option<(Lvalue<'tcx>, mir::BasicBlock)>,
arg_operands: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
sig: ty::FnSig<'tcx>,
path: String,
) -> EvalResult<'tcx> {
// In some cases in non-MIR libstd-mode, not having a destination is legit. Handle these early.
match &path[..] {
"std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook" |
"std::rt::begin_panic_fmt" => return Err(EvalError::Panic),
_ => {},
let dest_ty = sig.output();
let (dest, dest_block) = destination.ok_or_else(|| EvalError::NoMirFor(path.clone()))?;
if sig.abi == Abi::C {
// An external C function
// TODO: That functions actually has a similar preamble to what follows here. May make sense to
// unify these two mechanisms for "hooking into missing functions".
self.call_c_abi(instance.def_id(), arg_operands, dest, dest_ty, dest_block)?;
return Ok(());
let args_res: EvalResult<Vec<Value>> = arg_operands.iter()
.map(|arg| self.eval_operand(arg))
let args = args_res?;
let usize = self.tcx.types.usize;
match &path[..] {
// Allocators are magic. They have no MIR, even when the rest of libstd does.
"alloc::heap::::__rust_alloc" => {
let size = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let align = self.value_to_primval(args[1], usize)?.to_u64()?;
if size == 0 {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocZeroBytes);
if !align.is_power_of_two() {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment(align));
let ptr = self.memory.allocate(size, align, Kind::Rust)?;
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Ptr(ptr), dest_ty)?;
"alloc::heap::::__rust_alloc_zeroed" => {
let size = self.value_to_primval(args[0], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let align = self.value_to_primval(args[1], usize)?.to_u64()?;
if size == 0 {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocZeroBytes);
if !align.is_power_of_two() {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment(align));
let ptr = self.memory.allocate(size, align, Kind::Rust)?;
self.memory.write_repeat(ptr.into(), 0, size)?;
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Ptr(ptr), dest_ty)?;
"alloc::heap::::__rust_dealloc" => {
let ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.to_ptr()?;
let old_size = self.value_to_primval(args[1], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let align = self.value_to_primval(args[2], usize)?.to_u64()?;
if old_size == 0 {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocZeroBytes);
if !align.is_power_of_two() {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment(align));
self.memory.deallocate(ptr, Some((old_size, align)), Kind::Rust)?;
"alloc::heap::::__rust_realloc" => {
let ptr = args[0].into_ptr(&mut self.memory)?.to_ptr()?;
let old_size = self.value_to_primval(args[1], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let old_align = self.value_to_primval(args[2], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let new_size = self.value_to_primval(args[3], usize)?.to_u64()?;
let new_align = self.value_to_primval(args[4], usize)?.to_u64()?;
if old_size == 0 || new_size == 0 {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocZeroBytes);
if !old_align.is_power_of_two() {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment(old_align));
if !new_align.is_power_of_two() {
return Err(EvalError::HeapAllocNonPowerOfTwoAlignment(new_align));
let new_ptr = self.memory.reallocate(ptr, old_size, old_align, new_size, new_align, Kind::Rust)?;
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::Ptr(new_ptr), dest_ty)?;
// A Rust function is missing, which means we are running with MIR missing for libstd (or other dependencies).
// Still, we can make many things mostly work by "emulating" or ignoring some functions.
"std::io::_print" => {
trace!("Ignoring output. To run programs that print, make sure you have a libstd with full MIR.");
"std::thread::Builder::new" => return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented("miri does not support threading".to_owned())),
"std::env::args" => return Err(EvalError::Unimplemented("miri does not support program arguments".to_owned())),
"std::panicking::panicking" |
"std::rt::panicking" => {
// we abort on panic -> `std::rt::panicking` always returns false
let bool = self.tcx.types.bool;
self.write_primval(dest, PrimVal::from_bool(false), bool)?;
_ => return Err(EvalError::NoMirFor(path)),
// Since we pushed no stack frame, the main loop will act
// as if the call just completed and it's returning to the
// current frame.
return Ok(());