In order to keep up to date with changes to the libraries that `llvm-config` spits out, the dependencies to the LLVM are a dynamically generated rust file. This file is now automatically updated whenever LLVM is updated to get kept up-to-date. At the same time, this cleans out some old cruft which isn't necessary in the makefiles in terms of dependencies. Closes #10745 Closes #10744
198 lines
5.4 KiB
198 lines
5.4 KiB
# xfail-license
import re, os, sys, glob, tarfile, shutil, subprocess, tempfile, distutils.spawn
import hashlib
sha_func = hashlib.sha1
except ImportError:
import sha
sha_func = sha.new
def scrub(b):
if sys.version_info >= (3,) and type(b) == bytes:
return b.decode('ascii')
return b
src_dir = scrub(os.getenv("CFG_SRC_DIR"))
if not src_dir:
raise Exception("missing env var CFG_SRC_DIR")
snapshotfile = os.path.join(src_dir, "src", "snapshots.txt")
download_url_base = "http://static.rust-lang.org/stage0-snapshots"
download_dir_base = "dl"
download_unpack_base = os.path.join(download_dir_base, "unpack")
snapshot_files = {
"linux": ["bin/rustc"],
"macos": ["bin/rustc"],
"winnt": ["bin/rustc.exe"],
"freebsd": ["bin/rustc"],
winnt_runtime_deps = ["libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll",
def parse_line(n, line):
global snapshotfile
if re.match(r"\s*$", line): return None
if re.match(r"^T\s*$", line): return None
match = re.match(r"\s+([\w_-]+) ([a-fA-F\d]{40})\s*$", line)
if match:
return { "type": "file",
"platform": match.group(1),
"hash": match.group(2).lower() }
match = re.match(r"([ST]) (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}) ([a-fA-F\d]+)\s*$", line);
if (not match):
raise Exception("%s:%d:E syntax error: " % (snapshotfile, n))
return {"type": "snapshot",
"date": match.group(2),
"rev": match.group(3)}
def partial_snapshot_name(date, rev, platform):
return ("rust-stage0-%s-%s-%s.tar.bz2"
% (date, rev, platform))
def full_snapshot_name(date, rev, platform, hsh):
return ("rust-stage0-%s-%s-%s-%s.tar.bz2"
% (date, rev, platform, hsh))
def get_kernel(triple):
os_name = triple.split('-')[-1]
if os_name == "nt" or os_name == "mingw32":
return "winnt"
if os_name == "darwin":
return "macos"
if os_name == "freebsd":
return "freebsd"
return "linux"
def get_cpu(triple):
arch = triple.split('-')[0]
if arch == "i686":
return "i386"
return arch
def get_platform(triple):
return "%s-%s" % (get_kernel(triple), get_cpu(triple))
def cmd_out(cmdline):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmdline,
return scrub(p.communicate()[0].strip())
def local_rev_info(field):
return cmd_out(["git", "--git-dir=" + os.path.join(src_dir, ".git"),
"log", "-n", "1",
"--format=%%%s" % field, "HEAD"])
def local_rev_full_sha():
return local_rev_info("H").split()[0]
def local_rev_short_sha():
return local_rev_info("h").split()[0]
def local_rev_committer_date():
return local_rev_info("ci")
def get_url_to_file(u,f):
# no security issue, just to stop partial download leaving a stale file
tmpf = f + '.tmp'
returncode = -1
if distutils.spawn.find_executable("curl"):
returncode = subprocess.call(["curl", "-o", tmpf, u])
elif distutils.spawn.find_executable("wget"):
returncode = subprocess.call(["wget", "-O", tmpf, u])
if returncode != 0:
except OSError as e:
raise Exception("failed to fetch url")
os.rename(tmpf, f)
def snap_filename_hash_part(snap):
match = re.match(r".*([a-fA-F\d]{40}).tar.bz2$", snap)
if not match:
raise Exception("unable to find hash in filename: " + snap)
return match.group(1)
def hash_file(x):
h = sha_func()
h.update(open(x, "rb").read())
return scrub(h.hexdigest())
# Returns a list of paths of Rust's system runtime dependencies
def get_winnt_runtime_deps():
runtime_deps = []
path_dirs = os.environ["PATH"].split(';')
for name in winnt_runtime_deps:
for dir in path_dirs:
matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, name))
if matches:
raise Exception("Could not find runtime dependency: %s" % name)
return runtime_deps
def make_snapshot(stage, triple):
kernel = get_kernel(triple)
platform = get_platform(triple)
rev = local_rev_short_sha()
date = local_rev_committer_date().split()[0]
file0 = partial_snapshot_name(date, rev, platform)
def in_tar_name(fn):
cs = re.split(r"[\\/]", fn)
if len(cs) >= 2:
return os.sep.join(cs[-2:])
tar = tarfile.open(file0, "w:bz2")
for name in snapshot_files[kernel]:
dir = stage
if stage == "stage1" and re.match(r"^lib/(lib)?std.*", name):
dir = "stage0"
fn_glob = os.path.join(triple, dir, name)
matches = glob.glob(fn_glob)
if not matches:
raise Exception("Not found file with name like " + fn_glob)
if len(matches) == 1:
tar.add(matches[0], "rust-stage0/" + in_tar_name(matches[0]))
raise Exception("Found stale files: \n %s\n"
"Please make a clean build." % "\n ".join(matches))
if kernel=="winnt":
for path in get_winnt_runtime_deps():
tar.add(path, "rust-stage0/bin/" + os.path.basename(path))
tar.add(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "third-party"),
h = hash_file(file0)
file1 = full_snapshot_name(date, rev, platform, h)
shutil.move(file0, file1)
return file1