Emil Lauridsen dadad36bb9 Move type inlay hint truncation to language server
This commit implements a general truncation framework for HirFormatter
that keeps track of how much has been output so far. This information
can then be used to perform truncation inside the language server,
instead of relying on the client.

Initial support is implemented for truncating types hints using the
maxInlayHintLength server config option. The existing solution in the
VSCode extension has been removed in favor of letting the server
truncate type hints.
2019-11-19 17:23:50 +01:00

282 lines
9.8 KiB

//! FIXME: write short doc here
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use crossbeam_channel::{unbounded, Receiver};
use lsp_server::ErrorCode;
use lsp_types::Url;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use ra_ide_api::{
Analysis, AnalysisChange, AnalysisHost, CrateGraph, FeatureFlags, FileId, LibraryData,
use ra_project_model::{get_rustc_cfg_options, ProjectWorkspace};
use ra_vfs::{LineEndings, RootEntry, Vfs, VfsChange, VfsFile, VfsRoot, VfsTask, Watch};
use ra_vfs_glob::{Glob, RustPackageFilterBuilder};
use relative_path::RelativePathBuf;
use crate::{
main_loop::pending_requests::{CompletedRequest, LatestRequests},
LspError, Result,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Options {
pub publish_decorations: bool,
pub supports_location_link: bool,
pub line_folding_only: bool,
pub max_inlay_hint_length: Option<usize>,
/// `WorldState` is the primary mutable state of the language server
/// The most interesting components are `vfs`, which stores a consistent
/// snapshot of the file systems, and `analysis_host`, which stores our
/// incremental salsa database.
pub struct WorldState {
pub options: Options,
//FIXME: this belongs to `LoopState` rather than to `WorldState`
pub roots_to_scan: usize,
pub roots: Vec<PathBuf>,
pub workspaces: Arc<Vec<ProjectWorkspace>>,
pub analysis_host: AnalysisHost,
pub vfs: Arc<RwLock<Vfs>>,
pub task_receiver: Receiver<VfsTask>,
pub latest_requests: Arc<RwLock<LatestRequests>>,
/// An immutable snapshot of the world's state at a point in time.
pub struct WorldSnapshot {
pub options: Options,
pub workspaces: Arc<Vec<ProjectWorkspace>>,
pub analysis: Analysis,
pub vfs: Arc<RwLock<Vfs>>,
pub latest_requests: Arc<RwLock<LatestRequests>>,
impl WorldState {
pub fn new(
folder_roots: Vec<PathBuf>,
workspaces: Vec<ProjectWorkspace>,
lru_capacity: Option<usize>,
exclude_globs: &[Glob],
watch: Watch,
options: Options,
feature_flags: FeatureFlags,
) -> WorldState {
let mut change = AnalysisChange::new();
let mut roots = Vec::new();
roots.extend(folder_roots.iter().map(|path| {
let mut filter = RustPackageFilterBuilder::default().set_member(true);
for glob in exclude_globs.iter() {
filter = filter.exclude(glob.clone());
RootEntry::new(path.clone(), filter.into_vfs_filter())
for ws in workspaces.iter() {
roots.extend(ws.to_roots().into_iter().map(|pkg_root| {
let mut filter =
for glob in exclude_globs.iter() {
filter = filter.exclude(glob.clone());
RootEntry::new(pkg_root.path().clone(), filter.into_vfs_filter())
let (task_sender, task_receiver) = unbounded();
let task_sender = Box::new(move |t| task_sender.send(t).unwrap());
let (mut vfs, vfs_roots) = Vfs::new(roots, task_sender, watch);
let roots_to_scan = vfs_roots.len();
for r in vfs_roots {
let vfs_root_path = vfs.root2path(r);
let is_local = folder_roots.iter().any(|it| vfs_root_path.starts_with(it));
change.add_root(SourceRootId(r.0), is_local);
change.set_debug_root_path(SourceRootId(r.0), vfs_root_path.display().to_string());
// FIXME: Read default cfgs from config
let default_cfg_options = {
let mut opts = get_rustc_cfg_options();
// Create crate graph from all the workspaces
let mut crate_graph = CrateGraph::default();
