Having it in the alias pass was slightly more efficient (finding expression roots has to be done in both passes), but further muddled up the already complex alias checker. Also factors out some duplication in the mutability-checking code.
907 lines
30 KiB
907 lines
30 KiB
Code that is useful in various trans modules.
import std::int;
import std::vec;
import std::vec::to_ptr;
import std::str;
import std::istr;
import std::uint;
import std::map;
import std::map::hashmap;
import std::option;
import std::option::some;
import std::option::none;
import std::fs;
import std::unsafe;
import syntax::ast;
import driver::session;
import middle::ty;
import back::link;
import back::x86;
import back::abi;
import back::upcall;
import syntax::visit;
import visit::vt;
import util::common;
import util::common::*;
import std::map::new_int_hash;
import std::map::new_str_hash;
import syntax::codemap::span;
import lib::llvm::llvm;
import lib::llvm::target_data;
import lib::llvm::type_names;
import lib::llvm::mk_target_data;
import lib::llvm::mk_type_names;
import lib::llvm::llvm::ModuleRef;
import lib::llvm::llvm::ValueRef;
import lib::llvm::llvm::TypeRef;
import lib::llvm::llvm::TypeHandleRef;
import lib::llvm::llvm::BuilderRef;
import lib::llvm::llvm::BasicBlockRef;
import lib::llvm::False;
import lib::llvm::True;
import lib::llvm::Bool;
import link::mangle_internal_name_by_type_only;
import link::mangle_internal_name_by_seq;
import link::mangle_internal_name_by_path;
import link::mangle_internal_name_by_path_and_seq;
import link::mangle_exported_name;
import metadata::creader;
import metadata::csearch;
import metadata::cstore;
import util::ppaux::ty_to_str;
import util::ppaux::ty_to_short_str;
import syntax::print::pprust::expr_to_str;
import syntax::print::pprust::path_to_str;
import bld = trans_build;
// FIXME: These should probably be pulled in here too.
import trans::type_of_fn_full;
import trans::drop_ty;
obj namegen(mutable i: int) {
fn next(prefix: &istr) -> istr {
i += 1; ret prefix + int::str(i);
type derived_tydesc_info = {lltydesc: ValueRef, escapes: bool};
type glue_fns = {no_op_type_glue: ValueRef};
tag tydesc_kind {
tk_static; // Static (monomorphic) type descriptor.
tk_param; // Type parameter.
tk_derived; // Derived from a typaram or another derived tydesc.
type tydesc_info =
{ty: ty::t,
tydesc: ValueRef,
size: ValueRef,
align: ValueRef,
mutable take_glue: option::t<ValueRef>,
mutable drop_glue: option::t<ValueRef>,
mutable free_glue: option::t<ValueRef>,
mutable cmp_glue: option::t<ValueRef>,
mutable copy_glue: option::t<ValueRef>,
ty_params: [uint]};
* A note on nomenclature of linking: "upcall", "extern" and "native".
* An "extern" is an LLVM symbol we wind up emitting an undefined external
* reference to. This means "we don't have the thing in this compilation unit,
* please make sure you link it in at runtime". This could be a reference to
* C code found in a C library, or rust code found in a rust crate.
* A "native" is an extern that references C code. Called with cdecl.
* An upcall is a native call generated by the compiler (not corresponding to
* any user-written call in the code) into librustrt, to perform some helper
* task such as bringing a task to life, allocating memory, etc.
type stats =
{mutable n_static_tydescs: uint,
mutable n_derived_tydescs: uint,
mutable n_glues_created: uint,
mutable n_null_glues: uint,
mutable n_real_glues: uint,
fn_times: @mutable [{ident: istr, time: int}]};
resource BuilderRef_res(B: llvm::BuilderRef) {
// Crate context. Every crate we compile has one of these.
type crate_ctxt =
// A mapping from the def_id of each item in this crate to the address
// of the first instruction of the item's definition in the executable
// we're generating.
// TODO: hashmap<tup(tag_id,subtys), @tag_info>
{sess: session::session,
llmod: ModuleRef,
td: target_data,
tn: type_names,
externs: hashmap<istr, ValueRef>,
intrinsics: hashmap<istr, ValueRef>,
item_ids: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
ast_map: ast_map::map,
item_symbols: hashmap<ast::node_id, istr>,
mutable main_fn: option::t<ValueRef>,
link_meta: link::link_meta,
tag_sizes: hashmap<ty::t, uint>,
discrims: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
discrim_symbols: hashmap<ast::node_id, istr>,
fn_pairs: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
consts: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
obj_methods: hashmap<ast::node_id, ()>,
tydescs: hashmap<ty::t, @tydesc_info>,
module_data: hashmap<istr, ValueRef>,
lltypes: hashmap<ty::t, TypeRef>,
glues: @glue_fns,
names: namegen,
sha: std::sha1::sha1,
type_sha1s: hashmap<ty::t, istr>,
type_short_names: hashmap<ty::t, istr>,
tcx: ty::ctxt,
mut_map: mut::mut_map,
stats: stats,
upcalls: @upcall::upcalls,
rust_object_type: TypeRef,
tydesc_type: TypeRef,
task_type: TypeRef,
builder: BuilderRef_res,
shape_cx: shape::ctxt,
gc_cx: gc::ctxt};
type local_ctxt =
{path: [istr],
module_path: [istr],
obj_typarams: [ast::ty_param],
obj_fields: [ast::obj_field],
ccx: @crate_ctxt};
// Types used for llself.
type val_self_pair = {v: ValueRef, t: ty::t};
// Function context. Every LLVM function we create will have one of
// these.
type fn_ctxt =
// The ValueRef returned from a call to llvm::LLVMAddFunction; the
// address of the first instruction in the sequence of
// instructions for this function that will go in the .text
// section of the executable we're generating.
// The three implicit arguments that arrive in the function we're
// creating. For instance, foo(int, int) is really foo(ret*,
// task*, env*, int, int). These are also available via
// llvm::LLVMGetParam(llfn, uint) where uint = 1, 2, 0
// respectively, but we unpack them into these fields for
// convenience.
// Points to the current task.
// Points to the current environment (bindings of variables to
// values), if this is a regular function; points to the current
// object, if this is a method.
// Points to where the return value of this function should end
// up.
// The next three elements: "hoisted basic blocks" containing
// administrative activities that have to happen in only one place in
// the function, due to LLVM's quirks.
// A block for all the function's static allocas, so that LLVM
// will coalesce them into a single alloca call.
// A block containing code that copies incoming arguments to space
// already allocated by code in one of the llallocas blocks.
// (LLVM requires that arguments be copied to local allocas before
// allowing most any operation to be performed on them.)
// The first block containing derived tydescs received from the
// runtime. See description of derived_tydescs, below.
// The last block of the llderivedtydescs group.
// A block for all of the dynamically sized allocas. This must be
// after llderivedtydescs, because these sometimes depend on
// information computed from derived tydescs.
// FIXME: Is llcopyargs actually the block containing the allocas
// for incoming function arguments? Or is it merely the block
// containing code that copies incoming args to space already
// alloca'd by code in llallocas?
// The token used to clear the dynamic allocas at the end of this frame.
// The 'self' object currently in use in this function, if there
// is one.
// If this function is actually a iter, a block containing the
// code called whenever the iter calls 'put'.
// If this function is actually a iter, the type of the function
// that that we call when we call 'put'. Having to track this is
// pretty irritating. We have to do it because we need the type if
// we are going to put the iterbody into a closure (if it appears
// in a for-each inside of an iter).
// The next four items: hash tables mapping from AST def_ids to
// LLVM-stuff-in-the-frame.
// Maps arguments to allocas created for them in llallocas.
// Maps fields in objects to pointers into the interior of
// llself's body.
