This brings them in line with the quot and rem traits, and is be better for large Integer types like BigInt and BigUint because they don't need to be copied unnecessarily.
818 lines
23 KiB
818 lines
23 KiB
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use T = self::inst::T;
use from_str::FromStr;
use num::{ToStrRadix, FromStrRadix};
use num::strconv;
use prelude::*;
pub use cmp::{min, max};
pub static bits : uint = inst::bits;
pub static bytes : uint = (inst::bits / 8);
pub static min_value: T = (-1 as T) << (bits - 1);
pub static max_value: T = min_value - 1 as T;
pub fn add(x: T, y: T) -> T { x + y }
pub fn sub(x: T, y: T) -> T { x - y }
pub fn mul(x: T, y: T) -> T { x * y }
pub fn quot(x: T, y: T) -> T { x / y }
* Returns the remainder of y / x.
* # Examples
* ~~~
* assert!(int::rem(5 / 2) == 1);
* ~~~
* When faced with negative numbers, the result copies the sign of the
* dividend.
* ~~~
* assert!(int::rem(2 / -3) == 2);
* ~~~
* ~~~
* assert!(int::rem(-2 / 3) == -2);
* ~~~
pub fn rem(x: T, y: T) -> T { x % y }
pub fn lt(x: T, y: T) -> bool { x < y }
pub fn le(x: T, y: T) -> bool { x <= y }
pub fn eq(x: T, y: T) -> bool { x == y }
pub fn ne(x: T, y: T) -> bool { x != y }
pub fn ge(x: T, y: T) -> bool { x >= y }
pub fn gt(x: T, y: T) -> bool { x > y }
* Iterate over the range [`lo`..`hi`)
* # Arguments
* * `lo` - lower bound, inclusive
* * `hi` - higher bound, exclusive
* # Examples
* ~~~
* let mut sum = 0;
* for int::range(1, 5) |i| {
* sum += i;
* }
* assert!(sum == 10);
* ~~~
/// Iterate over the range [`start`,`start`+`step`..`stop`)
pub fn range_step(start: T, stop: T, step: T, it: &fn(T) -> bool) {
let mut i = start;
if step == 0 {
fail!(~"range_step called with step == 0");
} else if step > 0 { // ascending
while i < stop {
if !it(i) { break }
// avoiding overflow. break if i + step > max_value
if i > max_value - step { break; }
i += step;
} else { // descending
while i > stop {
if !it(i) { break }
// avoiding underflow. break if i + step < min_value
if i < min_value - step { break; }
i += step;
/// Iterate over the range [`lo`..`hi`)
pub fn range(lo: T, hi: T, it: &fn(T) -> bool) {
range_step(lo, hi, 1 as T, it);
/// Iterate over the range [`hi`..`lo`)
pub fn range_rev(hi: T, lo: T, it: &fn(T) -> bool) {
range_step(hi, lo, -1 as T, it);
/// Computes the bitwise complement
pub fn compl(i: T) -> T {
-1 as T ^ i
/// Computes the absolute value
pub fn abs(i: T) -> T { i.abs() }
impl Num for T {}
impl Ord for T {
fn lt(&self, other: &T) -> bool { return (*self) < (*other); }
fn le(&self, other: &T) -> bool { return (*self) <= (*other); }
fn ge(&self, other: &T) -> bool { return (*self) >= (*other); }
fn gt(&self, other: &T) -> bool { return (*self) > (*other); }
impl Eq for T {
fn eq(&self, other: &T) -> bool { return (*self) == (*other); }
fn ne(&self, other: &T) -> bool { return (*self) != (*other); }
impl num::Zero for T {
fn zero() -> T { 0 }
impl num::One for T {
fn one() -> T { 1 }
impl Add<T,T> for T {
fn add(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self + *other }
impl Sub<T,T> for T {
fn sub(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self - *other }
impl Mul<T,T> for T {
fn mul(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self * *other }
impl Div<T,T> for T {
fn div(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self / *other }
impl Quot<T,T> for T {
* Returns the integer quotient, truncated towards 0. As this behaviour reflects
* the underlying machine implementation it is more efficient than `Natural::div`.
