1928: Support `#[cfg(..)]` r=matklad a=oxalica This PR implement `#[cfg(..)]` conditional compilation. It read default cfg options from `rustc --print cfg` with also hard-coded `test` and `debug_assertion` enabled. Front-end settings are **not** included in this PR. There is also a known issue that inner control attributes are totally ignored. I think it is **not** a part of `cfg` and create a separated issue for it. #1949 Fixes #1920 Related: #1073 Co-authored-by: uHOOCCOOHu <> Co-authored-by: oxalica <>
714 lines
18 KiB
714 lines
18 KiB
// Stores definitions which must be used in multiple places
// See `cargo gen-syntax` (defined in crates/ra_tools/src/
punct: [
(";", "SEMI"),
(",", "COMMA"),
("(", "L_PAREN"),
(")", "R_PAREN"),
("{", "L_CURLY"),
("}", "R_CURLY"),
("[", "L_BRACK"),
("]", "R_BRACK"),
("<", "L_ANGLE"),
(">", "R_ANGLE"),
("@", "AT"),
("#", "POUND"),
("~", "TILDE"),
("?", "QUESTION"),
("$", "DOLLAR"),
("&", "AMP"),
("|", "PIPE"),
("+", "PLUS"),
("*", "STAR"),
("/", "SLASH"),
("^", "CARET"),
("%", "PERCENT"),
("_", "UNDERSCORE"),
(".", "DOT"),
("..", "DOTDOT"),
("...", "DOTDOTDOT"),
("..=", "DOTDOTEQ"),
(":", "COLON"),
("::", "COLONCOLON"),
("=", "EQ"),
("==", "EQEQ"),
("=>", "FAT_ARROW"),
("!", "EXCL"),
("!=", "NEQ"),
("-", "MINUS"),
("->", "THIN_ARROW"),
("<=", "LTEQ"),
(">=", "GTEQ"),
("+=", "PLUSEQ"),
("-=", "MINUSEQ"),
("|=", "PIPEEQ"),
("&=", "AMPEQ"),
("^=", "CARETEQ"),
("/=", "SLASHEQ"),
("*=", "STAREQ"),
("%=", "PERCENTEQ"),
("&&", "AMPAMP"),
("||", "PIPEPIPE"),
("<<", "SHL"),
(">>", "SHR"),
("<<=", "SHLEQ"),
(">>=", "SHREQ"),
keywords: [
contextual_keywords: [
literals: [
tokens: [
nodes: [
// atoms
// postfix
// unary
"RANGE_EXPR", // just weird
"META_ITEM", // not an item actually
// macro related
ast: {
"SourceFile": (
traits: [ "ModuleItemOwner", "FnDefOwner" ],
collections: [
("modules", "Module"),
"FnDef": (
traits: [
options: [ "ParamList", ["body", "BlockExpr"], "RetType" ],
"RetType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
"StructDef": (
traits: [
"RecordFieldDefList": (collections: [("fields", "RecordFieldDef")]),
"RecordFieldDef": (
traits: [
"TupleFieldDefList": (collections: [("fields", "TupleFieldDef")]),
"TupleFieldDef": ( traits: ["VisibilityOwner", "AttrsOwner"], options: ["TypeRef"]),
"EnumDef": ( traits: [
], options: [["variant_list", "EnumVariantList"]] ),
"EnumVariantList": ( collections: [("variants", "EnumVariant")] ),
"EnumVariant": ( traits: ["NameOwner", "DocCommentsOwner", "AttrsOwner"], options: ["Expr"] ),
"TraitDef": (
traits: ["VisibilityOwner", "NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "DocCommentsOwner", "TypeParamsOwner", "TypeBoundsOwner"],
options: ["ItemList"]
"Module": (
traits: ["VisibilityOwner", "NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "DocCommentsOwner" ],
options: [ "ItemList" ]
"ItemList": (
collections: [("impl_items", "ImplItem")],
traits: [ "FnDefOwner", "ModuleItemOwner" ],
"ConstDef": (
traits: [
options: [ ["body","Expr"]],
"StaticDef": (
traits: [
options: [ ["body","Expr"]],
"TypeAliasDef": (
traits: [
options: ["TypeRef"]
"ImplBlock": (options: ["ItemList"], traits: ["TypeParamsOwner", "AttrsOwner"]),
"ParenType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
"TupleType": ( collections: [("fields", "TypeRef")] ),
"NeverType": (),
"PathType": (options: ["Path"]),
"PointerType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
"ArrayType": ( options: ["TypeRef", "Expr"] ),
"SliceType": ( options: ["TypeRef"] ),
"ReferenceType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
"PlaceholderType": (),
"FnPointerType": (options: ["ParamList", "RetType"]),
"ForType": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
"ImplTraitType": (
traits: ["TypeBoundsOwner"],
"DynTraitType": (
traits: ["TypeBoundsOwner"],
"TypeRef": ( enum: [
"NominalDef": (
enum: ["StructDef", "EnumDef"],
traits: [
"ModuleItem": (
enum: ["StructDef", "EnumDef", "FnDef", "TraitDef", "TypeAliasDef", "ImplBlock",
"UseItem", "ExternCrateItem", "ConstDef", "StaticDef", "Module" ],
traits: ["AttrsOwner"]
"ImplItem": (
enum: ["FnDef", "TypeAliasDef", "ConstDef"]
"TupleExpr": (
collections: [("exprs", "Expr")]
"ArrayExpr": (
collections: [("exprs", "Expr")]
"ParenExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"PathExpr": (options: ["Path"]),
"LambdaExpr": (
options: [
["body", "Expr"],
"IfExpr": (
options: [ "Condition" ]
"LoopExpr": (
traits: ["LoopBodyOwner"],
"TryBlockExpr": (
options: [["body", "BlockExpr"]],
"ForExpr": (
traits: ["LoopBodyOwner"],
options: [
["iterable", "Expr"],
"WhileExpr": (
traits: ["LoopBodyOwner"],
options: [ "Condition" ]
"ContinueExpr": (),
"BreakExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"Label": (),
"BlockExpr": (
options: [ "Block" ]
"ReturnExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"MatchExpr": (
options: [ "Expr", "MatchArmList" ],
"MatchArmList": (
collections: [ ("arms", "MatchArm") ],
traits: [ "AttrsOwner" ]
"MatchArm": (
options: [
[ "guard", "MatchGuard" ],
collections: [ ("pats", "Pat") ],
traits: [ "AttrsOwner" ]
"MatchGuard": (options: ["Expr"]),
"RecordLit": (options: ["Path", "RecordFieldList"]),
"RecordFieldList": (
collections: [ ("fields", "RecordField") ],
options: [["spread", "Expr"]]
"RecordField": (options: ["NameRef", "Expr"]),
"CallExpr": (
traits: ["ArgListOwner"],
options: [ "Expr" ],
"MethodCallExpr": (
traits: ["ArgListOwner"],
options: [ "Expr", "NameRef", "TypeArgList" ],
"IndexExpr": (),
"FieldExpr": (options: ["Expr", "NameRef"]),
"AwaitExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"TryExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"CastExpr": (options: ["Expr", "TypeRef"]),
"RefExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"PrefixExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"BoxExpr": (options: ["Expr"]),
"RangeExpr": (),
"BinExpr": (),
"Literal": (),
"Expr": (
enum: [
"RefPat": ( options: [ "Pat" ]),
"BoxPat": ( options: [ "Pat" ]),
"BindPat": (
options: [ "Pat" ],
traits: ["NameOwner"]
"PlaceholderPat": (),
"DotDotPat": (),
"PathPat": ( options: [ "Path" ] ),
"RecordPat": ( options: ["RecordFieldPatList", "Path"] ),
"RecordFieldPatList": (
collections: [
("record_field_pats", "RecordFieldPat"),
("bind_pats", "BindPat"),
"RecordFieldPat": (
traits: ["NameOwner"],
options: ["Pat"]
"TupleStructPat": (
options: ["Path"],
collections: [("args", "Pat")],
"TuplePat": ( collections: [("args", "Pat")] ),
"SlicePat": (),
"RangePat": (),
"LiteralPat": (options: ["Literal"]),
"Pat": (
enum: [
"Visibility": (),
"Name": (),
"NameRef": (),
"MacroCall": (
traits: [ "NameOwner", "AttrsOwner","DocCommentsOwner" ],
options: [ "TokenTree", "Path" ],
"AttrInput": ( enum: [ "Literal", "TokenTree" ] ),
"Attr": ( options: [ "Path", [ "input", "AttrInput" ] ] ),
"TokenTree": (),
"TypeParamList": (
collections: [
("type_params", "TypeParam" ),
("lifetime_params", "LifetimeParam" ),
"TypeParam": ( traits: ["NameOwner", "AttrsOwner", "TypeBoundsOwner", "DefaultTypeParamOwner"] ),
"LifetimeParam": (
traits: ["AttrsOwner"],
"TypeBound": (
options: [
"TypeBoundList": (
collections: [
("bounds", "TypeBound"),
"WherePred": (
options: [
traits: [
"WhereClause": (
collections: [
("predicates", "WherePred"),
"ExprStmt": (
options: [ ["expr", "Expr"] ]
"LetStmt": (
options: [
["pat", "Pat"],
["initializer", "Expr"],
traits: [
"Condition": (
options: [ "Pat", "Expr" ]
"Stmt": (
enum: ["ExprStmt", "LetStmt"],
"Block": (
options: [ "Expr" ],
collections: [
("statements", "Stmt"),
traits: [
"ParamList": (
options: [ "SelfParam" ],
collections: [
("params", "Param"),
"SelfParam": (
traits: [
"Param": (
options: [ "Pat" ],
traits: [
"UseItem": (
traits: ["AttrsOwner"],
options: [ "UseTree" ],
"UseTree": (
options: [ "Path", "UseTreeList", "Alias" ]
"Alias": (
traits: ["NameOwner"],
"UseTreeList": (
collections: [("use_trees", "UseTree")]
"ExternCrateItem": (
traits: ["AttrsOwner"],
options: ["NameRef", "Alias"],
"ArgList": (
collections: [
("args", "Expr"),
"Path": (
options: [
["segment", "PathSegment"],
["qualifier", "Path"],
"PathSegment": (
options: [ "NameRef", "TypeArgList", "ParamList", "RetType", "PathType" ]
"TypeArgList": (collections: [
("type_args", "TypeArg"),
("lifetime_args", "LifetimeArg"),
("assoc_type_args", "AssocTypeArg"),
"TypeArg": (options: ["TypeRef"]),
"AssocTypeArg": (options: ["NameRef", "TypeRef"]),
"LifetimeArg": (),
"MacroItems": (
traits: [ "ModuleItemOwner", "FnDefOwner" ],
"MacroStmts" : (
options: [ "Expr" ],
collections: [
("statements", "Stmt"),