// Maps the def_ids for local variables to the allocas created for
// them in llallocas.
// The same as above, but for variables accessed via the frame
// pointer we pass into an iter, for access to the static
// environment of the iter-calling frame.
// For convenience, a vector of the incoming tydescs for each of
// this functions type parameters, fetched via llvm::LLVMGetParam.
// For example, for a function foo::<A, B, C>(), lltydescs contains
// the ValueRefs for the tydescs for A, B, and C.
// Derived tydescs are tydescs created at runtime, for types that
// involve type parameters inside type constructors. For example,
// suppose a function parameterized by T creates a vector of type
// [T]. The function doesn't know what T is until runtime, and
// the function's caller knows T but doesn't know that a vector is
// involved. So a tydesc for [T] can't be created until runtime,
// when information about both "[T]" and "T" are available. When
// such a tydesc is created, we cache it in the derived_tydescs
// table for the next time that such a tydesc is needed.
// The node_id of the function, or -1 if it doesn't correspond to
// a user-defined function.
// The source span where this function comes from, for error
// reporting.
// This function's enclosing local context.
{llfn: ValueRef,
lltaskptr: ValueRef,
llenv: ValueRef,
llretptr: ValueRef,
mutable llstaticallocas: BasicBlockRef,
mutable llcopyargs: BasicBlockRef,
mutable llderivedtydescs_first: BasicBlockRef,
mutable llderivedtydescs: BasicBlockRef,
mutable lldynamicallocas: BasicBlockRef,
mutable llreturn: BasicBlockRef,
mutable llobstacktoken: option::t<ValueRef>,
mutable llself: option::t<val_self_pair>,
mutable lliterbody: option::t<ValueRef>,
mutable iterbodyty: option::t<ty::t>,
llargs: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
llobjfields: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
lllocals: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
llupvars: hashmap<ast::node_id, ValueRef>,
mutable lltydescs: [ValueRef],
derived_tydescs: hashmap<ty::t, derived_tydesc_info>,
id: ast::node_id,
sp: span,
lcx: @local_ctxt};
tag cleanup {
clean(fn(&@block_ctxt) -> @block_ctxt);
clean_temp(ValueRef, fn(&@block_ctxt) -> @block_ctxt);
fn add_clean(cx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) {
find_scope_cx(cx).cleanups += [clean(bind drop_ty(_, val, ty))];
fn add_clean_temp(cx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) {
fn spill_and_drop(bcx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t)
-> @block_ctxt {
let spilled = trans::spill_if_immediate(bcx, val, ty);
ret drop_ty(bcx, spilled, ty);
find_scope_cx(cx).cleanups +=
[clean_temp(val, bind spill_and_drop(_, val, ty))];
// Note that this only works for temporaries. We should, at some point, move
// to a system where we can also cancel the cleanup on local variables, but
// this will be more involved. For now, we simply zero out the local, and the
// drop glue checks whether it is zero.
fn revoke_clean(cx: &@block_ctxt, val: ValueRef) {
let sc_cx = find_scope_cx(cx);
let found = -1;
let i = 0;
for c: cleanup in sc_cx.cleanups {
alt c {
clean_temp(v, _) {
if v as uint == val as uint { found = i; break; }
_ { }
i += 1;
// The value does not have a cleanup associated with it. Might be a
// constant or some immediate value.
