2011-09-01 12:14:34 -07:00

141 lines
4.6 KiB

// A pass that annotates for each loops and functions with the free
// variables that they contain.
import std::map;
import std::map::*;
import std::option;
import std::int;
import std::istr;
import std::option::*;
import syntax::ast;
import syntax::ast_util;
import syntax::visit;
import driver::session;
import middle::resolve;
import syntax::codemap::span;
export annotate_freevars;
export freevar_map;
export get_freevars;
export has_freevars;
// A vector of defs representing the free variables referred to in a function.
// (The def_upvar will already have been stripped).
type freevar_info = @[ast::def];
type freevar_map = hashmap<ast::node_id, freevar_info>;
// Searches through part of the AST for all references to locals or
// upvars in this frame and returns the list of definition IDs thus found.
// Since we want to be able to collect upvars in some arbitrary piece
// of the AST, we take a walker function that we invoke with a visitor
// in order to start the search.
fn collect_freevars(def_map: &resolve::def_map,
walker: &fn(&visit::vt<int>)) -> freevar_info {
let seen = new_int_hash();
let refs = @mutable [];
fn ignore_item(_i: &@ast::item, _depth: &int, _v: &visit::vt<int>) {}
let walk_expr = lambda(expr: &@ast::expr, depth: &int,
v: &visit::vt<int>) {
alt expr.node {
ast::expr_fn(f) {
if f.proto == ast::proto_block ||
f.proto == ast::proto_closure {
visit::visit_expr(expr, depth + 1, v);
ast::expr_for_each(dcl, x, b) {
v.visit_local(dcl, depth, v);
v.visit_expr(x, depth, v);
v.visit_block(b, depth + 1, v);
ast::expr_path(path) {
let def = def_map.get(, i = 0;
while i < depth {
alt {def} {
ast::def_upvar(_, inner, _) {
def = *inner;
_ { break; }
i += 1;
if i == depth { // Made it to end of loop
let dnum = ast_util::def_id_of_def(def).node;
if !seen.contains_key(dnum) {
*refs += [def];
seen.insert(dnum, ());
_ { visit::visit_expr(expr, depth, v); }
walker(visit::mk_vt(@{visit_item: ignore_item,
visit_expr: walk_expr
with *visit::default_visitor()}));
ret @*refs;
// Build a map from every function and for-each body to a set of the
// freevars contained in it. The implementation is not particularly
// efficient as it fully recomputes the free variables at every
// node of interest rather than building up the free variables in
// one pass. This could be improved upon if it turns out to matter.
fn annotate_freevars(def_map: &resolve::def_map,
crate: &@ast::crate) -> freevar_map {
let freevars = new_int_hash();
let walk_fn = lambda (f: &ast::_fn, tps: &[ast::ty_param], sp: &span,
i: &ast::fn_ident, nid: ast::node_id) {
let start_walk = lambda (v: &visit::vt<int>) {
v.visit_fn(f, tps, sp, i, nid, 1, v);
let vars = collect_freevars(def_map, start_walk);
freevars.insert(nid, vars);
let walk_expr = lambda (expr: &@ast::expr) {
alt expr.node {
ast::expr_for_each(local, _, body) {
let start_walk = lambda (v: &visit::vt<int>) {
v.visit_block(body, 1, v);
let vars = collect_freevars(def_map, start_walk);
freevars.insert(, vars);
_ { }
let visitor =
visit::mk_simple_visitor(@{visit_fn: walk_fn, visit_expr: walk_expr
with *visit::default_simple_visitor()});
visit::visit_crate(*crate, (), visitor);
ret freevars;
fn get_freevars(tcx: &ty::ctxt, fid: ast::node_id) -> freevar_info {
alt tcx.freevars.find(fid) {
none. {
fail ~"get_freevars: " + int::str(fid)
+ ~" has no freevars";
some(d) { ret d; }
fn has_freevars(tcx: &ty::ctxt, fid: ast::node_id) -> bool {
ret std::vec::len(*get_freevars(tcx, fid)) != 0u;
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'";
// End: