2012-05-15 16:13:42 -07:00

515 lines
14 KiB

#ifndef RUST_TASK_H
#define RUST_TASK_H
#include <map>
#include "rust_globals.h"
#include "util/array_list.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "rust_debug.h"
#include "rust_kernel.h"
#include "boxed_region.h"
#include "rust_stack.h"
#include "rust_port_selector.h"
#include "rust_type.h"
#include "rust_sched_loop.h"
// The amount of extra space at the end of each stack segment, available
// to the rt, compiler and dynamic linker for running small functions
// FIXME: We want this to be 128 but need to slim the red zone calls down
#define RZ_LINUX_32 (1024*2)
#define RZ_LINUX_64 (1024*2)
#define RZ_MAC_32 (1024*20)
#define RZ_MAC_64 (1024*20)
#define RZ_WIN_32 (1024*20)
#define RZ_BSD_32 (1024*20)
#define RZ_BSD_64 (1024*20)
#ifdef __linux__
#ifdef __i386__
#ifdef __x86_64__
#ifdef __APPLE__
#ifdef __i386__
#ifdef __x86_64__
#ifdef __WIN32__
#ifdef __i386__
#ifdef __x86_64__
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#ifdef __i386__
#ifdef __x86_64__
extern "C" CDECL void
record_sp_limit(void *limit);
extern "C" CDECL uintptr_t
// The function prolog compares the amount of stack needed to the end of
// the stack. As an optimization, when the frame size is less than 256
// bytes, it will simply compare %esp to to the stack limit instead of
// subtracting the frame size. As a result we need our stack limit to
// account for those 256 bytes.
const unsigned LIMIT_OFFSET = 256;
struct rust_box;
struct frame_glue_fns {
uintptr_t mark_glue_off;
uintptr_t drop_glue_off;
uintptr_t reloc_glue_off;
// std::lib::task::task_result
typedef unsigned long task_result;
#define tr_success 0
#define tr_failure 1
struct spawn_args;
struct cleanup_args;
struct reset_args;
struct new_stack_args;
// std::lib::task::task_notification
// since it's currently a unary tag, we only add the fields.
struct task_notification {
rust_task_id id;
task_result result; // task_result
rust_task : public kernel_owned<rust_task>, rust_cond
rust_task_id id;
bool notify_enabled;
rust_port_id notify_port;
context ctx;
stk_seg *stk;
uintptr_t runtime_sp; // Runtime sp while task running.
rust_scheduler *sched;
rust_sched_loop *sched_loop;
// Fields known only to the runtime.
rust_kernel *kernel;
const char *const name;
int32_t list_index;
// Rendezvous pointer for receiving data when blocked on a port. If we're
// trying to read data and no data is available on any incoming channel,
// we block on the port, and yield control to the scheduler. Since, we
// were not able to read anything, we remember the location where the
// result should go in the rendezvous_ptr, and let the sender write to
// that location before waking us up.
uintptr_t* rendezvous_ptr;
memory_region local_region;
boxed_region boxed;
// Indicates that fail() has been called and we are cleaning up.
// We use this to suppress the "killed" flag during calls to yield.
bool unwinding;
bool propagate_failure;
uint32_t cc_counter;
debug::task_debug_info debug;
// The amount of stack we're using, excluding red zones
size_t total_stack_sz;
// Protects state, cond, cond_name
lock_and_signal state_lock;
rust_task_state state;
rust_cond *cond;
const char *cond_name;
// Protects the killed flag
lock_and_signal kill_lock;
// Indicates that the task was killed and needs to unwind
bool killed;
// Indicates that we've called back into Rust from C
bool reentered_rust_stack;
bool disallow_kill;
// The stack used for running C code, borrowed from the scheduler thread
stk_seg *c_stack;
uintptr_t next_c_sp;
uintptr_t next_rust_sp;
rust_port_selector port_selector;
lock_and_signal supervisor_lock;
rust_task *supervisor; // Parent-link for failure propagation.
// Called when the atomic refcount reaches zero
void delete_this();
void new_stack_fast(size_t requested_sz);
void new_stack(size_t requested_sz);
void free_stack(stk_seg *stk);
size_t get_next_stack_size(size_t min, size_t current, size_t requested);
void return_c_stack();
void transition(rust_task_state src, rust_task_state dst,
rust_cond *cond, const char* cond_name);
bool must_fail_from_being_killed_unlocked();
friend void task_start_wrapper(spawn_args *a);
friend void cleanup_task(cleanup_args *a);
friend void reset_stack_limit_on_c_stack(reset_args *a);
friend void new_stack_slow(new_stack_args *a);
// Only a pointer to 'name' is kept, so it must live as long as this task.
rust_task(rust_sched_loop *sched_loop,
rust_task_state state,
rust_task *spawner,
const char *name,
size_t init_stack_sz);
void start(spawn_fn spawnee_fn,
rust_opaque_box *env,
void *args);
void start();
bool running();
bool blocked();
bool blocked_on(rust_cond *cond);
bool dead();
void *malloc(size_t sz, const char *tag, type_desc *td=0);
void *realloc(void *data, size_t sz);
void free(void *p);
void set_state(rust_task_state state,
rust_cond *cond, const char* cond_name);
bool block(rust_cond *on, const char* name);
void wakeup(rust_cond *from);
void die();
// Print a backtrace, if the "bt" logging option is on.
void backtrace();
// Yields control to the scheduler. Called from the Rust stack
void yield(bool *killed);
// Fail this task (assuming caller-on-stack is different task).
void kill();
// Indicates that we've been killed and now is an apropriate
// time to fail as a result
bool must_fail_from_being_killed();
// Fail self, assuming caller-on-stack is this task.
void fail();
void conclude_failure();
void fail_parent();
// Disconnect from our supervisor.
void unsupervise();
frame_glue_fns *get_frame_glue_fns(uintptr_t fp);
void *calloc(size_t size, const char *tag);
// Use this function sparingly. Depending on the ref count is generally
// not at all safe.
intptr_t get_ref_count() const { return ref_count; }
void notify(bool success);
void *next_stack(size_t stk_sz, void *args_addr, size_t args_sz);
void prev_stack();
void record_stack_limit();
void reset_stack_limit();
bool on_rust_stack();
void check_stack_canary();
void delete_all_stacks();
void config_notify(rust_port_id port);
void call_on_c_stack(void *args, void *fn_ptr);
void call_on_rust_stack(void *args, void *fn_ptr);
bool have_c_stack() { return c_stack != NULL; }
rust_port_selector *get_port_selector() { return &port_selector; }
rust_task_state get_state() { return state; }
rust_cond *get_cond() { return cond; }
const char *get_cond_name() { return cond_name; }
void cleanup_after_turn();
void inhibit_kill();
void allow_kill();
// FIXME: It would be really nice to be able to get rid of this.
inline void *operator new[](size_t size, rust_task *task, const char *tag) {
return task->malloc(size, tag);
template <typename T> struct task_owned {
inline void *operator new(size_t size, rust_task *task,
const char *tag) {
return task->malloc(size, tag);
inline void *operator new[](size_t size, rust_task *task,
const char *tag) {
return task->malloc(size, tag);
inline void *operator new(size_t size, rust_task &task,
const char *tag) {
return task.malloc(size, tag);
inline void *operator new[](size_t size, rust_task &task,
const char *tag) {
return task.malloc(size, tag);
void operator delete(void *ptr) {
((T *)ptr)->task->free(ptr);
// This stuff is on the stack-switching fast path
// Get a rough approximation of the current stack pointer
extern "C" uintptr_t get_sp();
// This is the function that switches stacks by calling another function with
// a single void* argument while changing the stack pointer. It has a funny
// name because gdb doesn't normally like to backtrace through split stacks
// (thinks it indicates a bug), but has a special case to allow functions
// named __morestack to move the stack pointer around.
extern "C" void __morestack(void *args, void *fn_ptr, uintptr_t stack_ptr);
inline static uintptr_t
sanitize_next_sp(uintptr_t next_sp) {
// Since I'm not precisely sure where the next stack pointer sits in
// relation to where the context switch actually happened, nor in relation
// to the amount of stack needed for calling __morestack I've added some
// extra bytes here.
// FIXME: On the rust stack this potentially puts is quite far into the
// red zone. Might want to just allocate a new rust stack every time we
// switch back to rust.
const uintptr_t padding = 16;
return align_down(next_sp - padding);
inline void
rust_task::call_on_c_stack(void *args, void *fn_ptr) {
// Too expensive to check
// assert(on_rust_stack());
uintptr_t prev_rust_sp = next_rust_sp;
next_rust_sp = get_sp();
bool borrowed_a_c_stack = false;
uintptr_t sp;
if (c_stack == NULL) {
c_stack = sched_loop->borrow_c_stack();
next_c_sp = align_down(c_stack->end);
sp = next_c_sp;
borrowed_a_c_stack = true;
} else {
sp = sanitize_next_sp(next_c_sp);
__morestack(args, fn_ptr, sp);
// Note that we may not actually get here if we threw an exception,
// in which case we will return the c stack when the exception is caught.
if (borrowed_a_c_stack) {
next_rust_sp = prev_rust_sp;
inline void
rust_task::call_on_rust_stack(void *args, void *fn_ptr) {
// Too expensive to check
// assert(!on_rust_stack());
assert(get_sp_limit() != 0 && "Stack must be configured");
bool had_reentered_rust_stack = reentered_rust_stack;
reentered_rust_stack = true;
uintptr_t prev_c_sp = next_c_sp;
next_c_sp = get_sp();
uintptr_t sp = sanitize_next_sp(next_rust_sp);
// FIXME(2047): There are times when this is called and needs
// to be able to throw, and we don't account for that.
__morestack(args, fn_ptr, sp);
next_c_sp = prev_c_sp;
reentered_rust_stack = had_reentered_rust_stack;
inline void
rust_task::return_c_stack() {
// Too expensive to check
// assert(on_rust_stack());
assert(c_stack != NULL);
c_stack = NULL;
next_c_sp = 0;
// NB: This runs on the Rust stack
inline void *
rust_task::next_stack(size_t stk_sz, void *args_addr, size_t args_sz) {
new_stack_fast(stk_sz + args_sz);
assert(stk->end - (uintptr_t)stk->data >= stk_sz + args_sz
&& "Did not receive enough stack");
uint8_t *new_sp = (uint8_t*)stk->end;
// Push the function arguments to the new stack
new_sp = align_down(new_sp - args_sz);
// I don't know exactly where the region ends that valgrind needs us
// to mark accessible. On x86_64 these extra bytes aren't needed, but
// on i386 we get errors without.
const int fudge_bytes = 16;
reuse_valgrind_stack(stk, new_sp - fudge_bytes);
memcpy(new_sp, args_addr, args_sz);
return new_sp;
// The amount of stack in a segment available to Rust code
inline size_t
user_stack_size(stk_seg *stk) {
return (size_t)(stk->end
- (uintptr_t)&stk->data[0]
struct new_stack_args {
rust_task *task;
size_t requested_sz;
new_stack_slow(new_stack_args *args);
// NB: This runs on the Rust stack
// This is the new stack fast path, in which we
// reuse the next cached stack segment
inline void
rust_task::new_stack_fast(size_t requested_sz) {
// The minimum stack size, in bytes, of a Rust stack, excluding red zone
size_t min_sz = sched_loop->min_stack_size;
// Try to reuse an existing stack segment
if (stk != NULL && stk->next != NULL) {
size_t next_sz = user_stack_size(stk->next);
if (min_sz <= next_sz && requested_sz <= next_sz) {
stk = stk->next;
new_stack_args args = {this, requested_sz};
call_on_c_stack(&args, (void*)new_stack_slow);
// NB: This runs on the Rust stack
inline void
rust_task::prev_stack() {
// We're not going to actually delete anything now because that would
// require switching to the C stack and be costly. Instead we'll just move
// up the link list and clean up later, either in new_stack or after our
// turn ends on the scheduler.
stk = stk->prev;
extern "C" CDECL void
record_sp_limit(void *limit);
inline void
rust_task::record_stack_limit() {
assert((uintptr_t)stk->end - RED_ZONE_SIZE
- (uintptr_t)stk->data >= LIMIT_OFFSET
&& "Stack size must be greater than LIMIT_OFFSET");
record_sp_limit(stk->data + LIMIT_OFFSET + RED_ZONE_SIZE);
inline rust_task* rust_get_current_task() {
uintptr_t sp_limit = get_sp_limit();
// FIXME (1226) - Because of a hack in upcall_call_shim_on_c_stack this
// value is sometimes inconveniently set to 0, so we can't use this
// method of retreiving the task pointer and need to fall back to TLS.
if (sp_limit == 0)
return rust_sched_loop::get_task_tls();
// The stack pointer boundary is stored in a quickly-accessible location
// in the TCB. From that we can calculate the address of the stack segment
// structure it belongs to, and in that structure is a pointer to the task
// that owns it.
uintptr_t seg_addr =
sp_limit - RED_ZONE_SIZE - LIMIT_OFFSET - sizeof(stk_seg);
stk_seg *stk = (stk_seg*) seg_addr;
// Make sure we've calculated the right address
assert(stk->task != NULL && "task pointer not in stack structure");
return stk->task;
// Local Variables:
// mode: C++
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End:
#endif /* RUST_TASK_H */