if found == -1 { ret; }
// We found the cleanup and remove it
sc_cx.cleanups =
std::vec::slice(sc_cx.cleanups, 0u, found as uint) +
std::vec::slice(sc_cx.cleanups, (found as uint) + 1u,
fn get_res_dtor(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, sp: &span, did: &ast::def_id,
inner_t: ty::t) -> ValueRef {
if did.crate == ast::local_crate {
alt ccx.fn_pairs.find(did.node) {
some(x) { ret x; }
_ { ccx.tcx.sess.bug(~"get_res_dtor: can't find resource dtor!"); }
let params = csearch::get_type_param_count(ccx.sess.get_cstore(), did);
let f_t =
trans::type_of_fn(ccx, sp, ast::proto_fn,
[{mode: ty::mo_alias(false), ty: inner_t}],
ty::mk_nil(ccx.tcx), params);
ret trans::get_extern_const(ccx.externs, ccx.llmod,
T_fn_pair(*ccx, f_t));
tag block_kind {
// A scope block is a basic block created by translating a block { ... }
// the the source language. Since these blocks create variable scope, any
// variables created in them that are still live at the end of the block
// must be dropped and cleaned up when the block ends.
// A basic block created from the body of a loop. Contains pointers to
// which block to jump to in the case of "continue" or "break", with the
// "continue" block optional, because "while" and "do while" don't support
// "continue" (TODO: is this intentional?)
LOOP_SCOPE_BLOCK(option::t<@block_ctxt>, @block_ctxt);
// A non-scope block is a basic block created as a translation artifact
// from translating code that expresses conditional logic rather than by
// explicit { ... } block structure in the source language. It's called a
// non-scope block because it doesn't introduce a new variable scope.
// Basic block context. We create a block context for each basic block
// (single-entry, single-exit sequence of instructions) we generate from Rust
// code. Each basic block we generate is attached to a function, typically
// with many basic blocks per function. All the basic blocks attached to a
// function are organized as a directed graph.
type block_ctxt =
// The BasicBlockRef returned from a call to
// llvm::LLVMAppendBasicBlock(llfn, name), which adds a basic
// block to the function pointed to by llfn. We insert
// instructions into that block by way of this block context.
{llbb: BasicBlockRef,
mutable terminated: bool,
// The block pointing to this one in the function's digraph.
parent: block_parent,
// The 'kind' of basic block this is.
kind: block_kind,
// A list of functions that run at the end of translating this
// block, cleaning up any variables that were introduced in the
// block and need to go out of scope at the end of it.
mutable cleanups: [cleanup],
// The source span where this block comes from, for error
// reporting. FIXME this is not currently reliable
sp: span,
// The function context for the function to which this block is
// attached.
fcx: @fn_ctxt};
fn is_terminated(cx: &@block_ctxt) -> bool {
ret cx.terminated;
// FIXME: we should be able to use option::t<@block_parent> here but
// the infinite-tag check in rustboot gets upset.
tag block_parent { parent_none; parent_some(@block_ctxt); }
type result = {bcx: @block_ctxt, val: ValueRef};
type result_t = {bcx: @block_ctxt, val: ValueRef, ty: ty::t};
fn extend_path(cx: @local_ctxt, name: &istr) -> @local_ctxt {
ret @{path: cx.path + [name] with *cx};
fn rslt(bcx: @block_ctxt, val: ValueRef) -> result {
ret {bcx: bcx, val: val};
fn ty_str(tn: type_names, t: TypeRef) -> istr {
ret lib::llvm::type_to_str(tn, t);
fn val_ty(v: ValueRef) -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMTypeOf(v); }
fn val_str(tn: type_names, v: ValueRef) -> istr {
ret ty_str(tn, val_ty(v));
// Returns the nth element of the given LLVM structure type.
fn struct_elt(llstructty: TypeRef, n: uint) -> TypeRef {
let elt_count = llvm::LLVMCountStructElementTypes(llstructty);
assert (n < elt_count);
let elt_tys = std::vec::init_elt(T_nil(), elt_count);
llvm::LLVMGetStructElementTypes(llstructty, to_ptr(elt_tys));
ret llvm::LLVMGetElementType(elt_tys[n]);
fn find_scope_cx(cx: &@block_ctxt) -> @block_ctxt {
if cx.kind != NON_SCOPE_BLOCK { ret cx; }
alt cx.parent {
parent_some(b) { ret find_scope_cx(b); }
parent_none. {
cx.fcx.lcx.ccx.sess.bug(~"trans::find_scope_cx() " +
~"called on parentless block_ctxt");
// Accessors
// TODO: When we have overloading, simplify these names!
fn bcx_tcx(bcx: &@block_ctxt) -> ty::ctxt { ret bcx.fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx; }
fn bcx_ccx(bcx: &@block_ctxt) -> @crate_ctxt { ret bcx.fcx.lcx.ccx; }
fn bcx_lcx(bcx: &@block_ctxt) -> @local_ctxt { ret bcx.fcx.lcx; }
fn bcx_fcx(bcx: &@block_ctxt) -> @fn_ctxt { ret bcx.fcx; }
fn fcx_ccx(fcx: &@fn_ctxt) -> @crate_ctxt { ret fcx.lcx.ccx; }
fn fcx_tcx(fcx: &@fn_ctxt) -> ty::ctxt { ret fcx.lcx.ccx.tcx; }
fn lcx_ccx(lcx: &@local_ctxt) -> @crate_ctxt { ret lcx.ccx; }
fn ccx_tcx(ccx: &@crate_ctxt) -> ty::ctxt { ret ccx.tcx; }
// LLVM type constructors.
fn T_void() -> TypeRef {
// Note: For the time being llvm is kinda busted here, it has the notion
// of a 'void' type that can only occur as part of the signature of a
// function, but no general unit type of 0-sized value. This is, afaict,
// vestigial from its C heritage, and we'll be attempting to submit a
// patch upstream to fix it. In the mean time we only model function
// outputs (Rust functions and C functions) using T_void, and model the
// Rust general purpose nil type you can construct as 1-bit (always
// zero). This makes the result incorrect for now -- things like a tuple
// of 10 nil values will have 10-bit size -- but it doesn't seem like we
// have any other options until it's fixed upstream.
ret llvm::LLVMVoidType();
fn T_nil() -> TypeRef {
// NB: See above in T_void().
ret llvm::LLVMInt1Type();
fn T_i1() -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMInt1Type(); }
fn T_i8() -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMInt8Type(); }
fn T_i16() -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMInt16Type(); }
fn T_i32() -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMInt32Type(); }
fn T_i64() -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMInt64Type(); }
fn T_f32() -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMFloatType(); }
fn T_f64() -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMDoubleType(); }
fn T_bool() -> TypeRef { ret T_i1(); }
fn T_int() -> TypeRef {
// FIXME: switch on target type.
ret T_i32();
fn T_float() -> TypeRef {
// FIXME: switch on target type.
ret T_f64();
fn T_char() -> TypeRef { ret T_i32(); }
fn T_size_t() -> TypeRef {
// FIXME: switch on target type.
ret T_i32();
fn T_fn(inputs: &[TypeRef], output: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
ret llvm::LLVMFunctionType(output, to_ptr(inputs),
std::vec::len::<TypeRef>(inputs), False);
fn T_fn_pair(cx: &crate_ctxt, tfn: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct([T_ptr(tfn), T_opaque_closure_ptr(cx)]);
fn T_ptr(t: TypeRef) -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMPointerType(t, 0u); }
fn T_struct(elts: &[TypeRef]) -> TypeRef {
ret llvm::LLVMStructType(to_ptr(elts),
std::vec::len(elts), False);
fn T_named_struct(name: &istr) -> TypeRef {
let c = llvm::LLVMGetGlobalContext();
ret istr::as_buf(name, { |buf|
llvm::LLVMStructCreateNamed(c, buf)
fn set_struct_body(t: TypeRef, elts: &[TypeRef]) {
llvm::LLVMStructSetBody(t, to_ptr(elts),
std::vec::len(elts), False);
fn T_empty_struct() -> TypeRef { ret T_struct([]); }
// NB: This will return something different every time it's called. If
// you need a generic object type that matches the type of your
// existing objects, use ccx.rust_object_type. Calling
// T_rust_object() again will return a different one.
fn T_rust_object() -> TypeRef {
let t = T_named_struct(~"rust_object");
let e = T_ptr(T_empty_struct());
set_struct_body(t, [e, e]);
ret t;
fn T_task() -> TypeRef {
let t = T_named_struct(~"task");
// Refcount
// Delegate pointer
// Stack segment pointer
// Runtime SP
// Rust SP
// GC chain
// Domain pointer
// Crate cache pointer
let elems =
[T_int(), T_int(), T_int(), T_int(), T_int(), T_int(), T_int(),
set_struct_body(t, elems);
ret t;
fn T_tydesc_field(cx: &crate_ctxt, field: int) -> TypeRef {
// Bit of a kludge: pick the fn typeref out of the tydesc..
let tydesc_elts: [TypeRef] =
std::vec::init_elt::<TypeRef>(T_nil(), abi::n_tydesc_fields as uint);
let t = llvm::LLVMGetElementType(tydesc_elts[field]);
ret t;
fn T_glue_fn(cx: &crate_ctxt) -> TypeRef {
let s = ~"glue_fn";
if cx.tn.name_has_type(s) { ret cx.tn.get_type(s); }
let t = T_tydesc_field(cx, abi::tydesc_field_drop_glue);
cx.tn.associate(s, t);
ret t;
fn T_cmp_glue_fn(cx: &crate_ctxt) -> TypeRef {
let s = ~"cmp_glue_fn";
if cx.tn.name_has_type(s) { ret cx.tn.get_type(s); }
let t = T_tydesc_field(cx, abi::tydesc_field_cmp_glue);
cx.tn.associate(s, t);
ret t;
fn T_copy_glue_fn(cx: &crate_ctxt) -> TypeRef {
let s = ~"copy_glue_fn";
if cx.tn.name_has_type(s) { ret cx.tn.get_type(s); }
let t = T_tydesc_field(cx, abi::tydesc_field_copy_glue);
cx.tn.associate(s, t);
ret t;
fn T_tydesc(taskptr_type: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
let tydesc = T_named_struct(~"tydesc");
let tydescpp = T_ptr(T_ptr(tydesc));
let pvoid = T_ptr(T_i8());
let glue_fn_ty =
T_ptr(T_fn([T_ptr(T_nil()), taskptr_type, T_ptr(T_nil()), tydescpp,
pvoid], T_void()));
let cmp_glue_fn_ty =
T_ptr(T_fn([T_ptr(T_i1()), taskptr_type, T_ptr(tydesc), tydescpp,
pvoid, pvoid, T_i8()], T_void()));
let copy_glue_fn_ty =
T_ptr(T_fn([T_ptr(T_nil()), taskptr_type, T_ptr(T_nil()), tydescpp,
pvoid, pvoid], T_void()));
let elems =
[tydescpp, T_int(), T_int(), glue_fn_ty, glue_fn_ty, glue_fn_ty,
copy_glue_fn_ty, glue_fn_ty, glue_fn_ty, glue_fn_ty, cmp_glue_fn_ty,
T_ptr(T_i8()), T_ptr(T_i8()), T_int(), T_int()];
set_struct_body(tydesc, elems);
ret tydesc;
fn T_array(t: TypeRef, n: uint) -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMArrayType(t, n); }
fn T_evec(t: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct([T_int(), // Refcount
T_int(), // Alloc
T_int(), // Fill
T_int(), // Pad
// Body elements
T_array(t, 0u)]);
fn T_opaque_vec_ptr() -> TypeRef { ret T_ptr(T_evec(T_int())); }
// Interior vector.
