This commit removes the -c, --emit-llvm, -s, --rlib, --dylib, --staticlib, --lib, and --bin flags from rustc, adding the following flags: * --emit=[asm,ir,bc,obj,link] * --crate-type=[dylib,rlib,staticlib,bin,lib] The -o option has also been redefined to be used for *all* flavors of outputs. This means that we no longer ignore it for libraries. The --out-dir remains the same as before. The new logic for files that rustc emits is as follows: 1. Output types are dictated by the --emit flag. The default value is --emit=link, and this option can be passed multiple times and have all options stacked on one another. 2. Crate types are dictated by the --crate-type flag and the #[crate_type] attribute. The flags can be passed many times and stack with the crate attribute. 3. If the -o flag is specified, and only one output type is specified, the output will be emitted at this location. If more than one output type is specified, then the filename of -o is ignored, and all output goes in the directory that -o specifies. The -o option always ignores the --out-dir option. 4. If the --out-dir flag is specified, all output goes in this directory. 5. If -o and --out-dir are both not present, all output goes in the current directory of the process. 6. When multiple output types are specified, the filestem of all output is the same as the name of the CrateId (derived from a crate attribute or from the filestem of the crate file). Closes #7791 Closes #11056 Closes #11667
The Rust Programming Language
This is a compiler for Rust, including standard libraries, tools and documentation.
Quick Start
- Download and use the installer and MinGW.
- Read the tutorial.
- Enjoy!
Note: Windows users can read the detailed getting started notes on the wiki.
Linux / OS X
Make sure you have installed the dependencies:
4.4 orclang++
2.6 or later (but not 3.x)perl
5.0 or later- GNU
3.81 or later curl
Download and build Rust:
You can either download a tarball or build directly from the repo.
To build from the tarball do:
$ curl -O $ tar -xzf rust-0.9.tar.gz $ cd rust-0.9
Or to build from the repo do:
$ git clone $ cd rust
Now that you have Rust's source code, you can configure and build it:
$ ./configure $ make && make install
Note: You may need to use
sudo make install
if you do not normally have permission to modify the destination directory. The install locations can be adjusted by passing a--prefix
argument toconfigure
. Various other options are also supported, pass--help
for more information on them.When complete,
make install
will place several programs into/usr/local/bin
, the Rust compiler, andrustdoc
, the API-documentation tool. system. -
Read the tutorial.
Since the Rust compiler is written in Rust, it must be built by a precompiled "snapshot" version of itself (made in an earlier state of development). As such, source builds require a connection to the Internet, to fetch snapshots, and an OS that can execute the available snapshot binaries.
Snapshot binaries are currently built and tested on several platforms:
- Windows (7, 8, Server 2008 R2), x86 only
- Linux (2.6.18 or later, various distributions), x86 and x86-64
- OSX 10.7 (Lion) or greater, x86 and x86-64
You may find that other platforms work, but these are our officially supported build environments that are most likely to work.
Rust currently needs about 1.5 GiB of RAM to build without swapping; if it hits swap, it will take a very long time to build.
There is a lot more documentation in the wiki.
Rust is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), with portions covered by various BSD-like licenses.