* # Examples
* ~~~
* assert!( 8 / 3 == 2);
* assert!( 8 / -3 == -2);
* assert!(-8 / 3 == -2);
* assert!(-8 / -3 == 2);
* assert!( 1 / 2 == 0);
* assert!( 1 / -2 == 0);
* assert!(-1 / 2 == 0);
* assert!(-1 / -2 == 0);
* ~~~
fn quot(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self / *other }
impl Modulo<T,T> for T {
fn modulo(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self % *other }
impl Rem<T,T> for T {
* Returns the integer remainder after division, satisfying:
* ~~~
* assert!((n / d) * d + (n % d) == n)
* ~~~
* # Examples
* ~~~
* assert!( 8 % 3 == 2);
* assert!( 8 % -3 == 2);
* assert!(-8 % 3 == -2);
* assert!(-8 % -3 == -2);
* assert!( 1 % 2 == 1);
* assert!( 1 % -2 == 1);
* assert!(-1 % 2 == -1);
* assert!(-1 % -2 == -1);
* ~~~
fn rem(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self % *other }
impl Neg<T> for T {
fn neg(&self) -> T { -*self }
impl Signed for T {
/// Computes the absolute value
fn abs(&self) -> T {
if self.is_negative() { -*self } else { *self }
* # Returns
* - `0` if the number is zero
* - `1` if the number is positive
* - `-1` if the number is negative
fn signum(&self) -> T {
match *self {
n if n > 0 => 1,
0 => 0,
_ => -1,
/// Returns true if the number is positive
fn is_positive(&self) -> bool { *self > 0 }
/// Returns true if the number is negative
fn is_negative(&self) -> bool { *self < 0 }
impl Integer for T {
* Floored integer division
* # Examples
* ~~~
* assert!(( 8).div( 3) == 2);
* assert!(( 8).div(-3) == -3);
* assert!((-8).div( 3) == -3);
* assert!((-8).div(-3) == 2);
* assert!(( 1).div( 2) == 0);
* assert!(( 1).div(-2) == -1);
* assert!((-1).div( 2) == -1);
* assert!((-1).div(-2) == 0);
* ~~~
fn div(&self, other: &T) -> T {
// Algorithm from [Daan Leijen. _Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists_,
// December 2001](http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/151917/divmodnote-letter.pdf)
match self.quot_rem(other) {
(q, r) if (r > 0 && *other < 0)
|| (r < 0 && *other > 0) => q - 1,
(q, _) => q,
* Integer modulo, satisfying:
* ~~~
* assert!(n.div(d) * d + n.modulo(d) == n)
* ~~~
* # Examples
* ~~~
* assert!(( 8).modulo( 3) == 2);
* assert!(( 8).modulo(-3) == -1);
* assert!((-8).modulo( 3) == 1);
* assert!((-8).modulo(-3) == -2);
* assert!(( 1).modulo( 2) == 1);
* assert!(( 1).modulo(-2) == -1);
* assert!((-1).modulo( 2) == 1);
* assert!((-1).modulo(-2) == -1);
* ~~~
fn modulo(&self, other: &T) -> T {
// Algorithm from [Daan Leijen. _Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists_,
// December 2001](http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/151917/divmodnote-letter.pdf)
match *self % *other {
r if (r > 0 && *other < 0)
|| (r < 0 && *other > 0) => r + *other,
r => r,
/// Calculates `div` and `modulo` simultaneously
fn div_mod(&self, other: &T) -> (T,T) {
// Algorithm from [Daan Leijen. _Division and Modulus for Computer Scientists_,
// December 2001](http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/151917/divmodnote-letter.pdf)
match self.quot_rem(other) {
(q, r) if (r > 0 && *other < 0)
|| (r < 0 && *other > 0) => (q - 1, r + *other),
(q, r) => (q, r),
/// Calculates `quot` (`\`) and `rem` (`%`) simultaneously
fn quot_rem(&self, other: &T) -> (T,T) {
(*self / *other, *self % *other)
* Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`
* The result is always positive
fn gcd(&self, other: &T) -> T {
// Use Euclid's algorithm
let mut m = *self, n = *other;
while m != 0 {
let temp = m;
m = n % temp;
n = temp;
* Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`
fn lcm(&self, other: &T) -> T {
((*self * *other) / self.gcd(other)).abs() // should not have to recaluculate abs
/// Returns `true` if the number can be divided by `other` without leaving a remainder
fn divisible_by(&self, other: &T) -> bool { *self % *other == 0 }
/// Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`
fn is_even(&self) -> bool { self.divisible_by(&2) }
/// Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`
fn is_odd(&self) -> bool { !self.is_even() }
impl BitOr<T,T> for T {
fn bitor(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self | *other }
impl BitAnd<T,T> for T {
fn bitand(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self & *other }
impl BitXor<T,T> for T {
fn bitxor(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self ^ *other }
impl Shl<T,T> for T {
fn shl(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self << *other }
impl Shr<T,T> for T {
fn shr(&self, other: &T) -> T { *self >> *other }
impl Not<T> for T {
fn not(&self) -> T { !*self }
// String conversion functions and impl str -> num
/// Parse a string as a number in base 10.
pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, 10u, true, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
/// Parse a string as a number in the given base.
pub fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
strconv::from_str_common(s, radix, true, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
/// Parse a byte slice as a number in the given base.
pub fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
strconv::from_str_bytes_common(buf, radix, true, false, false,
strconv::ExpNone, false, false)
impl FromStr for T {
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Option<T> {
impl FromStrRadix for T {
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: uint) -> Option<T> {
from_str_radix(s, radix)
// String conversion functions and impl num -> str
/// Convert to a string as a byte slice in a given base.
pub fn to_str_bytes<U>(n: T, radix: uint, f: &fn(v: &[u8]) -> U) -> U {
let (buf, _) = strconv::to_str_bytes_common(&n, radix, false,
strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigAll);
/// Convert to a string in base 10.
pub fn to_str(num: T) -> ~str {
let (buf, _) = strconv::to_str_common(&num, 10u, false,
strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigAll);
/// Convert to a string in a given base.
pub fn to_str_radix(num: T, radix: uint) -> ~str {
let (buf, _) = strconv::to_str_common(&num, radix, false,
strconv::SignNeg, strconv::DigAll);
impl ToStr for T {
fn to_str(&self) -> ~str {
impl ToStrRadix for T {
fn to_str_radix(&self, radix: uint) -> ~str {
to_str_radix(*self, radix)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use super::inst::T;
use prelude::*;
fn test_num() {
num::test_num(10 as T, 2 as T);
pub fn test_signed() {
assert_eq!((1 as T).abs(), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((0 as T).abs(), 0 as T);
assert_eq!((-1 as T).abs(), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((1 as T).signum(), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((0 as T).signum(), 0 as T);
assert_eq!((-0 as T).signum(), 0 as T);
assert_eq!((-1 as T).signum(), -1 as T);
assert!((1 as T).is_positive());
assert!(!(0 as T).is_positive());
assert!(!(-0 as T).is_positive());
assert!(!(-1 as T).is_positive());
assert!(!(1 as T).is_negative());
assert!(!(0 as T).is_negative());
assert!(!(-0 as T).is_negative());