// TODO: Support user-defined vector sizes.
fn T_ivec(t: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct([T_int(), // fill
T_int(), // alloc
T_array(t, 0u)]); // elements
// Note that the size of this one is in bytes.
fn T_opaque_ivec() -> TypeRef {
ret T_ivec(T_i8());
fn T_str() -> TypeRef { ret T_evec(T_i8()); }
fn T_box(t: TypeRef) -> TypeRef { ret T_struct([T_int(), t]); }
fn T_port(_t: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct([T_int()]); // Refcount
fn T_chan(_t: TypeRef) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct([T_int()]); // Refcount
fn T_taskptr(cx: &crate_ctxt) -> TypeRef { ret T_ptr(cx.task_type); }
// This type must never be used directly; it must always be cast away.
fn T_typaram(tn: &type_names) -> TypeRef {
let s = ~"typaram";
if tn.name_has_type(s) { ret tn.get_type(s); }
let t = T_i8();
tn.associate(s, t);
ret t;
fn T_typaram_ptr(tn: &type_names) -> TypeRef { ret T_ptr(T_typaram(tn)); }
fn T_closure_ptr(cx: &crate_ctxt, llbindings_ty: TypeRef, n_ty_params: uint)
-> TypeRef {
// NB: keep this in sync with code in trans_bind; we're making
// an LLVM typeref structure that has the same "shape" as the ty::t
// it constructs.
ret T_ptr(T_box(T_struct([T_ptr(cx.tydesc_type), llbindings_ty,
T_captured_tydescs(cx, n_ty_params)])));
fn T_opaque_closure_ptr(cx: &crate_ctxt) -> TypeRef {
let s = ~"*closure";
if cx.tn.name_has_type(s) { ret cx.tn.get_type(s); }
let t = T_closure_ptr(cx, T_nil(), 0u);
cx.tn.associate(s, t);
ret t;
fn T_tag(tn: &type_names, size: uint) -> TypeRef {
let s = ~"tag_" + uint::to_str(size, 10u);
if tn.name_has_type(s) { ret tn.get_type(s); }
let t = T_struct([T_int(), T_array(T_i8(), size)]);
tn.associate(s, t);
ret t;
fn T_opaque_tag(tn: &type_names) -> TypeRef {
let s = ~"opaque_tag";
if tn.name_has_type(s) { ret tn.get_type(s); }
let t = T_struct([T_int(), T_i8()]);
tn.associate(s, t);
ret t;
fn T_opaque_tag_ptr(tn: &type_names) -> TypeRef {
ret T_ptr(T_opaque_tag(tn));
fn T_captured_tydescs(cx: &crate_ctxt, n: uint) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct(std::vec::init_elt::<TypeRef>(T_ptr(cx.tydesc_type), n));
fn T_obj_ptr(cx: &crate_ctxt, n_captured_tydescs: uint) -> TypeRef {
// This function is not publicly exposed because it returns an incomplete
// type. The dynamically-sized fields follow the captured tydescs.
fn T_obj(cx: &crate_ctxt, n_captured_tydescs: uint) -> TypeRef {
ret T_struct([T_ptr(cx.tydesc_type),
T_captured_tydescs(cx, n_captured_tydescs)]);
ret T_ptr(T_box(T_obj(cx, n_captured_tydescs)));
fn T_opaque_obj_ptr(cx: &crate_ctxt) -> TypeRef { ret T_obj_ptr(cx, 0u); }
fn T_opaque_port_ptr() -> TypeRef { ret T_ptr(T_i8()); }
fn T_opaque_chan_ptr() -> TypeRef { ret T_ptr(T_i8()); }
// LLVM constant constructors.
fn C_null(t: TypeRef) -> ValueRef { ret llvm::LLVMConstNull(t); }
fn C_integral(t: TypeRef, u: uint, sign_extend: Bool) -> ValueRef {
// FIXME: We can't use LLVM::ULongLong with our existing minimal native
// API, which only knows word-sized args.