let mut load = |path: &std::path::Path| {
let vfs_file = vfs.load(path);
vfs_file.map(|f| FileId(f.0))
for ws in workspaces.iter() {
let (graph, crate_names) = ws.to_crate_graph(&default_cfg_options, &mut load);
let shift = crate_graph.extend(graph);
for (crate_id, name) in crate_names {
change.set_debug_crate_name(crate_id.shift(shift), name)
let mut analysis_host = AnalysisHost::new(lru_capacity, feature_flags);
WorldState {
roots: folder_roots,
workspaces: Arc::new(workspaces),
vfs: Arc::new(RwLock::new(vfs)),
latest_requests: Default::default(),
/// Returns a vec of libraries
/// FIXME: better API here
pub fn process_changes(
&mut self,
) -> Vec<(SourceRootId, Vec<(FileId, RelativePathBuf, Arc<String>)>)> {
let changes = self.vfs.write().commit_changes();
if changes.is_empty() {
return Vec::new();
let mut libs = Vec::new();
let mut change = AnalysisChange::new();
for c in changes {
match c {
VfsChange::AddRoot { root, files } => {
let root_path = self.vfs.read().root2path(root);
let is_local = self.roots.iter().any(|r| root_path.starts_with(r));
if is_local {
self.roots_to_scan -= 1;
for (file, path, text) in files {
change.add_file(SourceRootId(root.0), FileId(file.0), path, text);
} else {
let files = files
.map(|(vfsfile, path, text)| (FileId(vfsfile.0), path, text))
libs.push((SourceRootId(root.0), files));
VfsChange::AddFile { root, file, path, text } => {
change.add_file(SourceRootId(root.0), FileId(file.0), path, text);
VfsChange::RemoveFile { root, file, path } => {
change.remove_file(SourceRootId(root.0), FileId(file.0), path)
VfsChange::ChangeFile { file, text } => {
change.change_file(FileId(file.0), text);
pub fn add_lib(&mut self, data: LibraryData) {
self.roots_to_scan -= 1;
let mut change = AnalysisChange::new();
pub fn snapshot(&self) -> WorldSnapshot {
WorldSnapshot {
options: self.options.clone(),
workspaces: Arc::clone(&self.workspaces),
analysis: self.analysis_host.analysis(),
vfs: Arc::clone(&self.vfs),
latest_requests: Arc::clone(&self.latest_requests),
pub fn maybe_collect_garbage(&mut self) {
pub fn collect_garbage(&mut self) {
pub fn complete_request(&mut self, request: CompletedRequest) {
pub fn feature_flags(&self) -> &FeatureFlags {
impl WorldSnapshot {
pub fn analysis(&self) -> &Analysis {
pub fn uri_to_file_id(&self, uri: &Url) -> Result<FileId> {
let path = uri.to_file_path().map_err(|()| format!("invalid uri: {}", uri))?;
let file = self.vfs.read().path2file(&path).ok_or_else(|| {
// Show warning as this file is outside current workspace
LspError {
code: ErrorCode::InvalidRequest as i32,
message: "Rust file outside current workspace is not supported yet.".to_string(),
pub fn file_id_to_uri(&self, id: FileId) -> Result<Url> {
let path = self.vfs.read().file2path(VfsFile(id.0));
let url = Url::from_file_path(&path)
.map_err(|_| format!("can't convert path to url: {}", path.display()))?;
pub fn file_line_endings(&self, id: FileId) -> LineEndings {
pub fn path_to_uri(&self, root: SourceRootId, path: &RelativePathBuf) -> Result<Url> {
let base = self.vfs.read().root2path(VfsRoot(root.0));
let path = path.to_path(base);
let url = Url::from_file_path(&path)
.map_err(|_| format!("can't convert path to url: {}", path.display()))?;
pub fn status(&self) -> String {
let mut res = String::new();
if self.workspaces.is_empty() {
res.push_str("no workspaces\n")
} else {
for w in self.workspaces.iter() {
res += &format!("{} packages loaded\n", w.n_packages());
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "Analysis retrieval was cancelled".to_owned()),
pub fn workspace_root_for(&self, file_id: FileId) -> Option<&Path> {
let path = self.vfs.read().file2path(VfsFile(file_id.0));
self.workspaces.iter().find_map(|ws| ws.workspace_root_for(&path))
pub fn feature_flags(&self) -> &FeatureFlags {