assert!((-1 as T).is_negative());
* Checks that the division rule holds for:
* - `n`: numerator (dividend)
* - `d`: denominator (divisor)
* - `qr`: quotient and remainder
fn test_division_rule(nd: (T,T), qr: (T,T)) {
let (n,d) = nd,
(q,r) = qr;
assert_eq!(d * q + r, n);
fn test_quot_rem() {
fn test_nd_qr(nd: (T,T), qr: (T,T)) {
let (n,d) = nd;
let separate_quot_rem = (n / d, n % d);
let combined_quot_rem = n.quot_rem(&d);
assert_eq!(separate_quot_rem, qr);
assert_eq!(combined_quot_rem, qr);
test_division_rule(nd, separate_quot_rem);
test_division_rule(nd, combined_quot_rem);
test_nd_qr(( 8, 3), ( 2, 2));
test_nd_qr(( 8, -3), (-2, 2));
test_nd_qr((-8, 3), (-2, -2));
test_nd_qr((-8, -3), ( 2, -2));
test_nd_qr(( 1, 2), ( 0, 1));
test_nd_qr(( 1, -2), ( 0, 1));
test_nd_qr((-1, 2), ( 0, -1));
test_nd_qr((-1, -2), ( 0, -1));
fn test_div_mod() {
fn test_nd_dm(nd: (T,T), dm: (T,T)) {
let (n,d) = nd;
let separate_div_mod = (n.div(&d), n.modulo(&d));
let combined_div_mod = n.div_mod(&d);
assert_eq!(separate_div_mod, dm);
assert_eq!(combined_div_mod, dm);
test_division_rule(nd, separate_div_mod);
test_division_rule(nd, combined_div_mod);
test_nd_dm(( 8, 3), ( 2, 2));
test_nd_dm(( 8, -3), (-3, -1));
test_nd_dm((-8, 3), (-3, 1));
test_nd_dm((-8, -3), ( 2, -2));
test_nd_dm(( 1, 2), ( 0, 1));
test_nd_dm(( 1, -2), (-1, -1));
test_nd_dm((-1, 2), (-1, 1));
test_nd_dm((-1, -2), ( 0, -1));
fn test_gcd() {
assert_eq!((10 as T).gcd(&2), 2 as T);
assert_eq!((10 as T).gcd(&3), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((0 as T).gcd(&3), 3 as T);
assert_eq!((3 as T).gcd(&3), 3 as T);
assert_eq!((56 as T).gcd(&42), 14 as T);
assert_eq!((3 as T).gcd(&-3), 3 as T);
assert_eq!((-6 as T).gcd(&3), 3 as T);
assert_eq!((-4 as T).gcd(&-2), 2 as T);
fn test_lcm() {
assert_eq!((1 as T).lcm(&0), 0 as T);
assert_eq!((0 as T).lcm(&1), 0 as T);
assert_eq!((1 as T).lcm(&1), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((-1 as T).lcm(&1), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((1 as T).lcm(&-1), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((-1 as T).lcm(&-1), 1 as T);
assert_eq!((8 as T).lcm(&9), 72 as T);
assert_eq!((11 as T).lcm(&5), 55 as T);
fn test_bitwise_ops() {
assert_eq!(0b1110 as T, (0b1100 as T).bitor(&(0b1010 as T)));
assert_eq!(0b1000 as T, (0b1100 as T).bitand(&(0b1010 as T)));
assert_eq!(0b0110 as T, (0b1100 as T).bitxor(&(0b1010 as T)));
assert_eq!(0b1110 as T, (0b0111 as T).shl(&(1 as T)));
assert_eq!(0b0111 as T, (0b1110 as T).shr(&(1 as T)));
assert_eq!(-(0b11 as T) - (1 as T), (0b11 as T).not());
fn test_from_str() {
assert_eq!(from_str(~"0"), Some(0 as T));
assert_eq!(from_str(~"3"), Some(3 as T));
assert_eq!(from_str(~"10"), Some(10 as T));
assert_eq!(i32::from_str(~"123456789"), Some(123456789 as i32));
assert_eq!(from_str(~"00100"), Some(100 as T));
assert_eq!(from_str(~"-1"), Some(-1 as T));
assert_eq!(from_str(~"-3"), Some(-3 as T));
assert_eq!(from_str(~"-10"), Some(-10 as T));
assert_eq!(i32::from_str(~"-123456789"), Some(-123456789 as i32));
assert_eq!(from_str(~"-00100"), Some(-100 as T));
assert!(from_str(~" ").is_none());
fn test_parse_bytes() {
use str::to_bytes;
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"123"), 10u), Some(123 as T));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"1001"), 2u), Some(9 as T));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"123"), 8u), Some(83 as T));
assert_eq!(i32::parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"123"), 16u), Some(291 as i32));
assert_eq!(i32::parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"ffff"), 16u), Some(65535 as i32));
assert_eq!(i32::parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"FFFF"), 16u), Some(65535 as i32));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"z"), 36u), Some(35 as T));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"Z"), 36u), Some(35 as T));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-123"), 10u), Some(-123 as T));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-1001"), 2u), Some(-9 as T));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-123"), 8u), Some(-83 as T));
assert_eq!(i32::parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-123"), 16u), Some(-291 as i32));
assert_eq!(i32::parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-ffff"), 16u), Some(-65535 as i32));
assert_eq!(i32::parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-FFFF"), 16u), Some(-65535 as i32));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-z"), 36u), Some(-35 as T));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-Z"), 36u), Some(-35 as T));
assert!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"Z"), 35u).is_none());
assert!(parse_bytes(to_bytes(~"-9"), 2u).is_none());
fn test_to_str() {
assert_eq!(to_str_radix(0 as T, 10u), ~"0");
assert_eq!(to_str_radix(1 as T, 10u), ~"1");
assert_eq!(to_str_radix(-1 as T, 10u), ~"-1");
assert_eq!(to_str_radix(127 as T, 16u), ~"7f");
assert_eq!(to_str_radix(100 as T, 10u), ~"100");
fn test_int_to_str_overflow() {
let mut i8_val: i8 = 127_i8;
assert_eq!(i8::to_str(i8_val), ~"127");
i8_val += 1 as i8;
assert_eq!(i8::to_str(i8_val), ~"-128");
let mut i16_val: i16 = 32_767_i16;
assert_eq!(i16::to_str(i16_val), ~"32767");
i16_val += 1 as i16;
assert_eq!(i16::to_str(i16_val), ~"-32768");
let mut i32_val: i32 = 2_147_483_647_i32;
assert_eq!(i32::to_str(i32_val), ~"2147483647");
i32_val += 1 as i32;
assert_eq!(i32::to_str(i32_val), ~"-2147483648");
let mut i64_val: i64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807_i64;
assert_eq!(i64::to_str(i64_val), ~"9223372036854775807");
i64_val += 1 as i64;
assert_eq!(i64::to_str(i64_val), ~"-9223372036854775808");
fn test_int_from_str_overflow() {
let mut i8_val: i8 = 127_i8;
assert_eq!(i8::from_str(~"127"), Some(i8_val));
i8_val += 1 as i8;
assert_eq!(i8::from_str(~"-128"), Some(i8_val));
let mut i16_val: i16 = 32_767_i16;
assert_eq!(i16::from_str(~"32767"), Some(i16_val));
i16_val += 1 as i16;
assert_eq!(i16::from_str(~"-32768"), Some(i16_val));
let mut i32_val: i32 = 2_147_483_647_i32;
assert_eq!(i32::from_str(~"2147483647"), Some(i32_val));
i32_val += 1 as i32;
assert_eq!(i32::from_str(~"-2147483648"), Some(i32_val));
let mut i64_val: i64 = 9_223_372_036_854_775_807_i64;
assert_eq!(i64::from_str(~"9223372036854775807"), Some(i64_val));
i64_val += 1 as i64;
assert_eq!(i64::from_str(~"-9223372036854775808"), Some(i64_val));
fn test_ranges() {
let mut l = ~[];
for range(0,3) |i| {
for range_rev(13,10) |i| {
for range_step(20,26,2) |i| {
for range_step(36,30,-2) |i| {
for range_step(max_value - 2, max_value, 2) |i| {
for range_step(max_value - 3, max_value, 2) |i| {
for range_step(min_value + 2, min_value, -2) |i| {
for range_step(min_value + 3, min_value, -2) |i| {
assert_eq!(l, ~[0,1,2,
// None of the `fail`s should execute.
for range(10,0) |_i| {
for range_rev(0,10) |_i| {
for range_step(10,0,1) |_i| {
for range_step(0,10,-1) |_i| {
fn test_range_step_zero_step() {
for range_step(0,10,0) |_i| {}