// ret llvm::LLVMConstInt(T_int(), t as LLVM::ULongLong, False);
ret llvm::LLVMRustConstSmallInt(t, u, sign_extend);
fn C_float(s: &istr) -> ValueRef {
ret istr::as_buf(s, { |buf|
llvm::LLVMConstRealOfString(T_float(), buf)
fn C_floating(s: &istr, t: TypeRef) -> ValueRef {
ret istr::as_buf(s, { |buf|
llvm::LLVMConstRealOfString(t, buf)
fn C_nil() -> ValueRef {
// NB: See comment above in T_void().
ret C_integral(T_i1(), 0u, False);
fn C_bool(b: bool) -> ValueRef {
if b {
ret C_integral(T_bool(), 1u, False);
} else { ret C_integral(T_bool(), 0u, False); }
fn C_int(i: int) -> ValueRef { ret C_integral(T_int(), i as uint, True); }
fn C_uint(i: uint) -> ValueRef { ret C_integral(T_int(), i, False); }
fn C_u8(i: uint) -> ValueRef { ret C_integral(T_i8(), i, False); }
// This is a 'c-like' raw string, which differs from
// our boxed-and-length-annotated strings.
fn C_cstr(cx: &@crate_ctxt, s: &istr) -> ValueRef {
let sc = istr::as_buf(s, { |buf|
llvm::LLVMConstString(buf, istr::byte_len(s), False)
let g = istr::as_buf(cx.names.next(~"str"), { |buf|
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(cx.llmod, val_ty(sc), buf)
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(g, sc);
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(g, True);
llvm::LLVMSetLinkage(g, lib::llvm::LLVMInternalLinkage as llvm::Linkage);
ret g;
// A rust boxed-and-length-annotated string.
fn C_str(cx: &@crate_ctxt, s: &istr) -> ValueRef {
let len =
istr::byte_len(s); // 'alloc'
// 'fill'
// 'pad'
let cstr = istr::as_buf(s, { |buf|
llvm::LLVMConstString(buf, len, False)
let box =
C_struct([C_int(abi::const_refcount as int), C_int(len + 1u as int),
C_int(len + 1u as int), C_int(0), cstr]);
let g = istr::as_buf(cx.names.next(~"str"), { |buf|
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(cx.llmod, val_ty(box), buf)
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(g, box);
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(g, True);
llvm::LLVMSetLinkage(g, lib::llvm::LLVMInternalLinkage as llvm::Linkage);
ret llvm::LLVMConstPointerCast(g, T_ptr(T_str()));
// Returns a Plain Old LLVM String:
fn C_postr(s: &istr) -> ValueRef {
ret istr::as_buf(s, { |buf|
llvm::LLVMConstString(buf, istr::byte_len(s), False)
fn C_zero_byte_arr(size: uint) -> ValueRef {
let i = 0u;
let elts: [ValueRef] = [];
while i < size { elts += [C_u8(0u)]; i += 1u; }
ret llvm::LLVMConstArray(T_i8(), std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_struct(elts: &[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm::LLVMConstStruct(std::vec::to_ptr(elts), std::vec::len(elts),
fn C_named_struct(T: TypeRef, elts: &[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm::LLVMConstNamedStruct(T, std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_array(ty: TypeRef, elts: &[ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm::LLVMConstArray(ty, std::vec::to_ptr(elts), std::vec::len(elts));
fn C_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> ValueRef {
ret llvm::LLVMConstString(unsafe::reinterpret_cast(vec::to_ptr(bytes)),
vec::len(bytes), False);
fn C_shape(ccx: &@crate_ctxt, bytes: &[u8]) -> ValueRef {
let llshape = C_bytes(bytes);
let llglobal = istr::as_buf(ccx.names.next(~"shape"), { |buf|
llvm::LLVMAddGlobal(ccx.llmod, val_ty(llshape), buf)
llvm::LLVMSetInitializer(llglobal, llshape);
llvm::LLVMSetGlobalConstant(llglobal, True);
lib::llvm::LLVMInternalLinkage as llvm::Linkage);
ret llvm::LLVMConstPointerCast(llglobal, T_ptr(T_i8()));
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: