This commit is a followup to https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/124032. It replaces the tests that test the various sort functions in the standard library with a test-suite developed as part of https://github.com/Voultapher/sort-research-rs. The current tests suffer a couple of problems: - They don't cover important real world patterns that the implementations take advantage of and execute special code for. - The input lengths tested miss out on code paths. For example, important safety property tests never reach the quicksort part of the implementation. - The miri side is often limited to `len <= 20` which means it very thoroughly tests the insertion sort, which accounts for 19 out of 1.5k LoC. - They are split into to core and alloc, causing code duplication and uneven coverage. - The randomness is not repeatable, as it relies on `std:#️⃣:RandomState::new().build_hasher()`. Most of these issues existed before https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/124032, but they are intensified by it. One thing that is new and requires additional testing, is that the new sort implementations specialize based on type properties. For example `Freeze` and non `Freeze` execute different code paths. Effectively there are three dimensions that matter: - Input type - Input length - Input pattern The ported test-suite tests various properties along all three dimensions, greatly improving test coverage. It side-steps the miri issue by preferring sampled approaches. For example the test that checks if after a panic the set of elements is still the original one, doesn't do so for every single possible panic opportunity but rather it picks one at random, and performs this test across a range of input length, which varies the panic point across them. This allows regular execution to easily test inputs of length 10k, and miri execution up to 100 which covers significantly more code. The randomness used is tied to a fixed - but random per process execution - seed. This allows for fully repeatable tests and fuzzer like exploration across multiple runs. Structure wise, the tests are previously found in the core integration tests for `sort_unstable` and alloc unit tests for `sort`. The new test-suite was developed to be a purely black-box approach, which makes integration testing the better place, because it can't accidentally rely on internal access. Because unwinding support is required the tests can't be in core, even if the implementation is, so they are now part of the alloc integration tests. Are there architectures that can only build and test core and not alloc? If so, do such platforms require sort testing? For what it's worth the current implementation state passes miri `--target mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64` which is big endian. The test-suite also contains tests for properties that were and are given by the current and previous implementations, and likely relied upon by users but weren't tested. For example `self_cmp` tests that the two parameters `a` and `b` passed into the comparison function are never references to the same object, which if the user is sorting for example a `&mut [Mutex<i32>]` could lead to a deadlock. Instead of using the hashed caller location as rand seed, it uses seconds since unix epoch / 10, which given timestamps in the CI should be reasonably easy to reproduce, but also allows fuzzer like space exploration.
922 lines
34 KiB
922 lines
34 KiB
//! Utilities for the slice primitive type.
//! *[See also the slice primitive type](slice).*
//! Most of the structs in this module are iterator types which can only be created
//! using a certain function. For example, `slice.iter()` yields an [`Iter`].
//! A few functions are provided to create a slice from a value reference
//! or from a raw pointer.
#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
// Many of the usings in this module are only used in the test configuration.
// It's cleaner to just turn off the unused_imports warning than to fix them.
#![cfg_attr(test, allow(unused_imports, dead_code))]
use core::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut};
use core::cmp::Ordering::{self, Less};
use core::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
use core::ptr;
#[unstable(feature = "array_chunks", issue = "74985")]
pub use core::slice::ArrayChunks;
#[unstable(feature = "array_chunks", issue = "74985")]
pub use core::slice::ArrayChunksMut;
#[unstable(feature = "array_windows", issue = "75027")]
pub use core::slice::ArrayWindows;
#[stable(feature = "inherent_ascii_escape", since = "1.60.0")]
pub use core::slice::EscapeAscii;
#[stable(feature = "slice_get_slice", since = "1.28.0")]
pub use core::slice::SliceIndex;
use core::slice::sort;
#[stable(feature = "slice_group_by", since = "1.77.0")]
pub use core::slice::{ChunkBy, ChunkByMut};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::slice::{Chunks, Windows};
#[stable(feature = "chunks_exact", since = "1.31.0")]
pub use core::slice::{ChunksExact, ChunksExactMut};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::slice::{ChunksMut, Split, SplitMut};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::slice::{Iter, IterMut};
#[stable(feature = "rchunks", since = "1.31.0")]
pub use core::slice::{RChunks, RChunksExact, RChunksExactMut, RChunksMut};
#[stable(feature = "slice_rsplit", since = "1.27.0")]
pub use core::slice::{RSplit, RSplitMut};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::slice::{RSplitN, RSplitNMut, SplitN, SplitNMut};
#[stable(feature = "split_inclusive", since = "1.51.0")]
pub use core::slice::{SplitInclusive, SplitInclusiveMut};
#[stable(feature = "from_ref", since = "1.28.0")]
pub use core::slice::{from_mut, from_ref};
#[unstable(feature = "slice_from_ptr_range", issue = "89792")]
pub use core::slice::{from_mut_ptr_range, from_ptr_range};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::slice::{from_raw_parts, from_raw_parts_mut};
#[unstable(feature = "slice_range", issue = "76393")]
pub use core::slice::{range, try_range};
// Basic slice extension methods
// HACK(japaric) needed for the implementation of `vec!` macro during testing
// N.B., see the `hack` module in this file for more details.
pub use hack::into_vec;
// HACK(japaric) needed for the implementation of `Vec::clone` during testing
// N.B., see the `hack` module in this file for more details.
pub use hack::to_vec;
use crate::alloc::Allocator;
use crate::alloc::Global;
use crate::borrow::ToOwned;
use crate::boxed::Box;
use crate::vec::Vec;
// HACK(japaric): With cfg(test) `impl [T]` is not available, these three
// functions are actually methods that are in `impl [T]` but not in
// `core::slice::SliceExt` - we need to supply these functions for the
// `test_permutations` test
pub(crate) mod hack {
use core::alloc::Allocator;
use crate::boxed::Box;
use crate::vec::Vec;
// We shouldn't add inline attribute to this since this is used in
// `vec!` macro mostly and causes perf regression. See #71204 for
// discussion and perf results.
pub fn into_vec<T, A: Allocator>(b: Box<[T], A>) -> Vec<T, A> {
unsafe {
let len = b.len();
let (b, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_allocator(b);
Vec::from_raw_parts_in(b as *mut T, len, len, alloc)
pub fn to_vec<T: ConvertVec, A: Allocator>(s: &[T], alloc: A) -> Vec<T, A> {
T::to_vec(s, alloc)
pub trait ConvertVec {
fn to_vec<A: Allocator>(s: &[Self], alloc: A) -> Vec<Self, A>
Self: Sized;
impl<T: Clone> ConvertVec for T {
default fn to_vec<A: Allocator>(s: &[Self], alloc: A) -> Vec<Self, A> {
struct DropGuard<'a, T, A: Allocator> {
vec: &'a mut Vec<T, A>,
num_init: usize,
impl<'a, T, A: Allocator> Drop for DropGuard<'a, T, A> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// items were marked initialized in the loop below
unsafe {
let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity_in(s.len(), alloc);
let mut guard = DropGuard { vec: &mut vec, num_init: 0 };
let slots = guard.vec.spare_capacity_mut();
// .take(slots.len()) is necessary for LLVM to remove bounds checks
// and has better codegen than zip.
for (i, b) in s.iter().enumerate().take(slots.len()) {
guard.num_init = i;
// the vec was allocated and initialized above to at least this length.
unsafe {
impl<T: Copy> ConvertVec for T {
fn to_vec<A: Allocator>(s: &[Self], alloc: A) -> Vec<Self, A> {
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity_in(s.len(), alloc);
// allocated above with the capacity of `s`, and initialize to `s.len()` in
// ptr::copy_to_non_overlapping below.
unsafe {
s.as_ptr().copy_to_nonoverlapping(v.as_mut_ptr(), s.len());
impl<T> [T] {
/// Sorts the slice, preserving initial order of equal elements.
/// This sort is stable (i.e., does not reorder equal elements) and *O*(*n* \* log(*n*))
/// worst-case.
/// If the implementation of [`Ord`] for `T` does not implement a [total order], the function
/// may panic; even if the function exits normally, the resulting order of elements in the slice
/// is unspecified. See also the note on panicking below.
/// When applicable, unstable sorting is preferred because it is generally faster than stable
/// sorting and it doesn't allocate auxiliary memory. See
/// [`sort_unstable`](slice::sort_unstable). The exception are partially sorted slices, which
/// may be better served with `slice::sort`.
/// Sorting types that only implement [`PartialOrd`] such as [`f32`] and [`f64`] require
/// additional precautions. For example, `f32::NAN != f32::NAN`, which doesn't fulfill the
/// reflexivity requirement of [`Ord`]. By using an alternative comparison function with
/// `slice::sort_by` such as [`f32::total_cmp`] or [`f64::total_cmp`] that defines a [total
/// order] users can sort slices containing floating-point values. Alternatively, if all values
/// in the slice are guaranteed to be in a subset for which [`PartialOrd::partial_cmp`] forms a
/// [total order], it's possible to sort the slice with `sort_by(|a, b|
/// a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap())`.
/// # Current implementation
/// The current implementation is based on [driftsort] by Orson Peters and Lukas Bergdoll, which
/// combines the fast average case of quicksort with the fast worst case and partial run
/// detection of mergesort, achieving linear time on fully sorted and reversed inputs. On inputs
/// with k distinct elements, the expected time to sort the data is *O*(*n* \* log(*k*)).
/// The auxiliary memory allocation behavior depends on the input length. Short slices are
/// handled without allocation, medium sized slices allocate `self.len()` and beyond that it
/// clamps at `self.len() / 2`.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if the implementation of [`Ord`] for `T` does not implement a [total order], or if
/// the [`Ord`] implementation itself panics.
/// All safe functions on slices preserve the invariant that even if the function panics, all
/// original elements will remain in the slice and any possible modifications via interior
/// mutability are observed in the input. This ensures that recovery code (for instance inside
/// of a `Drop` or following a `catch_unwind`) will still have access to all the original
/// elements. For instance, if the slice belongs to a `Vec`, the `Vec::drop` method will be able
/// to dispose of all contained elements.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let mut v = [4, -5, 1, -3, 2];
/// v.sort();
/// assert_eq!(v, [-5, -3, 1, 2, 4]);
/// ```
/// [driftsort]: https://github.com/Voultapher/driftsort
/// [total order]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn sort(&mut self)
T: Ord,
stable_sort(self, T::lt);
/// Sorts the slice with a comparison function, preserving initial order of equal elements.
/// This sort is stable (i.e., does not reorder equal elements) and *O*(*n* \* log(*n*))
/// worst-case.
/// If the comparison function `compare` does not implement a [total order], the function may
/// panic; even if the function exits normally, the resulting order of elements in the slice is
/// unspecified. See also the note on panicking below.
/// For example `|a, b| (a - b).cmp(a)` is a comparison function that is neither transitive nor
/// reflexive nor total, `a < b < c < a` with `a = 1, b = 2, c = 3`. For more information and
/// examples see the [`Ord`] documentation.
/// # Current implementation
/// The current implementation is based on [driftsort] by Orson Peters and Lukas Bergdoll, which
/// combines the fast average case of quicksort with the fast worst case and partial run
/// detection of mergesort, achieving linear time on fully sorted and reversed inputs. On inputs
/// with k distinct elements, the expected time to sort the data is *O*(*n* \* log(*k*)).
/// The auxiliary memory allocation behavior depends on the input length. Short slices are
/// handled without allocation, medium sized slices allocate `self.len()` and beyond that it
/// clamps at `self.len() / 2`.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if `compare` does not implement a [total order], or if `compare` itself panics.
/// All safe functions on slices preserve the invariant that even if the function panics, all
/// original elements will remain in the slice and any possible modifications via interior
/// mutability are observed in the input. This ensures that recovery code (for instance inside
/// of a `Drop` or following a `catch_unwind`) will still have access to all the original
/// elements. For instance, if the slice belongs to a `Vec`, the `Vec::drop` method will be able
/// to dispose of all contained elements.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let mut v = [4, -5, 1, -3, 2];
/// v.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
/// assert_eq!(v, [-5, -3, 1, 2, 4]);
/// // reverse sorting
/// v.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
/// assert_eq!(v, [4, 2, 1, -3, -5]);
/// ```
/// [driftsort]: https://github.com/Voultapher/driftsort
/// [total order]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn sort_by<F>(&mut self, mut compare: F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> Ordering,
stable_sort(self, |a, b| compare(a, b) == Less);
/// Sorts the slice with a key extraction function, preserving initial order of equal elements.
/// This sort is stable (i.e., does not reorder equal elements) and *O*(*m* \* *n* \* log(*n*))
/// worst-case, where the key function is *O*(*m*).
/// If the implementation of [`Ord`] for `K` does not implement a [total order], the function
/// may panic; even if the function exits normally, the resulting order of elements in the slice
/// is unspecified. See also the note on panicking below.
/// # Current implementation
/// The current implementation is based on [driftsort] by Orson Peters and Lukas Bergdoll, which
/// combines the fast average case of quicksort with the fast worst case and partial run
/// detection of mergesort, achieving linear time on fully sorted and reversed inputs. On inputs
/// with k distinct elements, the expected time to sort the data is *O*(*n* \* log(*k*)).
/// The auxiliary memory allocation behavior depends on the input length. Short slices are
/// handled without allocation, medium sized slices allocate `self.len()` and beyond that it
/// clamps at `self.len() / 2`.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if the implementation of [`Ord`] for `K` does not implement a [total order], or if
/// the [`Ord`] implementation or the key-function `f` panics.
/// All safe functions on slices preserve the invariant that even if the function panics, all
/// original elements will remain in the slice and any possible modifications via interior
/// mutability are observed in the input. This ensures that recovery code (for instance inside
/// of a `Drop` or following a `catch_unwind`) will still have access to all the original
/// elements. For instance, if the slice belongs to a `Vec`, the `Vec::drop` method will be able
/// to dispose of all contained elements.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let mut v = [4i32, -5, 1, -3, 2];
/// v.sort_by_key(|k| k.abs());
/// assert_eq!(v, [1, 2, -3, 4, -5]);
/// ```
/// [driftsort]: https://github.com/Voultapher/driftsort
/// [total order]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order
#[stable(feature = "slice_sort_by_key", since = "1.7.0")]
pub fn sort_by_key<K, F>(&mut self, mut f: F)
F: FnMut(&T) -> K,
K: Ord,
stable_sort(self, |a, b| f(a).lt(&f(b)));
/// Sorts the slice with a key extraction function, preserving initial order of equal elements.
/// This sort is stable (i.e., does not reorder equal elements) and *O*(*m* \* *n* + *n* \*
/// log(*n*)) worst-case, where the key function is *O*(*m*).
/// During sorting, the key function is called at most once per element, by using temporary
/// storage to remember the results of key evaluation. The order of calls to the key function is
/// unspecified and may change in future versions of the standard library.
/// If the implementation of [`Ord`] for `K` does not implement a [total order], the function
/// may panic; even if the function exits normally, the resulting order of elements in the slice
/// is unspecified. See also the note on panicking below.
/// For simple key functions (e.g., functions that are property accesses or basic operations),
/// [`sort_by_key`](slice::sort_by_key) is likely to be faster.
/// # Current implementation
/// The current implementation is based on [instruction-parallel-network sort][ipnsort] by Lukas
/// Bergdoll, which combines the fast average case of randomized quicksort with the fast worst
/// case of heapsort, while achieving linear time on fully sorted and reversed inputs. And
/// *O*(*k* \* log(*n*)) where *k* is the number of distinct elements in the input. It leverages
/// superscalar out-of-order execution capabilities commonly found in CPUs, to efficiently
/// perform the operation.
/// In the worst case, the algorithm allocates temporary storage in a `Vec<(K, usize)>` the
/// length of the slice.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if the implementation of [`Ord`] for `K` does not implement a [total order], or if
/// the [`Ord`] implementation panics.
/// All safe functions on slices preserve the invariant that even if the function panics, all
/// original elements will remain in the slice and any possible modifications via interior
/// mutability are observed in the input. This ensures that recovery code (for instance inside
/// of a `Drop` or following a `catch_unwind`) will still have access to all the original
/// elements. For instance, if the slice belongs to a `Vec`, the `Vec::drop` method will be able
/// to dispose of all contained elements.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let mut v = [4i32, -5, 1, -3, 2, 10];
/// // Strings are sorted by lexicographical order.
/// v.sort_by_cached_key(|k| k.to_string());
/// assert_eq!(v, [-3, -5, 1, 10, 2, 4]);
/// ```
/// [ipnsort]: https://github.com/Voultapher/sort-research-rs/tree/main/ipnsort
/// [total order]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order
#[stable(feature = "slice_sort_by_cached_key", since = "1.34.0")]
pub fn sort_by_cached_key<K, F>(&mut self, f: F)
F: FnMut(&T) -> K,
K: Ord,
// Helper macro for indexing our vector by the smallest possible type, to reduce allocation.
macro_rules! sort_by_key {
($t:ty, $slice:ident, $f:ident) => {{
let mut indices: Vec<_> =
$slice.iter().map($f).enumerate().map(|(i, k)| (k, i as $t)).collect();
// The elements of `indices` are unique, as they are indexed, so any sort will be
// stable with respect to the original slice. We use `sort_unstable` here because
// it requires no memory allocation.
for i in 0..$slice.len() {
let mut index = indices[i].1;
while (index as usize) < i {
index = indices[index as usize].1;
indices[i].1 = index;
$slice.swap(i, index as usize);
let len = self.len();
if len < 2 {
// Avoids binary-size usage in cases where the alignment doesn't work out to make this
// beneficial or on 32-bit platforms.
let is_using_u32_as_idx_type_helpful =
const { mem::size_of::<(K, u32)>() < mem::size_of::<(K, usize)>() };
// It's possible to instantiate this for u8 and u16 but, doing so is very wasteful in terms
// of compile-times and binary-size, the peak saved heap memory for u16 is (u8 + u16) -> 4
// bytes * u16::MAX vs (u8 + u32) -> 8 bytes * u16::MAX, the saved heap memory is at peak
// ~262KB.
if is_using_u32_as_idx_type_helpful && len <= (u32::MAX as usize) {
return sort_by_key!(u32, self, f);
sort_by_key!(usize, self, f)
/// Copies `self` into a new `Vec`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = [10, 40, 30];
/// let x = s.to_vec();
/// // Here, `s` and `x` can be modified independently.
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn to_vec(&self) -> Vec<T>
T: Clone,
/// Copies `self` into a new `Vec` with an allocator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let s = [10, 40, 30];
/// let x = s.to_vec_in(System);
/// // Here, `s` and `x` can be modified independently.
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
pub fn to_vec_in<A: Allocator>(&self, alloc: A) -> Vec<T, A>
T: Clone,
// N.B., see the `hack` module in this file for more details.
hack::to_vec(self, alloc)
/// Converts `self` into a vector without clones or allocation.
/// The resulting vector can be converted back into a box via
/// `Vec<T>`'s `into_boxed_slice` method.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s: Box<[i32]> = Box::new([10, 40, 30]);
/// let x = s.into_vec();
/// // `s` cannot be used anymore because it has been converted into `x`.
/// assert_eq!(x, vec![10, 40, 30]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[cfg_attr(not(test), rustc_diagnostic_item = "slice_into_vec")]
pub fn into_vec<A: Allocator>(self: Box<Self, A>) -> Vec<T, A> {
// N.B., see the `hack` module in this file for more details.
/// Creates a vector by copying a slice `n` times.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if the capacity would overflow.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!([1, 2].repeat(3), vec![1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]);
/// ```
/// A panic upon overflow:
/// ```should_panic
/// // this will panic at runtime
/// b"0123456789abcdef".repeat(usize::MAX);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "repeat_generic_slice", since = "1.40.0")]
pub fn repeat(&self, n: usize) -> Vec<T>
T: Copy,
if n == 0 {
return Vec::new();
// If `n` is larger than zero, it can be split as
// `n = 2^expn + rem (2^expn > rem, expn >= 0, rem >= 0)`.
// `2^expn` is the number represented by the leftmost '1' bit of `n`,
// and `rem` is the remaining part of `n`.
// Using `Vec` to access `set_len()`.
let capacity = self.len().checked_mul(n).expect("capacity overflow");
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(capacity);
// `2^expn` repetition is done by doubling `buf` `expn`-times.
let mut m = n >> 1;
// If `m > 0`, there are remaining bits up to the leftmost '1'.
while m > 0 {
// `buf.extend(buf)`:
unsafe {
// `buf` has capacity of `self.len() * n`.
let buf_len = buf.len();
buf.set_len(buf_len * 2);
m >>= 1;
// `rem` (`= n - 2^expn`) repetition is done by copying
// first `rem` repetitions from `buf` itself.
let rem_len = capacity - buf.len(); // `self.len() * rem`
if rem_len > 0 {
// `buf.extend(buf[0 .. rem_len])`:
unsafe {
// This is non-overlapping since `2^expn > rem`.
// `buf.len() + rem_len` equals to `buf.capacity()` (`= self.len() * n`).
/// Flattens a slice of `T` into a single value `Self::Output`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// assert_eq!(["hello", "world"].concat(), "helloworld");
/// assert_eq!([[1, 2], [3, 4]].concat(), [1, 2, 3, 4]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn concat<Item: ?Sized>(&self) -> <Self as Concat<Item>>::Output
Self: Concat<Item>,
/// Flattens a slice of `T` into a single value `Self::Output`, placing a
/// given separator between each.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// assert_eq!(["hello", "world"].join(" "), "hello world");
/// assert_eq!([[1, 2], [3, 4]].join(&0), [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]);
/// assert_eq!([[1, 2], [3, 4]].join(&[0, 0][..]), [1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 4]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rename_connect_to_join", since = "1.3.0")]
pub fn join<Separator>(&self, sep: Separator) -> <Self as Join<Separator>>::Output
Self: Join<Separator>,
Join::join(self, sep)
/// Flattens a slice of `T` into a single value `Self::Output`, placing a
/// given separator between each.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![allow(deprecated)]
/// assert_eq!(["hello", "world"].connect(" "), "hello world");
/// assert_eq!([[1, 2], [3, 4]].connect(&0), [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[deprecated(since = "1.3.0", note = "renamed to join", suggestion = "join")]
pub fn connect<Separator>(&self, sep: Separator) -> <Self as Join<Separator>>::Output
Self: Join<Separator>,
Join::join(self, sep)
impl [u8] {
/// Returns a vector containing a copy of this slice where each byte
/// is mapped to its ASCII upper case equivalent.
/// ASCII letters 'a' to 'z' are mapped to 'A' to 'Z',
/// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
/// To uppercase the value in-place, use [`make_ascii_uppercase`].
/// [`make_ascii_uppercase`]: slice::make_ascii_uppercase
#[must_use = "this returns the uppercase bytes as a new Vec, \
without modifying the original"]
#[stable(feature = "ascii_methods_on_intrinsics", since = "1.23.0")]
pub fn to_ascii_uppercase(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut me = self.to_vec();
/// Returns a vector containing a copy of this slice where each byte
/// is mapped to its ASCII lower case equivalent.
/// ASCII letters 'A' to 'Z' are mapped to 'a' to 'z',
/// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
/// To lowercase the value in-place, use [`make_ascii_lowercase`].
/// [`make_ascii_lowercase`]: slice::make_ascii_lowercase
#[must_use = "this returns the lowercase bytes as a new Vec, \
without modifying the original"]
#[stable(feature = "ascii_methods_on_intrinsics", since = "1.23.0")]
pub fn to_ascii_lowercase(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut me = self.to_vec();
// Extension traits for slices over specific kinds of data
/// Helper trait for [`[T]::concat`](slice::concat).
/// Note: the `Item` type parameter is not used in this trait,
/// but it allows impls to be more generic.
/// Without it, we get this error:
/// ```error
/// error[E0207]: the type parameter `T` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predica
/// --> library/alloc/src/slice.rs:608:6
/// |
/// 608 | impl<T: Clone, V: Borrow<[T]>> Concat for [V] {
/// | ^ unconstrained type parameter
/// ```
/// This is because there could exist `V` types with multiple `Borrow<[_]>` impls,
/// such that multiple `T` types would apply:
/// ```
/// # #[allow(dead_code)]
/// pub struct Foo(Vec<u32>, Vec<String>);
/// impl std::borrow::Borrow<[u32]> for Foo {
/// fn borrow(&self) -> &[u32] { &self.0 }
/// }
/// impl std::borrow::Borrow<[String]> for Foo {
/// fn borrow(&self) -> &[String] { &self.1 }
/// }
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_trait", issue = "27747")]
pub trait Concat<Item: ?Sized> {
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_trait", issue = "27747")]
/// The resulting type after concatenation
type Output;
/// Implementation of [`[T]::concat`](slice::concat)
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_trait", issue = "27747")]
fn concat(slice: &Self) -> Self::Output;
/// Helper trait for [`[T]::join`](slice::join)
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_trait", issue = "27747")]
pub trait Join<Separator> {
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_trait", issue = "27747")]
/// The resulting type after concatenation
type Output;
/// Implementation of [`[T]::join`](slice::join)
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_trait", issue = "27747")]
fn join(slice: &Self, sep: Separator) -> Self::Output;
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_ext", issue = "27747")]
impl<T: Clone, V: Borrow<[T]>> Concat<T> for [V] {
type Output = Vec<T>;
fn concat(slice: &Self) -> Vec<T> {
let size = slice.iter().map(|slice| slice.borrow().len()).sum();
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(size);
for v in slice {
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_ext", issue = "27747")]
impl<T: Clone, V: Borrow<[T]>> Join<&T> for [V] {
type Output = Vec<T>;
fn join(slice: &Self, sep: &T) -> Vec<T> {
let mut iter = slice.iter();
let first = match iter.next() {
Some(first) => first,
None => return vec![],
let size = slice.iter().map(|v| v.borrow().len()).sum::<usize>() + slice.len() - 1;
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(size);
for v in iter {
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_ext", issue = "27747")]
impl<T: Clone, V: Borrow<[T]>> Join<&[T]> for [V] {
type Output = Vec<T>;
fn join(slice: &Self, sep: &[T]) -> Vec<T> {
let mut iter = slice.iter();
let first = match iter.next() {
Some(first) => first,
None => return vec![],
let size =
slice.iter().map(|v| v.borrow().len()).sum::<usize>() + sep.len() * (slice.len() - 1);
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(size);
for v in iter {
// Standard trait implementations for slices
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T, A: Allocator> Borrow<[T]> for Vec<T, A> {
fn borrow(&self) -> &[T] {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T, A: Allocator> BorrowMut<[T]> for Vec<T, A> {
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [T] {
&mut self[..]
// Specializable trait for implementing ToOwned::clone_into. This is
// public in the crate and has the Allocator parameter so that
// vec::clone_from use it too.
pub(crate) trait SpecCloneIntoVec<T, A: Allocator> {
fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut Vec<T, A>);
impl<T: Clone, A: Allocator> SpecCloneIntoVec<T, A> for [T] {
default fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut Vec<T, A>) {
// drop anything in target that will not be overwritten
// target.len <= self.len due to the truncate above, so the
// slices here are always in-bounds.
let (init, tail) = self.split_at(target.len());
// reuse the contained values' allocations/resources.
impl<T: Copy, A: Allocator> SpecCloneIntoVec<T, A> for [T] {
fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut Vec<T, A>) {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: Clone> ToOwned for [T] {
type Owned = Vec<T>;
fn to_owned(&self) -> Vec<T> {
fn to_owned(&self) -> Vec<T> {
hack::to_vec(self, Global)
fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut Vec<T>) {
SpecCloneIntoVec::clone_into(self, target);
// Sorting
fn stable_sort<T, F>(v: &mut [T], mut is_less: F)
F: FnMut(&T, &T) -> bool,
sort::stable::sort::<T, F, Vec<T>>(v, &mut is_less);
#[unstable(issue = "none", feature = "std_internals")]
impl<T> sort::stable::BufGuard<T> for Vec<T> {
fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
fn as_uninit_slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [MaybeUninit<T>] {